

関連ワード (Climeworks、Northern Lights、ノルウェー、二酸化炭素等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



Climeworksと、新しく創設された企業Northern Lights(ノーザン・ライツ)との合弁事業がうまくいけば、この契約により、世界中の営利企業に向けた二酸化炭素回収と隔離のサービスを提供する新規事業への道筋が開かれる可能性が生まれる。つまりこれは、地球の気候変動を逆転させるためには必要不可欠だとこの2社が主張する、完全な二酸化炭素除去サービスが実現することを意味している。

Northern Lightsは、回収した二酸化炭素の処理、移動、地下隔離を目的に、Equinor(エクイノール)、Shell(シェル)、Total(トータル)の合弁事業として2021年3月に創設された。その事業は、ノルウェー政府が「Longship Project(ロングシップ・プロジェクト)」と名づけた回収した二酸化炭素を地下に貯留するための取り組みの1つの柱になっている。

「大気中から二酸化炭素を除去して2050年までに実質ゼロを実現するには、その能力を構築しなければならないという認識が広まっています。私たちはClimeworksとの共同事業に大変に期待を寄せています。安全性と恒久的な貯留を両立させる直接空気回収には、炭素循環のバランスを取り戻せる可能性があります」と、Northern Lightsの業務執行取締役Børre Jacobsen(ボーレ・ヤコブセン)氏は声明で述べている。

この2つの企業は、Northern Lightsの施設とClimeworkの直接空気回収技術との合体がネガティブエミッション技術の開発推進につながり、非工業分野の企業にも、カーボンニュートラルやカーボンネガティブになるチャンスを与えることになればと願っている。



「二酸化炭素の直接空気回収に料金を支払う法律が、世界に1つだけあります。それが、カリフォルニア州の低炭素燃料基準です」と、Climeworksの共同最高責任者であり共同創設者であるChristoph Gebald(クリストフ・ゲバルド)氏はいう。「1トンあたり最大200ドル(約2万1800円)が支払われます。【略】これは、まさに、大気、直接空気回収、地下貯留、監視をひとつなぎにした完全なシステムを成り立たせるために必要となる価格帯です。そのインフラを整備し資金面を支えるために必要な価格帯です」。





「科学的に示された排除すべき二酸化炭素の量は100〜200億トンです」とゲバルド氏。「直接空気回収の場合、ギガトンの規模に拡大させる必要があります。この予定地区では、メガトン規模に発展できる可能性があります。これはNorthern Lightsと協力すれば必ず実現できる範囲です。私たちは、メガトン規模を目指します」。


同社はすでに、アイスランドの企業Carbfix(カーブフィックス)と協力関係にあり、Climeworksの技術で玄武岩が二酸化炭素を鉱化し貯留している。声明で同社が述べたところによると、二酸化炭素を永久貯留する候補地を世界中で探しているが、Northern Lightsが深地層隔離の場所として提案した、北海の海底にある塩水帯水槽が理想的な代替地とされているという。


今回のプロジェクトの一環として、Northern Lightsは、二酸化炭素排出の点源であるオスロの工業地帯でその回収を行う計画を立てていたのだが、ノルウェーの海岸に拠点を移すことになった。そこに建設される施設で二酸化炭素を液化し、北海の沖合、海底から深さ約2.6キロメートルの地層の貯留地点へパイプラインで送り込む。

「Nortthern Lightsは、二酸化炭素回収と隔離をサービスとして提供しています。このプロジェクトを実行に移そうと考えたときから、また政府に協力してきた初期のころから、【略】最大の驚きは、ヨーロッパの二酸化炭素排出業者の回収と隔離に対する関心の高さでした」とヤコブセン氏。「この意識、この関心、そして解決策を探し出す必要性がますます高まっています。議論は、どんな可能性があり、どんな解決策があるかに移っています。Northern Lightsは、このバリューチェーンで大きな役割を担うことになります」。


画像クレジット:Northern Lights


The Swiss-based, venture capital-backed, direct air capture technology developer Climeworks is partnering with a joint venture between the government of Norway and massive European energy companies to map the pathway for a business that could provide not only the direct capture of carbon dioxide emissions from air, but the underground sequestration and storage of those emissions.

The deal could pave the way for a new business that would offer carbon capture and sequestration services to commercial enterprises around the world, if the joint venture between Climeworks and the newly formed Northern Lights company is successful. It would mean the realization of a full-chain carbon dioxide removal service that the two companies called a necessary component of the efforts to reverse global climate change.

Northern Lights was incorporated in March as a joint venture between Equinor, Shell and Total to provide processing, transportation and underground sequestration services for captured carbon dioxide emissions. The business is one of the lynchpins in the Norwegian government’s efforts to capture and store carbon emissions safely underground under a plan called The Longship Project.

“There is growing awareness of the need to build capacity to remove CO2 from the atmosphere to achieve net zero by 2050. We are enthusiastic about this collaboration with Climeworks. Combined with safe and permanent storage, direct air capture has the potential to get the carbon cycle back in balance,” said Børre Jacobsen, the managing director of Northern Lights, in a statement.

The two companies are hoping to prove that Northern Lights facilities combined with Climeworks direct air capture technologies can prove to be a part of a push toward negative emissions technologies that allow companies in non-industrial sectors to become either carbon neutral or carbon negative.

There are a number of caveats to the project, which reveal both the potential promise and pitfalls of direct air capture initiatives and sequestration and monitoring projects.

The first issue is the need to set a global price for carbon dioxide emissions that would make the projects economically viable.

“There is one legislation worldwide that is paying for direct air capture of CO2 and that is the Low Carbon Fuel Standard in California,” said Christoph Gelbad, the co-chief executive and co-founder of Climeworks. “It’s paying up to $200 per ton… this price range is the price range that will be needed to make this full chain, really going from the atmosphere to direct air capture to underground storage and monitoring. That will be the price range needed to build up the infrastructure and finance it.”

A breakdown of the costs associated with different carbon capture technologies. Image Credit: Climeworks

That price is on the highest end of any that world leaders have discussed as a potential cost for carbon-emitting industries (and it’s well below the price that China has set for carbon emissions, which is important to note, given the scale of China’s contribution to the production of greenhouse gases that cause global warming).

Beyond any pricing concerns associated with making these direct air carbon capture and storage solutions viable, there’s the scale at which these projects would need to be developed to make a real dent in global emissions.

Here again, Gelbad offers a clear-eyed assessment of his company’s capabilities and the size of the problem.

“The numbers given by science 10 to 20 billion tons of CO2 for removal,” Gelbad said. “Direct Air Capture will need to grow at a gigaton scale. This [potential] site will be in the megaton scale. [But] this is the range where our journey together with Northern Lights definitely could go. We see it going into the megaton ranges.”

Climeworks uses renewable energy and waste heat to power modular collectors that can be stacked into machines at any size. The only limit to the company’s ability to capture carbon dioxide is the availability of power, according to Gelbad.

The company already has a collaboration with an Icelandic company called Carbfix, where the Climeworks technology is used to capture carbon dioxide and store it in mineralized basalt. The company said in a statement that it’s looking globally for other opportunities for permanent carbon dioxide storage and that the Northern Lights solution of deep geological sequestration in an offshore saline aquifer under the North Sea represents an ideal alternative site.

To develop its technology, Climeworks has raised more than $150 million from investors, including the Swiss lender Zuercher Kantonalbank.

For its part, Northern Lights is already planning on capturing carbon dioxide from industrial point sources in the Oslo region, which will then be shipped to an onshore terminal on the Norwegian coast. A facility there will transport the liquefied carbon dioxide by pipeline to an offshore storage location 1.62 miles below the seabed in the North Sea.

“Northern Lights is offering carbon capture and sequestration as a service. From the idea of doing this project and from the early days of working with the ministry … my biggest surprise was the level of interest in [carbon capture and sequestration] among emitters in Europe,” said Jacobsen. “This awareness. This interest. And the need to find a solution is accelerating. We are talking about what are the possibilities and what are the solutions. Northern Lights offers a great part of the value chain.”

Some companies are already interested in becoming early customers for the project, Jacobsen said. “We have a number of MOUs and confidentiality agreements with customers and letters of support. Big interest in discussing with us. The key will be that we have to bring conversations into agreements so that we can bring this business forward.”

(文:Jonathan Shieber、翻訳:金井哲夫)

二酸化炭素 - Wikipedia

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二酸化炭素(にさんかたんそ)の意味 - goo国語辞書

二酸化炭素(にさんかたんそ)とは。意味や解説、類語。炭素や炭素化合物の完全燃焼、生物の呼吸や発酵、火山の噴火などのときに生成される、無色・無臭の気体。空気中に約0.03パーセント存在。工業的には石灰石を熱して作る。炭酸ナトリウムの製造や清涼飲料水・ドライアイス・消火剤などに使用。化学式CO2 炭酸ガス。無水炭酸。 - goo国語辞書は30万3千件語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。

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