動画配信サービスCBS All Accessの後継Paramount+が米国・カナダ・中南米で2021年3月4日開始
今回は「動画配信サービスCBS All Accessの後継Paramount+が米国・カナダ・中南米で2021年3月4日開始」についてご紹介します。
関連ワード (Paramount+、ViacomCBS、動画配信等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
2020年、ViacomCBS(バイアコムCBS)は、2019年のViacomとCBSの合併にともなうコンテンツラインナップの拡大をより良く反映させるために、同社のCBS All Access(オールアクセス)ストリーミングサービスが近日中にParamount+としてリブランドされると発表していた。米国時間1月19日、同社は米国でのParamount+のローンチ日を2021年3月4日に決定したと発表した。またラテンアメリカ、カナダ、北欧諸国を含む他の国際市場のローンチ日も公表した。
ラテンアメリカ市場では2021年3月4日にサービスが開始され、カナダでは同時にCBS All AccessからParamount+へとリブランドされる。ただし、カナダでは2021年後半までラインナップが拡充されないという。北欧地域では3月25日にサービスが開始され、その後、オーストラリアでは「2021年半ば」にサービスが開始されるとのこと。
ViacomCBSは2020年初めから、CBS All Accessの拡張であるこの新しいストリーミングサービスは、現在CBS All Accessでストリーミングされている複数の「Star Trek(スタートレック)」シリーズや「The Good Wife(グッド・ワイフ)」のスピンオフ作品「The Good Fight(ザ・グッド・ファイト)」などの増えているオリジナルコンテンツのコレクションを含め、同社の有名シリーズや大規模なコレクションを配信できるようになる、とリブランド計画を宣伝していた。
2020年、ViacomCBSはさらに「The Godfather(ゴッドファーザー)」の製作過程を描いたオリジナル限定シリーズ「The Offer」、Taylor Sheridan(テイラー・シェリダン)氏が製作したCIAのスパイドラマ「Lioness」など、新サービスのために計画された他のオリジナル作品も発表した。また、過去40年間に焦点を当てたVH1の「Behind the Music」のリメイク版、フィクションのヒット番組「Criminal Minds(クリミナル・マインド FBI行動分析課)」を元にした実話の犯罪ドキュメンタリー「The Real Criminal Minds」、BETの「The Game」のリバイバルなども含まれている。
Nickelodeon(ニコロデオン)の「Spongebob Squarepants(スポンジ・ボブ)」から派生した新しい子供向けオリジナルシリーズ「Kamp Koral」を含む子供番組も拡大される。そして、映画「The Spongebob Movie:Sponge on the Run(スポンジ・ボブ:スポンジ・オン・ザ・ラン)」もビデオオンデマンド購読を通し配信されるという。
CBS All Accessは完全なリブランドに先立ち、BET、CBS、Comedy Central、MTV、Nickelodeon、Paramount PicturesといったViacomCBSが所有するブランドのコンテンツを取り入れ、3万以上のエピソードや映画を視聴できるようにすることを目標に、すでにラインナップを拡大していた。
ViacomCBS は、Paramount+を独立した配信先にする計画を立てているが、他のストリーミングサービスにもコンテンツのライセンスを与えている。2020年に新たに統合された会社としての最初の1年間で、ViacomCBSはComcast(コムキャスト)、Dish(ディッシュ)、Verizon(ベライゾン、TechCrunchの親会社)、Nextstar(ネクストスター)、Meredith(メレディス)、Cox(コックス)、Sinclair(シンクレア)と受託放送契約を結び、YouTube TV(ユーチューブTV)とHulu(フールー)とは増分収益に関する契約を締結した。YouTube TVとHuluは、それぞれのラインアップにViacomCBS所有のチャンネルを6つ以上追加し、その結果、価格を引き上げている。
Paramount+は CBS All Accessの既存の技術プラットフォーム上に構築されているため、初日から前身と同じプラットフォーム(TV、ウェブ、モバイル)での配信が可能になる。
現在、CBS All Accessの加入者数は約800万人と推定されており、Disney+(7300万人以上)やHBO Max(1260万人の「アクティブユーザー」)などの新しいライバルよりもはるかに少ない。
Last year, ViacomCBS announced its CBS All Access streaming service would soon rebrand as Paramount+, to better reflect the expanded content lineup following the Viacom-CBS merger in 2019. Today, the company says it has set a launch date for Paramount+ in the U.S.: March 4, 2021. It’s also sharing the launch dates for other international markets, including Latin America, Canada and the Nordics.
The service will debut on March 4 in Latin American markets and will rebrand from CBS All Access to Paramount+ in Canada at the same time. However, Canada won’t receive the expanded lineup until later in 2021. The Nordics region will see the service arrive on March 25, 2021, which is followed by a launch in Australia in “mid-2021.”
The company had been touting its plans for the rebranded service since earlier last year, explaining how the new streaming offering, an expansion of CBS All Access, would allow it to showcase the company’s biggest franchises and its deep library, while also offering a home to its growing collection of original content, like the multiple “Star Trek” series now streaming on CBS All Access and “The Good Wife” spin-off, “The Good Fight,” among others.
The service will also continue to stream sports, like NFL games and those from other leagues, like the NCAA and PGA, and live stream news from CBSN and local stations.
Last year, ViacomCBS additionally announced other originals it had planned for the new service, including “The Offer,” a scripted limited series about the making of “The Godfather”; CIA spy drama “Lioness,” created by Taylor Sheridan; a reimagined version of VH1’s “Behind the Music,” which will focus on the past 40 years; a true crime docuseries, “The Real Criminal Minds,” based on the fictional TV hit; and a revival of BET’s “The Game.”
There will be expanded children’s programming, too, including a new kids original series “Kamp Koral,” from Nickelodeon’s “Spongebob Squarepants.” And it it will be the subscription video-on-demand home for the “The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run.”
CBS All Access had already been expanding its lineup ahead of the full rebrand, with the goal of reaching more than 30,000 episodes and movies, by incorporating content from ViacomCBS-owned brands like BET, CBS, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon and Paramount Pictures.
Despite its plans to make Paramount+ a standalone destination, ViacomCBS has been licensing its content to other streamers, as well. During its first full year as a newly combined company in 2020, ViacomCBS made carriage deals with Comcast, Dish, Verizon (TechCrunch’s parent), Nextstar, Meredith, Cox and Sinclair, and hashed out agreements with YouTube TV and Hulu for incremental revenues. Both YouTube TV and Hulu added over a half dozen ViacomCBS-owned channels to their respective lineups and hiked prices, as a result.
Because Paramount+ is built on CBS All Access’ existing tech platform, it will have the same distribution across platforms (TV, web and mobile) as its predecessor from day one.
Today, CBS All Access is estimated to have around 8 million subscribers, which makes it far smaller than other newer rivals like Disney+ (73 million+) and HBO Max (12.6 million “activated users”).
Paramount+ – Stream live TV, movies, originals, sports, news …
Paramount+ – Stream live TV, movies, originals, sports, news, and more
動画配信サービスCBS All Accessの後継Paramount+が米国 …
Paramount+ will replace CBS All Access on March 4th …
Paramount+, the rebranded and expanded CBS All Access, will launch on March 4th.
Paramount+ Marketing Push Will Rely Heavily on …
· Paramount+, named after the famed movie studio owned by ViacomCBS, will launch in the U.S. on March 4. It will be an expanded and rebranded version of …
Paramount Mais Brasil
© Viacom International Media Networks 2019 / Todos os direitos reservados. O logo da Paramount Channel e marcas relacionadas são registradas pela Paramount Pictures …
Paramount+ streaming service to take place of CBS All Access,
ViacomCBS announced Tuesday it plans to launch Paramount+, which will combine content from CBS, Viacom and the Paramount film studio, on March 4.
Paramount+ Launch Date Set By ViacomCBS – Deadline
Rebranded streaming service Paramount+ will go live in the u.S. on March 4, followed by launches in the Nordics and Australia.
Paramount+ – Apps no Google Play
Watch the best of entertainment in one single place. With Paramount+ you will have access to complete series, stand up shows, movies, reality and kids shows. SERIES In Paramount+ the best series arrive first. Don't miss out The Handmaid's Tale and Killing Eve, the most awarded series of the moment. Moreover, you will find new content every month so that you are never left with nothing to watch. There are new shows and episodes being added all the time! MOVIES A library full of new and classic movies, for young people, adults and kids! Movies to watch alone or with the whole family. ENTERTAINMENT The best realities like Acapulco Show, MTV Caniggia Libre and Catfish launch first on Paramount+. Like to laugh? We have stand-up and the best comedy shows like La Culpa es de Cortes, Bar Central and Lip Sync Battle so that you have a lot of fun. KIDS CONTENT Do you have small children? Watch big hits like SpongeBob, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and many more at any time you want, wherever you want. All of this and more available on your phone or tablet. QUESTIONS? SUGGESTIONS? Need help? Use the in-app messenger or email paramountapphelp@viacom.com SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS Try Paramount+ h absolutely FREE and subscribe for your exclusive access. You will be charged each month after your free trial period expires. Any unused portion of the free trial will be forfeited if you subscribe to Paramount+ before the free trial period is completed. Cancel anytime in your Google Play store Settings under “Subscriptions.” Cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial or current billing period to avoid auto-renew charges to your account. TERMS & CONDITIONS You Can find our full Terms & Conditions at: https://experience-paramountbr.tbxnet.com/br/politica-de-privacidade
Paramount+ Will Officially Launch March 4
Think of it as a super-stuffed version of the already great CBS All Access.
Paramount+ – Com Hem
Paramount+ är en streamingtjänst som exklusivt erbjuder de senaste filmerna från Paramount Pictures inom ett år efter biopremiären. Dessutom erbjuder tjänsten en ny Paramount Evergreen varje vecka och en bred katalog över prisbelönta filmer och klassiker samt barnfilmer.
ViacomCBS is one of the world’s leading producers of premium entertainment content that connects billions of people in nearly every country in the world.
ViacomCBS’ Paramount+ charts March 4 entry into streaming …
The service is a rebranding and expansion of the company's CBS All Access subscription video offering.
Paramount+ Marketing Push Will Rely Heavily on …
· ViacomCBS Inc. will begin a 13-week marketing campaign for its coming Paramount+ streaming service with advertising during the National Football …
ViacomCBS to launch streaming service Paramount+ in March
Media company ViacomCBS Inc said on Tuesday it will launch its streaming service, Paramount+, in the United States on March 4.
ViacomCBS Announces Paramount+ Launch Dates 01/19/2021
ViacomCBS Announces Paramount+ Launch Dates – 01/19/2021
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The Capitol siege prompted a host of companies to suspend political contributions to those opposing the certifying of Joe Biden's victory.
バイアコム – Wikipedia
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