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米国時間4月28日に発表された機能は、Uberが「go get」戦略と呼ぶものの一環だ。新型コロナウイルスパンデミックで14カ月にわたり閉鎖された事業を「ノーマル」に戻すことも意図している。ワクチン予約や、レンタカーを必要な場所にまで持っていくバレットサービス、最大1時間まで待機する空港での乗車の予約、乗車ルートの途中で食品をピックアップするオプションなど、数多くの機能は同社の基幹サービスであるデリバリーと配車に集中している。

2020年初め、同社は空飛ぶタクシーや自動運転車、デリバリー、ライドシェアリング、貨物予約プラットフォーム、電動自転車とスクーターのシェアリングなど広範にわたって事業を手がけ、異なる会社のようだった。2020年、Uberはマイクロモビリティシェアリングの部門Jumpを切り離し、自動飛行エアタクシー事業Uber Elevateを売却した。そしてUber ATG自動運転部門と、ロジスティック部門Uber Freightの一部株式も売った(Uberはこれら事業の株式保有は維持している)。

・Uberが空飛ぶタクシー事業ElevateをJoby Aviationに売却、最後の夢の事業から撤退
・Uberが自動運転部門Uber ATGを売却、購入したAuroraの企業価値は1兆円超え

しかし配車事業についてはそうはしなかった。同期間、UberはPostmatesとDrizlyを買収し、ライドシェアとデリバリーが収益化に向け最善の道だとしてこの2つの分野に賭けた。同社のGo Getの取り組みはそうした戦略の延長だ。競合他社もそうだったが、新型コロナでライドシェアは減った一方で、デリバリー事業は爆発的に成長した。

・Uberがアルコール宅配サービスのDrizlyを約1150億円で買収へ、Uber Eatsの収益性アップを狙う


「2020年Uberは2つのことにかなりフォーカスして取り組むプラットフォームに進化しました」と同社のCPOであるSundeep Jain(サンディープ・ジャイン)氏は最近のインタビューで述べた。「この2つは、ユーザーが「行く」のと「手に入れる」のをサポートしています。当社はこのプラットフォームを、ユーザーがどこにでも移動し、何でも入手できるものへと真に進化させました」。


新たな機能には、Uber Rent with Valetというものがある、これは、米国のユーザーがUberのアプリ内で直接クルマをレンタルできるようにするものだ。レンタカーはユーザーの自宅、あるいは空港などに届けられる。Uber Reserve機能は全米で展開されて、ここにはフライト追跡と最大60分の待ち時間、カーブサイドピックアップが含まれる。

「手に入れる」の面では、同社はPick Up and Goを立ち上げた。ライドシェアのユーザーがピックアップ用の商品を注文をし、最終目的地に向かうまでの間に注文したものを受け取るために立ち寄りを加えることができるというものだ。同社はまた、販売店舗が閉まっているときでも注文できるオプションを含む新しい「スケジュール」ボタンの提供も開始した。配達料金の割増なしで精算時に2つめの販売業者からのアイテムを追加できる機能も加わる。

Uberはまた、ユーザーが利用できるオファー、ディール、割引を表示するお買い得ハブ、アプリ内ノーティフィケーション経由で配達のリマインダーを送る新機能、Eats Passメンバーシップの延長も加えた。



結論:Uberプラットフォームでの総売上という点で3月は過去最高となった。しかし、TechCrunchのAlex Wilhelm氏が最近指摘したように、Uberの配達事業は規模を拡大したが、それでもメインのライドシェア事業より収益性は良くない。総プラットフォーム支出額は過去最高を達成したが、以前よりも儲けの少ない売上高で構成されている。

Go Getプログラムは、配車事業を立て直す新たな方法を模索し、一方で追加のコストをかけずにデリバリー事業を拡大するのが目的のようだ。配車事業は以前、調整後EBITDAで黒字となるなどすばらしい業績をあげていた。




Uber is launching more than a half-dozen new features, including one that will let users book vaccine appointments at Walgreens and reserve a ride to get their jab, as the company homes in on a business model that will finally deliver profitability.

The features, announced Wednesday, fall under what Uber is describing as its “go get” strategy. It’s also meant to mark a return to more “normal” business operations following 14 months of shutdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The numerous features that include vaccine booking, a valet service that will drop off a rental car, reserved rides at airports that offer up to an hour of wait time and options to pick up food during a ride-hailed route are all centered around Uber’s core services of delivery and ride hailing.

In early 2020, Uber looked like a different business, with a web of pursuits that covered air taxis and self-driving cars, delivery, ridesharing, a freight booking platform and shared e-bike and scooter rentals. In the past year, Uber has dumped shared micromobility unit Jump, offloaded its autonomous air taxi business Uber Elevate and sold off its Uber ATG self-driving unit and a stake in its logistics arm, Uber Freight. (Uber has maintained equity in all of these businesses).

This wasn’t just about ridding itself of businesses. During this same period, Uber also doubled down on rideshare and delivery — acquiring Postmates and Drizly in the process — in a bet that these two areas would be the best path to profitability. Uber’s Go Get initiative is a continuation of that strategy. Meanwhile, COVID-19 decimated its rideshare — along with competitors’ — business as delivery exploded.

Image Credits: Uber

“Over the last year, the company has evolved into a platform where we’re doing two things with incredible focus and incredible intensity,” Uber CPO Sundeep Jain said in a recent interview. “And those are helping users ‘go’ and helping users ‘get.’ We really have evolved this platform where you can go anywhere, get anything.”

For Uber, this means building products that let people “go” somewhere using a variety of different modes, from cars and scooters to buses and other forms of public transit, or “get” anything, such as prepared food from restaurants and more recently expanding into groceries, prescriptions and alcohol. This “go” and “get” directive is influencing the company’s product development and even acquisition strategy. With Uber’s acquisition of Postmates, the company even delivers iPhones, Jain noted as one example.

Among the new features is Uber Rent with Valet, which lets users in the U.S. rent a car directly in the Uber app. The vehicle is then delivered to the user, whether it’s at their home or airport. The company’s Uber Reserve feature is now being rolled out across the U.S. as well, and includes flight tracking, 60 minutes of wait time and curbside pickup.

On the “get” front of this strategy, Uber has launched “Pick Up and Go,” which lets a rideshare user place an order for pickup and add a stop to pick up the order while en route to their final destination. Uber also rolled out a new “schedule” button that includes an option to order from merchants, even when they’re closed. There’s also new capability to add on items from a second merchant at check out for no additional delivery fee.

Uber has also added a savings hub that will highlight every eligible offer, deal and discount available to users, a new feature that gives delivery reminders via in-app notifications and an extension of its Eats Pass membership.

The company expanded other existing programs, such as the ability you obtain a car with a driver for multiple hours instead of just a single trip. “That’s less prevalent in the U.S. but very popular in Asia, in Latin America,” Jain said.

All of this, is of course, is aimed at the holy “profitability” grail. And it appears to be closer than it was a year ago. Earlier this month, Uber released an SEC filing that maintained it still expects quarterly Adjusted EBITDA profitability in 2021. Uber also reported its gross bookings in March reached the highest monthly level in the company’s nearly 12-year history. The company’s mobility business posted its best month since March 2020, crossing a $30 billion annualized Gross Bookings run-rate, with average daily Gross Bookings up 9% month-over-month. The company’s delivery business set another all-time record, crossing a $52 billion annualized Gross Bookings run-rate in March, growing more than 150% year-over-year, the filing said. 

The upshot: March was Uber’s best in its history in terms of gross sales on its platform. However, as TechCrunch’s Alex Wilhelm noted recently, while Uber’s delivery business has scaled, it is still less profitable than its main rideshare business. The company has reached a new total platform spend record, but it’s made up of less profitable revenue than before.

This Go Get program appears to be aimed at finding new ways to build out its ride-hailing business — which in previous quarters generated the superior result, generating positive adjusted EBITDA — while expanding delivery without adding costs. It also reflects a change in consumer behavior prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We’ve seen users gravitate towards advanced reservation products, which wasn’t as popular a use case before; before it was mostly on demand,” Jain said. “And so we meaningfully invested to improve the user experience with upfront driver assignment, higher levels of reliability and assurances, so that is why we’re making a larger announcement around reservations that has really become a more popular use case.”

(文:Kirsten Korosec、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

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Uber Technologies, Inc., commonly known as Uber, is an American technology company. Its services include ride-hailing, food delivery (Uber Eats), package delivery, couriers, freight transportation, and...

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About Uber: Stay home if you can. And with drivers, delivery people, and restaurants, we'll help move what There are millions of people who choose the flexibility of driving and delivering with Uber.

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Последние твиты от Uber (@Uber). We wear masks to help protect our neighbors, our families, and our communities. Please wear a face cover or mask.

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Uber. We wear masks to help protect our neighbors, our families, and our communities. Please wear a face cover or mask. z.uber.com/donate.

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