

関連ワード (Slack、音声ソーシャルネットワーク等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




直近では、プラットフォームと相互作用する異なる方法をもたらし得るいくつかの新しい機能の開発を開始した。CEOのStewart Butterfield(スチュワート・バターフィールド)氏は米国時間3月25日、元TechCrunchライターで現在はSignalFireの投資家であるJosh Constine(ジョッシュ・コンスティン)氏とのClubhouseでのインタビューでそうした機能の開発について語った。


手始めにSlackはビデオでコミュニケーションを取る方法を加えることを目指している。しかしZoomやMicrosoft Teamsと競う代わりに、SlackはInstagram Storiesのようなエクスペリエンスを思い描いている。


米国時間3月24日のブログ投稿で、同社のプロダクト最高責任者Tamar Yehoshua(タマール・イェホシュア)氏は、ミーティングのエクスペリエンスというより非同期のアプローチになるとの考えを明示した。


それはそうとして、Slackは音声でチャットする方法を作ることを決めた。バターフィールド氏がClubhouseでのインタビューでコンスティン氏に語ったように、これは本質的にSlackのために作られるClubhouse(あるいはTwitter Spaces)だ。






3月24日にリリースされた、組織外部の人とコミュニケーションを取るための新機能Slack Connect DMをいくつかの論争と結びつけて考えると、人々はスパムやハラスメントをコントロールできるという保証を求めており、新機能は組織の外へとコンセプトを拡大している。



画像 クレジット:Drew Angerer / Getty Images


Last October as Slack was preparing for its virtual Frontiers conference, the company began thinking about different ways people could communicate on the platform. While it had built its name on being able to integrate a lot of services in a single place to alleviate the dreaded task-switching phenomenon, it has been largely text-based up until now.

More recently, Slack has started developing a few new features that could bring different ways of interacting to the platform. CEO Stewart Butterfield discussed them on Thursday with former TechCrunch reporter Josh Constine, now a SignalFire investor, in a Clubhouse interview.

The talk was about the future of work, and Slack believes these new ways of communicating could help employees better connect online as we shift to a hybrid work world — one which has been hastened by the pandemic over the last year. There is a general consensus that many companies will continue to work in a hybrid fashion, even when the pandemic is over.

For starters, Slack aims to add a way to communicate by video. But instead of trying to compete with Zoom or Microsoft Teams, Slack is envisioning an experience that’s more like Instagram Stories.

Think about the CEO sharing an important announcement with the company, or the kind of information that might have gone out in a companywide email. Instead, you can skip the inbox and deliver the message directly by video. It’s taking a page from the consumer approach to social and trying to move it into the enterprise.

Writing in a company blog post earlier this week, Slack chief product officer Tamar Yehoshua was clear this was going to be an asynchronous approach, rather than a meeting kind of experience.

“To help with this, we are piloting ways to shift meetings toward an asynchronous video experience that feels native in Slack. It allows us to express nuance and enthusiasm without a meeting,” she wrote.

While it was at it, Slack decided to create a way of just chatting by voice. As Butterfield told Constine in his Clubhouse interview, this is essentially Clubhouse (or Twitter Spaces) being built for Slack.

Yeah, I’ve always believed the ‘good artists copy, great artists steal’ thing, so we’re just building Clubhouse into Slack, essentially. Like that idea that you can drop in, the conversation’s happening whether you’re there or not, you can enter and leave when you want, as opposed to a call that starts and stops, is an amazing model for encouraging that spontaneity and that serendipity and conversations that only need to be three minutes, but the only option for you to schedule them is 30 minutes. So look out for Clubhouse built into Slack.

Again, it’s taking a consumer social idea and applying it to a business setting with the idea of finding other ways to keep you in Slack when you could be using other tools to achieve the same thing, whether it be Zoom meetings, email or your phone.

Butterfield also hinted that another feature — asynchronous audio, allowing you to leave the equivalent of a voicemail — could be coming some time in the future. A Slack spokesperson confirmed that it was in the works, but wasn’t ready to share details yet.

It’s impossible to look at these features without thinking about them in the context of the $27 billion Salesforce acquisition of Slack at the end of last year. When you put them all together, you have this set of tools that let you communicate in whatever way makes the most sense to you.

When you combine that Slack Connect DM, a new feature to communicate outside the organization that was released this week to some controversy, as people wanted assurances that they could control spam and harassment, it takes the concept one step further — outside the organization itself.

As part of a larger entity like Salesforce, these tools could be useful across sales, service and even marketing as a way to communicate in a variety of ways inside and outside the organization. And they greatly expand the value prop of Slack as it becomes part of Salesforce sometime later this year.

While it began talking about the new audio and video features last fall, the company has been piloting them since the beginning of this year. So far Slack is not saying when the new features will be generally available.

(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

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spacemacs 2021-03-28 | Slack Archive

This page is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.

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