

関連ワード (Blair、Tiger Global、所得分配契約、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



このモデルはさまざまな専門学校や短期集中講座で人気だが、大規模に実施するのは難しい。リスクの高い層の人々の費用の面倒をみる必要があり、それにはお金がかかるからだ。先週、ISA分野大手のLambda Schoold(ラムダ・スクール)が大規模なリストラで従業員65名を解雇した。

それで、2019年にY Combinator(ワイ・コンビネーター)を卒業したBlair(ブレア)のようなスタートアップが役に立つ。このスタートアップは大学が収益分配契約を学生に提供し、そのための資金を支援する。同社にはサービスが2つあり、資金部門であるBlair Capital(ブレア・キャピタル)は1億ドル(約109億円)の債務ファシリティを確保した。また資金のフロー管理を手助けするサービス部門であるBlair Servicing(ブレア・サービシング)も最近規模拡大のための資金を獲得した。

同社はTechCrunchに、Tiger Global(タイガー・グローバル)がリードしたラウンドで630万ドル(約6億9000万円)獲得したことを話した。他に、Rainfall(レインフォール)、468 Capital(468キャピタル)らの投資家や、Teachable(ティーチャブル)のAnkur Nagpal(アンカー・ナグパル)氏、Vouch(ヴァウチ)のSam Hodges(サム・ホッジス)氏などのエンジェル投資家が参加した。このラウンド以前にも110万ドル(約1億2000万円)のプレシードラウンドを実施しており、Blairのこれまでの総獲得金額は740万ドル(約8億1000万円)になった。

獲得したベンチャー資金の大部分は、サンフランシスコのBlairチームを倍増あるいは3倍増するために使用されるとCEOのMike Mahlkow(マイク・マールコー)氏はいう。特に技術部門と製品部門に投資する他、財務、コンプライアンス、およびサービス部門に少数のベテランを雇用する。



Blairは、授業料を払うために借金する学生を保証する仕組みとしてスタートした。金額は収益分配契約を通じていずれ返却される。Affirm for Education(アファーム・フォー・エデュケーション)も、前払費用を少額またはゼロにすることで学生を支援している。



Blair Servicingは、学生が卒業するとISAから一定の割合で手数料を受け取り、Blair Capitalは基本料金に加えてISAの一部を受け取る。

同社は正確な数字を明らかにしなかったが、顧客は2021年2月以来倍増し、売上は3倍に増えたという。もちろんそれは、常に貪欲なTiger Globalの声明に書かれていたことだ。そしてマールコー氏は彼の最新の出資者とは異なり、持続的で控えめな成長を計画している。長期的には、結果に基づく融資が先進的な教育スタートアップだけでなく、さまざまな業界の雇用や斡旋でもはずみが付くことを期待している。現在同社は、従業員のスキルアップや再教育に力を入れているスポーツ団体や大企業と交渉をしている。インセンティブはEdTech(教育テクノロジー)の鍵であり、この分野への注目が高まる中、Blairがアーリーステージのスタートアップとしてこれに注力していることは重要だ。

関連記事:Tiger Globalが同社最大のベンチャーファンドを約7351億円でクローズ

画像クレジット:Alex Eben Meyer


Income-share agreements, or ISAs , are a way to bring flexibility to the often steep financial costs of higher education. The financial model allows a student to learn at zero upfront cost, and then pay any costs through a percentage of future income over time.

While the model has caught fire from a variety of trade schools and bootcamps, it’s a hard service to offer at scale. It required underwriting a risky group of people — and that costs money. Just last week, a leader in the ISA space Lambda School laid off 65 employees amid a broader restructuring.

It’s here that a startup like Blair, which graduated Y Combinator in 2019, could be of use. The startup today helps universities finance and offer income-share agreements, or ISAs, to students. The startup has two services: a capital arm (Blair Capital) for which it secured a $100 million debt facility, and a services arm (Blair Servicing) that helps manage the flow of money, which just got a new tranche of capital to expand

The company told TechCrunch that it has raised a $6.3 million round led by Tiger Global. Other investors include Rainfall and 468 Capital, along with angels such as Teachable’s Ankur Nagpal and Vouch’s Sam Hodges. The raise came on top of a $1.1 million pre-seed round, bringing Blair’s total capital raised to date at $7.4 million.

A big portion of the venture capital money will go toward doubling or tripling Blair’s San Francisco team, said CEO Mike Mahlkow. It is especially investing in engineering and product, as well as a few senior hires in finance, compliance and the service side.

The Blair founding team. Image Credits: Blair

Notably, Blair’s eight person team is fully male. The lack of gender diversity, even as an early-stage startup with a handful of employees, could hurt its competitive advantage, recruiting prospects, and performance over time. About 25 percent of the employees are LGBT and 37.5% identify as non-white.

Blair started as a tool to underwrite students with loans that would pay for college, a sum that would eventually be repaid through an income-share agreement. It was similar to an Affirm for Education, where it could help students get access with low or nonexistent upfront costs.

“The model worked very well until March last year,” Mahlkow said. “And then the debt market was fairly dead, so we needed to shift our focus to a more software-like approach.” Now, Blair focuses on building ISA-based programs for schools, and underwrites loans based on certain programs at certain schools that have historical returns.

Most companies use its servicing piece — aka an operating system for offering ISAs — but a number of companies turn to Blair to help finance the costs of offering an ISA. Either colleges and bootcamps finance the ISA themselves and put it on the balance sheet, or they sell it to a company like Blair to get the money upfront and get repaid eventually.

Blair Servicing takes a percent of money from an ISA once a student is employed post-graduation, and Blair Capital takes a base fee plus a portion for the ISA as well.

While the company did not share exact numbers, it did say it has doubled its customers since February, tripling revenue during the same time period. Of course, a bet from the ever-ravenous Tiger Global is a statement. And, unlike his new investor, Mahlkow plans to keep growth sustainable and lean. Long-term, Blair is betting that outcome-based financing could get traction in more than just a savvy startup bootcamp but in how recruiting and placement works in various industries. The startup is in talks with a sports association and large companies that are working on upskilling and reskilling their workforces. Incentives are key in edtech, and Blair speaking that language as an early-stage startup is key as the sector moves more into the spotlight.

(文:Natasha Mascarenhas、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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仏ソジェン、投資銀行部門の収益拡大で資金調達やM&Aを拡充へ(ロイター) - goo ニュース


将来の収入で授業料を払う「所得分配契約」オペレーティングシステムBlairがシード資金調達 | TechCrunch ...



仏ソジェン、投資銀行部門の収益拡大で資金調達やM&Aを拡充へ 2021/05/10 16:40. 最高齢22歳のラッコ死ぬ 人間で100歳相当 神戸の水族館 ...

仏ソジェン、投資銀行部門の収益拡大で資金調達やM&Aを拡充へ 執筆: Reuters

免責条項: Fusion Media would like to remind you that the data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate. All CFDs (stocks, indexes, futures) and Forex prices are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers, and so prices may not be accurate and may differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes.

funding - Wiktionary

present participle of fund··The action of the verb fund. 2021 May 5, Paul Clifton, "Network News: Heathrow Western Rail Access scheme 'on hold'", in RAIL, number 930, page 26: However the collapse in demand for rail and air travel caused by the pandemic has had a knock-on effect for the project's funding. Money provided as funds. The council is ...

二次元文化が中国で急成長、『鬼滅』『原神』などアニメ・ゲームのip事業を展開するベンチャー企業が数億円を調達 ...



ユーグレナ、キューサイ買収でヘルスケア分野強化へ―資金調達は順調. 2021-05-10 12:06:00.0

東南アのドローン大手エアロダイン、国内3社から資金調達: 日本経済新聞


パン業界のdxを推進する「パンフォーユー」、総額約8,000万円の資金調達を実施し、シリーズaラウンド第2回終了 ...

パン業界のdxを推進する「パンフォーユー」、総額約8,000万円の資金調達を実施し、シリーズaラウンド第2回終了. 2021年05月10日 13時04分 公開|グルメプレス編集部 プレスリリース. 株式会社パンフォーユーのプレスリリース

適性検査クラウド「ミキワメ」のリーディングマーク、約5.5億円の資金調達を実施 10分間アンケートの性格可視化技術で ...

本資金調達の引受先は、フェムトパートナーズ株式会社及び新生企業投資株式会社が個々に運営又は関与する各ファンド並びに、株式会社dgベンチャーズとなる。本資金調達ラウンドの累計調達額は約5.5億円となり(一部既存株主からの株式引受を含む)本 ...

米NFTプラットフォームのビツキ、シリーズAでa16zらから21億円の資金調達 | あたらしい経済

米NFTプラットフォームのビツキ、シリーズAでa16zらから21億円の資金調達 米国サンフランシスコのスタートアップでNFTプラットフォームを提供するビツキ(Bitski)が、a16z(アンドリーセン・ホロウィッツ)が主導するシリーズAの資金調達にて1900万ドル(約21億円)の資金調達を行った。 ラッパーのJay

【上場期待】オメガイノベーションがipo目指しユニコーンで資金調達!評判と評価を考察 | Ipo初値予想ブログなら ...

オメガイノベーションがユニコーンで株式投資型クラウドファンディング(投資型cf)を利用して資金調達を行います。そのため評判や評価を今回もまとめたいと思います。どんなサービスを行うのか?目標募集額や事業計画などをチェックし …

ザ・ハーモニーが2億円の資金調達を実施、2021年8月に新施設をオープン、採用強化 - 天神経済新聞


GoogleからスピンオフしたAIチップ会社"Groq"登場 - 吉川明日論の半導体放談(184) | TECH+


パン業界のdxを推進する「パンフォーユー」、総額約8,000万円の資金調達を実施し、シリーズaラウンド第2回終了 ...

~シリーズAラウンド全体で約2.6億円を調達し、パン屋さんのネットワークを強化~  地域のパン屋さんが抱えるあらゆる課題を独自の冷凍技術とITで解決し、パン業界のDXを推進する株式会社パンフォーユー(本社:群馬県桐生市、代表取締役:矢野 健

値札のないスーパーマーケットで、フードロスと食の貧困を同時に解決するため、常設店舗の運営資金を調達したい ...


ケーキ専門通販サイト「Cake.jp」ニッセイ・キャピタル、丸井グループ、博報堂DYベンチャーズ、三菱UFJ ...

国内最大のケーキ専門通販サイト「Cake.jp(ケーキジェーピー) https://cake.jp」を運営する株式会社Cake.jp(本社 : 東京都新宿区、代表取締役 : 高橋 優貴)は、ニッセイ・キャピタル株式会社、株式会社丸井グループ

Sequoia, Tiger Global Boost Crypto Bet With Chinese Lender ...

Babel Finance, a Chinese startup offering financial services to cryptocurrency clients, raised $40 million from investors including Sequoia Capital China and Tiger Global, the latest in a spate of ...

Crypto asset manager Babel raises $40M from Tiger Global ...

Three years after its inception, crypto financial service provider Babel Finance is racking up fundings and partnerships from major institutional investors. The startup said Monday that it has closed a $40 million Series A round, with lead investors including Zoo Capital, Sequoia Capital China, Dragonfly Capital, Bertelsmann and its Asian fund BAI Capital, and Tiger […]

Tiger Global makes its first India cryptocurrency firm ...

CoinSwitch Kuber, an Indian cryptocurrency investment platform, has raised $25 million (Rs 181 crore) in a Series B round of funding from Tiger Global Management, at a valuation of over $500 million. This marks the New York-based Tiger Global's first investment in an Indian cryptocurrency company. This also makes CoinSwitch the highest-funded cryptocurrency […]

How Bambee's Allan Jones Bridged The Gap To Series B As A ...

April Monthly Recap: 39 New Unicorns Are Born And Tiger Global Leads In Another Blockbuster Month For VC Investment. May 6, 2021. 5 Min Read. How Bambee's Allan Jones Bridged The Gap To Series B As A Black Founder. May 10, 2021. 6 Min Read. 28.3K Followers Follow us on Facebook 0 Followers.

Crypto asset manager Babel raises $40M from Tiger Global ...

Bitcoin $ 57,236.46 57,236.46. BTC-0.30 %. Ethereum $ 4,070.14 ETH 4.89 %

Chili Piper and Calendly Funding Rounds - GZ Consulting

Meeting Automation vendor Chili Piper closed on its $33 million “Series Spicy” led by Tiger Global with participation from existing investors Base10 Partners and Gradient Ventures, Google’s AI-focused venture capital fund.  The Series B raised total funding to $54.4 million, most of which was raised over the last nine months. The additional funds will be…

Babel raises US$40M from Tiger Global and others | FI SENSE

10. may 2021. about bold news layouts contact. fi sense

Babel finance, an Asian encryption financial service ...

According to the news on the interface, Babel finance, an encryption financial service provider, announced today that it has completed the US $40 million round a financing, with zoo capital, Sequoia Capital China, dragonfly capital, Bai capital and Bertelsmann and tiger global management leading the investment, Existing investors are also involved in the follow-up financing.

Global Microcomputer Controlled Rice Cooker Market Size ...

The Microcomputer Controlled Rice Cooker Japan Market – Global industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2021–2028 report provides

HK-based crypto lender Babel Finance raises $40m from ...

The round saw participation from BAI Capital, and Tiger Global and is a sign of growing investor interest in Asia's cryptocurrency players.

Worldwide Tiger Nuts Milk Industry to 2030 - Featuring

Dublin, May 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Tiger Nuts Milk Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2020-2030"...

Rory McIlroy's New Baby Steals The Show At His First Win ...

Rory McIlroy's wife and daughter joined him for his first win since becoming a dad after he won the Wells Fargo Championship at Quail Hollow

BioNTech committed to deliver 1.8 billion doses of COVID ...

News World Express. Latest News on Sports, Business, Entertainment, Blog and more

"We're In A New World" - Commodities Crash-Up At Record ...

"We're In A New World" - Commodities Crash-Up At Record Pace As Iron Ore, Copper Explode Higher Overnight "Transitory" or not, Goldman's global head of commodities research, Jeffrey Currie, told Bloomberg this week that "we're in a new world," and nowhere is that more evident than in the record-setting increase…

Dr. Indranil Ghosh, author of Powering Prosperity, wins ...

NEW YORK, May 7, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Dr. Indranil Ghosh—CEO of sustainable investing firm Tiger Hill Capital and strategic advisor to global leaders—wins a gold medal in the prestigious ...

Big B to join Pope Francis, Joe Biden and others in global ...

Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan joins a host of international personalities including Pope Francis and US President Joe Biden in a globally telev

Top 10 venture capital tech firms in India

Image source - https://bit.ly/33TCFar This article is written by Riya Dubey who is pursuing a Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - Wikipedia

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் Also known as Tamil Tigers Leader Velupillai Prabhakaran † Dates of operation 5 May 1976 (1976-05-05) - 18 May 2009 (2009-05-18) Motives Creation of an independent state of Tamil Eelam in the north and east of Sri Lanka. Ideology Tamil nationalism Separatism Revolutionary socialism ...

Jeff Lowe Has Letter Hinting at Location of Carole Baskin ...

'Tiger King' star Jeff Lowe says he received a creepy, anonymous letter from someone indicating they know where Carole Baskin's missing ex-husband is ... though it's similar to a theory she's already shot down. Jeff tells TMZ ... the letter was… More

Hong Kong - Wikipedia

Hong Kong became the first of the Four Asian Tiger economies to industrialise during the 1950s. ... Leslie Cheung, and Alan Tam; during the 1980s, exported films and shows exposed Cantopop to a global audience. The genre's popularity peaked in the 1990s, when the Four Heavenly Kings dominated Asian record charts.

将来の収入で授業料を払う「所得分配契約」オペレーティングシステムBlairがシード資金調達 | TechCrunch ...




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