

関連ワード (Facebook、Instagram、マーク・ザッカーバーグ、子ども、米民主党等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


米民主党の議員たちが今週、Mark Zuckerberg(マーク・ザッカーバーグ)氏に書簡を送り、子供向けバージョンのInstagramを管理する計画について同CEOに圧力をかけた。2021年3月の議会による聴聞でザッカーバーグ氏は、BuzzFeedの記事を確認して、同社が低年齢ユーザー向けにデザインされた年齢制限バージョンを検討していることを認めている。

書簡に署名している民主党の上院議員Ed Markey(エド・マーキィー)氏(マサチューセッツ州)とRichard Blumenthal(リチャード・ブルーメンソール)氏(コネチカット州)、下院議員のLori Trahan(ロリー・トレーハン)氏(マサチューセッツ州)とKathy Castor(キャシー・カスター)氏(フロリダ州)は、幼いユーザーたちのプライバシーとウェルビーイングを保護する同社の能力について「深刻な懸念」を表明している。


彼らは、子どもたちが自らのプライバシー制限を越えてチャットできる欠陥があったMessenger Kidsといったこれまでの失敗を挙げている。







画像クレジット:Alexander Koerner/Getty Images/Getty Images


A group of Democratic lawmakers wrote to Mark Zuckerberg this week to press the CEO on his plans to curate a version of Instagram for children. In a hearing last month, Zuckerberg confirmed reporting by BuzzFeed that the company was exploring an age-gated version of its app designed for young users.

Senators Ed Markey (D-MA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Representatives Lori Trahan (D-MA) and Kathy Castor (D-FL) signed the letter, expressing “serious concerns” about the company’s ability to protect the privacy and well-being of young users.

“Facebook has an obligation to ensure that any new platforms or projects targeting children put those users’ welfare first, and we are skeptical that Facebook is prepared to fulfill this obligation,” the lawmakers wrote.

They cited previous failures with products like Messenger Kids, which had a flaw that allowed kids to chat with people beyond their privacy parameters.

“Although software bugs are common, this episode illustrated the privacy threats to children online and evidenced Facebook’s inability to protect the kids the company actively invited onto this platform,” the lawmakers wrote.

“In light of these and other previous privacy and security issues on Facebook’s platforms, we are not confident that Facebook will be able to adequately protect children’s privacy on a version of Instagram for young users.”

The letter set a deadline of April 26 for the company to provide answers to a comprehensive and helpfully specific set of questions about a future kid-targeted product.

In the letter, lawmakers posed a number of questions about how Facebook will handle the private data for young users and if that data would be deleted when an account is terminated. They also asked the company to commit to not targeting kids with ads and not employing push alerts and behavior-shaping features designed to make apps more addictive.

During last month’s big tech hearing in the House, committee members from both political parties grilled Zuckerberg about how Facebook and Instagram adversely affect mental health in young users. Rep. Castor also pressed the chief executive about underage users who circumvent Instagram’s existing age guidelines to use a platform full of posts, videos and ads designed for adults.

“Of course, every parent knows there are kids under the age of 13 on Instagram, and the problem is that you know it,” Zuckerberg said.

View this document on Scribd

(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

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Facebook - Wikipedia

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Facebookの使い方 - Facebook navi[フェイスブックナビ]

Facebookを楽しむには、はじめにアカウントの登録が必要です。Facebook naviのこのページでは、Facebookのアカウント登録を、手順を追って紹介します。

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Facebook - Google Play のアプリ

Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages, and stay connected to communities important to you. Features on the Facebook app include: * Connect with friends and family and meet new people on your social media network * Set status updates & use Facebook emoji to help relay what’s going on in your world * Share photos, videos, and your favorite memories. * Get notifications when friends like and comment on your posts * Find local social events, and make plans to meet up with friends * Play games with any of your Facebook friends * Backup photos by saving them in albums * Follow your favorite artists, websites, and companies to get their latest news * Look up local businesses to see reviews, operation hours, and pictures * Buy and sell locally on Facebook Marketplace * Watch live videos on the go The Facebook app does more than help you stay connected with your friends and interests. It's also your personal organizer for storing, saving and sharing photos. It's easy to share photos straight from your Android camera, and you have full control over your photos and privacy settings. You can choose when to keep individual photos private or even set up a secret photo album to control who sees it. Facebook also helps you keep up with the latest news and current events around the world. Subscribe to your favorite celebrities, brands, news sources, artists, or sports teams to follow their newsfeeds, watch live streaming videos and be caught up on the latest happenings no matter where you are! The most important desktop features of Facebook are also available on the app, such as writing on timelines, liking photos, browsing for people, and editing your profile and groups. Now you can get early access to the next version of Facebook for Android by becoming a beta tester. Learn how to sign up, give feedback and leave the program in our Help Center: http://on.fb.me/133NwuP Sign up directly here: http://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.facebook.katana Problems downloading or installing the app? See http://bit.ly/GPDownload1 Still need help? Please tell us more about the issue. http://bit.ly/invalidpackage Facebook is only available for users age 13 and over. Terms of Service: http://m.facebook.com/terms.php.

保護者セミナー「わが子が端末を使い出して気になること …

 ICT CONNECT21「GIGAスクール構想推進委員会」は2021年4月14日、小学生、中学生の子供をもつ保護者向けオンラインセミナー「わが子が端末を使い出して気になることは?」を開催する。参加無料。Webサイトで先着順で申込みを受け付ける。

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