

関連ワード (Basecamp等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


プロジェクト管理アプリのパイオニアであるBasecampではファウンダー、CEOのJason Fied(ジェイソン・フリード)氏による社員の政治的議論の禁止が大きな議論を巻き起こした。これをきっかけにBasecampの60名の社員の3分の1が持ち株の会社買取を受け入れて退社したという。退社の原因としてこの禁止令を上げるツイートが多数あった。




After 7 years, today is my last day at Basecamp. I plan on taking a little time off, but if anyone is looking for an iOS engineer, I would love to chat, my DMs are open.

— Zach Waugh (@zachwaugh) April 30, 2021

I resigned today from my role as Head of Marketing at Basecamp due to recent changes and new policies.

I'll be returning to entrepreneurship. My DMs are open if you'd like to talk or you can reach me at andy@detroitindie.com

— Andy Didorosi (@ThatDetroitAndy) April 30, 2021

As a result of the recent changes at Basecamp, today is my last day at the company. I joined over 15 years ago as a junior programmer and I’ve been involved with nearly every product launch there since 2006.

— Sam Stephenson (@sstephenson) April 30, 2021


Basecampでの政治活動禁止規則は、CoinbaseのCEOであるBrian Armsgrong(ブライアン・アームストロング)氏が2020年末に掲げた方針とほぼ同様だアームストロング氏は「特定の政治的主張や候補者の推薦」についての議論は、同社の本質的業務の遂行に悪影響があるとして禁止した。Coinbaseでは1200人の社員のうち60人前後がこの方針の変更を受けて退職した。Basecampにおける退職者の率はCoinbaseの場合よりはるかに高く、深刻なものだ。


白人以外、また人種を問わずLGBTQである社員にとって何が「政治的」かという線引きは困難なものとなる。例えばBlack Lives Matter(ブラック・ライブズ・マター)運動は、ある基準では政治的話題とみなされるかもしれないが、当事者である多くの社員にとっては極めて個人的かつ重要な問題だ。白人男性のエンジニアのトップが政治的議論禁止令に強く反対したのは偶然ではなく、職場に分断を持ち込むと考えたからだ。

Basecampの共同ファウンダーでCTOのDavid Heinemeier Hansson(デビッド・ハイネマイヤー・ハンソン)氏は、自らのブログ記事でフリード氏の禁止令を敷衍し「フォーラムやトピックでテーマの選択が適切かどうか疑問がある場合は公開する前に(我々に)質問してください」と述べている。



画像クレジット:Steve Bronstein / Getty Images


Following a controversial ban on political discussions earlier this week, Basecamp employees are heading for the exits. The company employs around 60 people, and roughly a third of the company appears to have accepted buyouts to leave, many citing new company policies.

On Monday, Basecamp CEO Jason Fried anounced in a blog post that employees would no longer be allowed to openly share their “societal and political discussions” at work.

“Every discussion remotely related to politics, advocacy or society at large quickly spins away from pleasant,” Fried wrote. “You shouldn’t have to wonder if staying out of it means you’re complicit, or wading into it means you’re a target.”

Basecamp’s departures are significant. According to Twitter posts, Basecamp’s head of design, head of marketing and head of customer support will all depart. The company’s iOS team also appears to have quit en masse and many departing employees have been with the company for years.

The no-politics rule at Basecamp follows a similar stance that Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong staked out late last year. Armstrong also denounced debates around “causes or political candidates” arguing that such discussions distracted from the company’s core work. About 60 members of Coinbase’s 1,200 person staff took buyouts in light of the internal policy change — a ratio that makes the exodus at Basecamp look even more dramatic.

Like Coinbase, Basecamp was immediately criticized for muzzling its employees over important issues, many of which disproportionately impact marginalized employees.

Drawing the line on “political” topics becomes murky very quickly for any non-white or LGBTQ employees, for whom many issues that might be seen as political in nature in some circles — the Black Lives Matter movement, for instance — are inextricably and deeply personal. It’s not a coincidence these grand stands against divisive “politics” at work issue down from white male tech executives.

“If you’re in doubt as to whether your choice of forum or topic for a discussion is appropriate, please ask before posting,” Basecamp CTO David Heinemeier Hansson wrote in his own blog post, echoing Fried.

According to Platformer, Fried’s missive didn’t tell the whole story. Basecamp employees instead said the tension arose from internal conversations about the company itself and its commitment to DEI work, not free-floating arguments about political candidates. Fried’s blog post does mention one particular source of tension in a roundabout way, referencing an employee-led DEI initiative that would be disbanded.

“We make project management, team communication, and email software,” Fried wrote. “We are not a social impact company.”


(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:滑川海彦@Facebook)

A third of Basecamp's workers resign after a ban on ...

At least 20 employees have posted publicly that they intend to resign or have already resigned.

Basecamp sees mass employee exodus after CEO bans ...

Following a controversial ban on political discussions earlier this week, Basecamp employees are heading for the exits. The company employs around 60 people, and roughly a third of the company appears to have accepted buyouts to leave, many citing new company policies. On Monday, Basecamp CEO Jason Fried anounced in a blog post that employees […]

Basecamp implodes as employees flee company, including ...

On Friday it appeared that a significant number of Basecamp employees would be taking a severance package offered, after a controversial memo by the company’s CEO outlined new policies against "societal and political discussions" at work.

Chicago Inno - Basecamp employees are resigning amid ...

At least 19 Basecamp employees publicly announced their departure from the company after a week of turmoil for the Chicago tech firm since announcing a ban on discussing politics and social issues ...

Is Less More Than More At Work? Basecamp Is Betting On The ...

In taking things off the table, Basecamp approached employee engagement in a novel way. But have the changes gone too far? And what ripple effects will these changes have on employee engagement?

Basecamp employees bail out after CEO bans political talk

Among those departing in the wake of the Chicago software maker's controversial new policy are the heads of design, marketing and customer support.

Basecamp Joins Coinbase in Banning Social or Political ...

Basecamp's directive to ban political debate internally drew loads of criticism from both inside and outside the company. Some tech leaders, like Facebook cofounder and current Asana CEO Dustin Moskovitz, said instead of pushing uncomfortable issues to the sidelines, companies should "actively create spaces for these conversations."

Basecamp sees mass employee exodus after CEO bans ...

Basecamp's departures are significant. According to Twitter posts, Basecamp's head of design, head of marketing and head of customer support will all depart. The company's iOS team also appears to have quit en masse and many departing employees have been with the company for years. After 7 years, today is my last day at Basecamp.

Basecamp employees quit en masse after company bans ...

Employees of Basecamp, a popular software company, quit en masse on Friday after a ban on "societal and political" discussions. The exodus came after a heated debate at the company about their inclusive policies. The original disagreement arose over a list of Basecamp customers with "funny names." Some employees complained that the names were either…

Basecamp employees quit en masse after company bans ...

Employees of Basecamp, a popular software company, quit en masse on Friday after a ban on "societal and political" discussions. The exodus came after a heated debate at the company about their inclusive policies. The original disagreement arose over a list of Basecamp customers with "funny names." Some employees complained that the names were either

Basecamp (company) - Wikipedia

Basecamp (formerly 37signals) is an American web software company based in Chicago, Illinois.The firm was co‑founded in 1999 by Jason Fried, Carlos Segura, and Ernest Kim as a web design company.. Since mid‑2004, the company's focus has shifted from web design to web application development.

Basecamp employees quit en masse after company bans ...

Employees of Basecamp, a popular software company, quit en masse on Friday after a ban on "societal and political" discussions. The exodus came after a heated debate at the company about their inclusive policies. The original disagreement arose over a list of Basecamp customers with "funny names."

Basecamp Political Ban Prompts Wave of Employees to Quit ...

Basecamp is a small developer of productivity software, but its move this week drew a great deal of attention. It sparked outrage among workers in the technology industry and beyond, who argued ...

Basecamp sees mass employee exodus after CEO bans ...

Following a controversial ban on political discussions earlier this week, Basecamp employees are heading for the exits. The company employs around 60 people, and roughly a third of the company appears to have accepted buyouts to leave, many citing new company policies. On Monday, Basecamp CEO Jason Fried anounced in a blog post that employees […]

A 3rd of Basecamp's staff resign after a ban on speaking ...

A 3rd of Basecamp’s staff resign after a ban on speaking politics.. Read this latest news here.

A third of Basecamp's workers resign after a ban on ...

About a third of Basecamp's employees have said they are resigning after the company, which makes productivity software, announced new policies banning workplace conversations about politics. Jason Fried, Basecamp's chief executive, detailed the policies in a blog post on Monday, calling "societal and political discussions" on company messaging tools "a major distraction." He wrote ...

A third of Basecamp's workers resign after a ban on ...

About a third of Basecamp's workers have mentioned they're resigning after the corporate, which makes productiveness software program, introduced A third of Basecamp's workers resign after a ban on talking politics. - buzz-feeder.com

Basecamp sees mass employee exodus after CEO bans ...

Basecamp's departures are significant. According to Twitter posts, Basecamp's head of design, head of marketing and head of customer support will all depart. The company's iOS team also appears to have quit en masse and many departing employees have been with the company for years.

Basecamp banned political discussions in the office. Ben ...

"Basecamp's move echoes a ban on talking politics at Coinbase, which was enacted in September by its chief executive, Brian Armstrong, prompting dozens of employees to leave the company," wrote the Times's Sarah Kessler. Coinbase and Basecamp likely won't be the last businesses to attempt a post-political realignment.

Basecamp banned political discussions in the office. Ben ...

Jerry Greenfield, cofounder of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings, Inc., shows Ben & Jerry's new flavour 'Imagine Whirled Peace' during a promotional event in New York May 27, 2008 Reuters/Brendan McDermid Paul Constant is a writer at Civic Ventures and cohost of the 'Pitchfork Economics' podcast with Nick Hanauer and David Goldstein. In the latest

34% of Basecamp employees are resigning - Protocol — The ...

Earlier this week, Basecamp said political and social discussions are "a major distraction" that hasn't served the company well.

Yahoo-Mat-Su! "The Valley" is your basecamp for adventure ...

Hiking on the Matanuska Glacier. This summer, the Mat-Su Valley is the place to make base camp for Southcentral Alaska adventures, and best of all, you can save some money doing it thanks to Alaskans-only specials offered by members of the Mat-Su Convention & Visitors Bureau.. Take a day and head to Talkeetna and take in the views of Denali. Go flightseeing, rafting or take a jet boat trip.


2021-05-02 13:37

プロジェクト管理の老舗Basecampは「社員の政治的意見表明禁止」で社員3分の1が退社 (2021-05-01 10:30 AM)chCrunchJP


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