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スタートアップとマーケットの週刊ニュースレター「The TechCrunch Exchange」へようこそ。準備OK?ここではお金の話、スタートアップの話、IPOの噂話などをお伝えする。


AgentSync(エージェントシンク)のストーリーを見てみよう。私が、APIに特化したインシュアテックプレイヤーであるAgentSyncを初めて取り上げたのは 2020年8月のことだった。このとき同社が440万ドル(約4億8000万円)のシードラウンド調達を行った。同社は、市場における個々のブローカーの適格性を第三者が追跡するのに役立つすばらしい企業だ。これは大きな分野であり、AgentSyncは急速に初期の牽引力を発揮して、その結果は190万ドル(約2億1000万円)の年間経常収益(ARR)という形で現れていた。



だが、AgentSyncは先週、新たな結果とともに再び調達を行ったのだ。Becca Szkutak(ベッカ・スクータック)氏とAlex Konrad(アレックス・コンラッド)氏が発行するニュースレター「Midas Touch」(マイダス・タッチ)が一連のデータを報告したので、The ExchangeはAgentSyncのCEOであるNiji Sabharwal(ニジ・サバーワル)氏にその数字について確認した。その内容は以下のとおりだ。



また、サバーワル氏はThe Exchangeに対し、最後の条件規定書以降、さらに100万ドル(約1億1000万円)分のARRを獲得したと語っている。ということで、そのニュースを公表する前にすでに数字は大きくなっている。


また先週私は 、ベンチャーキャピタルファンドを構築中のAriana Thacker(アリアナ・サッカー)氏と会った。自身のVCを設立するまでに彼女は、Rhapsody Venture Partnersや、Predictive VCなどを経てきている。そして現在彼女が取り組んでいるのが Conscience.vc(コンシャス.vc)、あるいは単にConscience(コンシャス)と呼ばれるVCだ。


それはそれでおもしろい話なのだが、これまでThe Exchangeでは新しいファンドの発表を取り上げたことはなく、小規模なVCもほとんど取り上げては来なかった。では、なぜ今回はそのパターンを打ち破るのだろうか。というのも同業他社のほとんどとは異なり、サッカー氏がデータや測定基準を非常に重視していたからだ。


Conscienceは、2021年1月中旬に最初のクローズを行ったが、彼女がその資金調達プロセスを終える前に、さらに多くの資金が集まる可能性があった。ファンドの上限は1000万ドル(約10億9000万円)だったが、彼女が集めた資金は400万ドル(約4億4000万円)から500万ドル(約5億4000万円)に達した。また、彼女はThe Exchangeに対して、2020年の夏までは1人のLP(リミテッドパートナー)も知らず、アンカー投資家を確保したのは2020年の10月だったと語った。




最後に、ソフトウェアの評価についてはこちらで大いに学び、すばらしいRoblox(ロブロックス)の直接上場についてはこちらで考察し、フィンテックのベンチャーの成功と弱点について調べ、Global-e(グローバルe)のIPO申請についても調査した。ああそれから、M1 Finance(M1ファイナンス)が再び調達を行い、Clara(クララ)とArist(アリスト)も小規模ながら楽しいラウンドを行った。

画像クレジット:Nigel Sussman

(文:Alex Wilhelm、翻訳:sako)

The Roblox final fantasy - TechCrunch

Hello friends, and welcome to Week in Review. Last week, I talked a bit about NFTs and their impact on artists. If you’re inundated with NFT talk just take one quick look at this story I wrote this week about the $69 million sale of Beeple’s photo collage. This hype cycle is probably all the […]

Should there be some law against raising three times in ...

Welcome back to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It's broadly based on the daily column that appears on Extra Crunch, but free, and made for your weekend reading. Want it in your inbox every Saturday morning? Sign up here. Ready? Let's talk money, startups and spicy IPO rumors.

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Tesla investor sues Elon Musk over 'erratic' tweets

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Well, it happened. Over the weekend, Stripe announced the closing of its widely reported new capital round. The $ 600 million round values the payments and banking software industry at $ 95 billion, near the top of the valuation range on which the company apparently raises funds. in November 2020. The exchange examines startups, markets […]

The Roblox final fantasy - TechCrunch | The Inside Journal

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The Roblox final fantasy - TechCrunch - Consumers Advisory

If you're reading this on the TechCrunch site, you can get this in your inbox from the newsletter page, and follow my tweets @lucasmtny. (Photo by Ian Tuttle/Getty Images for Roblox) The big thing. Roblox went public on the New York Stock Exchange this week, scoring a $38 billion market cap after its first couple days of trading. ...

XRP cryptocurrency crashes following announcement of SEC ...

[ March 15, 2021 ] XRP cryptocurrency crashes following announcement of SEC suit against Ripple - TechCrunch Ripple [ March 15, 2021 ] bitcoin: Bitcoin dips from record after scaling $61,000 aided by stimulus Bitcoin [ March 15, 2021 ] Argo Blockchain Joins The Texas Bitcoin Mining Rush Blockchain

Kraken (company) - Wikipedia

Kraken is a United States-based cryptocurrency exchange and bank, founded in 2011. The exchange provides cryptocurrency-to-fiat-money trading, and provides price information to Bloomberg Terminal. As of 2020, Kraken is available to residents of 48 US states and 176 countries, and lists 40 cryptocurrencies available for trade.

March 14, 2021 - Googlelo

Spread the love Welcome back to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It's broadly based…

Marco Rubio sides with Amazon workers - TechCrunch | Dope Desi

A prominent Republican senator weighs in on Amazon’s labor disputes, Microsoft reports a security vulnerability in Exchange and we examine ByteDance’s gaming strategy. This is your Daily Crunch for March 12, 2021. The big story: Marco Rubio sides with Amazon workers Senator Marco Rubio published an op-ed in USA Today declaring his support for workers …

Microsoft Exchange Server exploits are being focused by ...

Four exploits in Microsoft Exchange Server hit the information final week, after we heard {that a} Chinese hacking group had focused the e-mail servers of

The Roblox final fantasy - TechCrunch - IATA News

Hello friends, and welcome to Week in Review. Last week, I talked a bit about NFTs and their impact on artists. If you're inundated with NFT talk just take one quick look at this story I wrote this week about the $69 million sale of Beeple's photo collage. This hype cycle is probably all the […]

NFTs don't need crypto, but crypto needs NFTs - TechCrunch ...

Spending millions for a digital work of art that could possibly be screenshotted feels just like traipsing round a strip

The Roblox final fantasy - TechCrunch - English News Room

Hello friends, and welcome to Week in Review. Last week, I talked a bit about NFTs and their impact on artists. If you're inundated with NFT talk just take a quick look at this story I wrote this week about the $ 69 million sale of Beeple's photo collage. This hype cycle is probably all […]

2021 Microsoft Exchange Server data breach - Wikipedia

A global wave of cyberattacks and data breaches began in January 2021 after four zero-day exploits were discovered in on-premises Microsoft Exchange Servers, giving attackers full access to user emails and passwords on affected servers, administrator privileges on the server itself, and access to connected devices on the same network. Attackers typically install a backdoor that allows the ...

NFTs don't need crypto, but crypto needs NFTs - TechCrunch ...

Spending millions for a digital work of art that could be screenshotted feels similar to traipsing around a strip of concrete as a tourist activity. The optics

DeepSee.ai raises $22.6M Series A for its AI-centric ...

DeepSee.ai, a startup that helps enterprises use AI to automate line-of-business issues, at present introduced that it has raised

Daily Crunch: Marco Rubio sides with Amazon workers | Techlear

n","protected":false},"excerpt":"rendered":" A prominent Republican senator weighs in on Amazon's labor disputes, Microsoft reports a security vulnerability in Exchange and we examine ByteDance's gaming strategy. This is your Daily Crunch for March 12, 2021. The big story: Marco Rubio sides with Amazon workers Senator Marco Rubio published an op-ed in USA Today declaring ...

India's CRED in talks to raise $200 million at $2 billion ...

Bangalore's fintech startup ecosystem is inching closer to delivering a new unicorn: CRED. Two-year-old CRED is in advanced stages of talks to raise about $200 million at about $2 billion valuation, three sources familiar with the matter told TechCrunch. CRED, founded by Kunal Shah, has become one of the most talked-about startups in India, in part because of the pace at which its valuation has soared.

Zeller, a fintech founded by Square alumni, raises $25M ...

Zeller, a payment and financial services startup founded by former Square executives, quietly raised a $25 million AUD (about $19.4 million USD) Series A last year, it announced today. The funding was led by Addition, the investment firm founded by former Tiger Global partner Lee Fixel, and included participation from returning investors Square Peg and Apex Capital. The Melbourne-based company said this is one of Australia's largest pre-launch Series A rounds ever.

NFTs don't need crypto, but crypto needs NFTs - The ...

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin/TechCrunch The Nasdaq for Revenue Pipe has a compelling narrative: It's anti-VC, doesn't like naming its rounds and says its goal is to be the Nasdaq for revenue. The goal since it started was to give SaaS companies a way to get their revenue upfront by connecting them to investors that would pay a rate for the ...

F1 preseason - Final day underway in Bahrain | The Inside ...

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Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters

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Report: Ex-Giants G Kevin Zeitler agrees to terms with Ravens

Kevin Zeitler was released by the New York Giants last week.



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