Apple Watchで心不全の悪化を検知できるか、トロントの研究病院グループが調査開始

今回は「Apple Watchで心不全の悪化を検知できるか、トロントの研究病院グループが調査開始」についてご紹介します。

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トロント市にある研究病院グループUniversity Health Network(UHN)で実施している新しい研究により、ますます関心が高まっている健康分野の治療方法が変わる可能性がある。Heather Ross(ヘザー・ロス)博士が主導するこの研究では、心不全を発症した患者の健康状態が悪化する可能性をApple Watchで早期に警告できるかどうかを調査する。

この研究では、最終的に約200人の患者を対象に調査することを目指しており、すでに25歳から90歳という幅広い年齢層の参加者が多数登録している。研究では、Apple Watch Series 6とその内蔵センサーを使って、心拍数、血中酸素濃度、一般的な活動レベル、6分間歩行試験時の全体的なパフォーマンスといった信号を監視する。ロス博士率いる研究者たちは、このデータを、より正式な臨床試験から得られた測定値と比較する。この測定値は、通常の定期健診時に心不全患者の回復状況を観察するために医師が現在使用しているものだ。

ロス博士とそのチームが期待しているのは、Apple Watchのデータから見える兆候と、実証済みの医療診断および監視装置から収集された情報の相関関係を特定できることだ。Apple Watchが心不全患者の健康状態を正確に検知できることを検証できれば、Apple Watchは治療とケアの面で大きな可能性を秘めていることになる。




関連記事:Apple Watch Series 6ファーストインプレッション、血中酸素計測機能と新バンド・ソロループに注目

ロス博士によると、現在の推定では、処方された薬の正しい服用、症状の正確な監視、食事摂取の監視といった適切なセルフケアを含め、患者が取る対策によって入院の半数近くを完全に回避できるということだ。アップルのヘルスケア担当副社長であるSumbul Desai(サンブル・デサイ)博士は、治療の水準を高め、良好な長期の治療成績を得るための重要な要素の1つは先を見越した行動である、という見方に同意している。


デサイ博士は、約4年の間、アップルのヘルスイニシアティブを率い、それ以前もキャリアの大部分を、スタンフォード大学(現在も准教授として在籍)で学術的な取り組みと臨床的な取り組みの両方に費やした。継続的な治療の価値を直接知っている同氏は「この研究は、個人の日常的な健康管理においてApple Watchが果たす役割の中に可能性が見いだされたことを示している」と述べた。


関連記事:Apple WatchでPCR検査より1週間早く新型コロナの陽性診断予測可能、マウントサイナイ医科大学発表

ロス博士とデサイ博士の両氏は、Apple Watchについて、設定と学習が簡単で、健康とフィットネス以外のさまざまな目的に適うことや、継続的な治療法における主要な要素であることに触れ、消費者が手軽に使えるデバイスとしての価値を強調している。

「私たちは、人々が自分の健康管理において、より積極的な役割を担うべきであると強く信じています。そして、Apple Watchは強力なヘルスケアツールであると自信を持って言えます。大切な人とつながったり、メッセージをチェックしたりできるデバイスで、安全をサポートしたり、もっと体を動かして健康を維持することを促したり、全般的な健康に関する重要な情報を提供したりできるからです」とデサイ氏はいう。

「Apple Watchは、デサイ博士が述べたようなすべての機能を必要とする人のための、デバイスに組み込まれた強力なヘルスケアツールです」とロス博士は付け加えた。「しかし、これは強力な診断ツールでもあります。このヘルスケアツールを正しく評価できれば、Apple Watchは無限の可能性を秘めたツールになります。このパートナーシップでは、まさにその評価を行っています」。





A new study underway at Toronto’s University Health Network (UHN), a group of working research hospitals in the city, could shift our approach to treatment in an area of growing concern in human health. The study, led by Dr. Heather Ross, will investigate whether the Apple Watch can provide early warnings about potentially worsening health for patients following incidents of heart failure.

The study, which is aiming to eventually span around 200 patients, and which already has a number of participants enrolled spanning ages from 25 to 90, and various demographics, will use the Apple Watch Series 6 and its onboard sensors to monitor signals, including heart rate, blood oxygen, general activity levels, overall performance during a six-minute walk test and more. Researchers led by Ross will compare this data to measurements taken from the more formal clinical tests currently used by physicians to monitor the recovery of heart failure patients during routine, periodic check-ups.

The hope is that Ross and her team will be able to identify correlations between signs they’re seeing from the Apple Watch data, and the information gathered from the proven medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment. If they can verify that the Apple Watch accurately reflects what’s happening with a heart failure patient’s health, it has tremendous potential for treatment and care.

“In the U.S., there are about six-and-a-half million adults with heart failure,” Ross told me in an interview. “About one in five people in North America over the age of 40 will develop heart failure. And the average life expectancy [following heart failure] is still measured at around 2.1 years, at a tremendous impact to quality of life.”

The stats point to heart failure as a “growing epidemic,” says Ross, at a cost of some “$30 billion a year at present in the U.S.” to the healthcare system. A significant portion of that cost can come from the care required when conditions worsen due to preventable causes — ones that can be avoided by changes in patient behavior, if only implemented at the right time. Ross told me that currently, the paradigm of care for heat failure patients is “episodic” — meaning it happens in three- or six-month intervals, when patients go into a physician’s office or clinic for a bevy of tests using expensive equipment that must be monitored by a trained professional, like a nurse practitioner.

“If you think about the paradigm to a certain degree, we’ve kind of got it backwards,” Ross said. “So in our thinking, the idea really is how do we provide a continuous-style monitoring of patients in a relatively unobtrusive way that will allow us to detect a change in a patient status before they end up actually coming into hospital. So this is where the opportunity with Apple is tremendous.”

Ross said that current estimates suggest nearly 50% of hospitalizations could be avoided altogether through steps taken by patients, including better self-care, like adhering to prescribed medicinal regimens, accurate symptom monitoring, monitoring dietary intake and more. Apple Vice President of Health Dr. Sumbul Desai echoed the sentiment that proactivity is one of the key ingredients to better standards of care, and better long-term outcomes.

“A lot of health, in the world of medicine, has been focused on reactive responses to situations,” she said in an interview. “The idea to get a little more proactive in the way we think about our own health is really empowering and we’re really excited about where that could take us. We think starting with these studies to really ground us in the science is critical but, really, the potential for it is something that we look forward to tackling.”

Desai, has led Apple’s Health initiatives for just under four years, and also spent much of her career prior to that at Stanford (where she remains an associate professor) working on both the academic and clinical side. She knows first-hand the value of continuous care, and said that this study is representative of the potential the company sees in Apple Watch’s role in the daily health of individuals.

“The ability to have that snapshot of an individual as they’re living their everyday life is extremely useful,” she said. “As a physician, part of your conversation is ‘tell me what’s going on when you’re not in the clinic.’ To be able to have some of that data at your fingertips and have that part of your conversation really enhances your engagement with your patients as well. We believe that can provide insight in ways that has not been done before and we’re really excited to see what more we’re learning in this specific realm but we’re already hearing from both users and physicians how valuable that is.”

Both Ross and Desai highlighted the value of Apple Watch as a consumer-friendly device that’s easy to set up and learn, and that serves a number of different purposes beyond health and fitness, as being key ingredients to its potential in a continuous care paradigm.

“We really believe that people should be able to play a more active role in managing their well-being and Apple Watch in particular, we find to be — and are really proud of — a powerful health and wellness tool because the same device that you can connect with loved ones and check messages also supports safety, motivates you to stay healthy by moving more and provides important information on your overall wellness,” Desai said.

“This is a powerful healthcare tool bundled into a device that people just love for all the reasons Sumbul has said,” Ross added. “But this is a powerful diagnostic tool, too. So it is that consumer platform that I think will make this potentially an unstoppable tool, if we can evaluate it properly, which we’re doing in this partnership.”

The study, which is targeting 200 participants as mentioned, and enrolling more every day, will span three months of active monitoring, followed by a two-year follow up to investigate the data collected relative to patient outcomes. All data collected is stored in a fully encrypted form (Ross pointed to Apple’s privacy track record as another benefit of having it as a partner) and anyone taking part can opt-out at any point during the course of the research.

Even once the results are in, it’ll just be the first step in a larger process of validation, but Ross said that the hope is ultimately “to improve access and equitable care,” by changing the fundamental approach to how we think about heart failure and treatment.

(文:Darrell Etherington、翻訳:Dragonfly)


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