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Alibaba Cloudのインテリジェンスビジネスグループのプレジデントであるチャン・ジェンフェン氏。


マーケットリサーチ会社IDCによると、Alibaba Cloudは中国のeコマース巨人の最速成長事業の1つであり、また2020年の後半時点では世界で4番目に大きいパブリッククラウドサービスである。





中国の開発者たちは米国の技術規制が今後も続くことを恐れ、そのための備えとしてRISC-Vに殺到したため、米国の制裁がRISC-V周辺の突然の活況を招いた。そしてその運動の先頭にいたのが、Alibabaだ。Alibaba CloudとHuaweiとZTEは、RISC-V Internationalの13社の上位メンバーに含まれ、同団体の取締役会と技術先導共同体に席を有している。

2019年に、このeコマース企業の半導体事業部T-Headが、最初のコアプロセッサーXuantie 910を立ち上げたが、それはRISC-Vがベースで、クラウドエッジとIoTアプリケーションに使われた。そのオペレーティングシステムが、1つのメインストリームのアーキテクチャではなく複数のチップシステムで使えるようにしたことにより、Alibaba Cloudは中国のチップ独立(特定チップ非依存)の未来に備えたことになる。

Alibaba CloudのIntelligenceグループの代表取締役Zhang Jianfeng(チャン・ジェンフェン)氏は、次のように述べている。「ITのエコシステムは従来、使用するチップで定義されましたが、クラウドコンピューティングがそれを抜本的に変えました。クラウドコンピューティングシステムはサーバーのチップや特殊目的のチップ、およびその他のハードウェアのコンピューティングのパワーをすべて標準化するため、チップのベースがx86やArm、RISC-V、あるいはハードウェアアクセラレータなどどのようなものであっても、顧客に提供されるコンピューティングパワーは標準化され高品質なものです」。




Alibaba’s cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the company announced at a conference on Friday.

Alibaba Cloud is one of the fastest-growing businesses for the Chinese e-commerce giant and the world’s fourth-largest public cloud service in the second half of 2020, according to market research firm IDC.

The global chip market has mostly been dominated by Intel’s x86 in personal computing and Arm for mobile devices. But RISC-V, an open-source chip architecture competitive with Arm’s technologies, is gaining popularity around the world, especially with Chinese developers. Started by academics at the University of California, Berkeley, RISC-V is open to all to use without licensing or patent fees and is generally not subject to America’s export controls.

The Trump Administration’s bans on Huawei and its rival ZTE over national security concerns have effectively severed ties between the Chinese telecom titans and American tech companies, including major semiconductor suppliers.

Arm was forced to decide its relationships with Huawei and said it could continue licensing to the Chinese firm as it’s of U.K. origin. But Huawei still struggles to find fabs that are both capable and allowed to actually manufacture the chips designed using the architecture.

The U.S. sanctions led to a burst in activity around RISC-V in China’s tech industry as developers prepare for future tech restrictions by the U.S., with Alibaba at the forefront of the movement. Alibaba Cloud, Huawei and ZTE are among the 13 premier members of RISC-V International, which means they get a seat on its Board of Directors and Technical Steering Community.

In 2019, the e-commerce company’s semiconductor division T-Head launched its first core processor Xuantie 910, which is based on RISC-V and used for cloud edge and IoT applications. Having its operating system work with multiple chip systems instead of one mainstream architecture could prepare Alibaba Cloud well for a future of chip independence in China.

“The IT ecosystem was traditionally defined by chips, but cloud computing fundamentally changed that,” Zhang Jianfeng, president of Alibaba Cloud’s Intelligence group, said at the event. “A cloud operating system can standardize the computing power of server chips, special-purpose chips and other hardware, so whether the chip is based on x86, Arm, RISC-V or a hardware accelerator, the cloud computing offerings for customers are standardized and of high-quality.”

Meanwhile, some argue that Chinese companies moving towards alternatives like RISC-V means more polarization of technology and standards, which is not ideal for global collaboration unless RISC-V becomes widely adopted in the rest of the world.

(文:Rita Liao、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

Alibaba Cloud: Alibaba making cloud OS compatible with ...

Beijing: Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the company has said. Alibaba Cloud ...

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The cloud unit of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has entered a strategic cooperative relationship with Zhengzhou-headquartered regional lender ZY Bank (中原银行). Alibaba Cloud and ZY Bank signed the strategic cooperative framework agreement on 28 May, at the 2021 Alibaba Cloud Summit held in Beijing. Under the Agreement the two parties will "explore driving the implementation […]

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba’s cloud computing unit Apsara operating system The company announced at a conference on Friday that it is compatible with processors based on

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

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Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba Cloud is one of many fastest-growing companies for the Chinese e-commerce big and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service within the second half of 2020, in keeping with market analysis agency IDC. The world chip market has principally been dominated by Intel's x86 in private computing and Arm for cellular gadgets.

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Many of my favorite Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicles of the Week have been purely for fun - vehicles designed for enjoying life one underpowered mile at a time. But this week I think it ...

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the company announced at a conference on Friday.. Alibaba Cloud is one of the fastest-growing businesses for the Chinese e-commerce giant and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service in the second half of 2020, according to market ...

Cloud Service Market is Booming Worldwide | Cisco System ...

May 29, 2021 (Market Insight Reports) -- Global Cloud Service Market Research Report with Opportunities and Strategies to Boost Growth- COVID-19 Impact and...

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

ADVERTISEMENT Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara working system suitable with processors based mostly on Arm, x86, RISC-V, amongst different architectures, the corporate introduced at a convention on Friday. Alibaba Cloud is without doubt one of the fastest-growing companies for the Chinese language e-commerce large and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service ...

Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week: $2,000 electric ...

Many of my favorite Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicles of the Week have been purely for fun - vehicles designed for enjoying life one underpowered mile at a time. But this week I think it's high time that I stop fooling around so I can buckle down and get myself a real imaginary job.

Alibaba making cloud OS compatible with multiple chip ...

Beijing, May 29 (IANS) Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the company has said.Alibaba Cloud is one of the fastest-growing businesses for the Chinese e-commerce giant and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service in the second half of 2020, according…

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Alibaba Cloud: Alibaba making cloud OS compatible with ...

Alibaba Cloud is one of the fastest-growing businesses for the Chinese e-commerce giant and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service in the second half of 2020, according to market research ...

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba’s cloud computing unit Apsara operating system The company announced at a conference on Friday that it is compatible with processors based on

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba Cloud is one of many fastest-growing companies for the Chinese e-commerce big and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service within the second half of 2020, in keeping with market analysis agency IDC. The world chip market has principally been dominated by Intel's x86 in private computing and Arm for cellular gadgets.

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the company announced at a conference on Friday.. Alibaba Cloud is one of the fastest-growing businesses for the Chinese e-commerce giant and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service in the second half of 2020, according to market ...

Alibaba Cloud Enters Strategic Cooperative Relationship ...

The cloud unit of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has entered a strategic cooperative relationship with Zhengzhou-headquartered regional lender ZY Bank (中原银行). Alibaba Cloud and ZY Bank signed the strategic cooperative framework agreement on 28 May, at the 2021 Alibaba Cloud Summit held in Beijing. Under the Agreement the two parties will "explore driving the implementation […]

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple chip architectures. 1 ...

News: Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with ...

A venture capitalist once told me candidly that whenever you see the phrase “democratization” in tech marketing material, think of it as a red flag. Democracy, generally speaking, often comes with an ironic caveat: It disproportionately benefits white and male participants. Now, you know me well enough ...

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Search. Search for: Search LOL LOL

Alibaba Making Cloud OS Compatible With Multiple Chip ...

Alibaba's cloud OS computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara working system suitable with processors based mostly on Arm, x86, RISC-V, amongst different architectures, the corporate introduced at a convention on Friday.. Alibaba Cloud is likely one of the fastest-growing companies for the Chinese language e-commerce large and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service within the second half of ...

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

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Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba’s cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the company announced at a conference on Friday. Alibaba Cloud…

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

ADVERTISEMENT Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara working system suitable with processors based mostly on Arm, x86, RISC-V, amongst different architectures, the corporate introduced at a convention on Friday. Alibaba Cloud is without doubt one of the fastest-growing companies for the Chinese language e-commerce large and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service ...

Alibaba is making its cloud OS compatible with multiple ...

Alibaba’s cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the

Alibaba making cloud OS compatible with multiple chip ...

Beijing, May 29 (IANS) Alibaba's cloud computing unit is making its Apsara operating system compatible with processors based on Arm, x86, RISC-V, among other architectures, the company has said.Alibaba Cloud is one of the fastest-growing businesses for the Chinese e-commerce giant and the world's fourth-largest public cloud service in the second half of 2020, according…

Cloud Service Market is Booming Worldwide | Cisco System ...

May 29, 2021 (Market Insight Reports) -- Global Cloud Service Market Research Report with Opportunities and Strategies to Boost Growth- COVID-19 Impact and...


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