

関連ワード (Amazon、JEDI、Microsoft、Oracle、米国防総省等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




国防総省は2018年3月、次世代のクラウドインフラストラクチャを構築するための100億ドル(約1兆1000億円)規模の10年にわたるクラウド契約を発表した。別名「Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure」、略称は「JEDI(ジェダイ)」である。スター・ウォーズを思わせる呼称はさておいておこう。




Microsoftの防衛事業を統括するLeigh Madden(リー・マデン)氏は、Microsoftがそうした契約を勝ち取ることができると確信しているが、それは必ずしも国防総省にとって最善のアプローチではないとTechCrunchに対して語っていた。「国防総省が単一ベンダーだけを採用する道を行くのなら、私たちは勝つために参加します。しかしそうは言いいながらも、それは私たちが世界で見ているような、80%のお客様がマルチクラウドソリューションを採用している動きとは、対照的なものなのです」。

おそらくそうした要因により、最初から絶望的だったのだろう。その上、要件が完全に明らかになる前から、クラウドインフラストラクチャ市場シェアをリードするAmazonを優遇しているという不満の声が上がっていた。Oracleは特に声高に主張しており、RFPが公表される前から、前大統領に直接訴えていた。同社はその後、米政府説明責任局(Government Accountability Office)に苦情を申し立て、このプロセス全体が不公正で、Amazonに有利になるように設計されていたとして複数の訴訟を起こした。しかし、彼らの苦情はその都度却下された。そしてご存知の通り、結局はAmazonが勝者とはならなかった。



前大統領の直接の介入もあった。同年の8月に、前大統領は国防長官に対し、本プロセスがAmazonに有利であるとの懸念を挙げて、事案を再検討するよう命じた。これに対しては、国防総省、会計検査院、裁判所から数度にわたって反論がなされている。また、元国防長官Jim Mattis(ジム・マティス)氏は自身の著書で、同氏が前大統領から「100億ドルの契約からAmazonを締め出せ」と命じられたことを明らかにしており、問題をさらに複雑にしている。前大統領の目的は、ワシントンポスト紙のオーナーでもあるJeff Bezos(ジェフ・ベゾス)氏に仕返しすることにあるように思われた。



AWSの前CEOのAndy Jassy(アンディ・ジャシー)氏は、AWSのre:Inventの発表から数カ月後には、大統領がこのプロセスに不当な影響を与えたという考えを表明していた。










国防総省の最高情報責任者を務めるJohn Sherman(ジョン・シャーマン)氏は声明で次のように述べている。「JEDIが計画されたのは、当省のニーズが今とは異なり、CSP(クラウドサービスプロバイダー)の技術と我々のクラウドとの間の知識交流が成熟していなかった時代です。JADC2(Joint All Domain Command and Control、コネクテッドセンサーのネットワーク構築に関するイニチアチブ)やADA(AI and Data Acceleration)などの我々の新しいイニシアチブ、国防総省内のクラウドエコシステムの発展、複数のクラウド環境を活用してミッションを実行するためのユーザー要件の変化などを考慮すると、我々を取り巻く環境は進化しており、従来型と非従来型の戦闘ドメインで優位に立つための新たな道すじが保証されています」。


同省は声明で次のように述べている。「当省は、Microsoft Corporation(Microsoft)やAmazon Web Services(AWS)を含む限定された数の業者からの提案を求める意向です。市場調査によると、これら2つのベンダーが当省の要件を満たすことができる唯一のクラウドサービスプロバイダー(CSP)であることが示されています」。



画像クレジット:Kiyoshi Tanno / Getty Images


When the Pentagon killed the JEDI cloud program yesterday, it was the end of a long and bitter road for a project that never seemed to have a chance. The question is why it didn’t work out in the end, and ultimately I think you can blame the DoD’s stubborn adherence to a single vendor requirement, a condition that never made sense to anyone, even the vendor that ostensibly won the deal.

In March 2018, the Pentagon announced a mega $10 billion, decade-long cloud contract to build the next generation of cloud infrastructure for the Department of Defense. It was dubbed JEDI, which aside from the Star Wars reference, was short for Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure.

The idea was a 10-year contract with a single vendor that started with an initial two-year option. If all was going well, a five-year option would kick in and finally a three-year option would close things out with earnings of $1 billion a year.

While the total value of the contract had it been completed was quite large, a billion a year for companies the size of Amazon, Oracle or Microsoft is not a ton of money in the scheme of things. It was more about the prestige of winning such a high-profile contract and what it would mean for sales bragging rights. After all, if you passed muster with the DoD, you could probably handle just about anyone’s sensitive data, right?

Regardless, the idea of a single-vendor contract went against conventional wisdom that the cloud gives you the option of working with the best-in-class vendors. Microsoft, the eventual winner of the ill-fated deal acknowledged that the single vendor approach was flawed in an interview in April 2018:

Leigh Madden, who heads up Microsoft’s defense effort, says he believes Microsoft can win such a contract, but it isn’t necessarily the best approach for the DoD. “If the DoD goes with a single award path, we are in it to win, but having said that, it’s counter to what we are seeing across the globe where 80% of customers are adopting a multicloud solution,” Madden told TechCrunch.

Perhaps it was doomed from the start because of that. Yet even before the requirements were fully known there were complaints that it would favor Amazon, the market share leader in the cloud infrastructure market. Oracle was particularly vocal, taking its complaints directly to the former president before the RFP was even published. It would later file a complaint with the Government Accountability Office and file a couple of lawsuits alleging that the entire process was unfair and designed to favor Amazon. It lost every time — and of course, Amazon wasn’t ultimately the winner.

While there was a lot of drama along the way, in April 2019 the Pentagon named two finalists, and it was probably not too surprising that they were the two cloud infrastructure market leaders: Microsoft and Amazon. Game on.

The former president interjected himself directly in the process in August that year, when he ordered the Defense Secretary to review the matter over concerns that the process favored Amazon, a complaint which to that point had been refuted several times over by the DoD, the Government Accountability Office and the courts. To further complicate matters, a book by former defense secretary Jim Mattis claimed the president told him to “screw Amazon out of the $10 billion contract.” His goal appeared to be to get back at Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post newspaper.

In spite of all these claims that the process favored Amazon, when the winner was finally announced in October 2019, late on a Friday afternoon no less, the winner was not in fact Amazon. Instead, Microsoft won the deal, or at least it seemed that way. It wouldn’t be long before Amazon would dispute the decision in court.

By the time AWS re:Invent hit a couple of months after the announcement, former AWS CEO Andy Jassy was already pushing the idea that the president had unduly influenced the process.

“I think that we ended up with a situation where there was political interference. When you have a sitting president, who has shared openly his disdain for a company, and the leader of that company, it makes it really difficult for government agencies, including the DoD, to make objective decisions without fear of reprisal,” Jassy said at that time.

Then came the litigation. In November the company indicated it would be challenging the decision to choose Microsoft charging that it was was driven by politics and not technical merit. In January 2020, Amazon filed a request with the court that the project should stop until the legal challenges were settled. In February, a federal judge agreed with Amazon and stopped the project. It would never restart.

In April the DoD completed its own internal investigation of the contract procurement process and found no wrongdoing. As I wrote at the time:

While controversy has dogged the $10-billion, decade-long JEDI contract since its earliest days, a report by the DoD’s inspector general’s office concluded today that, while there were some funky bits and potential conflicts, overall the contract procurement process was fair and legal and the president did not unduly influence the process in spite of public comments.

Last September the DoD completed a review of the selection process and it once again concluded that Microsoft was the winner, but it didn’t really matter as the litigation was still in motion and the project remained stalled.

The legal wrangling continued into this year, and yesterday the Pentagon finally pulled the plug on the project once and for all, saying it was time to move on as times have changed since 2018 when it announced its vision for JEDI.

The DoD finally came to the conclusion that a single-vendor approach wasn’t the best way to go, and not because it could never get the project off the ground, but because it makes more sense from a technology and business perspective to work with multiple vendors and not get locked into any particular one.

“JEDI was developed at a time when the Department’s needs were different and both the CSPs’ (cloud service providers) technology and our cloud conversancy was less mature. In light of new initiatives like JADC2 (the Pentagon’s initiative to build a network of connected sensors) and AI and Data Acceleration (ADA), the evolution of the cloud ecosystem within DoD, and changes in user requirements to leverage multiple cloud environments to execute mission, our landscape has advanced and a new way ahead is warranted to achieve dominance in both traditional and nontraditional warfighting domains,” said John Sherman, acting DoD chief information officer in a statement.

In other words, the DoD would benefit more from adopting a multicloud, multivendor approach like pretty much the rest of the world. That said, the department also indicated it would limit the vendor selection to Microsoft and Amazon.

“The Department intends to seek proposals from a limited number of sources, namely the Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), as available market research indicates that these two vendors are the only Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) capable of meeting the Department’s requirements,” the department said in a statement.

That’s not going to sit well with Google, Oracle or IBM, but the department further indicated it would continue to monitor the market to see if other CSPs had the chops to handle their requirements in the future.

In the end, the single vendor requirement contributed greatly to an overly competitive and politically charged atmosphere that resulted in the project never coming to fruition. Now the DoD has to play technology catch-up, having lost three years to the histrionics of the entire JEDI procurement process and that could be the most lamentable part of this long, sordid technology tale.

(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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