関連ワード (Pentagram、サウンドデザイン、電気自動車等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
電気自動車が0~60マイル(0〜96 km)まで加速した時、方向指示器を出した時、夜間にパワーを下げた時、どんな音がするだろうか?EVモーターの部品は少なく、そのため驚くほど静かなので、音でスピードを認識するドライバーや、近づいてくるクルマの音を聞くことのできない歩行者に、安全性の懸念をもたらしている。
2019年、欧州および米国の規制当局はEVの警告音義務化を開始したが、音の選択は自動車メーカーに任された。多くのメーカーが新たな規制をブランド付きサウンドを生み出すチャンスと捉えたが、有名ミュージシャンに電動エンジンのノイズを作曲させるマーケティング騒動も引き起こした。Hans Zimmer(ハンス・ジマー)氏はブレードランナー風のサウンドコンセプトをBMWの電動セダン、i4のために創作し、なぜかLinkin Park(リンキン・パーク)もBMWのEVサウンドを作っている。
デザインコンサルタント会社、Pentagram(ペンタグラム)のパートナーでサウンドデザイナーのYuri Suzuki(スズキ・ユウリ)氏は、電気自動車のサウンドがユーザーの安全、楽しさ、コミュニケーション、およびブランド認知に果たす重要な役割に関する研究プロジェクトを実施し、その中でさまざまなカーサウンドを開発した。スズキ氏は、自動車メーカーの中には美しくて興味を引くカーサウンドデザインを選ぶところもあるが、セレブの影響力に頼ることは、重大な機械に関わるサウンドをデザインするのに適した方法ではないと語った。
彼のエンジン音はガソリンエンジンの回転を彷彿させ、スピードの増加と減少を認識できる特徴をドライバーにも歩行者にも与える。サウンドはさまざまな音程で使用され、宇宙船が飛び立つような低いものやホバークラフトが垂直上昇するような少し高いものもある。Audi(アウディ)、Ford(フォード)、Jaguar(ジャガー)、Land Rover(ランドローバー)の各社も、ガソリンエンジンの未来的模倣音を一部の新しい電気自動車に採用している。
What does an electric vehicle sound like when it goes from 0 to 60, when it signals a turn, when it’s powered down for the night? EV motors have fewer parts and are therefore incredibly silent, which presents safety concerns for drivers who recognize speed by sound and pedestrians who can’t hear an approaching vehicle.
In 2019, regulators in Europe and the U.S. began requiring EVs to have warning sounds , but they left it up to the car manufacturers to choose those sounds. Many have taken the new legislation as an opportunity to not only create a branded sound, but also to stir up some marketing hype by enlisting famous musicians to compose the noise of an electric engine. Hans Zimmer created the Blade Runner -esque sound concept for BMW’s i4 electric sedan , and, strangely, Linkin Park is creating EV sounds for BMW .
Sound designer Yuri Suzuki, a partner at design consultancy firm Pentagram, recently conducted a research project into the crucial role electric car sound has on a user’s safety, enjoyability, communication and brand recognition, out of which he developed a range of car sounds . Suzuki says that while some automakers have chosen beautiful and interesting car sound designs, chasing celebrity clout is not the way to go when designing the sound behind serious machines.
“We really have to design carefully based on the psychological effects on a human,” Suzuki told TechCrunch. “It’s all about the relation between the human being and the machine itself.”
Suzuki says smart sound design can help ease the difference between human and car by providing a shared language. Based on surveys he conducted, Suzuki came up with two new skeuomorphic electric engine sounds as well as adaptive sounds that reflect the time of day and the location of the drive.
His engine sounds are reminiscent of internal combustion engine revs, providing both drivers and pedestrians with a recognizable indication of speed increasing and decreasing. The sounds are placed at different pitches: one quite low, like a spaceship taking off; the other a bit higher, like a hovercraft vertically ascending. Audi, Ford and Jaguar Land Rover have also chosen to make futuristic copies of gasoline engines for some of their new electric vehicles.
Suzuki’s sound design also includes in-car sounds, like powering on, turn signals or horn honking, that use AI to adapt to the time of day . In the morning, there’s a higher pitch and a sunnier energy to the sounds, which get progressively lower in pitch as the day wears on.
To make the sounds more customizable, Suzuki says he uses machine learning to help integrate the individual’s calendar so the sound can adapt to the type of activity the user is doing, from heading to work to running errands to going on a joyride. Video game-like sounds are activated whenever the driver arrives at their destination .
A lot of manufacturers allow the driver to choose the sounds their vehicle will make, but Suzuki doesn’t think that’s the best idea because people will likely choose what sounds coolest to them, not necessarily what is most useful. Not to mention what a strange cacophony of noises cities would sound like if everyone could choose their own sounds. It would be like when people started choosing their own cellphone ringtones, but on a larger, more anxiety-inducing scale.
“We suggest a pre-set sound that gradually changes as it shifts to your life and activity pattern,” he said. “Our AI can slowly adjust its sound to the driver’s behavior.”
Suzuki’s AI-based car sounds are designed so that they’re not repetitive. So if you’re on a long road trip, rather than constantly listening to the same sound, Suzuki’s sounds are capable of creating real-time generation of bespoke sounds, a task that’s nearly impossible for a human to do. He says the constantly progressing and shifting sounds use the same data as the original engine sound, but it can stretch for hours without repetition.
Pentagram hasn’t yet produced a commercial application for Suzuki’s sounds, as it is more interested in sharing its research with the EV and sound design communities, as well as finding the right automaker partner to develop this project further.
“There are no strong sound guidelines yet, so that’s something we’re interested in,” said Suzuki. “The first step for us is sharing the kinds of things we can do with AI and sound design.”
(文:Rebecca Bellan、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )
電動自動車の新車情報・自動車カタログ - 価格.com
電気自動車 全メーカー別カタログ|EVsmart
電気自動車 - Wikipedia
電気自動車 (でんきじどうしゃ)とは、 電気 をエネルギー源とし、 電動機 (モーター)で走行する 自動車 である。 略称は一般的に EV(E lectric V ehicle)が用いられる。
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