

関連ワード (CRM、Salesforce、Zoom等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


パンデミックは明らかに私たちの仕事のやり方に影響を与え、特に営業への影響は大きかった。Salesforceは米国時間3月24日朝、Sales Cloudにいくつかのアップデートを行った。その中の1つSalesforce Meetingsは、Zoomでのミーティング用スマートオーバレイで、オンラインミーティングで見込み客と対話しているときの営業チームに情報やアドバイスを提供する。

Salesforceの執行副社長でCRMのゼネラルマネージャーであるBill Patterson(ビル・パターソン)氏によると、同社は営業チームがこのようなタイプの対話を効果的に管理し、デジタルの利点を生かせるようにしたいと、かねてから考えていたという。


Salesforce Meetingsはそのためのオーバレイ情報を提供する。もっとゆっくり話した方が良いといったアドバイスを提供したり、ミーティングで決まった行動計画をToDoリストにまとめて会の終わりに出席者に配布し、その後のやり忘れがないようにしたりする。

Salesforce Meetingsはその実現のために、Salesforce全体に浸透しているインテリジェンスレイヤーであるEinsteinを利用している。特に利用しているのが、Einstein Conversation Insightsと呼ばれる新しいツールだ。デベロッパーのための機能としても提供されているもので、デベロッパーはこのツールを使って独自のソリューションを作ることもできる。



パターソン氏によると、同社は現在のところZoomと協力しており、Zoomの開発チームと密接に協力して、実現するために必要なAPIとSDKを提供しているという。将来的にはWebExやMicrosoft Teamsと互換性を持たせる計画もあるという。

このアイデアはパンデミックの前から存在し、開発も進めていたが、新型コロナウイルスには人の仕事を急がせる効果があり、この機能だけでなく、本日発表されたPipeline Inspectionなどその他の機能も急ピッチで開発が進められている。それは、AIを利用して営業のパイプラインを分析する機能だ。取引の時間軸上の変化を調べて、商談前進のために指導や管理者のサポートが必要だった部分を見つける。

CRM Essentialsの創業者で主席アナリストのBrent Leary(ブレント・リアリー)氏によると、オンラインのミーティングでそんな情報を特定できるようになれば、CRMに関する考え方が変わるだろうという。


Salesforce Meetingsは米国時間3月24日から利用可能になり、Pipeline Inspectionは夏にリリースされる。



The pandemic has clearly had an impact on the way we work, and this is especially true for salespeople. Salesforce introduced a number of updates to Sales Cloud this morning, including Salesforce Meetings, a smart overlay for Zoom meetings that gives information and advice to the sales team as they interact with potential customers in online meetings.

Bill Patterson, EVP and general manager of CRM applications at Salesforce says that the company wanted to help sales teams manage these types of interactions better and take advantage of the fact they are digital.

“There’s a broad recognition, not just from Salesforce, but really from every sales organization that selling is forever changed, and I think that there’s been a broad understanding, and maybe a surprise in learning how effective we can be in the from anywhere kind of times, whether that’s in office or not in office or whatever,” Patterson explained.

Salesforce Meetings gives that overlay of information, whether it’s advice to slow down the pace of your speech or information about the person speaking. It also can compile action items and present a To Do list to participants at the end of each meeting to make sure that tasks don’t fall through the cracks.

This is made possible in part through the Einstein intelligence layer that is built across the entire Salesforce platform. In this case, it takes advantage of a new tool called Einstein Conversation Insights, which the company is also exposing as a feature for developers to build their own solutions using this tool.

For sales people who might find the tool a bit too invasive, you can dial the confidence level of the information up or down on an individual basis, so that you can get a lot of information or a little depending on your needs.

For now, it works with Zoom and the company has been working closely with the Zoom development team to provide the API and SDK tooling it needs to pull off something like this, according to Patterson. He notes that plans are in the works to make it compatible with WebEx and Microsoft Teams in the future.

While the idea was in the works prior to the pandemic, COVID created a sense of urgency for this kind of feature, as well as other features announced today like Pipeline Inspection, which uses AI to analyze the sales pipeline. It searches for changes to deals over time with the goal of finding the ones that could benefit most from coaching or managerial support to get them over the finish line.

Brent Leary, founder and principal analyst at CRM Essentials says that this ability to capture information in online meetings is changing the way we think about CRM.

“The thing the caught my attention is how tightly integrated video meetings/collaboration is now into sales process. This is really compelling because meeting interactions that may not find their way into the CRM system are now automatically captured,” Leary told me.

Salesforce Meetings is available today, while Pipeline Inspection is expected to be available this summer.

(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

Salesforce - Wikipedia, Inc. is an American cloud-based software company headquartered in San Francisco, California.It provides customer relationship management (CRM) service and also provides a complementary suite of enterprise applications focused on customer service, marketing automation, analytics, and application development.. In 2020, Fortune magazine ranked Salesforce at number six on its list ...

Salesforce Reimagines Sales Cloud to Drive Growth in a ...

51% of salespeople expect to travel less for work after the pandemic than they did before, according to new Salesforce survey Salesforce Meetings and Einstein Conversation Insights are generally available to make digital selling more personal and productive Snowflake, Honeywell, Jet It and Cytiva are using Sales Cloud 360 to sell from anywhere San Francisco […]

Why The Salesforce Acquisition Of Slack Isn't Disrupting ...

For those that already have Slack or are considering a migration, it's a good time to compare your use cases against new potential features.

Salesforce Reimagines Sales Cloud to Drive Growth in a ...

SAN FRANCISCO, March 24, 2021 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- SAN FRANCISCO, March 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Salesforce, [NYSE: CRM], the global leader in CRM,... Must Face Texas Victims Over Sex ... must face state and federal sex-trafficking facilitation complaints by several young women who claim their pimps repeatedly sold them for sex through classified ads.

Salesforce introduces AI-powered features to improve ...

Salesforce introduced new features in Sales Cloud, including AI-powered meeting insights for video calls and models for opportunity scoring.

Amazon Names Salesforce Executive Adam Selipsky To Head ...

Salesforce bought Tableau for $15.7 billion in 2019. Selipsky will rejoin Amazon in May, when he and Jassy will be "transitioning together" into their new roles.

Marc Benioff's To Face Sex-Trafficking ..., a company owned by Mar Benioff which offers a CRM for companies' sales systems, will now be required to face charges must face state and federal charges over the facilitation of ... Help Portal

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Watch: Salesforce CMO reveals post-pandemic marketing ...

Salesforce elevated Franklin to president and chief marketing officer in January.. Prior to the new role, Franklin led the team that launched Salesforce's gamified online learning platform ...

Salesforce updates includes sales info overlay for Zoom ...

The pandemic has clearly had an impact on the way we work, and this is especially true for salespeople. Salesforce introduced a number of updates to Sales Cloud this morning, including Salesforce Meetings, a smart overlay for Zoom meetings that gives information and advice to the sales team as they interact with potential customers in […]

Salesforce updates contains gross sales data overlay for ...

The pandemic has clearly had an affect on the way in which we work, and that is very true for salespeople. Salesforce launched a quantity updates to Gross

Salesforce Club - Graham Office of Career Management ...

Salesforce is a cloud computing service as a software (SaaS) company that specializes in customer relationship management (CRM). Salesforce's services allow businesses to use cloud technology to better connect with customers, partners and potential customers. The software has become the…

Nike, Inc. share losses lead Dow's 88-point ...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is declining Thursday morning with shares of Nike and Inc. facing the biggest drops for the price-weighted...

Salesforce Reimagines Sales Cloud To Drive Growth in a ...

TheNFAPost Podcast 51% of salespeople expect to travel less for work after the pandemic than they did before, according to new Salesforce survey Salesforce Meetings, Einstein Conversation Insights are generally available to make digital selling more personal and productive Snowflake, Honeywell, Jet It and Cytiva are using Sales Cloud 360 to sell from anywhere […]

Salesforce updates includes sales info overlay for Zoom ...

Salesforce introduced a number updates to Sales Cloud this morning including Salesforce Meetings, a smart overlay for Zoom meetings that gives information and advice to the sales team as they interact with potential customers in online meetings. Bill Patterson, EVP and General Manager of CRM applications at Salesforce says that the company ...

Salesforce updates includes sales info overlay for Zoom ...

The pandemic has clearly had an impact on the way we work, and this is especially true for salespeople. Salesforce introduced a number updates to Sales Cloud this morning including Salesforce Meetings, a smart overlay for Zoom meetings that gives information and advice to the sales team as they interact with potential customers in online […]

3 Ways to Support the Asian American Community ...

11 Reasons to Join Salesforce Accelerate Grow Cohort 11; 3 Ways to Support the Asian American Community; March Monthly Retro with Gillian and Mike; Spring into Action with these 10 Collaborative Tools from Salesforce Labs; How Experience Cloud Boosted Orders by 59% for Guide Dogs U.K.

Add Delete Row Dynamically In Salesforce Lightning ...

In this blog, we will discuss how to Add Delete Row Dynamically In Salesforce Lightning Component. We shall take an example of adding account records in Salesforce using Add Delete Row functionality. Similarly, we have created 1 sample lightning component using which user can create multiple records as per requirement by Adding or Deleting new…

March Monthly Retro with Gillian and Mike | Salesforce Insider

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we've got the March monthly retro. In this episode, we go over all the great blog posts, videos, and all the other Salesforce content from March. And stay tuned to the end for a fun "Mike's March Madness Quiz show" let's see if you can go 3 for 3?!

Zoom CFO: How avoid work-from-home fatigue

Zoom CFO Kelly Steckelberg said the company encourages employees to take calls during walks and build mini breaks into meeting schedules to avoid burnout.

Citibank bans Zoom meetings on Fridays, citing video ...

CEO Jane Fraser also discouraged late-night or weekend work, nodding to "relentlessness of the pandemic workday."

Zoom refuseniks: why companies are banning constant video ...

This week a US bank announced Zoom-free Fridays – and they are far from the first to question the stress and fatigue that comes with 24/7 screen time<br>

Image on Zoom work call leads to murder arrest in California

A California man was busted in connection to a double murder after he was seen on a Zoom call hauling out one of his victims, authorities said.

Man fatally stabs mom and uncle during Zoom call ...

A video call on Zoom turned deadly Monday after a man entered a home and stabbed his mother and uncle in Southern California, authorities say

Wannabe Wired: Zoom meetings will probably outlast COVID ...

Zoom became the way that we stay connected to our friends, family and even strangers during the pandemic. There were Zoom calls with parents, Zoom classrooms, even Zoom dating. And of course, who can forget the Zoom bombing trend of last April, when malicious malcontents would login to non-protected Zoom sessions to shout random obscenities.

Zoom Releases Video SDK -- ADTmag

Zoom, the cloud-based video conferencing platform, has released new software development kits that allow devs to leverage the platform's HD video, audio, and interactive features to build video-based apps with native user interfaces.

California woman stabbed while on Zoom call with a ...

Police said a colleague witnessed part of the attack from the other side of the screen.

Salesforce updates includes sales info overlay for Zoom ...

The pandemic has clearly had an impact on the way we work, and this is especially true for salespeople. Salesforce introduced a number of updates to Sales Cloud this morning, including Salesforce Meetings, a smart overlay for Zoom meetings that gives information and advice to the sales team as they interact with potential customers in […]

Don't Zoom in Too Close: 30% of Us are Wearing PJs in Work ...

Zoom fatigue is real and alive in today's workforce. As remote work has become the norm, video meetings have been the standout collaboration tool for businesses. Adoption of Zoom, Google Meet ...

Council Discusses Zoom Etiquette for Town Meetings - East ...

When then-Gov. Gina Raimondo enacted an executive order last March allowing municipalities to hold public meetings over Zoom, it was a government necessity to avoid spreading the coronavirus and a move replicated across the country. But virtual meetings have not been without their issues, big and small.

'I miss seeing students, colleagues': Academic advisers ...

One day at a time is the approach that Illinois State University advisers have taken through the last year as the coronavirus dramatically impacted their jobs.

Why Zoom, Peloton, and Fastly Stocks Were Slammed on ...

These growth stocks have all lost at least a quarter of their value since mid-February. Is this a buying opportunity?

Why do people list pronouns in email signatures, in Zoom ...

The listing of pronouns next to someone's name as titles to refer to a person's gender identity is becoming more common on email signatures.

Zoom becomes Official Partner of Formula 1®

About Zoom Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) brings teams together to get more done in a frictionless and secure video environment. Our easy, reliable, and innovative video-first unified communications platform provides video meetings, voice, webinars, and chat across desktops, phones, mobile devices, and conference room systems.

Top three ways to avoid Zoom-bombing - Stanford Today

Zoom-bombing incidents, which can be very offensive and disruptive, are still happening here at Stanford and across other institutions. Zoom offers multiple security features to protect your ...

'Dr. Katz' returns for some comedic therapy on Zoom - The ...

Jonathan Katz is reprising his character online and inviting Gary Gulman, Tom Papa, Erica Rhodes, and Aparna Nancherla to his next session.

Man Arrested in Stabbing Seen on Zoom - NBC Los Angeles

A 32-year-old Altadena man accused of fatally stabbing his mother and uncle in their Altadena home was jailed Tuesday on $2 million bail.

Doctoring while legislating via Zoom is double-dereliction ...

Baltimore area surgeon and state delegate is diagnosed with inflated ego for seeing nothing wrong with attending legislative hearings while in surgery.

Citi Creates 'Zoom-Free Fridays' to Combat Covid-19 ...

The bank plans to have one day each week when workers can avoid being on-camera for internal calls. “We are all feeling the weariness,” Citi’s chief executive said.

How Goldman Sachs and Citi are dealing with COVID burnout ...

Wall Street banks are waking up to how much the pandemic has been grinding workers down

D.C.'s Mary's House event disrupted by 'Zoom bombing'

A Zoom event organized by Mary's House for Older Adults, a D.C. organization that's developing a group house for LGBTQ seniors, was disrupted by an unidentified hacker who posted racial and ...

Terrified Girl Writes 'Help... Robbers!' to Zoom Class ...

Intruders ransacked an Asian man’s home in San Francisco during a home invasion robbery, leaving his 11-year-old cousin fearing for her life. The homeowner, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared to anchor Dion Lim that his young cousin was terrified during the ordeal and thought she was going to be kidnapped or killed.

Here Are Geeky Backgrounds For Zoom To Enhance Your ...

Make teleconferencing a much geekier and fun time with the help of these awesome backgrounds made for the Zoom application.

Ringo Starr's 'Zoom In' is by no means groundbreaking, but ...

With a couple of gems, such as the lyrics of “Zoom In Zoom Out,” or the overall arrangement of “Teach Me To Tango,” Zoom In isn’t completely unlistenable — just an EP that will by no means go down in the history books.

Penn State Working On Implementing Zoom Pronoun, Preferred ...

“We are working to create a culture of belonging by allowing people to be their authentic selves in their place of work or learning, whether that is digitally or in-person."

Former Marshall Guard Jarrod West Enjoys Zoom Call With ...

In fact, West had a Zoom Call Tuesday evening with the coaching staff at Pitt. While his recruitment is still open to all teams, West left his conversation with a good impression of the Pitt program and Jeff Capel. "I felt very comfortable and it was a really good Zoom," West told Pittsburgh Sports Now. "They were very thorough and you ...

Healthcare CRM Market Analysis By Industry Share, Merger ...

Mar 24, 2021 (Market Insight Reports) -- Increasing demand for improved and automated healthcare workflow and rising demand for effective billing processes... | The independent source for Microsoft ...

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LeadingReach Launches Healthcare's First Fully Integrated ...

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Skill Decline in pilots pre Covid - PPRuNe Forums

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Our editors have compiled a list of the top CRM conferences scheduled for 2021 to help you network and stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

27 Best Freelance Zoho CRM Specialists For Hire In March ...

Using customer relationship management (CRM) tools is a common practice among both small and large organizations looking to effectively manage interactions between themselves and their customers. A capable Zoho CRM freelancer can help their client set up and manage their own robust CRM solution via the popular Zoho platform to maximize customer ...

Really Simple Systems Releases New CRM Calendar

/PRNewswire/ -- Leading cloud software developer and vendor, Really Simple Systems, has today announced the release of a new, integrated CRM calendar to manage...

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Dynamics 365 / CRM Online Data Archival | Compusoft ...

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Really Simple Systems Releases New CRM Calendar

International CRM software provider, Really Simple Systems has released a new integrated Calendar feature for its CRM. PETERSFIELD, England, March 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading cloud software developer and vendor, Really Simple Systems, has today announced the release of a new, integrated CRM calendar to manage Tasks and Opportunities.

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