

関連ワード (Falcon 9、SpaceX、Starlink、衛星コンステレーション等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。








今回の打ち上げでは、使用したFalcon 9(ファルコン・ナイン)ロケットの、これで7回目となるブースターの着陸も行われた。大西洋に浮かぶSpaceXの着地パッドに予定通り着陸したブースターは、今後の再利用のために改修が行われる予定だ。また、SpaceXは、離陸時に衛星を保護する分割式の貨物カバーであるフェアリングを、海上で回収することも検討している。同社はこれまでパラシュートで減速して落下するこのカバーを空中で回収するために使用していた2隻の船を退役させたばかりだが、現在は着水後に海から回収して再利用することを目指している。




SpaceX has launched another batch of Starlink satellites, keeping up its rapid pace of launches for the broadband constellation it’s deploying in low Earth orbit. This now makes 300 Starlink satellites launched since March 4, with 60 on each of five flights between then and now.

The most recent launch before this one happened on March 24, with prior flights on March 14, March 11 and March 4. That pace is intentionally fast, since SpaceX has said it aims to launch a total of 1,500 Starlink satellites over the course of this calendar year. Before that especially busy month, SpaceX also flew four other Starlink missions, including a shared ride on SpaceX’s first dedicated rideshare mission that also carried satellites for other customers.

In total, SpaceX has now launched 1,443 satellites for its Starlink constellation. That doesn’t reflect the total number of satellites on orbit, however, as a handful of those earlier satellites have been deorbited as planned. In total, the eventual planned size of the constellation is expected to include up to 42,000 spacecraft based on current FCC frequency spectrum filings.

SpaceX recently signed a new agreement with NASA that outlines how the two organizations will avoid close approach or collision events between their respective spacecraft. NASA has measures it requires all launchers to follow in order to avoid these kinds of incidents, but the scale and frequency of SpaceX’s Starlink missions necessitated an additional, more extensive agreement.

This launch also included a landing of the Falcon 9 booster used, its seventh so far. The booster touched down as intended on SpaceX’s floating landing pad in the Atlantic Ocean, and will be refurbished for another potential reuse. SpaceX is also going to be looking to recover its fairing halves at sea, which are the two cargo covering shields that encase the satellites during take-off. The company actually just decommissioned two ships it had used to try to catch these out of mid-air as they fell, slowed by parachutes, but it’s still looking to retrieve them from the ocean after splashdown for re-use.

Image Credits: SpaceX

(文:Darrell Etherington、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)


SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets.

SpaceX - Wikipedia

Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California.

SpaceX (@SpaceX) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от SpaceX (@SpaceX). SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches the world's most advanced rockets and spacecraft. Hawthorne, CA.

SpaceX (@spacex) • Фото и видео в Instagram

SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches the world's most advanced rockets and spacecraft spacex.com.

Space X - Home | Facebook

Space X, Hawthorne, California. 129,253 likes · 5,867 talking about this · 27 were here. SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches the world's most...

SpaceX Dragon Capsule and Falcon 9 Latest News

The commercial space company SpaceX is developing its Dragon capsule to carry cargo, and eventually people, to orbit.

SpaceX - All the news about NASA's missions using SpaceX

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 11:17 a.m. EST on The mission marks the first launch for SpaceX under NASA's CRS-2 contract.

newest submissions : spacex

Welcome to r/SpaceX, the premier SpaceX discussion community and the largest fan-run board on the American aerospace company SpaceX. This board is...

SpaceX - The Verge

Helmed by billionaire CEO Elon Musk, SpaceX has made a name for itself as a leading rocket launch provider. We bring you complete coverage of the company’s Falcon 9 rocket launches and landings, as well as SpaceX’s more ambitious exploration goals. That includes flying people around the Moon in the company’s Dragon capsule and starting a human colony on Mars.

All the latest news about SpaceX from the BBC - BBC News

Video caption: Debris from SpaceX rocket lights up US skiesDebris from SpaceX rocket lights up US skies. The lights streaking across US skies on Thursday stunned onlookers. But this wasn't a meteor...

Official SpaceX Videos and Latest News

Space Exploration Technologies Corp., doing business as SpaceX, is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transport services.

Starlink - Wikipedia

Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being constructed by SpaceX providing satellite Internet access. The constellation will consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers.SpaceX plans to sell some of the satellites for military, scientific, or exploratory purposes.

SpaceX launches 60 more Starlink satellites, now at 300 ...

SpaceX has launched another batch of Starlink satellites, keeping up its rapid pace of launches for the broadband constellation it’s deploying in low Earth orbit. This now makes 300 Starlink satellites launched since March 4, with 60 on each of five flights between then and now. The most recent launch before this one happened on […]

SpaceX marks successful lunchtime launch of Starlink ...

SpaceX successfully launched another batch of 60 Starlink satellites Wednesday from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

SpaceX launches 60 Starlink communications satellites ...

SpaceX launched 60 more of the company's Starlink Internet communications satellites into orbit from Florida on Wednesday.

SpaceX isn't planning tiered pricing for Starlink, its ...

Tiered pricing is the norm for US internet providers, but SpaceX wants to keep Starlink "simple and transparent." It currently costs $99 a month.

SpaceX keeps up with rapid Starlink launch pace, sends ...

Elon Musk's SpaceX, once again launched a batch of 60 Starlink satellites on April 7th, keeping up with its superfast pace, as it has managed to launch an impressive total of 300 satellites from ...

LIVE: SpaceX to launch more Starlink satellites

SpaceX launched its 23rd round of Starlink internet satellites from Cape Canaveral at 12:34 p.m. Wednesday.

Live: Watch SpaceX launch another Starlink mission from ...

Follow live as SpaceX targets 12:34 p.m. ET Wednesday for the launch of a Falcon 9 rocket and 60 Starlink satellites from Cape Canaveral in Florida.

Starlink satellites mistaken for UFO in Austin | kvue.com

Lisa Kiehl in northwest Austin sent a video to KVUE showing a string of lights moving across the sky.

SpaceX's Starlink terminal production costs have dropped ...

During the recently-held Satellite 2021 "LEO Digital Forum" virtual panel, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell revealed that the Starlink terminal's production costs have dropped by over 50% from its initial manufacturing prices. SpaceX has launched over 1,200 Starlink satellites to orbit so far, and its beta service has been expanded to countries such as the United […]

SpaceX Sends 60 More Starlink Satellites into Orbit ...

SpaceX has now launched more than 1,300 Starlink satellites, which is already delivering service to a limited number of customers. SpaceX plans a larger rollout later this year. The Falcon 9 used in the mission has now flown six times, including the Demo-2 mission carrying astronauts to the International Space Station and three Starlink missions.

SpaceX Starlink Satellite Train Launch Causes Stir Among ...

NORTH TEXAS (WBAP/KLIF News) - A mysterious string of white lights lit up the sky last night and created a stir among North Texans wondering if the sighting was other worldly. The lights were the product of SpaceX's launch of its Starlink internet satellites from Cape Caneveral, Florida Wednesd

[Gallery] SpaceX launches 24th Starlink mission - Space ...

On April 7th, SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket carrying 60 more Starlink Satellites from SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

SpaceX Launches Another 60 Starlink Satellites, Nearly ...

SpaceX confirmed 60 Starlink satellites were deployed from the Falcon 9 second stage. Yesterday, SpaceX president and COO, Gwynne Shotwell, shared more details about Starlink at the LEO/MEO/GEO: The New World Order digital conference. Shotwell revealed SpaceX had roughly 1,320 Starlink satellites in space and if we add today's batch of 60, that takes the number to 1,380 in space.

SpaceX launches another set of Starlink satellites as it ...

WASHINGTON — SpaceX continued the rollout of its Starlink broadband constellation with another launch of 60 satellites April 7, edging closer to providing continuous global service. A Falcon 9 lifted off from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 12:34 p.m. Eastern. The rocket’s upper stage deployed its payload of 60 ...

SpaceX launches 60 more Starlink satellites, now at 300 ...

SpaceX has launched another batch of Starlink satellites, keeping up its rapid pace of launches for the broadband constellation it's deploying in low Earth orbit. This now makes 300 Starlink satellites launched since March 4, with 60 on each of five flights between then and now. The most recent launch before this one happened on […]

SpaceX to ramp up Vandenberg launch cadence with Starlink ...

So far, nearly all of the Starlink satellites launched by SpaceX have gone into 341-mile-high (550-kilometer) orbits tilted at an inclination of 53 degrees to the equator. Speaking on a virtual panel arranged as part of the Satellite 2021 industry conference, Shotwell said Tuesday that SpaceX has roughly 1,320 Starlink satellites currently in ...

SpaceX launches batch of Starlink satellites into orbit ...

SpaceX has successfully launched its Falcon 9 launch vehicle, which has placed another batch of 60 microsatellites into orbit for the Starlink global satellite system for high-speed Internet access.

Starlink L23 Makes A Daylight Spectacle - Next Horizons ...

Photo Credit: Zac Shaul - NHS April 7th, 2021, 12:23 PM Est - from SLC-40 at CCSFS atop a Falcon 9 rocket With a slew of launches happening overnight this year SpaceX has decided high noon for it's next Starlink show down. Well just after high noon anyway, at twenty-three minutes past the hour Falcon…

SpaceX launches TENTH batch of new Starlink satellites ...

Deployment of 60 Starlink satellites was a success and the booster nailed its landing on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship in the Atlantic Ocean. More than 10,000 users are connected to the Starlink satellite internet, according to a SpaceX filing with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from February.

On the ground floor with Starlink | Local | dnews.com

Jemes said Starlink and other satellite-based internet programs present a promising solution for the problem of bringing high-speed internet to remote regions — but it is just one of an array of ...

SpaceX will launch new Starlink satellites on a veteran ...

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX will launch a new fleet of Starlink satellites (April 7) and you can watch the liftoff live online. The Hawthorne, California-based company will loft a full stack of 60 Starlink internet satellites on its workhorse Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station here […]

Starlink - Уикипедия

Технология Спътници. Спътниците Starlink са снабдени с електростатични двигатели, работещи чрез ефекта на Хол, с използване на криптон.Собствените двигатели позволяват на спътниците да повдигат орбитата си, да ...

スターリンク - Wikipedia

スターリンク (Starlink )は、アメリカ合衆国の民間企業スペースX社が開発を進めている衛星コンステレーション計画 。 低コスト・高性能な衛星バスと地上の送受信機により、衛星インターネットアクセスサービスを提供することを目的とする 。 またスペースXは、衛星を軍用や 、科学・探検 ...

スペースXが新たに60基のStarlink衛星を打ち上げ、1カ月あまりで ...


スターリンク - Wikipedia

スターリンク (Starlink )は、アメリカ合衆国の民間企業スペースX社が開発を進めている衛星コンステレーション計画 [2]。低コスト・高性能な衛星バスと地上の送受信機により、衛星インターネットアクセスサービスを提供することを目的とする [3] [4]。

超小型衛星用推進機を開発する東大発ベンチャーPale Blueが ...

創業1年でエクイティ・デット・助成金を合わせて累計2億円を資金調達株式会社PaleBlue(本社:千葉県柏市柏の葉5-4-6東葛テクノプラザ610号室、代表取締…(2021年4月7日 16時12分49秒)

スペースXが新たに60基のStarlink衛星を打ち上げ、1カ月あまりで ...

あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:スペースXが新たに60基のStarlink衛星を打ち上げ、1カ月あまりで計300基が地球低軌道へ (TechCrunch Japan)

古河電工とjaxa、人工衛星用電源開発を通じた共創活動を開始 ...

古河電工とJAXA、人工衛星用電源開発を通じた共創活動を開始 ~次世代電気推進機の軽量化・低コスト化で、宇宙用電源事業の創出を目指す~

超小型衛星用推進機を開発する東大発ベンチャーPale Blueが ...

超小型衛星用推進機を開発する東大発ベンチャーPale Blueが研究開発型スタートアップを支援する助成金のNEDO STSに採択。創業1年でエクイティ・デット・助成金を合わせて累計2億円を資金調達株式会社PaleBlue(本社:千葉県柏市柏の葉5-4-6東葛テクノプラザ610号室、代表取締役:浅川純、以下「当社」)は、国立研究開...

世界初となる衛星打ち上げ用の無人航空機「Ravn X」を米企業が発表

米企業「Aevum」は3日、小型ペイロードを地球低軌道上に低コストで打ち上げる無人航空機「Ravn X」を発表した。

低軌道の小型宇宙衛星に向けたPWM制御ICとGaNFET ...

 ルネサス エレクトロニクスは、低軌道の小型宇宙衛星(Smallsat)に向けて、放射線耐性を備えたPWM制御IC「ISL71043M」とGaN(窒化ガリウム)FETゲートドライバーIC「ISL71040M」を発売した。どちらの製品も、小型宇宙衛星のほか打ち上げ機に電力を供給するDC-DCコンバーター回路やモーター制御回路に向ける。DC-DCコンバーターは、絶縁型フライバックとハーフブリッジなどの回路トポロジーに対応可能だ。

Re:制御落下はなんで必要なの? (#4008023) | 正常に軌道離脱し ...


セイコー アストロン 限定モデル 大谷翔平選手 ...

皆様こんにちは!買取専門かんてい局大垣店です♪ 本日は、SEIKO【セイコー】アストロン 大谷翔平 2019 限定モデルについてご紹介させて頂きます。 こちらの記事では ・SEIKOのお時計がお好きな方 ・限定の時計をお探しの方 ・時計と野球のお好きな方 ・大谷翔平選手ファンの方 におススメの内容

メルキュール 大阪府東大阪市小阪本町001 (5万円/1ldk ...

メルキュール 大阪府東大阪市小阪本町001の物件詳細。1LDK (洋室6 LDK9)、30㎡で5万円。河内小阪駅/近鉄奈良線 徒歩4分、八戸ノ里駅/近鉄奈良線 徒歩12分、河内永和駅/近鉄奈良線 徒歩13分、エアコン、バストイレ別、フローリング、追い焚き機能、2階以上の賃貸物件(賃貸マンション・アパート・一戸建て)です。Yahoo!不動産では東大阪市の賃貸物件を掲載中!資料請求は無料!価格、間取りなど希望条件の絞込み検索で気になる住宅をまとめて比較・検討できます!

ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡、珍しい「片腕」銀河の撮影に成功【写真 ...

ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡は極変わった矮小銀河「NGC 4625」の撮影に成功した。同銀河は渦巻腕を4つでも2つでもなく、1つしか持っていないのだ。ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡のサイトが発表した。

ニュースランキング - goo ニュース

gooニュース。ニュース ランキング。アクセス人気順による、ニュース、 トップ20のランキング情報。今話題のニュースが一目でわかります。

MetOp - Wikipedia

Control of the satellite was with the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC — part of ESA) which had the responsibility of achieving the final positioning of the satellite, deployment of all the antennas and final reconfiguration of the satellite following necessary orbit control maneuvers.

今日は何の日? - 今日にまつわる情報一覧[毎日更新 ...

今日は何の日?この日は何の日?その日にあった出来事や誕生日、忌日を簡単に調べることができます 10月28日 10月28日(じゅうがつにじゅうはちにち)はグレゴリオ暦で年始から301日目(閏年では302日目)にあたり、年末まであと64日 ...

スラド -- アレゲなニュースと雑談サイト

情報元へのリンク 科学者たちは遺伝子工学の初期段階として、正常な細胞と同じように成長や分裂を行う単細胞合成生物を開発することに成功した。科学者たちの数十年にわたるゲノム配列決定と分析の結果、誕生したこの合成生物は「JCVI-syn3A」という名称で呼ばれている。

Starlink - Wikipedia

Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being constructed by SpaceX [2] [3] providing satellite Internet access. [4] [5] The constellation will consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers..

[B!] スペースXが新たに60基のStarlink衛星を打ち上げ、1カ月 ...

スペースXが新たに60基のStarlink衛星を打ち上げ、1カ月あまりで計300基が地球低軌道へ | TechCrunch Japan テクノロジー カテゴリーの変更を依頼 記事元: jp.techcrunch.com 適切な情報に変更 エントリーの編集 エントリーの編集は ...

【保存版】 【最大1万円クーポン&店内最大ポイント37倍!15日 ...

市民誰もが自分らしく輝き、支えあう福祉のふるさとづくり 【最大1万円クーポン&店内最大ポイント37倍!15日限定】 OMEGA [海外輸入品] オメガ コンステレーション メンズ 腕時計 時計 【dl】brand deal15 トップページ

【保存版】 【店内最大ポイント58倍!15日限定】 オメガ ...

【保存版】 【店内最大ポイント58倍!15日限定】 オメガ OMEGA コンステレーション レディース【24回金利0%】 -www.pappupelu.com アート & カルチャー誌の広告代理店

SpaceX - Falcon 9

SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets.

Falcon 9 - Wikipedia

Falcon 9 is a partially reusable two-stage-to-orbit medium-lift launch vehicle designed and manufactured by SpaceX in the United States.

Многоразовая ступень Falcon 9 в 9-й раз успешно приземлилась...

Интерфакс: Многоразовая первая ступень американской ракеты-носителя Falcon 9, стартовавшей в воскресенье на орбиту с 60 интернет-спутниками проекта Starlink, совершила успешную управляемую посадку на плавучую платформу в Атлантике, сообщила компания-разработчик SpaceX.

Falcon 9 - SpaceFlight Insider

The Falcon 9 is a medium- to heavy-lift launch vehicle designed and built by Hawthorne, California-based Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX). It is the first, and only, rocket to fly and...

PDF SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.1 Data Sheet

Falcon 9 v1.1 Flight History. On April 27, 2013, Elon Musk tweeted a photograph showing the base of the first Falcon 9 v1.1 first stage on the big stand at McGregor, though only through a misty cloud of...

Falcon 9 - Spaceflight Now

The Falcon 9's booster landed on an offshore drone ship. Using a Falcon 9 booster flying for a record ninth time, SpaceX's swift sequence of launches continued Sunday with a predawn liftoff from...

SpaceX Falcon 9 Data Sheet

Falcon 9 and Falcon 9S9 (now called Falcon 9 Heavy) payloads had grown by more than 10% from SpaceX shipped its first Falcon 9 first stage to McGregor in mid-2007. The stage was erected into the...

Falcon 9

The Falcon 9 first and second stage tank walls and domes were made from aluminum 2219, using all friction stir welding. The interstage was made of a carbon fiber honeycomb structure.

Falcon-9 | Gunter's Space Page

Gunter's Space Page - Information on Launch vehicles, Satellites, Space Shuttle and Astronautics

SpaceX Falcon 9

Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) conducted the first 9 engine firing of its Falcon 9 launch vehicle at its Texas Test Facility outside McGregor on 31 July 2008. A second firing on 1 August 2008 completed a major NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) milestone almost 2 months early. At full power, the 9 engines consumed 3,200 lbs of fuel and liquid oxygen per second, and generated almost 850,000 pounds of thrust. The Falcon 9 will launch SpaceX's spaceship Dragon with up to 7 humans from 2009 on.

Falcon 9

Ракета-носій Falcon 9 вивела на орбіту 60 супутників та здійснила успішну посадку. Ракета Falcon 9 повернулась на космодром після місії у космосі. 7 січня, 2020 вiвторок.


2021-04-10 21:06

■1部リーグ第4節 【4/10(土)結果】 (9)生駒【順延】一条(7) (9)畝傍1―0橿原(3) (12)奈良育英4―0Diablossa高田(0) (7)五條9―1郡山(3) (3)香芝【順延】法隆寺国際(0) Aリーグ

2021-04-10 03:10

■1部リーグ順位 【4/10時点暫定】 ①(12)奈良育英高校 ②(9)生駒高校 ③(9)畝傍高校 ④(7)五條高校 ⑤(7)一条高校 ⑥(3)香芝高校 ⑦(3)郡山高校 ⑧(3)橿原高校 ⑨(0)法隆寺国際高校 ⑩(0)Diablossa高田FC Aリーグ


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