【インタビュー】HPがダイバーシティに関する意欲的な目標を発表 「世界で最も持続可能性のある公正なテック企業になる」

今回は「【インタビュー】HPがダイバーシティに関する意欲的な目標を発表 「世界で最も持続可能性のある公正なテック企業になる」」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (HP、インクルージョン、インタビュー、ダイバーシティ等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



もちろん、ダイバーシティ(多様性)を実現したいと強く主張しているのはHPだけではない。前TechCrunchレポーターのMegan Rose Dickey(メーガン・ローズ・ディッキー)が詳細に報告しているとおり、ダイバーシティとインクルージョン(包摂性)という考え方がテック企業の取り組むべき課題として上がるようになってから数年が経過している。

HPのダイバーシティ担当最高責任者Lesley Slaton Brown(レズリー・スレートン・ブラウン)氏によると、インクルージョンは、1939年の創業以来、同社が重点的に取り組んできた課題であるという。現在、HPの全世界の従業員数は約5万人にのぼり、管理職の31%、技術職の22%が女性だ。この数字は、ほとんどの業界の平均を上回っている。

この割合をさらに高めるため、HPは、経営幹部(局長クラス以上)の完全な男女平等、30%を超える技術系とエンジニアリング部門の女性社員の割合、社内の少数人種 / 民族の割合を労働市場における割合と同等以上にすることという3つの目標を発表した。スレートン・ブラウン氏によると、同社は2030年までにこれらの目標を達成する決意だという。




スレートン・ブラウン氏:インクルージョンとダイバーシティは当社が創業時から重点的に取り組んできた課題です。今、2020年の新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大と隔離生活、およびGeorge Floyd(ジョージ・フロイド)氏の殺害事件が米国全体に及ぼした影響により、人種的平等と既存の体系的かつ構造的差別に対する対応が一層強化されました。

これをきっかけに、当社では「人種平等と社会正義に関するタスクフォース(Racial Equality and Social Justice Task Force)」を立ち上げることができました。その目的の1つは、とりわけHP社内の黒人やアフリカ系米国人のレプリゼンテーションを高めることです。また、当社と協力関係およびパートナー関係にある黒人およびアフリカ系米国人のサプライヤーやベンダーに、より多くのチャンスを与えるために必要なことについても考えています。最終的には、どうすれば国内外のコミュニティに影響を与えることができるか、という点に尽きます。具体的には、無意識の偏見をなくすためのトレーニングを提供するための政策と法律、および市政機関との交渉などです。これらすべての活動が始まり、1年が経過した今、大きな前進が見られていると思います。


また当社は、Human Rights Initiativeも立ち上げ、平等と人権の保護を進めています。気候変動対策と人権保護の実現に向けて、本当に真剣に取り組んでいます。


スレートン・ブラウン氏:当社は、PC・プリンター部門として2015年にHP Co.から独立したとき、何よりもまず、取締役会のダイバーシティを実現することを強く意識していました。現在、当社の取締役会の構成を見ると、約45%が女性、35%が少数民族、取締役会だけでマイノリティーが60%を占めています。当社の取締役会のダイバーシティはテック業界の中でも最も高くなっています。取締役会の構成(高いダイバーシティ)が重要なのは、それによって企業のビジョンを推進し、企業戦略を導くことができるからです。




この目標を設定したら、アクション、プログラムを推進し、インフラとエコシステムを介して実行に移し、目標を達成します。これには、米国女性エンジニア学会(Society of Women Engineers)、米国黒人エンジニア協会(Society of Black Engineers)、米国アジア人エンジニア協会(Society of Asian Engineers)などの組織と連携することも含まれます。連携するだけでなく、そうした組織を構築したり組織に投資したりして、パートナー関係を構築し、パイプラインを確保します。












TC:報道向け資料には、HPは、管理職における男女平等の実現にコミットした最初のFortune 100社テック企業であると記載されています。貴社が先例を作り、他社がそれに続くようになることを願っています。






HP today announced a series of ambitious goals aimed at driving “a more diverse, equitable and inclusive” tech industry.

The tech giant, of course, is not the first company to have made strong claims about its intentions around diversity. As former TC reporter Megan Rose Dickey reported extensively, d iversity and inclusion as an idea has been on the agenda of tech companies for years now. 

HP Chief Diversity Officer Lesley Slaton Brown says diversity and inclusion is something that the company has been focused on since its 1939 inception. Today, HP has roughly 50,000 employees globally, with 31% of its leadership roles and 22% of its technical roles currently held by women — numbers that appear to be higher than most industry averages .

In order to further improve these numbers, HP announced three goals that Slaton Brown says the company is determined to achieve by 2030: 50/50 gender equality in HP leadership (defined as director level and up); greater than 30% technical women and women in engineering; and meet or exceed labor market representation for racial/ethnic minorities. 

I talked with Slaton Brown t o get more details on the goals themselves, how the company plans to achieve them and what it plans to do to hold itself accountable. 

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

TC: Tell me more about the genesis of these goals and what HP has done up until now to achieve more equality — whether it be with regard to gender, race or ethnicity — within the company?

Slaton Brown: It’s foundationally something that we’ve always been focused on. We’re now at a place where I think going into COVID and quarantine last year and the impact that the George Floyd murder had on us as a nation really allowed us to do the double click down into racial equality and the systemic and structural discrimination that exists. 

From that, we were able to then stand up our Racial Equality and Social Justice Task Force . One of our goals has been to increase the representation of Black and African Americans in particular at HP. And also look at what we would need to do to increase the opportunity of Black and African American suppliers and vendors who work with and partner with HP. And then ultimately, how can we impact the communities locally and nationally — whether it’s from policy and legislation to working with municipalities in order to provide bias training and things like that. So all of that was stood up, and now a year later, we’ve made some great progress. 

HP Chief Diversity Officer Lesley Slaton Brown / HP

We have also launched our Human Rights Initiative. We’re looking at standing up for equal and human rights . We’re really focused on how we go after climate action and human rights.

TC: It sounds like that you are committing to a variety of things in terms of more balance among leadership and technical talent in terms of gender, for one. So it’s not just about race. But I’d like to hear more specifics on these particular goals and what you have done historically to work toward greater diversity and inclusion.

Slaton Brown: When we separated in 2015 from HP Co. We were very intentional about creating a diverse board of directors, first and foremost. And so today when I think about our board composition, we’re made up of I think it’s about 45% women, 35% ethnic minorities and over 60% total minorities with just our board of directors alone. We’re one of the most diverse boards in the tech industry. Now why is that important? The importance of building or standing up a board of directors is because they help with the vision of the company and help guide the strategy for the company.

That was one of the first things we did, and when I came into this role at that time, my goal was to embed diversity, equity and inclusion into everything that we do. 

TC: How are you holding yourselves accountable?

Slaton Brown: We’re really talking about answering all the way up to the board of directors on what we’re doing — our dashboards, our matrices that we pulled together will go to our board of directors to say, ‘Here’s what we said we’re going to do, how are we tracking, and then ultimately what was the impact.’ And so that’s what we’re building today. I consider that the infrastructure. So from the board of directors down cascading to your executive leadership team, ensuring that we have a strong narrative built.

By having this goal, we can then drive the actions, the programs and then the implementation through our infrastructure and an ecosystem to achieve those goals. That includes things like working with organizations like the Society of Women Engineers, the Society of Black Engineers and the Society of Asian Engineers. And not only working with them, but building and investing in them so that we build the partnership in order to get to that pipeline.

TC: Can you be more specific in terms of what you mean by meeting or exceeding labor market representation?

Slaton Brown: I can see where that would be confusing. First, what it doesn’t mean is trying to match the demographics of the overall population, but rather to the labor market in the tech industry. For example, we’re at nearly 4% of having African Americans in a leadership position. Our goal is to achieve hiring at or more than 6% by 2025.

TC: What if you’re not getting enough women or minorities to apply for these leadership and technical roles? Would you rule out qualified white males, for example?

Slaton Brown: We are standing up for equal human rights. What we’re focusing on is also accelerating our gender, racial equality and social justice efforts. Part of that is looking at how do we increase our pipeline? And, how do we increase the talent pool? 

I would submit there is not a shortage of talent. It’s about how do you get to the talent? It has traditionally been through top-tier schools such as Stanford and MIT. But you know what? Smart people and great talent are everywhere. People are sometimes financially challenged and so they may go the community college route, and then they might move into some of the top-tier schools. That’s one means in addition to HBCUs (historically Black colleges and universities).

For example, we’ve stood up a very good program in the HBCU space to ensure that students that have not traditionally had the opportunity to compete for certain positions have that opportunity and not only have that opportunity, but have the ability to travel to HP sites to see where they would be likely interning. Our goal is to have a 100% conversion rate in terms of converting interns into full-time hires based off of performance, of course. And so it is a holistic or an end-to-end approach.

Okay, so now you’ve made these goals for women and for ethnic minorities and the white guy might say, ‘I’m left out.’ I think the interesting thing about that is that within the tech industry, the white male is the majority. What we’re doing at HP is building a powerful culture of inclusion and belonging. So we’re still getting white guys, but we’re also getting very talented women, and U.S. ethnic minorities, as well, in addition to veterans and people with disabilities. 

It’s about where you go, how you show up as a brand of choice — which is a goal of ours: to be a destination of choice for the underrepresented group — and then how you welcome them. It’s the attraction, the hiring, the retention, the investment you make in their learning and development, and then in promotion, as well. And so those are some of the things that we’re doing.

TC: What are other ways you are fighting for human rights?

Slaton Brown: This announcement is around how we’re doubling down on our workforce, workforce empowerment, and that is about how we do things is just as important as what we do. And that’s about respecting human rights, and making it a priority. Our commitment to our supply chain workers is to ensure that our vendors are not contributing to the modern-day slavery, or bringing in people with degrees and education and then bringing them into a system that charges them ginormous fees and takes their passport.

We want to ensure that we create an environment, and create visibility and a resilient supply chain to ensure that that doesn’t happen, that we respect human rights, and that our manufacturing suppliers are contributing to that, as well.

TC: In press materials, the company claimed to be the first Fortune 100 tech company to commit to gender parity in leadership. Hopefully you’ll be setting an example and others will follow.

Slaton Brown: Well, it’s a huge goal and so some of the strategies and best practices that we’ve put in place really is not just about bringing women in as a checkbox exercise for us, but to really establish a new standard.

Our goal and our vision is to become the most sustainable and just tech company in the world. And so we can’t just say that. We have to do it. And that’s what I love about the culture of HP — it’s moving from the talk, and really showing the actions in which we’re going to get to that place of being sustainable and just by 2030.

(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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