

関連ワード (ARグラス、Snap、Snapchat、買収等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




この動きはThe Verge(ザ・ヴァージ)が最初に報じたもので、TechCrunchはSnapの広報担当者に直接その詳細を確認した。SnapはWaveOpticsの買収に、現金と株式交換で5億ドル(約545億円)以上を支払うという。そのうちの半分は、買収が正式に完了した時点で株式の形で支払われ、残りは2年後に現金または株式で支払われる予定だ。

これはWaveOpticsにとって大きな飛躍だ。同社はこれまで、Bosch(ボッシュ)やOctopus Ventures(オクトパス・ベンチャーズ)、そして英国のベテラン起業家で、現在はFiveAI(ファイブAI)に在籍するStan Boland(スタン・ボランド)氏や、初期ARスタートアップのBlippar(ブリッパー)創業者の1人であるAmbarish Mitra(アンバリッシュ・ミトラ)氏などの個人を含む投資家から、約6500万ドル(約70億8000万円)の資金を調達していたが、直近の評価額は1億500万ドル(約114億円)程度にとどまっていた。





Snapはここ最近、同じような買収を繰り返している。1月以降だけでも、eコマースへのAR活用を目指してFit Analytics(フィット・アナリティクス)を買収した他、3Dマッピング技術のPixel8Earth(ピクセルエイトアース)や、位置情報プラットフォームのStreetCred(ストリートクレド)など、少なくとも3社のスタートアップ企業を買収している。




・Snapがマッピング・位置情報スタートアップのStreetCredを買収、Snap Map関連機能強化か



Snap yesterday announced the latest iteration of its Spectacles augmented reality glasses, and today the company revealed a bit more news: it is also acquiring the startup that supplied the technology that helps power them. The Snapchat parent is snapping up WaveOptics, an AR startup that makes the waveguides and projectors used in AR glasses. These overlay virtual images on top of the views of the real world someone wearing the glasses can see, and Snap worked with WaveOptics to build its latest version of Spectacles.

The deal was first reported by The Verge, and a spokesperson for Snap directly confirmed the details to TechCrunch. Snap is paying over $500 million for the startup, in a cash-and-stock deal. The first half of that will be coming in the form of stock when the deal officially closes, and the remainder will be payable in cash or stock in two years.

This is a big leap for WaveOptics, which had raised around $65 million in funding from investors that included Bosch, Octopus Ventures and a host of individuals, from Stan Boland (veteran entrepreneur in the UK, most recently at FiveAI) and Ambarish Mitra (the co-founder of early AR startup Blippar). PitchBook estimates that its most recent valuation was only around $105 million.

WaveOptics was founded in Oxford, and from what we know it will continue to be based in the UK.

We have been covering the company since its earliest days, when it displayed some very interesting, early, and ahead-of-its-time technology: waveguides based on hologram physics and photonic crystals. The important and key thing is that its tech drastically compresses size and load of the hardware needed to process and display images, meaning a much wider and more flexible range of form factors for AR hardware based on WaveOptics tech.

It’s not clear whether WaveOptics will continue to work with other parties post-deal, but it seems that one obvious advantage for Snap would be making the startup’s technology exclusive to itself.

Snap has been on something of an acquisition march in recent times — it’s made at least three other purchases of startups since January, including Fit Analytics for an AR-fuelled move into e-commerce, as well as Pixel8Earth and StreetCred for its mapping tools.

This deal, however, marks Snap’s biggest acquisition to date in terms of valuation. That is not only a mark of the premium price that foundational artificial intelligence tech continues to command — in addition to the team of scientists that built WaveOptics, it also has 12 filed and in-progress patents — but also Snap’s financial and, frankly, existential commitment to having a seat at the table when it comes not just to social apps that use AR, but hardware, and being at the centre of not just using the tech, but setting the pace and agenda for how and where that will play out.

That’s been a tenacious and not always rewarding place for it to be, but the company — which has long described itself as a “camera company” — has kept hardware in the mix as an essential component for its future strategy.


(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

NYS: SNAP recipients to receive additional $100 million in ...

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Snap to Buy Augmented Reality Company WaveOptics for Over ...

Snapchat parent company Snap announced on Friday that it will acquire WaveOptics, a British augmented reality (AR) technology company, for over $500 million (roughly Rs. 3,645 crores).

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Snap acquires AR display provider WaveOptics for $500M ...

San Francisco, May 22 Snap which is the parent company of popular social media app Snapchat has acquired augmented reality (AR) display provider WaveOptics, that power its new Spectacles glasses, for

Snap Fitness | Fitness Centers | East Aurora, NY ...

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Snapが同社のARグラスに技術を提供するWaveOpticsを545億円以上で買収 | TechCrunch Japan


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【欧州・海外サッカー ニュース】バイエルン(ブンデスリーガ)指揮官のポストを退任となるハンジ・フリック。次期ドイツ代表指揮官就任について本人がほのめかしている。


【欧州・海外サッカー ニュース】バイエルン(ブンデスリーガ)でプレーしていたドウグラス・コスタは、保有権を持つユヴェントス(セリエA)から再レンタルで母国グレミオへと向かうことになった。


美しいステンドグラスを日常使いできるアイテムにしたい、との想いから「フェリシモ」が手がけた「広げればあこがれの世界 大正ロマンなステンドグラスの傘」が新発売。

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NECの森田隆之社長は報道各社のインタビューに応じ、行政のデジタル化を支援するサービスについて強化する方針を示した。買収した企業の知見 ...

電子政府実現へ貢献 買収企業の知見活用―Nec社長:時事ドットコム


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今年2月、米メディア界に衝撃が走った。近年、米国で絶大な人気を誇っているニュースレターであるThe Hustle(購読者150万人)の買収が発表されたからだ。メディアの買収自体は、今や米国では珍...

Snapが同社のARグラスに技術を提供するWaveOpticsを545億円以上で買収 | TechCrunch Japan


テーラーメイドは韓国投資会社の所有に 465億円で買収→1862億円で売却|Gdo ゴルフダイジェスト・オンライン



 アーセナルOBが古巣を案じている。オランダ・メディア『Voetbal International』が現地時間5月20日付けで伝えた。 長年の低迷に、欧州スーパーリーグ構想が追い打ちをかけ、オーナーの…

アマゾン、映画会社MGM買収か/経済/社会総合/デイリースポーツ online

 【ニューヨーク共同】米インターネット通販大手アマゾン・コムが、人気スパイ映画「007」シリーズの製作で知られる映画会社メトロ・ゴールドウィン・メイヤー(MGM)の買収に向け交渉していることが18日までに明らかになった。複数の欧米メディアが報じた。 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙によると、MGM側が数カ月にわたって売却を模索していた。アマゾンは、動画配信なども定額料金で利用できる「アマゾンプライム」と呼ばれるサービスの会員獲得が成長の源泉となっている。MGMの買収が実現すれば、動画配信のコンテンツ拡充などにつながるとみられる。

比新興、シェル系を買収: 日本経済新聞


Lionpoint GroupはAlpha FMCによる買収で地理的な展開範囲とサービスの幅を広げる | プレス ...

この買収の条件の下、共同創設者のNick Moore氏とJonathan Balkin氏はLionpointのチームを引き続き率いる。 同チームは120人以上の経営と技術コンサルタントで構成され、ニューヨーク、デンバー、ロンドン、ジュネーブ、シドニーの5つの国際オフィスにわたって ...

ベルカンプ氏は古巣に失望、買収交渉についても明かす「アーセナルのdnaを取り戻さなければ」 - サッカー ...

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Microsoft、Nuanceを197億ドルで買収【Internet Bull Report】|K-Seg ...

Microsoft(NYSE: $MSFT)は、ヘルスケアにおける最大AI企業のNuance Communications(NYSE: $NUAN)を買収することでヘルスケア・コンピューティングに全力を注いでいる。 昨年から始まった新型コロナウィルスの流行で、ヘルスケア業は運営のやり方に変化を余儀なくされた。ソーシャルディスタンスやコロナ患者のヘルスケアシステムへの過負荷のため、提供者は電話かビデオ予約に変えて遠隔医療を余儀なくされた。Microsoftは、Nuanceと提携を結ぶことでこの変化から利益を得ると信じている。 「AIは科学技術の最も重要な優先事項であり、ヘルスケアは

「中位が当たり前に…」買収支持のベルカンプが古巣アーセナルの諦観に苦言!「Dnaを復活させる」と力強く宣言 ...

アーセナルOBが古巣を案じている。オランダ・メディア『Voetbal International』が現地時間5月20日付けで伝えた。 長年の低迷に、欧州スーパーリーグ構想が追い打ちをかけ、オーナ...

レノボ - Wikipedia

2014年10月にはさらにibmからx86サーバー事業を買収した 。 モバイル事業の拡大. パソコン事業で統合しているnecから携帯電話事業の買収も持ちかけられたものの、2013年7月29日に特許や海外資産のみに興味を示していたレノボ側が断ったことで破談した 。

クラリベイト ProQuestを買収:紀伊民報AGARA

買収した事業の統合における成功を含む、買収、合弁事業、処分などの戦略的行動。 将来の期間における設備投資の予想レベル。 コスト削減イニシアチブと移行サービス費用を成功裏に実現する当社の能力。

日邦産業とフリージア・マクロスの攻防(Tobと買収防衛策) カテゴリーの記事一覧 - コーポレートガバナンス、株式 ...


Snapchat - Official Site

Snapchat lets you easily talk with friends, view Live Stories from around the world, and explore news in Discover. Life's more fun when you live in the moment!

Snapchat users can now buy MAC products through shoppable ...

Augmented reality technology allows consumers to ‘try on’ products through app

Snapchat Is Offering 1 million/Month Earnings To Creators ...

Now you can earn and Claim 1 million per month as Snapchat creator. Get to know how to claim it and why Snapchat is doing so much for the

Snapchat Lens Turns Real-World Objects Into AR Instruments ...

Start your own virtual band using this clever Snapchat Lens from smart musical instruments creator Artiphon.

Why Is Snapchat Not Working Right Now? Verify What's The ...

Snapchat is a widely popular multimedia messaging app with hundreds of thousands of active users from around the world. The platform has seen a massive rise in consumer activity over the previous few days which has led to a server outage.

Snapchat not disappearing soon | Techtalks | Daily Tribune

A platform that has made a name for itself for its disappearing messages has announced over the weekend a pandemic-powered rebound of about 500 million monthly active users.

Connecticut student arrested in connection to racist ...

A Black teenager in Fairfield, Connecticut, was the target of a racist Snapchat post allegedly made by a classmate earlier this month, according to the

Snapchat Lens Turns Real-World Objects Into AR Instruments ...

Start a virtual band using this clever Snapchat Lens from smart musical instruments creator Artiphon. Artiphon, creator of smart musical instruments such as the Orba and INSTRUMENT 1, this week unveiled its first Snapchat Lens, Scan Band. Available now via the Snapchat app, Scan Band uses a combination of augmented reality (AR) and machine learning

How To Fix Snapchat Not Loading Snaps? - Blog

In addition, Snapchat's support accounton Twitter has recently confirmed the difficulty, stating it is currently being investigated. If Snapchat stops working, it's generally certainly one of two points. The first issue is that the app fails to send chats or snaps and is a serious problem for Snapchat users.

Trump Insurrectionist Arrested After Posting Video On ...

Ridge posted at least five videos online showing his participation in the Capitol riot, and he also discussed his involvement in the violence with another user on Snapchat, which is where the videos went up. In one such message, Ridge wrote, "Yeah just stormed the US capital [sic] for the first time in US history and I was a part of it."

Snapchat Outage And Reported Issues Map - Blog

Snapchat is a broadly well-liked multimedia messaging app with hundreds of thousands of active customers from all over the world. The platform has seen an enormous rise in person activity over the past few days which has led to a server outage. The messaging platform has been facing a server outage and a variety of customers complained about ...

Snapchat Spectacles AR: Augmented reality on your face ...

Snapimage captionThe latest Spectacles include an array of tech for displaying augmented reality Snapchat is releasing augmented-reality (AR) glasses to let some content creators put digital creations into the world around them. AR in this case is a mix of computer graphics, such as 3D models, overlaid on the real world. But the new version […]

Is Snapchat Not Working ..or Is It Just You? - Blog

It appears like Snapchat is having some problem where the Bitmoji for a few of its users has disappeared. How To Troubleshoot Digital Camera Points Within Snapchat. It's definitely not the easiest way to go round these points, but Snapchat is a really painful app to have not working. Over the last few hours, there have been a number of person ...

Connecticut student arrested in connection to racist ...

A Black teenager in Fairfield, Connecticut, was the target of a racist Snapchat post allegedly made by a classmate earlier this month, according to the teen's mother and the Fairfield Police Department. source

With out Apple and iPhone, we wouldn't exist, says ...

With out Apple and iPhone, we wouldn’t exist, says Snapchat CEO - Instances of India. Read this latest news here.

Snap Inc. Announces New Tools and Monetization ...

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 20, 2021--

Connecticut student arrested in connection to racist ...

A Black teenager in Fairfield, Connecticut, was the target of a racist Snapchat post allegedly made by a classmate earlier this month, according to the teen's mother and the Fairfield Police Department. source

Connecticut student arrested in connection to racist ...

The Hartford Courant reported that the 16-year-old student accused of making the Snapchat post was charged with breach of peace, and a more controversial charge of "ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race," a misdemeanor offense unique to Connecticut.

Snapchat Base | Minecraft Skin

This is a Snapchat Base that you can use and make your own skin out of as long as you credit!:-) Show More. Show Less. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Snapchat Base TheGoofyCoconut07. 112 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: May 22, 2021 . About 2 minutes ago . 6. 0 . 0 0

Connecticut student arrested in connection to racist ...

Connecticut student arrested in connection to racist Snapchat post. By. Liberty Red News - May 22, 2021. 3. 0. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp ...

India battles fatal fungal threat as virus deaths near 300K

Doctors in India are fighting a fatal fungal infection affecting COVID-19 patients or those who have recovered from the disease amid a coronavirus surge that has driven the country’s fatalities to nearly 300,000.

Eric Adams Wants to CompStat New York City | The New Yorker

As a cop, he spoke out against police abuse. As a mayoral front-runner, he’s speaking up for the police.

Matcha Cookie - Matcha Experience

Heat up and melt the butter in a microwave for about 20 seconds and mix with the sugar. Mix well until the butter becomes white.

Matcha Steamed Bun - Matcha Experience

Beaten the egg in a bowl and mix with the sugar. Mix until fluffy.



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