

関連ワード (クリエイター、ゲーム、コラム、ソーシャルゲーム、求人等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


編集注:本稿の著者Josh Vesely(オシュ・ヴェセリー)氏は、Randstadのエンタープライズソリューショングループのシニアバイスプレジデント。






特にAutodesk MayaやAdobe Photoshopなどのデジタルアートツールを使いこなせる人など、何らかのアートスキルがある人にとって有望なキャリアパスは「アニメーション」だ。アニメーターはゲーム会社やスタジオで没入感のある風景や都市の構築、特定のキャラクターのモデリング、ユーザーインターフェースやナビゲーションコンポーネントのデザインなど、さまざまな仕事を行うことができる。最近の調査によると、アニメーション業界のほとんどの分野で前年比2〜3%の成長率というから、ここにも大きな成長が見られる。Gamesmithによると30歳の女性アーティストやアニメーターの平均年収は9万ドル(約980万円)弱だという。

文章力やウィットに富んだ会話に自信があるなら、ライターの仕事に応募してみてはどうだろう。「Grand Theft Auto(グランド・セフト・オート)」シリーズの背景で聞こえる乱暴な叫び声から「ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド」のような大作アドベンチャーの長いセリフまで、あらゆるものを書くのがライターの仕事である。採用担当者たちはストーリー作りやキャラクターへの理解に長けたライターを求めているため、プロのライターでなくてもゲームパブリッシャーが求めるものと共通するような自分の売りを強調すると良いかもしれない。






「多様性はきれい事ではありません。ゲーム業界が成長し、繁栄し、この国で毎日ゲームをプレイする何千万人もの人々を本当に反映させるために多様性は必要不可欠です」と英国を拠点とするゲーム団体UkieのCEOであるJo Twist(ジョー・ツイスト)氏は話す。「さまざまな文化、ライフスタイル、経験を活かした多様な業界は、プレイヤーの想像力をかきたてる、よりクリエイティブで包括的なゲームを生み出し、この業界を前進させてくれることでしょう」。


・駒や手の動きをトレース、タッチ操作可能な「デジタル」ボードゲームをThe Last Gameboardは2021年中に出荷

画像クレジット:Fernando Trabanco Fotografía / Getty Images


While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on countless businesses across the globe, the $118 billion gaming industry not only survived, it thrived, with 55% of American consumers turning to gaming for entertainment, stress relief, relaxation and a connection to the outside world amid lockdowns.

This drove a 20% boost in gaming sales globally and created nearly 20,000 jobs in 2020 alone. And it’s not expected to stop any time soon: According to research company IBISWorld, the industry is set to grow again in 2021, adding to the year-over-year growth the industry has seen in the preceding half-decade.

This is great news for the growing gaming industry and especially those looking to score a job at a company developing the next blockbuster. The unemployment rate is already near zero for those with gaming development and design skills, which means there is an unprecedented opportunity to join the field.

The unemployment rate is already near zero for those with gaming development and design skills, which means there is an unprecedented opportunity to join the field.

Gamesmith, a digital community dedicated to the gaming industry, currently has more than 5,750 open jobs posted on its site, with roles in design, engineering and animation leading the way. In other words, if you never considered a career in the gaming industry — or thought that your skill set wouldn’t translate — this expanding job market needs employees from all types of backgrounds. Chances are one of your interests — besides gaming, of course — can act as a conduit into finding a career.

One career path for those with art skills — particularly with a talent for digital art tools like Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop — is animation. An animator can do any number of jobs at a gaming company or studio, from building immersive landscapes and cities to modeling what a certain character will look like to designing user interfaces and navigational components. There is significant growth here, too: According to a recent study, most sectors of the animation industry are growing 2% to 3% year over year. According to Gamesmith, the average 30-year-old female artist or animator makes a salary of just under $90,000 a year.

If you’re a whiz with words and witty dialogue, then you might consider applying for a job as a writer at a studio. Writers are responsible for writing everything from the profanity-laced shouts heard in the background in the Grand Theft Auto series to the long speeches in epic adventures like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Employers are looking for writers with a flair for crafting stories and understanding characters, so even if you’re not a career writer, highlight the work you’ve done that fits in the mold of what game publishers are looking for.

One of the most important segments of the industry — and one of the fastest-growing — is developing and designing the gaming experiences themselves. The job market for these roles is predicted to grow by 9.3% between 2016 and 2026, according to the New England Institute of Technology,  and the breadth of jobs in this wing of the industry range from level designers to lead designer and developers.

Gamesmith calculated that these jobs account for 16% of the available openings, but make up only 5% of all applications. While you will need at least a computer science degree and an understanding of the fundamentals of programming to land one of these jobs, the payoff for the time spent hitting the books is worth it. Gamesmith estimates that the average 28-year-old male engineer earns a salary north of $100,000.

Even if you don’t have any of these skills to help design a game from the ground up, there are still plenty of ways to break into the industry. No matter how good a game is, it will only be a success if people know about it, so the marketing and promotions teams at studios play a crucial role in making sure that consumers purchase the latest release and that it gets written about. If you have great communication skills and can work through people’s problems, companies always need customer service representatives.

Across all sectors of the gaming world, companies are looking to diversify their workforce and move away from an image as a job sector solely populated by white men in their early to mid-30s. Gamesmith research found that currently 74% of the industry’s workforce is male and 64% is white.

But that is changing. While in 2020, only 24% of studios invested moderate resources into diversity initiatives, out of those studios that did invest those resources, 96% reported at least moderately successful results and improvements to company culture. It may seem slow, but there does seem to be a recognition that the gaming industry needs a more diverse workforce as a way not just to bring more equity to their offices, but to make better games in the future and make the industry look more like the people who play games.

“Diversity isn’t a nicety; it’s a necessity if the industry is going to grow, thrive and truly reflect the tens of millions of people who play games every day in this country,” said Jo Twist, the CEO of the U.K.-based gaming trade association Ukie. “A diverse industry that draws on myriad cultures, lifestyles and experiences will lead to more creative and inclusive games that capture the imagination of players and drive our sector forward.”

Between the push to diversify the industry and a slew of new opportunities in the field, the key takeaway is that there are a wide range of possible careers in the industry and, even if you don’t think they do, your skills probably translate into one of the many roles that a gaming company needs to fill. Avid gamers know that you’re not going to beat a game the first time you turn on your console. So hone your skills, build up your experience and continue your quest to land a job in the industry of your dreams.

(文:Josh Vesely、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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無料ゲームから、本格的に楽しめるゲームまで100種類以上! 人気ゲーム「ナンプレ」「ソリティア」はもちろん、パズル、アクション、ボードなど、あらゆるジャンルのゲームが楽しめます!

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無料ゲームはプチゲーム | 誰でも遊べる人気の無料ゲームが ...

 · 無料ゲームが100本以上。人気のソリティア、マインスイーパを始め、脳トレ・トランプ・花札・パズル・タイピングなど豊富なジャンルのゲームが勢揃い。PCでもスマホでもですぐに遊べる無料ゲームサイトはプチゲーム。ゲームをプレイして

誰でも遊べる無料ゲームが100本以上 - かんたんゲーム ...

かんたんゲームボックスbyGMOでは100タイトル以上のおもしろ無料ゲームがインストール不要ですぐに楽しめます。. パズル・アクション・クイズ・脳トレ・ボードゲームをはじめ、定番ゲームの「ソリティア」「ナンプレ」「マインスイーパ」まで無料ゲームが満載!. スマホでも遊べます!.

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