

関連ワード (Katerra、Softbank Vision Fund、建設等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


20億ドル(約2200億円)を超える資金を使い果たしたSoftBank(ソフトバンク)が支援する建設スタートアップのKaterra(カテラ)は、事業を閉鎖することを従業員に伝えた。The Informationの報道による。



Katerraの転落は、SoftBankにとって2019年のWeWork IPO以来最大の華々しい失敗だ。SoftBankは2020年、テック株の大規模な復調のおかげで同社のVision Fund(ビジョンファンド)投資先企業の多くで利益を上げてきたが、ここ数カ月でで利益の一部は消失した。

Barron’s(バロンズ)による2021年5月のインタビューでCEOの孫正義氏は、KaterraおよびGreensill(グリーンシル)への投資を「後悔」していることを強調した。Katerraの出資者には他に、Khosla Ventures、DFJ Growth、Greenoaks Capital、およびCelesta Capitalがいる。



画像クレジット:hopsalka / Getty Images


After burning through more than $2 billion in funding, SoftBank-backed construction startup Katerra has told employees that it will be shutting down operations, according to a report in The Information.

Last year, the company claimed it had more than 8,000 employees globally.

Menlo Park-based Katerra had already been struggling to find a viable business in cheaply building properties for real estate developers when it was pushed to the edge of bankruptcy late last year, with the company blaming its latest struggles on climbing labor and material costs associated with the pandemic. The company was given one last chance after receiving a $200 million bailout from SoftBank, which reportedly bought up a majority stake after already having invested billions in the effort.

Katerra’s fall marks the most high-profile failure for SoftBank since the failed 2019 WeWork IPO. The firm has largely been seeing gains among its Vision Fund portfolio in the past year amid a larger tech stock rally, though some of those gains have receded in recent months.

In an interview with Barron’s last month, CEO Masayoshi Son highlighted Katerra as well as SoftBank’s investment in Greensill as “regrets” of his. Katerra’s other backers included Khosla Ventures, DFJ Growth, Greenoaks Capital and Celesta Capital.

TechCrunch has reached out to Katerra for comment.


(文:Lucas Matney、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

SoftBank-Backed Katerra to Shut Down - Bloomberg

Construction startup Katerra Inc. is shutting down, according to a person familiar with the matter, a dramatic collapse for a company that raised about $2 billion from investors including SoftBank ...

SoftBank-backed construction giant Katerra said to be ...

After burning through more than $2 billion in funding, SoftBank-backed construction startup Katerra has told employees that it will be shutting down operations, according to a report in The Information. Last year, the company claimed it had more than 8,000 employees globally. Menlo Park-based Katerra had already been struggling to find a viable business in […]

SoftBank-Backed Startup Katerra To Shut Down

The beleaguered Softbank-backed construction startup Katerra plans to shut down, according to a new report.

Katerra - Wikipedia

Katerra is an American technology-driven off-site construction company. It was founded in 2015 by Michael Marks, former CEO of Flextronics and former Tesla interim CEO, along with Fritz Wolff, the executive chairman of The Wolff Co. It has raised $1.2 billion in venture capital in venture capital investments and has more than $3 billion in project backlog.

Report: SoftBank-backed construction startup Katerra ...

Construction startup Katerra Inc., which had raised more than $2 billion since it was founded in 2015, is reportedly shutting down. The company, which was based in Menlo Park until recently, told ...

SoftBank-Backed Construction Startup Katerra Shutters US ...

Following a final $200 million investment from SoftBank, Katerra is closing after years of financial mismanagement and rising construction costs.

Troubled construction startup Katerra will shut down ...

Katerra was founded in 2015, and had received more than $1 billion in funding from SoftBank, which had also poured money into WeWork. At one point, it was valued at $4 billion. The Information's report says that a company executive cited the Covid-19 pandemic, along with soaring labor and construction costs as reasons for its latest financial ...

SoftBank Backed Construction Startup Katerra to Close - SWFI

Katerra Inc., the modular manufacturer and prefab construction company, is closing down. Katerra was founded in 2015 and had raised around US$ 2 billion from investors that include Japan-based SoftBank Group Corporation. Katerra claims it may not have enough money to pay employee severance or PTO. Katerra grew fast with cash infusions from the SoftBank […]

Well-funded construction giant Katerra cuts 117 jobs in ...

Katerra was helping build the new Founders Hall at the University of Washington's Foster School of Business. It was set to be the first building on UW's campus to feature cross-laminated timber (CLT) and the first project in Seattle to rely on CLT as a structural element.

REPORT: SoftBank-Backed Construction Startup Katerra Going ...

After years of hardship and despite SoftBank's backing, prefab construction company Katerra is shutting down.

SoftBank-backed construction giant Katerra said to be ...

Katerra's fall marks essentially the most high-profile failure for SoftBank because the failed 2019 WeWork IPO. The agency has largely been seeing beneficial properties amongst its Imaginative and prescient Fund portfolio previously yr amid a bigger tech inventory rally, although a few of these beneficial properties have receded in latest months.

Prefab startup wunderkind Katerra is shutting down | Sephina

Katerra, the modular prefabrication startup and timber innovator that acquired Michael Green Architecture (MGA) and Lord Aeck Sargent in 2018, is

SoftBank-backed construction giant Katerra said to be ...

After burning through more than $2 billion in funding, SoftBank-backed construction startup Katerra has told employees that it will be shutting down operations, according to a report in The Information. Last year, the company claimed it had more than 8,000 employees globally. Menlo Park-based Katerra had already been struggling to find a viable business in…

SoftBank-backed construction giant Katerra said to be ...

After burning by greater than $2 billion in funding, SoftBank-backed building startup Katerra has instructed workers that it will likely be shutting down operations, based on a report in The Info. Final 12 months, the corporate claimed it had greater than eight,000 workers globally. Menlo Park-based Katerra had already been struggling to discover a viable […]

SoftBank-backed construction giant Katerra said to be ...

Katerra's fall marks the most high-profile failure for SoftBank since the failed 2019 WeWork IPO. The firm has largely been seeing gains among its Vision Fund portfolio in the past year amid a larger tech stock rally, though some of those gains have receded in recent months.

BRIEF-SoftBank-Backed Katerra To Shut Down - The ...

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katerra (-ㅅ-)⁸ on Twitter: "exactly…

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ソフトバンクが支援する建設の巨人「Katerra」が約2200億円以上を使い果たし事業を閉鎖 ...


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広島・八丁堀に高層ビル3棟建設計画 15~30階程度・300億~400億円規模、28年度目標 | 地方経済 | 中国 ...


アパート階段崩落 建設会社手がけた213物件で階段に木材使用か | 事故 | Nhkニュース

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米国経済指標【建設支出】 - 2021年06月01日23:11|為替ニュース|みんかぶ Fx/為替

建設支出(4月)23:00 結果 0.2% 予想 0.5% 前回 1.0%(0.2%から修正)(前月比) ...

建設興業タイムス社 - Home | Facebook

建設興業タイムス社. 135 likes · 27 talking about this. 建設興業タイムス社の公式ページです。「建設興業タイムス」最新号のトップニュースや、島根の専門家をご紹介する「しまプロ」の更新情報などがご覧いただけます。

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Exclusive: SoftBank tech fund in talks to invest in Dubai ...

SoftBank Group Corp is in talks to invest in Dubai "cloud kitchen" Kitopi's latest funding round through its second technology fund, sources familiar with the matter said. The Japanese company's Vision Fund 2 has put forward a proposal to lead an investment of about $400 million in Kitopi, said the sources, who declined to be named as the matter is not public. SoftBank declined to comment.

SoftBank tech fund in talks to invest in Dubai's top cloud ...

SoftBank's Vision Fund 2, which has targeted $108 billion in fundraising, was seeded with $38 billion from SoftBank's own funds. Kitopi has raised $117.2 million since its inception from ...

EXCLUSIVE-SoftBank tech fund in talks to invest in Dubai ...

SoftBank's Vision Fund 2, which has targeted $108 billion in fundraising, was seeded with $38 billion from SoftBank's own funds. Kitopi has raised $117.2 million since its inception from investors ...

OfBusiness to raise up to $150 mn from Vision Fund 2 at $1 ...

Gurugram based OVB Tech, which operates B2B marketplace OfBusiness, is in talks to raise up to $150 million from SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The round is expected to value the startup at $1.3 billion, two people aware of the transaction said.

SoftBank-backed construction giant Katerra said to be ...

After burning through more than $2 billion in funding, SoftBank-backed construction startup Katerra has told employees that it will be shutting down operations, according to a report in The Information. Last year, the company claimed it had more than 8,000 employees globally. Menlo Park-based Katerra had already been struggling to find a viable business in […]

BostInno - VC funding update: Boston startups raised more ...

The round was led by the Softbank Vision Fund 2. Prismic, a customizable website builder company, raised $20M in funding to expand its hiring efforts and global market. The Series A funding is co ...

SoftBank-Backed Construction Startup Katerra Shutters US ...

Following a final $200 million investment from SoftBank, Katerra is closing after years of financial mismanagement and rising construction costs.

Credit Suisse plots lawsuit against SoftBank over ...

SoftBank's Vision Fund has instructed law firm Quinn Emanuel to defend it against any claims linked to Greensill, according to a person familiar with the matter. The recriminations between the Swiss lender and SoftBank, a leading client, has already led to an informal ban on Credit Suisse bankers dealing with the Japanese group over the past ...

REPORT: SoftBank-Backed Construction Startup Katerra Going ...

After years of hardship and despite SoftBank's backing, prefab construction company Katerra is shutting down.

Credit Suisse plots lawsuit against SoftBank over ...

The move comes as the Swiss lender scrambles to appease angry clients who stand to lose as much as $3bn following the failure of Greensill, whose largest investor was SoftBank's Vision Fund. The dispute centres on $440m in funds that the bank's wealthy customers are owed by Katerra, a struggling US construction group that was a Greensill ...

SoftBank-backed construction giant Katerra said to be ...

Katerra's fall marks the most high-profile failure for SoftBank since the failed 2019 WeWork IPO. The firm has largely been seeing gains among its Vision Fund portfolio in the past year amid a larger tech stock rally, though some of those gains have receded in recent months.

Banking software startup Zeta is now a unicorn valued at ...

The funding comes from Softbank's Vision Fund 2, a multibillion-dollar fund focused on tech startups. Softbank's first Vision Fund backed companies like Uber and WeWork to mixed success. Zeta provides software to financial institutions to power credit, debit, and pre-paid cards, alongside buy now, pay later and deposit services.

SoftBank Backed Construction Startup Katerra to Close - SWFI

Katerra Inc., the modular manufacturer and prefab construction company, is closing down. Katerra was founded in 2015 and had raised around US$ 2 billion from investors that include Japan-based SoftBank Group Corporation. Katerra claims it may not have enough money to pay employee severance or PTO. Katerra grew fast with cash infusions from the SoftBank […]

FirstFT: Today's hot news | Financial Times ...

Good morning.This article is a live version of our website FirstFT Europe/Africa communication. Register here Let the newsletter be sent directly to your



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