Voyager Space HDが商用宇宙機器大手Nanoracksの過半数株式取得、商業宇宙ステーションに照準

今回は「Voyager Space HDが商用宇宙機器大手Nanoracksの過半数株式取得、商業宇宙ステーションに照準」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Nanoracks、Voyager Space Holdings等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Voyager Space Holdingsは、商業宇宙サービスベンチャーNanoracks(ナノラックス)の親会社であるX.O. Marketsを、同社の拡大する宇宙関連企業のカタログに加えた。この契約は、2020年12月に初めて発表されたものだ。

2019年10月の創業以来、Voyagerが宇宙企業の過半数の株式を取得するのは4度目となるが、これが最後ではない。VoyagerのCEOであるDylan Taylor(ディラン・テイラー)氏は、TechCrunchの取材に対し、2021年だけでさらに2~4件の買収を発表すると予想している、と述べた。これはアグレッシブな戦略だが、Voyagerのビジネスモデルを理解するための鍵となる。






関連記事:Voyager Space Holdingsが打ち上げプロセスの合理化に特化したThe Launch Company買収

Voyagerはこれまでに、宇宙での生活を支えるための研究を行う研究開発企業であるPioneer Astronautics、先進ロボティクススタートアップのAltius Space Machines、そして標準化されたハードウェアや機器を打上げ業者に提供する、打上げ支援企業のThe Launch Companyを買収してきた。





関連記事:Voyager Space Holdingsが商用宇宙機器大手Nanoracksの過半数の株式を取得、宇宙サービスのポートフォリオ構築を進める

画像クレジット: Nanoracks


Voyager Space Holdings has added X.O. Markets, the parent of commercial space service venture Nanoracks, to its growing catalogue of space companies. The agreement was first announced last December.

This is Voyager’s fourth majority stake acquisition of a space company since its founding in October 2019, and it won’t be its last. Voyager CEO Dylan Taylor told TechCrunch that he anticipates the company will announce two to four more acquisitions this year. It’s an aggressive strategy, but key to understanding Voyager’s business model.

“A lot of people confuse us with a fund or private equity strategy, or some kind of a financial instrument, for lack of a better word, and we’re really none of those things,” Taylor said. “We’re an operating company.”

Voyager wants to reach the same level of capability as the space “primes,” or primary companies, in seven to 10 years. To get there, it’s pursued a majority stake in a series of space ventures to build out its portfolio of capabilities. Notably, Voyager has always never opted for 100% equity in these companies, and it operates in a relatively decentralized way. These business decisions help keep innovation flourishing amongst Voyager’s many ventures, Taylor said.

The typical strategy in private equity — to purchase two competing companies, merge them and sell them onto another financial buyer — doesn’t ultimately spur growth of the new space economy, he pointed out.

“[That strategy is] really not how you capture value in space,” he said. “You capture value in space by Capability A, marrying it with Capability B and unlocking a new Capability C that’s higher up on the food chain.”

The company also plans to go public via a traditional initial public offering sometime around the third quarter of this year. It anticipates filing the S-1 at some point this summer, Taylor said. He declined to provide further details of the recent acquisition.

Voyager’s previous major acquisitions have been with Pioneer Astronautics, an R&D company that performs, amongst other things, research into supporting life in space; advanced robotics startup Altius Space Machines; and The Launch Company, a launch support company that provides standardized hardware and equipment to launch providers.

The newest acquisition, Nanoracks, has been involved in more than 1,000 projects with the International Space Station, most importantly installing the first commercial airlock on the ISS. Last November, the company also entered into a partnership with the Abu Dhabi Investment Office to research agricultural solutions in challenging physical environments, like the desert — or space.

Perhaps the most interesting of Nanoracks’ endeavors is what it calls its Outpost program: building and operating completely commercial space stations out of the spent upper stages of launch vehicles and other space debris. Nanoracks will be launching a demonstration mission onboard a SpaceX mission next month.

The four acquisitions taken together — launch support, advanced robotics, a research company and now Nanoracks — clearly point to a future in which Voyager is primed to build and operate commercial space stations. While that future is still far off, it’s closer than one might think.

“The last 10 years of the industry was defined by getting to orbit,” Taylor said. “I think the next 10 years will be about destinations. I think it’s highly likely we’re going to have somewhere between eight-12 space stations in orbit by 2030.”


(文:Aria Alamalhodaei、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)

A Private Company Is About to Send the First Paying Crew ...

It's another big step in the commercialization of space

Voyager 1, now in interstellar space, hears an ominous hum

The vast majority of NASA's most interesting projects are ones that are fresh and new, like the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter. As technology advances, NASA can do more and more interesting and revolutionary things, but sometimes decades-old technology can still provide scientists with novel insights, especially when that technology was blasted into space with the sole purpose of getting as far away from Earth as it can. NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is currently over 14.1 billion miles from Earth. It's moving at a speed of approximately 38,000 miles per hour and not long ago passed through our solar system's boundary with interstellar space. Despite that incredible distance, the spacecraft is still able to relay data back to Earth, and new discoveries are still being made. In a new paper published in Nature Astronomy, researchers studying the spacecraft's data reveal that Voyager 1 can now hear something in interstellar space, and they think they know what it is. Sound doesn't pass through the vacuum of space. Sound travels through the air as waves, and if there is no air to act as a medium for those waves to pass through, sound doesn't travel. Interstellar space is largely a vacuum, but gas can still exist out there, even in areas that appear to be completely empty. In the case of Voyager 1, it's been picking up the faint hum of plasma waves in the interstellar medium. The plasma that Voyager 1 is encountering was produced by our Sun, the researchers say. The solar wind that carries gasses for billions of miles is powerful enough to lead to the expulsion of plasma from our solar system. When the Sun blows its top and a solar storm is produced, the plasma can spike, but even when our star isn't hot and bothered, there's still a steady and even amount of plasma flowing into space. It's an interesting finding, and one that researchers weren't necessarily expecting. "We've never had a chance to evaluate it. Now we know we don't need a fortuitous event related to the sun to measure interstellar plasma," Shami Chatterjee, co-author of the new paper, said in a statement. "Regardless of what the sun is doing, Voyager is sending back detail. The craft is saying, 'Here's the density I'm swimming through right now. And here it is now. And here it is now. And here it is now.' Voyager is quite distant and will be doing this continuously." If you're interested in keeping up with the Voyager 1 spacecraft and its twin, Voyager 2, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory maintains a very useful website that offers real-time data on speed, distance from Earth, and other interesting statistics. You can even see what scientific instruments are still working on each of the probes. It's pretty awesome.

Voyager Space Closes Acquisition of Nanoracks Parent ...

Voyager Space Holdings has completed its acquisition of a majority stake in X.O. Markets and its largest subsidiary Nanoracks, the company announced May 10. The deal was first announced in December 2020. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Voyager said it plans to put growth capital into the

Voyager Space Holdings sets it sights on space stations ...

Voyager Space Holdings has added X.O. Markets, the parent of commercial space service venture Nanoracks, to its growing catalogue of space companies. The agreement was first announced last December…

SpaceFund Announces Full Deployment of First Fund

SpaceFund Announces Full Deployment of First Fund - SpaceRef

With a focus on the low-Earth orbit economy, Voyager eyes ...

Voyager is looking to add other capabilities to its portfolio such as guidance navigation and control software for spacecraft, in-space communications, in-space propulsion and satellite manufacturing WASHINGTON — Voyager Space Holdings said May 10 it has closed a deal announced in December to acquire a majority stake in XO Markets, the parent company of commercial […]

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Space Forge: The first end-to-end, free-flying space micro-manufacturing plants. Space Perspective: The world's first luxury spaceflight experience company. SpaceX: The world's most advanced rockets and spacecraft. Voyager Space Holdings: A leading global space exploration company.

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Voyager Space Holdings, Inc. Acquires Majority Stake of X.O. Markets, Parent of Nanoracks SpaceX launches 60 Starlink Satellites, Lands Booster for Record 10th Time Long March 5B Stage Reenters North of Maldives as NASA Administrator Nelson Criticizes Chinese Actions as Irresponsible

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Space Forge: The first end-to-end, free-flying space micro-manufacturing plants. Space Perspective: The world's first luxury spaceflight experience company. SpaceX: The world's most advanced rockets and spacecraft. Voyager Space Holdings: A leading global space exploration company.

Steve Jurczyk Retires as NASA Associate Administrator ...

Voyager Space Holdings, Inc. Acquires Majority Stake of X.O. Markets, Parent of Nanoracks SpaceX launches 60 Starlink Satellites, Lands Booster for Record 10th Time Long March 5B Stage Reenters North of Maldives as NASA Administrator Nelson Criticizes Chinese Actions as Irresponsible


Provider of simulation and control technologies for training and optimization solutions in the aerospace, defense, and forestry sectors. (TSX: CAE)

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Alpha Ceti (Menkar or Menkab). Space Seed" (1967), episode of Star Trek: The Original Series written by Gene L. Coon and Carey Wilber, and the second Star Trek film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982), film written by Jack B. Sowards and directed by Nicholas Meyer.Ceti Alpha V (with twisted Bayer designation) is the planet to which Khan and his crew are exiled in "Space Seed", James Kirk's ...

Voyager Space HDが商用宇宙機器大手Nanoracksの過半数株式取得、商業宇宙ステーションに照準 ...

2019年10月の創業以来、Voyager Space Holdingsが宇宙企業の過半数の株式を取得するのは4度目となるが、これが最後ではない。VoyagerのCEOであるディラン・テイラー氏は、TechCrunchの取材に対し、2021年だけでさらに2~4件の買収を発表すると予想している、と述べた。これはアグレ..

Voyager Space Holdings在纳米拉克的大多数股权上瞄准了空间站的景点

Voyager Space Holdings在纳米拉克的大多数股权上瞄准了空间站的景点 . 2021-05-11 03:21:50. 自2019年10月成立以来,这是Voyager的第四次大多数股权收购空间公司,并不是它的最后一家。 Voyager Ceo Dylan Taylor告诉TechCrunch,他预计该公司今年将宣布两到四次收购。


原标题:放眼未来十年:Voyager将通过持续收购来发展纯商业空间站 来源:cnBeta.COM 自 2019 年 10 月成立以来,Voyager Space Holdings 已于近日完成了第四次 ...

放眼未来十年:Voyager将通过持续收购来发展纯商业空间站 - cnBeta.COM 移动版(WAP)


Voyager Space Closes Acquisition of Nanoracks Parent ...

Voyager Space Holdings has completed its acquisition of a majority stake in X.O. Markets and its largest subsidiary Nanoracks, the company announced May 10. The deal was first announced in December 2020. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Voyager said it plans to put growth capital into the

A Private Company Is About to Send the First Paying Crew ...

It's another big step in the commercialization of space

NanoRacks Bishop Airlock and BEAM - SpaceRef

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Voyager Space Holdings sets it sights on space stations ...

Voyager Space Holdings has added X.O. Markets, the parent of commercial space service venture Nanoracks, to its growing catalogue of space companies. The agreement was first announced last December…

SpaceX CRS-21 - Wikipedia

Nanoracks technicians work on the Nanoracks Bishop Airlock module inside the Space Station Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on 29 September 2020. Nanoracks staff prepped Bishop for its flight to the ISS on SpaceX CRS-21. The module is the first commercially funded airlock for the space station, which will provide payload hosting, robotics testing, satellite ...

Voyager 1, now in interstellar space, hears an ominous hum

The vast majority of NASA's most interesting projects are ones that are fresh and new, like the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter. As technology advances, NASA can do more and more interesting and revolutionary things, but sometimes decades-old technology can still provide scientists with novel insights, especially when that technology was blasted into space with the sole purpose of getting as far away from Earth as it can. NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is currently over 14.1 billion miles from Earth. It's moving at a speed of approximately 38,000 miles per hour and not long ago passed through our solar system's boundary with interstellar space. Despite that incredible distance, the spacecraft is still able to relay data back to Earth, and new discoveries are still being made. In a new paper published in Nature Astronomy, researchers studying the spacecraft's data reveal that Voyager 1 can now hear something in interstellar space, and they think they know what it is. Sound doesn't pass through the vacuum of space. Sound travels through the air as waves, and if there is no air to act as a medium for those waves to pass through, sound doesn't travel. Interstellar space is largely a vacuum, but gas can still exist out there, even in areas that appear to be completely empty. In the case of Voyager 1, it's been picking up the faint hum of plasma waves in the interstellar medium. The plasma that Voyager 1 is encountering was produced by our Sun, the researchers say. The solar wind that carries gasses for billions of miles is powerful enough to lead to the expulsion of plasma from our solar system. When the Sun blows its top and a solar storm is produced, the plasma can spike, but even when our star isn't hot and bothered, there's still a steady and even amount of plasma flowing into space. It's an interesting finding, and one that researchers weren't necessarily expecting. "We've never had a chance to evaluate it. Now we know we don't need a fortuitous event related to the sun to measure interstellar plasma," Shami Chatterjee, co-author of the new paper, said in a statement. "Regardless of what the sun is doing, Voyager is sending back detail. The craft is saying, 'Here's the density I'm swimming through right now. And here it is now. And here it is now. And here it is now.' Voyager is quite distant and will be doing this continuously." If you're interested in keeping up with the Voyager 1 spacecraft and its twin, Voyager 2, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory maintains a very useful website that offers real-time data on speed, distance from Earth, and other interesting statistics. You can even see what scientific instruments are still working on each of the probes. It's pretty awesome.

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Crew 245 also managed to collaborate with several companies and organizations in the interest of science communication. They were put in contact with several K-12 schools as part of their relationships with ShareSpace and the Aldrin Family Foundation as well as the One More Orbit Foundation and Nanoracks's STEM Education spin-off DreamUp.

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Voyager Space Holdings, Inc. Acquires Majority Stake of X.O. Markets, Parent of Nanoracks; SpaceX launches 60 Starlink Satellites, Lands Booster for Record 10th Time; Long March 5B Stage Reenters North of Maldives as NASA Administrator Nelson Criticizes Chinese Actions as Irresponsible

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Payloads. AC Touch: Per standard procedure, the crew touched both of the coated and uncoated coupons for this long-term investigation. Crew then took photos of the hardware. Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings tests is an antimicrobial coating on several different materials that represent high-touch surfaces.

California State University, Northridge - Wikipedia

California State University, Northridge (CSUN / ˈ s iː s ʌ n / or Cal State Northridge) is a public university in the Northridge neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.With a total enrollment of 38,815 students (as of Fall 2020), it has the second largest undergraduate population as well as the third largest total student body of the 23-campus California State University system, making it ...

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Voyager Space Holdings, Inc. Acquires Majority Stake of X.O. Markets, Parent of Nanoracks SpaceX launches 60 Starlink Satellites, Lands Booster for Record 10th Time Long March 5B Stage Reenters North of Maldives as NASA Administrator Nelson Criticizes Chinese Actions as Irresponsible

Voyager Space HDが商用宇宙機器大手Nanoracksの過半数株式取得、商業宇宙ステーションに照準 ...

2019年10月の創業以来、Voyager Space Holdingsが宇宙企業の過半数の株式を取得するのは4度目となるが、これが最後ではない。VoyagerのCEOであるディラン・テイラー氏は、TechCrunchの取材に対し、2021年だけでさらに2~4件の買収を発表すると予想している、と述べた。これはアグレ..


不过 Nanoracks 最有趣的工作,或许是所谓的"前哨基地"计划。其旨在运载火箭和其它空间碎片的废弃层基础上,建造和运营一个完全商业化的空间站。

「食べチョク」ユーザーが50万人を突破し、国内産直通販サイト2年連続の6冠を達成 | TechCrunch Japan



[東京 12日 ロイター] - 三井住友フィナンシャルグループ(FG)は12日、6月から石炭火力発電所の新設・拡張案件への融資を全面的に停止すると発表した。これまで、石炭火力発電所への新規融資は「原則実施しない」とする一方、超々臨界圧発電などへの融資については検討する場合があるとして、裁量の余地を残していた。

豪コモンウェルス銀、1─3月は利益がほぼ倍増 景気急回復で

[シドニー 12日 ロイター] - オーストラリアの銀行最大手コモンウェルス銀行(CBA)が12日発表した第3・四半期(1─3月)決算は、キャッシュ利益が前年同期のほぼ2倍に増加した。豪経済の急回復で融資が拡大し、新型コロナウイルス危機を受けて計上した貸倒引当金の戻し入れ益も発生した。

放眼未来十年:Voyager将通过持续收购来发展纯商业空间站 - cnBeta.COM 移动版(WAP)




Voyager Space Holdings在纳米拉克的大多数股权上瞄准了空间站的景点

Nanoracks将于下个月推出船上的演示特派团。 四次收购组合在一起 - 启动支持,先进的机器人,研究公司,现在纳米拉克 - 明确指出了Voyager旨在构建和运营商业空间站的未来。



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