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 データセンターの自動化は、「Hardware as a Service」(サービスとしてのハードウェア)モデル、クラウド化、マルチクラウド化、機動性への要求といったさまざまなトレンドによって今後ますます加速していく可能性が高い。そして、これらのトレンドはすべて融合しつつある。



 今やデータセンターの自動化は、マルチクラウド化やパブリッククラウド化、Hardware as a Serviceモデルや、機動性を実現するための自動化といった一連のトレンドの中心に位置している。簡単に言えば、データセンターの運用自動化に向け、大変な勢いで進んでいるということだ。

 Gartnerは、2025年までに企業の60%がコンピュートリソースのデプロイメントに自動化ツールを利用するようになると予想している。またIDCによれば、Global 2000企業のIT組織のうち75%は、需要増に対応するために、2023年までに運用の一部を自動化する見込みだという。



 クラウドベンダーがデータセンターの自動化を進めてきた理由は単純で、自動化によって利益率が上昇するためだ。顧客企業がデータセンターの自動化にこぎ着けることと、Amazon Web Services(AWS)、Microsoft Azure、Google Cloudなどの大手クラウド事業者がデータセンターの自動化を進めることの背景にある論理はまったく異なる。大手クラウド事業者は、自動化を進めれば進めるほど、サービスの価格を下げつつ自動化による経費削減分だけ利益を増やすことができるからだ。ちなみにGartnerは、世界でエンドユーザーのパブリッククラウドサービス支出は2021年中に約23%増加して3323億ドル(約36兆円)に達すると予想している。

 古くからのデータセンター機器ベンダーであるCiscoやDell Technologies、Hewlett Packard Enterprise(HPE)などの企業は、いずれもHardware as a Serviceモデルに移行しようとしている。このサービスモデルでは、ベンダーが自社の機器を管理するようになる。つまり、自動化が進めばオーバーヘッドが減り、利益幅が大きくなるということだ。Gartnerは以前、2022年までに、オンプレミスコンピューティングの新規導入事例のうち15%が、従量課金モデルが絡むものになると予想していた。

What Do CIOs Have To Know About Business Intelligence ...

The arrival of business analytics tools has presented CIOs with an opportunity to make important company data available to everyone within the firm

International Longshore and Warehouse Union - Wikipedia

The CIO, on the other hand, did not consider itself bound by the decisions of the courts or administrative agencies on this issue; after Bridges came out, along with other CP-allied labor leaders, against the Marshall Plan and for Henry A. Wallace's presidential campaign, the CIO expelled the ILWU in 1950 for being dominated by communists.

Kansas AFL-CIO leaders join union protest outside Topeka ...

Union members were joined by Kansas labor leaders for what was likely the last picket outside Frito-Lay before the union votes on a contract offer.

Information Technology | NIST

NIST advances the state-of-the-art in IT in such applications as cybersecurity and biometrics.

12 months of innovation at the CFA | Top1000Funds.com

In the past 12 months the CFA Institute has innovated to adapt to meet member and industry needs. CEO Marg Franklin talks to Amanda White about the benefits of computer-based testing, the CFA's standards around ESG and diversity and its upcoming project around the future of work in the investment industry.

Idaho State Board of Education | Education for Life

The Idaho State Board of Education makes policy for K-20 public education in Idaho, to create opportunity for lifelong attainment of high-quality education, research, and innovation.

Stock Market Research and Portfolio Advisory Platform

Our CIO-Sunil Damania- will interact with Raamdeo Agrawal-Chairman-Motilal Oswal Financial services on Thursday, May 12th at 5 pm to get insight on various questions. Participants will be allowed to ask questions to Raamdeo Agrawal. Wednesday, 12th May 2021 at 5:00 PM on Zoom.

Free B2B Sales, Marketing & Recruiting Resources | ZoomInfo

Browse ZoomInfo's library of free educational resources for B2B professionals, including whitepapers, ebooks, infographics, and webinars.

ELN Events, Virtual events, virtual roundtables, meet the ...

Looking to host a virtual or in-person event? We offer opportunities for collaboration with our global network through our meet the buyer conferences, virtual roundtables, webinars, executive dinners & CxO panel discussions. Learn more.

For Technology Vendors - Intellyx - The Digital ...

Intellyx's primary value proposition for select technology vendors is brand building and lead generation via go-to-market advisory services, and the delivery of credible third-party content marketing assets that are both engaging and insightful. Intellyx publishes every piece it produces on its ...

Applying the Dynamic Nature of the COSO Framework | CPD ...

This Selfstudy CPE webinar will learn how to apply the process using examples related to establishing an entity, avoiding errors or fraud that reduce the reliability of financial statements, and achieving a specific objective such as increasing the sales associated with a specific product.

People | The Hamilton Project

The Hamilton Project seeks to advance America's promise of opportunity, prosperity, and growth.

Insights on Employee Retention Credits with Latest Tax Updates

This 2.0 CPE Webinar on In-Depth Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC) shall cover Latest Updates, Shutdown Provision, Employee count for ERC, Gross Receipt Test, Credit Calculation, Tax consideration, Filled Out forms, etc.

The Intellyx Cloud-Native Computing Poster - Intellyx ...

The Cloud-Native Computing Poster follows up Intellyx's popular 2017 Agile Digital Transformation Roadmap poster.. Rather than focusing on the many tools the enterprise may choose, this poster takes a hard look at the problems Cloud-Native Computing is trying to solve, starting with application-centric workloads, then extending into the many microservices and container-based infrastructures ...

Mani in pasta quanto basta: Quadretti di pane azzimo con ...

lunedì 10 maggio 2021. Quadretti di pane azzimo con tarassaco, rucola, spinaci e ricotta

Richard Chau named Tulane University's new chief ...

Tulane University has appointed Richard Chau as its new chief investment officer (CIO).

How insurers' race to digitize has changed the role of CIO

The pandemic has given CIOs a more prominent seat at the table and proximity to the CEO because they're now charged with creating the technology strategy for powering insurers' present and future operations and collaborating more closely on business operations.

AFL-CIO among unions fighting for Mexican workers denied ...

A group of unions took their grievances to the government to fight against labor exploitation.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month ...

For Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month this year, the AFL-CIO is spotlighting various Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who have worked and continue to work at the intersection of civil and labor rights in the United States.

Harvest Global Investments CIO Thomas Kwan on China's Bond ...

Thomas Kwan, CIO of Harvest Global Investments which manages $7 billion, discusses the outlook for China's bond defaults which are rising at the fastest pace on record, as authorities ramp up ...

How tech leaders can speak the language of the board | CIO ...

News, voices and jobs for CIOs. Optimized for your mobile phone.

Innovative Board Preparedness Program from IDC's CIO ...

Innovative Board Preparedness Program from IDC's CIO Executive Council Delivers Real World Insights, Guidance, and Expertise

Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO to Governor: Ending ...

DES MOINES Charlie Wishman, President of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, condemned Republican Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds for turing away millions of dollars in federal unemployment money for Iowans out of work: It is shameful that our Governor can hurt people with such ease. Ending Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is a ...

The 3-Pronged Promise of Cloud ML - CIO Journal - WSJ

Cloud machine learning introduces cutting-edge technologies, services, and platforms that give data science and engineering teams new ways to collaborate to bring models from the lab to the enterprise. Among the potential benefits are faster insights, immediate access to the latest technologies, and tools that can make talent more efficient.

Linked Accounts | Cilio CiO

Cilio CiO connects installers in new world of retail consolidation. Announcing CiO-to-CiO integrations. When Mega Plumbing, a large Lowe's contractor in Virginia, won a contract to manage installations for more than 100 Lowe's stores, one of their first steps was to figure out how they would handle such a large influx of new business.This is one side of an issue facing installers all over ...

Aviva's Wealthify appoints former Virgin Money CIO in ...

Wealthify has appointed Virgin Money's former chief investment officer Michelle McGrade to its investment committee, as one of two senior hires. McGrade joins with a wealth of experience, having ...

Workplace Tragedy Makes Clear the Need for Public Sector ...

HARRISBURG, Pa., May 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, a West Berks Water Authority worker, Cody Gipprich, was tragically killed on the job in Wyomissing. Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Rick ...

"There's a Lot We Can Learn": How Health Systems Are ...

For healthcare organizations, it’s not about trying to replicate what Amazon has done for the consumer experience, but rather, taking pages from the book that has been so successful, according to Adrin Mammen and Sri Bharadwaj. "We can learn a lot from Amazon in how we use the data we have to manage that experience better," said our panelists during a recent webinar.

データセンターの自動化が加速する理由 - ZDNet Japan

データセンターの自動化は、効率の向上、デジタルトランスフォーメーション、マルチクラウド化、Hardware as a Serviceモデルの普及などのトレンドによって加速している。

マイクロソフト、5月の月例パッチ公開--ゼロデイ脆弱性も修正 - ZDNet Japan

ZDNet Japan 記事を毎朝メールでまとめ読み(登録無料) メールマガジン購読のお申し込み ... 米ZDNet編集長Larryの独り言;

ワークフロー革命を支援するServiceNow--コロナ禍での効率化事例 - ZDNet Japan


「IBMは成長軌道に戻れるか」とIBMプレジデントのホワイトハースト氏に聞いてみた - ZDNet Japan

長らく業績が低迷しているIBM。大きく変化する市場に対応できる態勢を整えて、かつてのような成長軌道に戻れるか。IBMプレジデントのJim Whitehurst(ジム・ホワイトハースト)氏に聞いてみた。

ヴイエムウェア、CEOにCOOのラグー・ラグラム氏指名--ゲルシンガー氏後任 - ZDNet Japan


M1搭載「Mac」はどれを選ぶべき?--それぞれの特徴と適したユーザー - (page 3 ...

アップルの「M1」チップを搭載する「Mac」は現在、「iMac」「MacBook Air」「MacBook Pro」「Mac mini」が提供されている。それぞれの特長や、適していると思われるユーザーを紹介する。

ServiceNow、可観測性プラットフォームのLightstepを買収へ - IT News Checker


Visual Studio Code向けPython拡張機能の2021年5月版が登場、Pylanceがデフォルト言語 ...

2021年5月版のPython拡張機能では、デフォルトの言語サーバにPylanceが採用され、Visual ...



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