

関連ワード (Reign Maker、公益事業等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




しかしプロフェッショナルで頑丈な産業用ドローンの登場とともに、状況は変わった。Nixieはドローンの応用開発メーカーであるReign Makerのプロダクトで、使用するアームをカスタムすることで標本採取用としても、各種現場用センサーとしても利用できる。


画像クレジット:Reign Maker


Reign Makerが挙げるニューヨーク水道局の使用事例では、水質標本の採取をボートなどの方法で行なうと1日で得られる標本数が30で、費用(人件費、ボートの燃料など)は1標本あたり100ドル(約1万1000円)だった。複数の作業員がNixieを使用すると、1日に得られる標本数は平均120で、1標本あたりの費用は10ドル(約1100円)だった。確かにニューヨークはすべての物価が高い都市だが、それでもなお、両者の差は大きい。水をすくうためのジッパーは、ドローンの標準装備ではないので850ドル(約9万4000円)で購入することになる。

ただし現在のところ自動操縦ではないのでパイロットの視界線を飛ぶだけだが、その方が規制とその要求も単純だ。これまでボートとそのクルーおよび少量の燃料を要した場所を、2人のチームとわずかな交換バッテリーがあればサンプルを収集できる。使用しているドローンは、DJIのM600とM300 RTKだ。

画像クレジット:Reign Maker


現在、Reign Makerは、ニューヨーク市の環境保護局の仕事を行っており、他の部署からの引き合いもある。若干の初期投資と訓練や慣れが必要だが、そんなことよりも速くて安上がりな検査の魅力の方が大きい。


・ソニーがドローン「Airpeak S1」を9月発売、ミラーレスα搭載や映像制作向け飛行プラン作成も可能

画像クレジット:Reign Maker


Regularly testing waterways and reservoirs is a never-ending responsibility for utility companies and municipal safety authorities, and generally — as you might expect — involves either a boat or at least a pair of waders. Nixie does the job with a drone instead, making the process faster, cheaper and a lot less wet.

The most common methods of testing water quality haven’t changed in a long time, partly because they’re effective and straightforward, and partly because really, what else are you going to do? No software or web platform out there is going to reach into the middle of the river and pull out a liter of water.

But with the advent of drones powerful and reliable enough to deploy in professional and industrial circumstances, the situation has changed. Nixie is a solution by the drone specialists at Reign Maker, involving either a custom-built sample collection arm or an in-situ sensor arm.

The sample collector is basically a long vertical arm with a locking cage for a sample container. You put the empty container in there, fly the drone out to the location, then submerge the arm. When it flies back, the filled container can be taken out while the drone hovers and a fresh one put in its place to bring to the next spot. (This switch can be done safely in winds up to 18 MPH and sampling in currents up to 5 knots, the company said.)

Image Credits: Reign Maker

This allows for quick sampling at multiple locations — the drone’s battery will last about 20 minutes, enough for two to four samples depending on the weather and distance. Swap the battery out and drive to the next location and do it all again.

For comparison, Reign Maker pointed to New York’s water authority, which collects 30 samples per day from boats and other methods, at an approximate cost (including labor, boat fuel, etc) of $100 per sample. Workers using Nixie were able to collect an average of 120 samples per day, for around $10 each. Sure, New York is probably among the higher cost locales for this (like everything else) but the deltas are pretty huge. (The dipper attachment itself costs $850, but doesn’t come with a drone.)

It should be mentioned that the drone is not operating autonomously; it has a pilot who will be flying with line of sight (which simplifies regulations and requirements). But even so, that means a team of two, with a handful of spare batteries, can cover the same space  that would normally take a boat crew and more than a little fuel. Currently the system works with the M600 and M300 RTK drones from DJI.

Image Credits: Reign Maker

The drone method has the added benefits of having precise GPS locations for each sample and of not disturbing the water when it dips in. No matter how carefully you step or pilot a boat, you’re going to be pushing the water all over the place, potentially affecting the contents of the sample, but that’s not the case if you’re hovering overhead.

In development is a smarter version of the sampler that includes a set of sensors that can do on-site testing for all the most common factors: temperature, pH, troubling organisms, various chemicals. Skipping the step of bringing the water back to a lab for testing streamlines the process immensely, as you might expect.

Right now Reign Maker is working with New York’s Department of Environmental Protection and in talks with other agencies. While the system would take some initial investment, training, and getting used to, it’s probably hard not to be tempted by the possibility of faster and cheaper testing.

Ultimately the company hopes to offer (in keeping with the zeitgeist) a more traditional SaaS offering involving water quality maps updating in real time with new testing. That too is still in the drawing-board phase, but once a few customers sign up it starts looking a lot more attractive.

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

ReignMaker в Steam

Об этой игре. ReignMaker is a match-3 game with tower defense, city building, and political strategy elements. From your capital city you lead your Kingdom against the invading Void Army that threatens...

Home - Reign Maker Site

Reign Maker, a data and information collection firm, that operates UAS and other robotic devices for the civil engineering, telecommunications, and utility sector.

Reign-Maker Communications

Reign-Maker Communications is a boutique Communications and Public Policy agency. Get true quality, quickly.

MOB Review: ReignMaker - YouTube

Reign Maker is Match 3 game set in tone with casual gameplay and rpg aspects. Gem matching, and tower defense combined into one, and done fairly well, with s...

Reign Maker (@Reign_Maker) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от Reign Maker (@Reign_Maker). Button pusher, mouse clicker, screen watcher, race horse lover, (not necessarily in that order) and part time #degenerate. Ray Donavan calls me for...

ReignMaker Tips, News, Reviews, Tutorials, And More

Reign-Maker Communications is a boutique Communications and Public Policy agency. We combine senior strategic counsel with nimble execution to generate value through strategy, advice, execution...

ReignMakerVideo (@reignmakervideo) • Фото и видео в Instagram

ReignMakerVideo. Reign Maker Video. Online content editing services. Real estate walk through videos in the DMV.

Reign Maker on Vimeo

Capturing imagery and converting into actionable, revenue-generating data.

Reign Maker @Reign_Maker Twitter profile | Twuko

Explore tweets of Reign Maker @Reign_Maker on Twitter. Button pusher, mouse clicker, screen watcher, race horse lover, (not necessarily in that order) and part time #degenerate. Ray Donavan calls me for help. | Twuko

Reign Maker Archives - DRONELIFE

Drones have proven to be an incredibly valuable tool for environmental scientists: now, Reign Maker, a drone and data services innovation company, has developed a system using drones for wat...

ReignMaker Support | Frogdice

1) HOW TO: Update to a new version of ReignMaker. 2) ReignMaker Support and Bug Reports. 3) All Other Support...

reign maker - ANITH

reign maker. 1Article. aerospace, drones, Gadgets, Government, GreenTech, Hardware, reign maker, Startups, TC, UAVs, water testing.


Also, check my profile for other giveaways, currently : ORION: Dino Horde and Reign Maker. DiRT 3 & DiRT Showdown should come as soon as the website let me if I don't have any problem with these two.

Reign-maker User Profile | DeviantArt

Check out Reign-maker's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired.

Reign-Maker has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Reign-Maker has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Reign Maker | AngelList Talent

Reign Maker has developed the first water sampling device that attaches to a drone. We brought in an aerospace engineer to help us with the design.

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Reign Maker Video - We Make Online Video Easy. What is the process? A: At Reign Maker Video we have a simple 5 step process for producing your content / video.

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Rob Delius/ Reign Maker | ReverbNation

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