

関連ワード (Contributor Covenant、オープンソース等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


オープンソースのプロジェクトにおいて技術の管理は往々にして問題となる。しかもコントリビューター間の対立が避けられない場合、各自が自分が正しいと信じているだけに状況はさらに悪化する。オープンソースコミュニティのグランドルールを作ろうとする努力の1つが、2014年のCoraline Ada Ehmke(コラリーヌ・エイダ・エームケ)氏によるContributor Covenant(コントリビューター行動規範)だ。オープンソースのプロジェクトの多くがそうであるように、Contributor Covenantもエームケ氏の情熱が込められていた。数年間にわたる最初の2回の改訂の間に、その規範書をCNCFやCreative Commons、Apple、Google、Microsoft、Linuxプロジェクトなどが採用し、他にも数百のプロジェクトが彼らに続いた。

今度バージョン3.0に取り組むにあたり同規範書は、 エームケ氏が共同創業者で事務局長でもあるOrganization for Ethical Source(OES、エシカルなソースのための団体)にその管轄を任せることになった。

このことについてエームケ氏は次のように語っている。「Contributor Covenantは、オープンソースプロジェクトの行為規範としてこの世界で初めてのドキュメントですが、それは信じられないほどの議論を誘発し、今でもそれらの議論は鎮まっていません。私がいたのはRubyのコミュニティでしたが、そのコミュニティは規範書のコンセプトと文書そのものを真剣に受け入れていました。そしてそこから、多くのオープンソースプロジェクトやオープンソースのコミュニティに広がっていきました」。

ドキュメントの中核にあるのは「年齢、体の大きさ、目に見えるまたは目に見えない障害、民族性、性別、 性同一性、表現、経験のレベル、教育、社会経済的地位、国籍、人格、人種、宗教、または性的同一性と性的指向性に関係なく、コミュニティへの参加を誰にとってもハラスメントのない体験にする」という誓いだ。そしてコントリビューターは、多様で開放的で誰でも歓迎するコミュニティに貢献すべく、行動しなければならない。


「この文書が批判を浴びたとき私が考えたのは、そんなにまじめでない議論も含めて、そこには、何らかの具体的な行動に結びつくべきフィードバックがあるのではないか、ということだ」、とEhmke氏は語る。「これまで何年間も、Contributor Covenantに対する批判の多くは、『何か間違ったことを言ったらプロジェクトから永久追放になるのかい?厳しすぎるし不合理だよ』というものだ。つまり、違反に対してプロジェクトリーダーに何をされるか、という結果を心配している。その心配はもっともだ、と私も感じた」。

エームケ氏はCovenantをOESに置くことを「コミュニティへの出口」と呼ぶ。それは企業などが、成熟したオープンソースプロジェクトをファウンデーションの傘下に置くようなものだ。彼女によると、OESにはコミュニティ管理やプロジェクト統轄のエキスパートが多い。彼らなら、このプロジェクトをもっとフォーマルなかたちにしてくれるだろう。「Contributor Covenantの進化には今後も関与していきますが、開発はOESのワーキンググループが担当することになるでしょう」と彼女は説明した。


MicrosoftのOpen Source Program OfficeのプログラムマネージャーEmma Irwin(エマ・アーウィン)氏は、次のように語る。「MicrosoftがContributor Covenantを採用したことは、私たちが本気で、健全で多様性と包容力のあるコミュニティを築き、エコシステムの多くのメンバーとともに貢献し構築して行きたいと考えていることの表れです。会社のこの意図と私の能力をOESのContributor Covenant 3.0ワーキンググループに持参できることは、名誉です」。

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画像クレジット:Yuichiro Chino/Getty Images


Managing the technical side of open-source projects is often hard enough, but throw in the inevitable conflicts between contributors, who are often very passionate about their contributions, and things get even harder. One way to establish ground rules for open-source communities is the Contributor Covenant, created by Coraline Ada Ehmke back in 2014. Like so many projects in the open-source world, the Contributor Covenant was also a passion project for Ehmke. Over the years, its first two iterations have been adopted by organizations like the CNCF, Creative Commons, Apple, Google, Microsoft and the Linux project, in addition to hundreds of other projects.

Now, as work is starting on version 3.0, the Organization for Ethical Source (OES), of which Ehmke is a co-founder and executive director, will take over the stewardship of the project.

“Contributor Covenant was the first document of its kind as code of conduct for open-source projects — and it was incredibly controversial and actually remains pretty controversial to this day,” Ehmke told me. “But I come from the Ruby community, and the Ruby community really embraced the concept and also really embraced the document itself. And then it spread from there to lots of other open-source projects and other open-source communities.”

The core of the document is a pledge to “make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation,” and for contributors to act in ways that contribute to a diverse, open and welcoming community.

As Ehmke told me, one part that evolved over the course of the last few years is the addition of enforcement guidelines that are meant to help community leaders determine the consequences when members violate the code of conduct.

“One of the things that I try to do in this work is when people criticize the work, even if they’re not arguing in good faith, I try to see if there’s something in there that could be used as constructive feedback, something actionable,” Ehmke said. “A lot of the criticism for years for Contributor Covenant was people saying, ‘Oh, I’ll say one wrong thing and be permanently banned from our project, which is really grim and really unreasonable.’ What I took from that is that people are afraid of what consequences project leaders might impose on them for an infraction. Put that way, that’s kind of a reasonable concern.”

Ehmke described bringing the Covenant to the OES as an “exit to community,” similar to how companies will often bring their mature open-source projects under the umbrella of a foundation. She noted that the OES includes a lot of members with expertise in community management and project governance, which they will be able to bring to the project in a more formal way. “I’m still going to be involved with the evolution of Contributor Covenant, but it’s going to be developed under the working group model that the organization for ethical source has established,” she explained.

For version 3.0, Ehmke hopes to turn the Covenant into what she described as more of a “toolkit” that will allow different communities to tailor it a bit more to their own goals and values (though still within the core ethical principles outlined by the OES).

“Microsoft’s adoption of Contributor Covenant represents our commitment to building healthy, diverse and inclusive communities, as well as our intention to contribute and build together with others in the ecosystem,” said Emma Irwin, a program manager in Microsoft’s Open Source Program Office. “I am honored to bring this intention and my expertise to the OES’s Contributor Covenant 3.0 working group.”

(文:Frederic Lardinois、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

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The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the ...

Managing the technical side of open-source projects is often hard enough, but throw in the inevitable conflicts between contributors, who are often very passionate about their contributions, and things get even harder. One way to establish ground rules for open-source communities is the Contributor Covenant, created by Coraline Ada Ehmke back in 2014. Like so […]

The Organization for Ethical Source Takes on Stewardship of

Community will evolve and reimagine Contributor Covenant by drawing on global voices and perspectives...

The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the ...

"Contributor Covenant was the primary doc of its type as code of conduct for open-source tasks — and it was extremely controversial and truly stays fairly controversial to this present day," Ehmke informed me. "However I come from the Ruby group, and the Ruby group actually embraced the idea and in addition actually embraced the doc itself.

The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the ...

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The Organization for Ethical Source: The Organization for ...

Contributor Covenant has been adopted by thousands of organizations and open source projects — such as CNCF, Creative Commons, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Linux — signaling a commitment to ...

Dapper Labs backs art hardware startup Infinite Objects in ...

The NFT world is all about reshaping the idea of digital ownership, but art hardware startup Infinite Objects sees a big opportunity in making physical copies of those assets as it looks to reshape digital art and collectibles. The startup makes screens that show a single video from a single artist and don't do anything else. If you even want another piece of art from Infinite Objects, you can't just download it, you have to actually go to their site and buy another display with that artwork on it.

U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of ...

The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the Organization for Ethical Source May 27, 2021 U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of COVID-19 origin

What the 'nonpolitical' startup leader teaches us about ...

All eyes have recently been on Basecamp, which lost about a third of its workforce at the end of last month after banning “societal and political discussions” at work. Late last year, Coinbase was embroiled in a similar controversy after its CEO declared that political activism at work is a distraction, leading to a smaller but still significant employee exodus.

U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of ...

The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the Organization for Ethical Source. May 27, 2021. U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of COVID-19 origin. May 27, 2021. Utah DOT pilots Blyncsy's AI-powered road maintenance technology. May 27, 2021. Share. Facebook.

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The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the Organization for Ethical Source Why become an exceptional, high-impact entrepreneur? r/motivation - "Be the reason someone smiles" Coda's Shishir Mehrotra and Madrona's S. Somasegar to talk taking on Google on Extra Crunch Live

Black Lives Matter cofounder stepping down from organization

Cullors' last day is on Friday, after which she will leave to pursue her career in entertainment.

SolarWinds hackers are at it again, targeting 150 ...

The Russian-based group behind the SolarWinds hack has launched a new campaign that appears to target government agencies, think tanks and non-governmental organizations, Microsoft said Thursday.

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The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the Organization for Ethical Source. Tech May 27, 2021 0. U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of COVID-19 origin. Editor's Pick May 27, 2021 0. Utah DOT pilots Blyncsy's AI-powered road maintenance technology.

Shawn Vestal: Matt Shea out at church over schism with ...

May 27—On Tuesday night, the so-called "Church at Planned Parenthood" met along Indiana Avenue to protest abortion, as it has done scores of times in recent years. There was singing and praying and preaching and calls to end abortion, as usual. They met across the street from Planned Parenthood, as they have done since a judge ordered them to be less disruptive to clinic operations. A guest ...

U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of ...

Next article The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the Organization for Ethical Source. Related Articles. Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Deteriorates on Inflation Concerns. May 28, 2021. Man stabs policewoman in western France, dies after shoot-out - police. May 28, 2021.

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The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the... Managing the technical side of open-source projects is often hard enough, but throw in... Airbus CEO seeks to calm supplier nerves over output... U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of COVID-19 origin.

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The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the Organization for Ethical Source - TechCrunch . Now Apple explores cryptocurrencies; looks to hire BDM for its 'alternative payments' division . Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * ...

HeidelbergCement CFO Naeger to retire after 17 years ...

The open-source Contributor Covenant is now managed by the... Managing the technical side of open-source projects is often hard enough, but throw in... Airbus CEO seeks to calm supplier nerves over output... U.S. intelligence community acknowledges two theories of COVID-19 origin.

SolarWinds hack now targeting NGOs, says Microsoft

Microsoft said Thursday that the group behind the SolarWinds cyber attack late last year is now targeting government agencies, think tanks and NGOs.In a blog post, Microsoft said Russia's Nobelium had targeted some 3,000 email accounts at over 150 different organizations this week. Microsoft added that U.S. organizations saw the largest share of attacks, but that victims in at least two dozen other countries were also targeted.According to the blog post, at least a quarter of the targeted groups were involved in humanitarian work, human rights or international development.The attacks started after Nobelium broke into an email marketing account used by the U.S. Agency for International Development.From there it launched phishing attacks on many other organizations.Back in December, the hack of IT company SolarWinds gave access to the thousands of companies and government offices that used its products.Microsoft President Brad Smith called it "the largest and most sophisticated attack the world has ever seen".The U.S. and Britain have accused Russian foreign intelligence of orchestrating the attack.This month, Russia's spy chief denied any responsibility, but said he was "flattered" by the accusations.Microsoft said this week's attacks appear to be intelligence gathering efforts targeting government agencies involved in foreign policy.The company said it was in the process of notifying all of its targeted customers, and had "no reason to believe" these attacks involved any exploitation or vulnerability in its products or services.

CVS launches COVID vaccine sweepstakes to anyone who gets ...

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Goma, Congo, Is Partly Evacuated Due to Volcano Eruption ...

A new fissure could rip open at any moment, said Benoît Smets, a geological hazards expert at the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, who is part of an international team working to assist the Goma Volcano Observatory, the only monitoring station in the region. "We have a very active volcano with a very dense and populated city at the foot of the volcano, so there is a ...


2021-05-29 05:24

オープンソースのコントリビューター行動規範がエシカルソース推進団体へ移管 (2021-05-28 02:30 PM)chCrunchJP

2021-05-29 02:21

オープンソースのコントリビューター行動規範がエシカルソース推進団体へ移管 (2021-05-28 02:30 PM)chCrunchJP


ドイツの低手数料・低リスク株取引アプリTrade Republicがフランスに進出
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オンプレミスの「VMware」環境をそのままクラウドに–「Oracle Cloud VMware Solution」の特徴と強み
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ラズパイで「Windows 10 on ARM64」を動かす(オーバークロック編) :名刺サイズの超小型PC「ラズパイ」で遊ぶ(第39回)
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OpenAI、会話を記憶できる機能を「ChatGPT Plus」ユーザーに提供開始
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「Windows 11」新プレビュー、「スタート」メニュー改善や新しいタッチジェスチャーなど
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「バーチャル渋谷」に「原宿」追加 VR空間で店舗や音楽イベントを展開
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「Microsoft Store」が刷新へ–Androidアプリ提供、開発者との収益配分も変更
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KDDI、1GB1000円のタブレット専用プラン スマホとの容量シェアも可
2021-03-13 05:30