関連ワード (Hepster、ドイツ、保険、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
ドイツのインシュアテックプラットフォームであるHepster(ヘプスター)は、Element Venturesが主導するシリーズAラウンドで1000万ドル(約10億8000万円)を調達した。また、Seventure Partners、MBMV、GPS Venturesや、既存投資家も参加した。この資金は、自動化に重点を置きながらHepster保険エコシステムとそのネットワークを拡大するために使う。
同社には現在700を超えるパートナーがいる。欧州の自転車小売とレンタルを行うGreenstorm MobilityやBaron Mobility、ベルリンを拠点とするカーゴバイクプロバイダーのCitkarやミュンヘンのeバイクスタートアップSUSHIなどだ。
Hepsterの共同創業者でCEOのChristian Range(クリスチャン・レンジ)氏は、声明で次のように述べた。「API主導のエコシステムを備えた最先端のテクノロジーと高度なサービス指向のアプローチにより、私たちは他社とは一線を画しています」。
Element VenturesのパートナーであるMichael McFadgen(マイケル・マクファジェン)氏は次のように述べた。「新しい業界やビジネスモデルが出現するにつれ、企業は従来のブローカーが現在提供してきたものよりもはるかに柔軟な保険の提案を必要とするようになっています。Hepsterはこの分野で突出した企業です。組み込み保険に注力することにより、今後数年間で見返りがあると思われます」。
Hepster, an insurtech platform from Germany, has raised $10 million in a Series A funding round led by Element Ventures. Also participating was Seventure Partners, MBMV and GPS Ventures, as well as previous investors. The funds will be used to broaden the Hepster insurance ecosystem and scale up its network, with an emphasis on automation.
The German insurance market is famously slow at adopting new practices, and Hepster is part of a new wave of insurtech startups in the country taking advantage of this. It allows businesses to build insurance policies from scratch, matched specifically to the needs of their individual service or industry. E-commerce players, for instance, can then embed these insurance products into the e-commerce journey.
Its products are therefore better suited to the new sector of, for example, shared e-bike schemes and peer-to-peer rental platforms, which are rarely covered by traditional brokers in Germany. However, it also caters to traditional, established industries as well.
It now has more than 700 partners, including European bike retailers and rental companies Greenstorm Mobility and Baron Mobility, as well as Berlin-based cargo bike provider Citkar and Munich e-bike startup SUSHI.
Christian Range, Hepster co-founder and CEO, said in a statement: “Hepster is now a key player within the European insurance market. Our state-of-the-art technology with our API-driven ecosystem, as well as our highly service-oriented approach, sets us apart.”
In an interview he told me: “Germany is the toughest market with the most regulations, the most laws. We have a saying in Germany, if you can make it in Germany, you can make it everywhere. Also, it’s a big market in terms of selling insurance products because Germans really like insurance in every regard. So there is huge market potential in Germany I think.”
Michael McFadgen, partner at Element Ventures, said: “As new industries and business models emerge, companies need much more flexible insurance propositions than what is currently being offered by traditional brokers. Hepster is the breakout company in the space, and their focus on embedded insurance will pay dividends in years to come.”
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(文:Mike Butcher、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)
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2021-03-08 10:47柔軟な保険を提供する独インシュアテックHepsterがシリーズAで10.8億円調達