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英国の中古車販売ポータル、Cazoo(カズー)は現地時間3月29日、70億ドル(約7693億7000万円)の企業価値で米国のSPAC(特別買収目的会社)と組んで膨大な資金を獲得したが、別の巨大中古車販売会社でもの事業統合が置きている。TechCrunchが情報を入手し確認したところによると、ベルリン拠点の新興市場向け中古車マーケットプレイスを運営するFrontier Car Group(FCG、フロンティア・カー・グループ)のベルリン市内での事業が閉鎖される。その結果100名分の職がベルリンからインドへ移ると同社はいう。
FCGの主要株主であるOLX Group(Naspersのテック部門で現在別会社として上場されているProsus傘下)は、ラテンアメリカおよびアジアでOLX Autosブランドの下で地域密着型の運営に焦点を絞ると語った。FCGの残された事業はOLX Autosに統合される。2021年2月に就任したOLX AutosのCEO Gautam Thakar(ガウタム・タカール)氏は、インドのグルガオン出身だ。
現在、OLX Autosはアルゼンチン、チリ、コロンビア、エクアドル、インド、インドネシア、メキシコ、およびペルーで事業を運営している。同社は他に3つのブランド、パキスタンのCarFirst、ナイジェリアのCars45、および米国のwebuyanycar.comを保有している。
「OLX GroupはFCG Germany GmbHのベルリン拠点を数カ月以内に閉鎖することを正式に認めます」と広報担当者は語った。「この事業主体はベルリンにおけるOLX Groupの一部です。ベルリンのその他のOLX Group従業員は今回の閉鎖の影響を受けず事業は継続されます。FCG Germany GmbHの閉鎖は容易な判断ではありませんでした。この決定はラテンアメリカ・アジア市場により焦点を当てるOLX Autosの戦略を反映したものであり、当社は中核となる製品開発事業を、OLX Autosの主要市場であるインドへ移転します。OLX Groupは苦しい状況に置かれる社員たちを手厚く待遇し、義務の範囲を越えて経済支援を行い、新たな職を見つけるための時間と余裕を持てるようにします。影響を受けた従業員が当社の他の事業主体の求人に応じることも推奨しています」。
設立場所と本社はベルリンだが、Frontier Car Groupの焦点は常に新興市場に向けられており、それぞれの国の中古車マーケットプレイスモデルを採用してきた。
FrontierのファウンダーであるSujay Tyle(スジェイ・タイル)氏、Peter Lindholm(ピーター・リンドホルム)氏、André Kussmann(アンドレ・クスマン)氏の3人は、CazooのライバルであるAuto1(これもベルリン拠点の中古車マーケットプレイスで2月にドイツで上場を果たし現在の時価総額は約1兆3848億円でCazooの投資家にとっての比較対象)に触発され、このモデルを途上国市場に持っていけばチャンスはもっと大きいと考えた。
OLXがなぜ、Frontierブランドを捨てOLX Autosにこだわったのかははっきりしないが、2020年来OLXは他の市場でもリストラを行っていたようで、インドの不動産および中古品のためのマーケットプレイスを閉鎖した後、現地事業所で250名を解雇していた。
Prosusの広報担当者は、OLX GroupとOLX Autosともに、当初は新型コロナウイルスの影響を受けたが以降立ち直ったと話した。Prosusは、激動の年にも黒字を維持しているが、利益は減少したと指摘する向きもある(次の決算報告は6月)。
画像クレジット:Jason Hawkes / Getty Images
Cazoo is picking up significant capital today by teaming up with a SPAC in the U.S. at a $7 billion valuation, but another big used-car play is consolidating operations. TechCrunch has learned and confirmed that Berlin-based Frontier Car Group, which builds used-car marketplaces with a focus on emerging markets, is shutting down its operations in the city. The move will see 100 jobs transferred from Berlin to India, the company said.
Its majority owner OLX Group, a division of Prosus (the tech holdings of Naspers that is now listed as a separate entity), said that it wants to refocus on more local operations in Latin America and Asia under its OLX Autos brand, into which it will fold in the remaining FCG operations. OLX Autos’ CEO Gautam Thakar, who was appointed in February, is based out of Gurgaon, India.
The company currently has operations in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Peru. OLX Autos independently also had three other brands: CarFirst brand in Pakistan, Cars45 in Nigeria, and webuyanycar.com in the US.
OLX took a controlling stake in Frontier as a result of an investment of about $400 million in late 2019, valuing Frontier at around $700 million at the time. There was no official announcement of the move, but we saw the news in passing on Twitter, and a Prosus spokesperson confirmed the details to TechCrunch in a statement.
“OLX Group can confirm the closure of the FCG Germany GmbH entity based in Berlin over the coming months,” said the spokesperson. “This entity represents a subset of the OLX Group workforce in Berlin – other OLX Group employees in Berlin were not impacted by this entity closure, and those operations are ongoing. This decision to close FCG Germany GmbH was not taken lightly. The decision reflects the evolution of the OLX Autos strategy to focus more strongly on the LatAm and Asia markets. In order to have our development teams closer to our customers, we will shift core product development operations to India, a key market for OLX Autos. OLX Group is committed to taking care of our people in such a difficult situation and has offered a financial runway beyond what is compulsory, to allow time and flexibility to find new roles. Effected employees are being encouraged to apply for open roles within our other entities.”
About 100 people are being impacted by the news — jobs that were based in Berlin that are being relocated to India. No other operations were active in other markets in Europe. If you navigate to FCG’s site, it automatically redirects to OLX.
Although it was founded and headquartered in Berlin, Frontier Car Group had always focused on emerging markets and taking the used-car marketplace model to those countries.
Inspired by Cazoo rival Auto1 — another Berlin-based used-car marketplace that went public via a listing in Germany in February and is now valued at $12.6 billion (likely an encouraging comparison for Cazoo investors) — Frontier founders Sujay Tyle, Peter Lindholm and André Kussmann thought they could take that model to less developed markets for a bigger opportunity.
“I fell in love with the Auto1 model,” Tyle told TechCrunch back in 2018. “I could see how it could be applied to emerging markets. Emerging markets represent nascency.” Tyle himself is a whizz-kid who hails from the U.S. and was in his early 20s when he co-founded Frontier. He left it in August 2020 and now lives in Mexico City, building a new e-commerce investor there called Merama.
Frontier, in part because of the success of Auto1 (which took hundreds of millions of dollars in investment from the likes of Sequoia, SoftBank and others), became a part of the guard of exciting new tech startups building businesses out of Berlin.
That focus on emerging markets linked up Naspers’ global expansion strategy, and so OLX, a classifieds operation that had an interest in automotive marketplaces, became a strategic investor in Frontier, first with a smaller stake, and eventually taking majority ownership and control of the operation.
It’s not clear why OLX decided to wind down the Frontier brand and to double down OLX Autos but notably, over the last year it looks like OLX was restructuring in other markets, including with the layoff of 250 people in its operations in India after shutting down marketplaces focused on real estate and used goods.
While some companies like Cazoo have apparently seen a strong surge of business in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the health crisis has hit a number of economies, economic sectors and specific companies harder than others, leading to tightening costs. Overall, we’ve seen big slumps in new car sales in different markets around the world.
A Prosus spokesperson said that both OLX and OLX Autos were impacted at the start of Covid-19 but have since recovered. Prosus has remained profitable in what has been a turbulent year, but some have pointed out that those profits have declined. (It will next update its financials in June.)
Updated to make clear that OLX is folding FCG’s remaining operations into its OLX Autos business, not shutting it down altogether.
(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )
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2021-04-01 20:24徹底していますね。ベルリンほどでなくても、ドイツの対策は徹底していると感じています。同じ「自粛」という言葉でも、内容は日本とずいぶん違うようにみえます。ここまでしないと感染は抑えられないとわかっているからこそ、この対策で。きちんと…