

関連ワード (AirTag、Apple、APPLE SPRING HARDWARE EVENT 2021、Tile、トラッカー等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




AppleはAirTagでこれらの能力を再現しているが、もっと精密なウルトラワイドバンドの技術のサポートを加えるとともに、AirTagを同社のファーストパーティーアプリである「Find My」に統合して、紛失物発見にiPhoneの大きなインストールベースを利用しようとしている。こうなると、それはTileにとって強敵となり、Appleの全デバイスに競合するAirTagがあるだけでなく、App Storeのポリシーにより、アプリ内購入によるサブスクの収益の一部もAppleが共有することになる。

AirTagの立ち上げよりも前にAppleは、Find Myアプリへのアクセスをサードパーティーに公開して、反競争的云々の苦情を避けようとした。また同社はTileの競合他社であるChipolo ONE Spotと提携して、AirTagと競合するその他の紛失物発見ツールを不利な扱いにはしない証拠を見せつけようとした。しかしこれまでのTileの主張は、自社独自のiOSアプリで築いてきたユーザーとの直接的な関係を捨ててまで、AppleのFind Myユーザーをサポートしたくはない、というものだ。そして、Appleには最初からファーストパーティーであるという利点と、大きなエコシステムのパワーがあるため、この紛失物発見の市場に参入すると決めただけでも簡単に市場を支配してしまうとTileは主張している。

関連記事:アップルの「Find My(探す)」がサードパーティーの電動自転車とイヤフォンをサポート





Appleのイベントの後でリリースした声明で、TileのCEOであるCJ Prober(C・J・プローバー)氏は再び、Tileが作った市場へのAppleの進出を批判している。





それに対してAppleは、Find MyのネットワークはTileの創業以前からあると指摘し、Tileも、もし選ぶならばFind Myを利用できると述べている。同社はまた、Tileのマーケットシェアは90%もあり、それに追いつくためには膨大な量のAirTagsを売らなければならないだろう、とも述べている。


iPhoneはそもそもの最初からユーザーの位置データのプライバシーを保護し、すべてのアプリによるユーザーの位置へのアクセスと共有に関し、透明性とコントロールをユーザーに提供してきた。AppleがFind Myを作ったのは10年以上前であり、それによりユーザーが紛失したデバイスをプライバシーを確保しながら安全に見つけられるようにしている。その後私たちは、Find Myを拡張して、ユーザーが他の重要な品物も管理できるようにしている。また、位置を友だちや家族と共有して、自転車などのサードパーティー製品も見つけられる。私たちは常に、顧客の体験を向上する最良の方法として競争を歓迎している。そして私たちは、サードパーティーのデベロッパーが栄えるプラットフォームをiOSの中に作るために、懸命の努力をしてきました。

・アップルが「Spring Loaded」で発表した新製品まとめ、新iMac、iPad Pro、AirTagなど



Now that Apple’s lost item finder AirTag has officially been introduced, competitor Tile is going on record ahead of its testimony in front of Congress tomorrow about how it perceives Apple’s latest product. The company says it will be asking Congress on Wednesday to take a closer look into Apple’s business practices, and specifically its entry in this lost item tracking category.

Tile has been a strong Apple critic since it learned that Apple would soon launch its own device to take on Tile’s leading lost item finder beacons. Tile had successfully carved out a market for its Bluetooth-powered keychain dongles that allow consumers to find the lost items Tile attaches to — like purses, luggage, keys, bikes, wallets and more. It also introduced the idea of a “finding network,” where everyone with the Tile app installed on their phone could help to locate someone else’s Tile, in the case that a lost item was out of Bluetooth range of its owner.

With AirTag, Apple is reproducing these capabilities, while also adding support for more precise ultra-wideband technology, integrating AirTag into its first-party “Find My” app, and leveraging its larger iPhone install base to help find missing items. This presents significant competition to Tile, which is not only expected to face off with Apple’s AirTag across Apple’s own devices, but also share a portion of its subscription revenues from in-app purchases with Apple thanks to App Store policies.

Ahead of AirTag’s launch, Apple moved to head off any sort of anti-competitive claims by opening up access to its “Find My” app to third parties. It even partnered with a Tile competitor, the Chipolo ONE Spot, to serve as proof that it’s giving other lost item finders that compete with AirTag equal footing on its iPhone platform. But Tile’s argument to date has been that it doesn’t want to give up the direct relationship it has with customers via its own iOS app to instead support Apple’s “Find My” users, and that Apple’s mere decision to enter this market with its own item-locating tracker will allow it to easily dominate because of its first-party advantage and ecosystem power.

Tile had previously testified before Congress about Apple’s alleged anti-competitive behavior back in 2020 and will now do so again on Wednesday alongside other Apple critics, including Match and Spotify.

The companies are arguing against Apple’s in-app commissions, the so-called “Apple tax,” which Apple recently reduced for smaller businesses. Many larger companies do not want to pay Apple at all — they want to process their own payments directly to retain all the revenue collected. They also want a more direct relationship with customers, not one where Apple is the middleman. And in some cases like Tile and Spotify, the companies don’t feel it’s fair that they’re paying money to Apple when Apple directly competes with their business through its own first-party apps.

In addition, Tile intended to compete with AirTag via its own ultra-wideband powered device, announced earlier this year. But it has yet to receive access to Apple’s U1 chip to make such a device work, we understand  (Apple has released a draft specification for chipset manufacturers would come later this Spring.)

In a statement released today following Apple’s event, Tile CEO CJ Prober again publicly criticized Apple’s move into a market Tile created, saying:

Our mission is to solve the everyday pain point of finding lost and misplaced things and we are flattered to see Apple, one of the most valuable companies in the world, enter and validate the category Tile pioneered.

The reason so many people turn to Tile to locate their lost or misplaced items is because of the differentiated value we offer our consumers. In addition to providing an industry leading set of features via our app that works with iOS and Android devices, our service is seamlessly integrated with all major voice assistants, including Alexa and Google. And with form factors for every use case and many different styles at affordable prices, there is a Tile for everyone.

Tile has also successfully partnered with top brands like HP, Intel, Skullcandy and fitbit to enable our finding technology in mass market consumer categories like laptops, earbuds and wearables. With over 30 partners, we look forward to extending the benefits of Tile to millions of customers and enabling an experience that helps you keep track of all your important belongings.

We welcome competition, as long as it is fair competition. Unfortunately, given Apple’s well-documented history of using its platform advantage to unfairly limit competition for its products, we’re skeptical. And given our prior history with Apple, we think it is entirely appropriate for Congress to take a closer look at Apple’s business practices specific to its entry into this category. We welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues further in front of Congress tomorrow.

Apple, in response, points out that its Find My network pre-dates Tile’s founding, and that Tile is able to use Find My if it chooses. It also notes Tile has 90% market share and Apple will need to sell a lot of AirTags to catch up with that lead.

Apple’s statement reads, as follows:

We have worked from the very beginning of iPhone to help protect the privacy of users’ location data, giving them transparency and control over how all apps may access and share their location. Apple created Find My over a decade ago to help users locate and manage lost devices in a private and secure way. Since then, we have expanded Find My to help users keep tabs on the other important things in their life — from sharing location with friends and family members, to locating third-party products like Van Moof bikes and Chipolo item finders. We have always embraced competition as the best way to drive great experiences for our customers, and we have worked hard to build a platform in iOS that enables third-party developers to thrive.

(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

Tile - Wikipedia

Tiles are thin objects, usually square or rectangular in shape. A tile is a manufactured piece of hard-wearing material such as ceramic, stone, metal, baked clay, or even glass, generally used for covering roofs, floors, walls, or other objects such as tabletops.

Tile: перевод, произношение, транскрипция, примеры использования

Перевод слова tile, американское и британское произношение, транскрипция, словосочетания, однокоренные слова, примеры использования

Find Your Keys, Wallet & Phone with Tile's App and Bluetooth Tracker...

Tile Bluetooth trackers help you find your keys, wallet, phone and everything that matters. Join the world's largest lost and found community and never lose anything again.

Tile - Home | Facebook

Enter to win 2 Tile Essential 4-packs. Comes with (1) Tile Slim, (1) Tile Mate, and (2) Tile Stickers...How to enter: 1⃣ FOLLOW (make sure you're both following @Tile) 2⃣ LIKE this post 3⃣ TAG your friends SHARE for an extra chance to win Check out our Instagram (@Tile) and Twitter...

Tile - YouTube

Tile is a tiny wireless tracker device that will help you never lose anything again! Great for finding lost keys, wallets, purses, suitcases, bikes, and anyt...

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tile - Wiktionary

From Middle English tile, tyle, tigel, tiȝel, teȝele, from Old English tieġle, tiġle, tiġele ("tile; brick"), from Proto-Germanic *tigulǭ ("tile"), from Latin tēgula. Cognate with Saterland Frisian Tichel ("tile"), West Frisian teil, tegel, tichel ("tile"), Dutch tichel, tegel ("tile"), German Ziegel ("brick; tile"), Danish tegl...

tile - это... Что такое tile? | Словари и энциклопедии на Академике

Tile — Tile, n. [OE. tile, tigel, AS. tigel, tigol, fr. L. tegula, from tegere to cover. English syllables. Tile — For other uses, see Tile (disambiguation). Decorative tilework in Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, Isfahan, Iran early 17th century A tile is a manufactured piece of hard wearing material such as ceramic, stone...

Tile (@TheTileApp) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от Tile (@TheTileApp). Helping people locate the things that matter to them most. Share your story with us using #Tileit. For Customer Care, tweet @TilerSupport. San Mateo and Vancouver.

Tile - New World Encyclopedia

A tile is a manufactured piece of hard-wearing material such as ceramic, stone, porcelain, metal, or even glass. Tiles are generally used for covering roofs, floors, and walls. In addition, special tiles may be used to cover areas such as tabletops and ceilings.

Tile | Definition of Tile by Merriam-Webster

Tile definition is - a flat or curved piece of fired clay, stone, or concrete used especially for roofs, floors, or walls and often for ornamental work. How to use tile in a sentence.

Tiled | Flexible level editor

Tiled is a free and open source, easy to use, and flexible level editor. A big thanks to our generous sponsors for making our work sustainable! About 300 sponsors are donating over $2400/month to fund Tiled development, which allows Thorbjørn Lindeijer to work 2 days/week on Tiled.

Find Your Keys, Wallet & Phone with Tile's App and Bluetooth... | Tile

Tile Bluetooth trackers help you find your keys, wallet, phone and everything that matters. Join the world’s largest lost and found community and never lose anything again.


Tile. created by josetavaresa community for 6 years. message the moderators. Question: What product would you use to tile over existing tile? The original tile is level, and in great shape for its age - would this act as a good substrate to tile over? (i.redd.it).

What is Tile? - Tile Support

Tile is a Bluetooth device that helps you locate everyday essentials during your daily routine, removing little inconveniences, and helping you stay organized so you Tile then uses the location services of your smartphone to communicate location information to the app. What type of ways can I find my Tile?



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What is the difference between a ceramic tile, vitrified tile... - Quora

Ceramic tile is a type of tile in which red or white ceramic tile clay is made and you can use it in any area of your house. This is a special glaze that is provided while making the tile, it prevents many problems like its breakage and this glass helps in giving color and pattern to the tile.

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Collect blocks and triple match to challenge yourself in the Tile Crush Game!

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Tile Space (formerly Heritage Tiles) has New Zealand's best range of...

Tile Space (formerly Heritage Tiles) has New Zealand's best range of porcelain and ceramic tiles.

Tile & Natural Stone FAQs |Daltile

Tile, grout, sealants, slip resistance, installation - there are A LOT of questions that arise when considering tile. Daltile product experts answer your most asked questions.

Fitbit、ファッショナブルなブレスレット型トラッカー「Fitbit Luxe」 | マイナビニュース

Fitbitは4月20日、ブレスレットタイプのトラッカー「Fitbit Luxe」を発表した。5月下旬発売予定で、価格は17,990円。先行予約を4月28日に開始する。

Fitbit、おしゃれな健康管理トラッカー「Luxe」 血中酸素も対応予定 - 週刊アスキー


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Fitbitから健康管理トラッカー「Fitbit Luxe」、1万7990円 - ケータイ Watch

フィットビットは、健康管理トラッカー「Fitbit Luxe」を発表した。5月下旬発売予定で価格は1万7990円(税込)。Amazon.co.jpやヨドバシカメラにおい ...

カラータッチスクリーンを搭載! Fitbitがファッショナブルなトラッカー「Luxe」を発表 | Techable ...

エレガントな外観でありながら、しっかりと健康管理をサポートしてくれる新しいフィットネストラッカー「Luxe」をFitbitが発表しました。 これまでさまざまなトラッカーを展開してきたFitbitですが、スタイリッシュさを...

アップル「AirTag」、探しものトラッカーのTileが不公正な競争を懸念 - CNET Japan


フィットビットが健康をトータルにサポートするおしゃれな健康管理トラッカー Fitbit Luxeを発表|Fitbit ...

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Fitbitの最新フィットネストラッカー「Luxe」は約1.6万円の高級感あるデラックスモデル ...


Apple純正の落とし物トラッカー「AirTag」が登場、4個セットで税込1万2800円 - GIGAZINE


小学校低学年向け? Fitbitの子ども向けアクティビティトラッカー「Fitbit Ace 3」をレビュー ...

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Apple Inc. - Wikipedia

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.

Apple - Home | Facebook

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Apple company and contact information

Apple company and contact information including phone number, address, e-mail address, and other contact and company related information.

AirTags: Everything We Know So Far - MacRumors

Update: 📢 AirTags have been announced.📢 👀 Read the details. We will update this guide to reflect the release...

AirTag - Wikipedia

AirTag was a French startup that was acquired by Morpho, at the time a Safran subsidiary, in 2015. It was a mobile shopping and payments provider. Airtag was founded in 2006 by Jérémie Leroyer.

AirTags: Features, release date, design, and more - 9to5Mac

AirTags are expected to be Apple's version of Tile item trackers, and they could be released as soon as this year. Here's what we know.

Apple AirTags release date, features, leaks and news

Apple AirTag is a competitor to Tile. Here's everything you need to know about it.

Apple AirTags release date, price, leaks and how it'll... | TechRadar

A Tile tracker, which Apple AirTags are expected to be similar to (Image credit: TechRadar).

AirTags | Release Dates, Rumors, Features

The Apple AirTag is a simple coin-shaped device that can be placed on objects or keychains to help owners locate misplaced items.

AIRTAG (@airtag) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от AIRTAG (@airtag). AIRTAG is a leading provider of Mobile Commerce & Secure Payment Solutions. Subsidiary of Morpho (Safran). New York & Paris.

AirTags in 2021? Samsung's SmartTags are here, so Apple... - CNET

Looks like the AirTags launch is imminent. The rumored AirTags may seem similar to iBeacon, an implementation of Bluetooth low-energy wireless technology, which Apple first debuted in iOS 7 in 2014.

AirTag Quick Start Guide leaked; shows design, wireless charging...

273 votes, 35 comments. 3.0m members in the iphone community. Reddit’s corner for iPhone lovers (or those who mildly enjoy it...)

Airtag | Clip-Share

Apple AirTags release date, specs and how AirTags work. Apple AirTags didn't come with iPhone 12, but are tipped to Smart tag, Airtag concept video. It's Apple's item tracking device. Shot on iPhone.


AirTags THIS! Get a free month of CuriosityStream *and* Nebula (my streaming platform) - and 40% off the whole year! Smart tag, Airtag concept video. It's Apple's item tracking device. Shot on iPhone.

Apple "Spring Loaded" event unveils new products and ...

New AirTag device will require iPhone iOS 14.5 software which includes long-awaited App Tracking Transparency.

Apple event 2021: New iMac and iPad, purple iPhone 12 ...

Finally, the iMac gets an overhaul, the iPad Pros get the M1 chip and AirTags are real. Plus, Apple TV 4K gets a cool new Siri remote.

Apple's 'Spring Loaded' iPad Pro event live blog - The Verge

Apple has a lot of things it could announce: new iPad Pros, new AirPods, AirTag tracking tags, new Music services, or even a new Apple TV. It’ll be a "loaded" event, but you’ll have to tune in to find out what the announcements will be.

AirTags, M1 iMacs: Here Are The Big Announcements From ...

Apple finally released its long-rumored AirTags, small trackers users can attach to items like keys or luggage.

What to expect at Apple's 'Spring loaded' event

Apple is hosting its first event of 2021 on Tuesday and it'll likely focus on new iPads, along with a product that's been years in the making.

Roundup: Everything Apple announced at its 'Spring Loaded ...

In terms of hardware, Apple ... we also got a new iPad Pro lineup during today's Apple event. The 2021 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro feature the 8-core CPU and 8-core GPU M1 chip and a new ...

Watch Apple's 'Spring Loaded' event right here at 1PM ET

Apple is holding its 'Spring Loaded' virtual event at 1PM ET, and you can watch it here.

How to watch the Apple event 'Spring Loaded' - MarketWatch

The company has not specified what the event will be about, but some reports indicate that new iPad Pro devices and potentially AirTags Bluetooth trackers...

The Things That Matter From Apple's Spring 2021 Event ...

What Wirecutter reviewers think about the new Apple iPad, iMac, and AirTags announcements.

Live updates from Apple's Spring Loaded 2021 launch event ...

Live updates from Apple's Spring Loaded 2021 launch event

Watch Apple's 'Spring Loaded' event here, live

Apple will today be hosting a hardware event in which we expect the tech giant to take the wraps off new 11in and 12.9in iPad Pro models.

Apple's Spring Loaded Event Today: How to Watch Live, What ...

Apple event 2021 will begin at 10am PDT (10:30pm IST) today. It will be livestreamed from the company’s campus in Cupertino, California, US. Today’s Apple event is expected to bring a new iPad, iPad Pro, iMac, AirTags, and some other announcements.

Apple Again Rumored to Announce New Podcast Subscription ...

We're just hours away from Apple's first event of the year, and alongside widely reported updates to the iPad Pro and possibly the reveal of...

Apple event today: Start time, how to watch and what to ...

(CNN Business)If the "Spring loaded" tagline of Apple's upcoming press event is any indication, the company is about to drop a ton of new products. Apple (AAPL) is hosting its first event of 2021 ...

Apple event live updates: iPad Pro, purple iPhone 12 ...

On Tuesday, Apple hosts its first product event of the year, where it is widely expected to unveil new versions of the iPad.

Live updates from Apple Special Event 'Spring Loaded ...

Tim Cook and his team enjoyed an outdoorsy spring launch of an updated iPad Pro, iMac, Apple TV – and the much-anticipated launch of the AirTag.

Watch Apple's Spring Loaded event light right here ...

Today, Apple is holding a (virtual) keynote at 10 AM PT (1 PM in New York, 6 PM in London, 7 PM in Paris). And you’ll be able to watch the event right here as the company is streaming it live. Rumor has it that Apple plans to unveil a brand new iPad Pro. In […]

Spring Loaded Apple Event: 3 Key Things Apple Stock ...

Apple stock could get a boost from the Spring Loaded Apple Event later today. Here's what investors should be watching ahead of time.

Apple Spring Loaded Event Introduces iMac in Colors, iPad ...

Many thought the passing of Steve Jobs would somewhat halt Apple's ingenuity, but happily, it has not. As a matter of fact, we are not sure where Apple would be…

Factbox: Top Six Takeaways From Apple's Spring Event | Top ...

Apple CEO Tim Cook stands with the all-new iMac lineup, in this still image from the keynote video of a special event at Apple Park in Cupertino, California, U.S. released April 20, 2021.

Apple Spring Loaded event launches: M1 iMac, AirTag, iPad ...

The Apple Spring Loaded event revealed some new products such as the new M1 iMac, iPad Pro, AirTag, Apple TV 4K, and new colour for iPhone 12.

Everything Announced At Apple's Spring Loaded Event ...

The leaks, rumors, and teasers have finally come to fruition courtesy of Apple's Spring Loaded event. This could have very well been the last pre-recorded

Apple Unveils Colorful iMacs, New iPad Pro, AirTag ...

From a new IPad Pro and redesigned, colorful iMacs to a purple iPhone, the long-awaited AirTag location tracker, and an updated Apple TV and remote, here's a closer look at everything Apple announced on Tuesday.

Factbox: Top 6 takeaways from Apple's spring event

Apple Inc on Tuesday announced AirTags, its long-rumored device tracker, a new line of iMac computers and iPad tablets with its own processors and a

Here's how to watch Apple's 'Spring Loaded' event

Unlike most Apple hardware keynotes, recent leaks haven't given us the full picture of what the company will unveil today. That said, a recent Bloomberg article suggests that the company might reveal its new 2021 iPad Pro and that it's working on a new Apple TV with a built-in speaker.. Other rumours include new iMac models with minimized bezels and a desktop version of its ARM-based M1 ...

What to expect from Apple's Spring Loaded event - Ice ...

After skipping last year's spring event, due to cresting COVID-19 numbers in the U.S., the company has grown much more comfortable dropping semi-regular livestreamed events. As ever, we'll be covering the event as it unfolds, starting at 10AM PT/1PM ET. ... Published: April 20, 2021 AirTags, Apple, apple spring hardware event 2021, Events ...

Apple Spring Event 2021 | discchord

Apple Spring Event 2021. Tuesday, April 20, 2021 by Tim Webb. I stopped paying attention to Apple rumors so that the announcement events would come as a surprise. The rumor sites have just gotten so good, that watching the live event was becoming a disappointment. This plan worked! I'm genuinely stunned to learn that Apple is bringing their new ...

New wallpapers inspired by the 'Spring Loaded' Apple event ...

Apple unveiled brand new hardware and we have their 'Spring Loaded' wallpaper images ready for your current devices.



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