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 Lightstepがサービスを提供する可観測性およびアプリケーションモニタリング市場は既に、Dynatrace、BMC、Datadog、Sumo Logic、Splunk傘下のSignalFx、New Relicなど、多数の企業がひしめき合っている。

 ServiceNowは、DevOpsエンジニアが、クラウドネイティブなアプリケーションを構築、デプロイ、実行、モニタリングできる能力を強化できるよう支援していくとしている。同社の最高製品責任者CJ Desai氏は米ZDNetに、「私たちがITを変革させたように、ソフトウェア開発を変革すること」が目標だと説明した。


 ServiceNowにLightstepのエンジニアリングの人材が加わる。Lightstepのチームは、オープンソースの「OpenTelemetry」プロジェクトに貢献したほか、Googleの分散型トレーシングシステム「Dapper」や、「Monarch」の開発に関わった。Lightstepは2015年に、最高経営責任者(CEO)のBen Sigelman氏と、最高執行責任者(COO)のBen Cronin氏、チーフアーキテクトのDaniel Spoonhower氏が共同設立した企業だ。これまでに7000万ドル(約76億円)の資金を調達しているという。





Federal CIO Martorana: $1B TMF lets agencies 'apply for ...

Federal CIO Clare Martorana told Federal News Network that the TMF board will receive additional resources to review proposals if necessary.

Call for Nominations for The 2021 Dod Chief Information ...

The DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) Annual Awards program recognizes eligible personnel, individually or in teams, for exceptional achievements in delivering capabilities and/or management ...

Longtime AFL-CIO Official Takes Up Key Labor Post In Biden ...

Former AFL-CIO trade official Thea Lee was appointed by President Biden to lead the section of the Labor Department that oversees labor rights and investigates forced labor and child labor overseas.

CIO Podcast - Episode 6: Aaron Miri on CIO Leadership and ...

For the 6th episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we’re sitting down with Aaron Miri, CIO at The University of Texas at Austin, Dell Medical School and UT Health Austin. Along with being a healthcare CIO, Miri also is Co-Chair of the HITAC Committee (Health Information Technology Advisory Committee) which advises […]

U.S. unions lodge first Mexico labor grievance under new ...

MEXICO CITY — The AFL-CIO, the biggest U.S. labor federation, on Monday was filing the first petition for the U.S. government to bring a labor complaint against Mexico under the trade deal that ...

Mexican Factories Accused of Labor Abuses, Testing U.S.M.C ...

The A.F.L.-C.I.O. and other groups are seeking to make use of a new enforcement mechanism in the updated North American trade deal.

Lee Sung-yoon must resign

Lee Sung-yoon, head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, could face indictment soon for allegedly blocking junior prosecutors from investigating a case involving the Justice Ministry issuing an illegitimate travel...

About Us | PSC CUNY

Mission The Professional Staff Congress is the union that represents 30,000 faculty and staff at the City University of New York (CUNY) and the CUNY Research Foundation. It is dedicated to advancing the professional lives of its members, enhancing their terms and conditions of employment, and maintaining the strength of the nation's largest, oldest and most visible urban public university.

Leadership & Management | OARnet

Pankaj Shah is the executive director of the Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet). For more than 25 years he has committed himself to the IT infrastructure and broadband initiatives through work in private, public, research and education community, identifying trends in high-speed data...

The changing role of the CIO in retail | Retail Dive

Retail industry news, voices and jobs. Optimized for your mobile phone.

Lúcio - Wikipedia

Lucimar Ferreira da Silva (born 8 May 1978), commonly known as Lúcio, is a Brazilian former professional footballer who played as a central defender.A tall and physically strong defender who excelled in the air, Lúcio was known for his long, surging, galloping runs on the ball, which earned him the nickname O Cavalo ("The Horse", in Portuguese). ...

Excess liquidity is at its highest level since the 1970s ...

Excess liquidity is at its highest level since the 1970s, says CIO. Vantage Point Asset Management's Nicholas Ferres says huge amounts of excess liquidity are driving speculative activity ...

PetSmart CIO Taps Cable Industry Tool To Unleash In-Store ...

Chief Information Officer Mike Goodwin helped PetSmart navigate pandemic business challenges by finding cross-industry solutions that digitize and enhance the customer and employee experience.

JPMorgan tech executive changes show modernization plans ...

News, voices and jobs for CIOs. Optimized for your mobile phone.

AFL-CIO, SEIU, SNITIS And Public Citizen Announce Filing ...

The AFL-CIO, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Sindicato Nacional Independiente de Trabajadores de Industrias y de Servicios Movimiento 20/32 (SNITIS) and Public Citizen announced today that they have filed the first complaint under the Rapid Response Mechanism of the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) against Tridonex, an auto parts factory

Partners Capital chooses 2 successors to replace outgoing ...

Suzanne Streeter and Alex Band have been named global co-chief investment officers of Partners Capital to replace Colin Pan.

Biden taps former AFL-CIO official for key USMCA ...

U.S. trade policy agenda in the Capitol Hill spotlight — Canada warms to vaccine IP waiver

HHS CIO Perryn Ashmore to retire

Perryn Ashmore, who was named chief information officer of HHS in December 2020, will retire at the end of May.

Partners Capital Announces Expansion of Office of the CIO ...

"It is an honor to co-lead the Office of the CIO with Alex, a partner who epitomizes the ethos of the firm with his intellectual rigor and unmatched global investment expertise."

Tufts names Craig Smith university CIO, TCA and TREE ...

Craig Smith, the co-chief investment officer ad interim since March 2020, was named the chief investment officer of Tufts University, overseeing the university's $2 billion endowment. The appointment became effective on April 16. Smith said his responsibilities as CIO will be identical to those he held in his interim position. As CIO, he will lead […]

DB Schenker picks Christa Koenen as CIO/CDO

The supervisory board of Schenker AG has appointed Christa Koenen as the new chief information officer and chief digital officer (CIO/CDO). The 49-year-old will take up her new position on September 1, 2021.

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: AFL-CIO and Others ...

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Vodafone CFO: Advancing Digital-First Strategy - CIO ...

Vodafone Group CFO Margherita Della Valle discusses the U.K.-based telecom’s digital transformation journey, including the use of Agile methodology for capital allocation and innovation. The beauty of digital transformation, she says, is its ability to reduce cost, increase return on capital, and improve customer retention at the same time.

NH CIO's testimony highlights funding gaps in the war on ...

NH CIO's testimony highlights funding gaps in the war on ransomware SpaceX lands Starship spacecraft for the first time Facebook's Oversight Board upholds social network's decision to ban Trump ...

IT Stakeholders Committee - Center for Information ...

A School of Medicine faculty leader and the UMB CIO are co-chairing the committee. Terms. Selected members are serving at the pleasure of their respective dean or senior vice president, preferably for at least a two-year term. Expected Benefits

Museum Road - Partial Closure » Business Affairs

Start Date: May 10, 2021 Location: Museum Road between Center Drive and Broward Drive . Impact Type: Road Closure. Overview: Construction Phases (PDF) Attachment: Media Advisory (PDF) Museum Road between Center Drive and Broward Drive on the University of Florida campus will close May 10 for Utilities infrastructure additions and improvements.

CIO Bislig City - Bislig COVID-19 Monitoring Report | May ...

CIO Bislig City. May 7 at 12:22 AM · Bislig COVID-19 Monitoring Report | May 7, 2021. English (US) Español; Français (France) 中文(简体)

働き方のニューノーマル形成へ--コロナ後見据え、試行錯誤する企業 - ZDNet Japan


ServiceNow、可観測性プラットフォームのLightstepを買収へ - ZDNet Japan


米最大規模の石油パイプラインにサイバー攻撃、操業を一時停止--ランサムウェア被害 - ZDNet Japan

米石油パイプライン大手のColonial Pipelineがサイバー攻撃を受け、すべてのパイプラインの操業を一時的に停止したことを明らかにした。

米石油パイプラインへのサイバー攻撃、ロシア拠点の集団「DarkSide」関与の可能性 - ZDNet Japan


クラウドインフラ支出の伸び加速--AWS、マイクロソフト、グーグルの勢い続く - ZDNet Japan


サプライチェーンリスクを起因とするインシデントの変遷と対応策 - ZDNet Japan


"高速なPython"に向けさらなる一歩--「Pyston 2.2」リリース - ZDNet Japan


米最大規模の石油パイプラインにサイバー攻撃、操業を一時停止--ランサムウェア被害 - CNET Japan

米石油パイプライン大手のColonial Pipelineがサイバー攻撃を受け、すべてのパイプラインの操業を一時的に停止したことを明らかにした。



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