

関連ワード (Facebook、Instagram等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





Facebookは、自動代替テキスト(Automatic Alt Text)システムを2016年に開発した。これは機械学習が普及し始めるよりずっと前のことだった。それ以来チームは、処理をスピードアップし内容を詳細にするため多くの改良を加えきた。最新のアップデートでは、詳細なキャプションをオンデマンドで生成するオプションが追加されている。






おそらく「雪が降っている山の手前に家と複数の木」というような説明になるのだろう。そうなるのであれば、画像理解のために便利だ (もちろんこの例は説明のために今考えついたものだが、おそらくそのような方向に改善されるのだろうと思う)。




Every picture posted to Facebook and Instagram gets evaluated by an image analysis AI in order to create a caption, and that AI just got a lot smarter. The improved system should be a treat for visually impaired users, and may help you find your photos faster in the future.

Alt text is a field in an image’s metadata that describes its contents: “A person standing in a field with a horse,” or “a dog on a boat.” This lets the image be understood by people who can’t see it.

These descriptions are often added manually by a photographer or publication, but people uploading photos to social media generally don’t bother, if they even have the option. So the relatively recent ability to automatically generate one — the technology has only just gotten good enough in the last couple years — has been extremely helpful in making social media more accessible in general.

Facebook created its Automatic Alt Text system in 2016, which is eons ago in the field of machine learning. The team has since cooked up many improvements to it, making it faster and more detailed, and the latest update adds an option to generate a more detailed description on demand.

The improved system recognizes 10 times more items and concepts than it did at the start, now around 1,200. And the descriptions include more detail. What was once “Two people by a building” may now be “A selfie of two people by the Eiffel Tower.” (The actual descriptions hedge with “may be…” and will avoid including wild guesses.)

But there’s more detail than that, even if it’s not always relevant. For instance, in this image the AI notes the relative positions of the people and objects:

Image Credits: Facebook

Obviously the people are above the drums, and the hats are above the people, none of which really needs to be said for someone to get the gist. But consider an image described as “A house and some trees and a mountain.” Is the house on the mountain or in front of it? Are the trees in front of or behind the house, or maybe on the mountain in the distance?

In order to adequately describe the image, these details should be filled in, even if the general idea can be gotten across with fewer words. If a sighted person wants more detail they can look closer or click the image for a bigger version — someone who can’t do that now has a similar option with this “generate detailed image description” command. (Activate it with a long press in the Android app or a custom action in iOS.)

Perhaps the new description would be something like “A house and some trees in front of a mountain with snow on it.” That paints a better picture, right? (To be clear, these examples are made up, but it’s the sort of improvement that’s expected.)

The new detailed description feature will come to Facebook first for testing, though the improved vocabulary will appear on Instagram soon. The descriptions are also kept simple so they can be easily translated to other languages already supported by the apps, though the feature may not roll out in other countries simultaneously.


Facebook – ログインまたは登録



Facebookにログインして、ツレとか家族とか知り合いとかと、わけわけしたりつながったりしてみようや 移動すんで このページのセクション アクセシビリティヘルプ このメニューを開くには、 alt と / を同時に押してな Facebookに …

Facebook – Google Play のアプリ

Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages, and stay connected to communities important to you. Features on the Facebook app include: * Connect with friends and family and meet new people on your social media network * Set status updates & use Facebook emoji to help relay what’s going on in your world * Share photos, videos, and your favorite memories. * Get notifications when friends like and comment on your posts * Find local social events, and make plans to meet up with friends * Play games with any of your Facebook friends * Backup photos by saving them in albums * Follow your favorite artists, websites, and companies to get their latest news * Look up local businesses to see reviews, operation hours, and pictures * Buy and sell locally on Facebook Marketplace * Watch live videos on the go The Facebook app does more than help you stay connected with your friends and interests. It's also your personal organizer for storing, saving and sharing photos. It's easy to share photos straight from your Android camera, and you have full control over your photos and privacy settings. You can choose when to keep individual photos private or even set up a secret photo album to control who sees it. Facebook also helps you keep up with the latest news and current events around the world. Subscribe to your favorite celebrities, brands, news sources, artists, or sports teams to follow their newsfeeds, watch live streaming videos and be caught up on the latest happenings no matter where you are! The most important desktop features of Facebook are also available on the app, such as writing on timelines, liking photos, browsing for people, and editing your profile and groups. Now you can get early access to the next version of Facebook for Android by becoming a beta tester. Learn how to sign up, give feedback and leave the program in our Help Center: http://on.fb.me/133NwuP Sign up directly here: http://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.facebook.katana Problems downloading or installing the app? See http://bit.ly/GPDownload1 Still need help? Please tell us more about the issue. http://bit.ly/invalidpackage Facebook is only available for users age 13 and over. Terms of Service: http://m.facebook.com/terms.php.


Create an account or log in to Instagram – A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family.


Instagramアカウントを作成、またはアカウントにログイン ― クリエイティブな写真や動画を簡単に撮影・編集して、友達や家族とシェアしよう。

Instagram を入手 – Microsoft Store ja-JP

Instagram from Facebookは、大切な人やものを身近な存在にします。 友達とつながったり、近況をシェアしたり、世界各地からの最新投稿をチェックすることができます。自分らしさを表現できるコミュニティで、日常の出来事から一大イベントまで、さまざまなコンテンツをシェアしましょう。

インスタグラムの使い方ガイド | 初心者でも簡単に登録・投稿 …

 · Instagram(インスタグラム)の初心者向けに、始め方から投稿や機能の使い方を解説します。基本操作のハッシュタグやストーリーズ、IGTVなどを含めたさまざまな機能について、実際の画面を使ってインスタグラムの入門を解説します。

@instagram • Twitter


Instagram(インスタグラム)の使い方 完全活用ガイド | アプリオ


インターネット接続|料金比較 – 価格.com


J:COM NET(インターネット・プロバイダ) | J:COM




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ハローワークインターネットサービス – トップページ

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OBC Netサービス

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インターネットサービスプロバイダ – Wikipedia

117 行  · インターネットサービスプロバイダ(英語: Internet Service Provider )とは、インターネッ …

ログイン | オンラインサービス | メットライフ生命

オンラインサービスにログイン・新規登録して ご契約内容の確認や、各種手続きなどをご利用いただけます。 インターネットサービスのID(Eから始まる10桁のID)をお持ちの方 2019年10月からID形式が、メールアドレスに変更になりました。

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VIEW’s NETログイン:ビューカード

「Web明細ポイントサービス 」 にお申込みいただくと、ご利用代金明細書の確認がWeb上からのみとなり、とってもエコロジー。さらに明細書発行のたびにJRE POINTを50ポイントプレゼント。VIEW’s NETから簡単にお申込みいただけます。



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