

関連ワード (Clubhouse、アプリ、音声ソーシャルネットワーク等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




「招待制は当社初期において重要でした」とClubhouseの創業者であるPaul Davison(ポール・ダビッドソン)氏とRohan Seth(ローハン・セス)氏はブログでの発表に書いた。両氏は波状にユーザーを追加し、タウンホールとオリエンテーション・セッションを通じて新規ユーザーをアプリのコミュニティに統合したのは、Clubhouseがダウンすることなく健全な速度で成長するのに役立ったが「常にClubhouseをオープンにしたかった」とも記している。


・フェイスブックが音声SNS「Live Audio Rooms」とポッドキャスト向け新サービスの提供を米国で開始







One year later, Clubhouse is finally out of beta. The company announced Wednesday that it would end its waitlist and invite system, opening up to everybody. Now, anybody can follow Clubhouse links, hop into a creator’s community or join any public event.

Clubhouse is also introducing a real logo that will look familiar — it’s basically a slightly altered version of the waving emoji the company already used. Clubhouse will still hold onto its app portraits, introducing a new featured icon from the Atlanta music scene to ring in the changes.

“The invite system has been an important part of our early history,” Clubhouse founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth wrote in a blog announcement. They note that adding users in waves and integrating new users into the app’s community through Town Halls and orientation sessions helped Clubhouse grow at a healthy rate without breaking, “but we’ve always wanted Clubhouse to be open.”

Clubhouse’s trajectory has been wild, even for a hot new social app. The then invite-only platform took off during the pandemic and inspired a wave of voice-based social networking that probably still isn’t anywhere near cresting. Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Discord and everybody else eventually followed suit, splicing voice chat rooms and voice events into their existing platforms.

Interest in Clubhouse reached a fever-pitch early this year, and the app’s rise is inextricable from the pandemic-imposed social isolation that saw people around the globe desperate for ways to feel connected as the months dragged on.

The world is slowly, unevenly opening up and Clubhouse is gradually changing along with it. After a long iOS-only stretch, the company introduced an Android app in May. Now, Clubhouse says they’ve reached 10 million Clubhouse downloads in the Android app’s first two months. And earlier this month, Clubhouse introduced a text-based chat feature called Backchannel that broadened the singularly voice-centric app’s focus for the first time.

According to new data SensorTower provided to TechCrunch, Clubhouse hit its high point in February at 9.6 million global downloads, up from 2.4 million the month prior. After that, things settled down a bit before perking back up in May when Clubhouse went live on Android through the Google Play Store. Since May, new Android users have accounted for the lion’s share of the app’s downloads. In June, Clubhouse was installed 7.7 million times across both iOS and Android — an impressive number that’s definitely in conflict with the perception that the app might not have staying power.

Clubhouse’s success is a double-edged sword. The app’s meteoric rise came as a surprise to the team, as meteoric rises often do. The social app is still a wild success by normal metrics in a landscape completely dominated by a handful of large, entrenched platforms, but it can be tricky to maintain healthy momentum after such high highs. Opening up the app to everybody should certainly help.

(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

Clubhouse no longer an invite-only app, open for everyone ...

Clubhouse app said in a blog post that users no longer need an invitation or to be on the waitlist to use services of the live audio app. It is open to everyone

As the hype cools, Clubhouse is no longer invite-only ...

After around a year of being in beta, Clubhouse is now officially live for all. There is no invite system and anyone can sign up to be part of the platform right now.

Invite-only no more: Social audio startup Clubhouse ...

Invite-only no more: Social audio startup Clubhouse finally opens to the public - SiliconANGLE

Audio social networking app Clubhouse is open to everyone

The audio social networking app Clubhouse is no longer exclusive. The platform has ditched its invite-only policy to grant everyone access to its audio chat

Clubhouse is open for everyone and out of beta

After one year, Clubhouse is finally out of beta. The organization reported Wednesday that it would end its shortlist and invite system,opening up to everyone.

Now You Can Instantly Join Clubhouse Without Requiring An ...

Audio-based social media platform Clubhouse is no longer invite-only.

You Can Now Join Clubhouse Without an Invite | ITechBrand.com

After about a year of beta testing, you no longer need an invite to join Clubhouse. Now you can hop right on the app and start joining the ...

Clubhouse is now out of beta and open to everyone - Daily ...

Clubhouse's rise is Interest in Clubhouse reached a fever-pitch early this year, and the app's rise is inextricable from the pandemic-imposed social isolation that saw people around the globe desperate for ways to feel connected as the months dragged on. The world is slowly, unevenly opening up and Clubhouse is gradually changing along with it.

Clubhouse is no longer limited to invitation, it is open ...

Tencent technology news on July 22, the audio social application clubhouse is changing its operation mode to attract more users. Co founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth announced on Wednesday local time that the app will no longer be an invitation only app and will be open to everyone. A spokesman for Clubhouse confirmed that […]

Clubhouse Ditches Invite-Only system, Opens Platform To ...

TodayHeadline Clubhouse Ditches Invite-Only system, Opens Platform To All –

You don't need an invite to join Clubhouse anymore

If you still really want to join Clubhouse, the developers have opened it up to anyone on iOS or Android to join and start hosting rooms.

Users won't need invites to join platform anymore; added ...

Clubhouse, an invite-only social audio app, on Wednesday said it is opening its platform to everyone and new users will now be able to join the service without an invite. The number of daily rooms on the platform have grown to half a million, and the company has added 10 million users since mid-May, it said in a blogpost.

Clubhouse is now out of beta and open to everyone - Early ...

Clubhouse is additionally introducing an true brand that can discover familiar — it's in most cases a rather altered model of the waving emoji the firm already ragged. Clubhouse will composed abet onto its app portraits, introducing a recent featured icon from the Atlanta music scene to ring in the changes.

Now Anyone Can Join Clubhouse Without an Invite or ...

Clubhouse is finally letting everyone join the platform without the use of invites or a waitlist to stay ahead of competitors from other social platforms. Clubhouse became popular especially in the United States during the pandemic due to its uniqueness and diversity of unscripted discussions held in several virtual rooms but one could only ...

Anyone Can Now Join Clubhouse, The Pandemic's Hottest New ...

Clubhouse will drop its invite only model on both iOS and Android. Users in the US and outside will now be able to join directly

You can now join Clubhouse on Android and iOS without inviting

After 16 months of operation on the invitation-only model, Clubhouse finally opens the locks. Allow everyone to join the platform.. Interested users can sign up directly and participate in social audio discussions in their clubhouse room without the need for an invitation. Join Clubhouse without invitation "Clubhouse isn't in beta right now, it's open to […]

Minneapolis Park Board kills Hiawatha Golf Course redesign ...

The course is home turf for many Twin Cities Black golfers. It's also plagued by water problems.

How to Use Clubhouse App for Business & What Are the Benefits?

How can you use the Clubhouse app to grow your business? Discover how easy it is to build a brand with the clubhouse app. Find out about the benefits of a clubhouse and how it works.

Officially Leave Beta Status, Clubhouse Can Now Be Used ...

The Clubhouse also gives an idea of how far they have grown since the beginning of the year. His team grew from 8 people to 58 people. The number of rooms created by users every day rose from 50 thousand to 500 thousand. Since its Android version was released, the Clubhouse has also hosted about 10 million new users. ...

Venture Into The Audio Based Social Media Apps With A ...

Audio-based social media apps have spurred up the mobile apps market in recent days. Especially apps like Clubhouse have become the talk of the town. Unlike

Clubhouse opens membership to all users - News Break

The live audio room app Clubhouse is no longer invite-only, the company announced Wednesday, ending the platform’s year-long beta stage. Users on both iOS and Android will now be able to make accounts and join the app, which exploded in popularity during the coronavirus pandemic, without needing the referral of an existing member.

You no longer require an invite to join Clubhouse on ...

The Clubhouse team recently shared that the number of daily rooms on Clubhouse has grown from 50,000 to half a million. The company also said that since the Android release, around 10 million users have joined the platform, and 90 million direct messages have been sent via Backchannel, the direct messaging feature on Clubhouse launched just ...

Clubhouse Drops Invite-Only Access, Now Open for Everyone ...

Clubhouse is now open for everyone on iOS and Android. The audio-only app has been an invite-only platform ever since its launch in beta last year. Initially, it was only available on iOS but beta testing on Android started back in May this year.

Clubhouse is no longer invite-only - News Break

Clubhouse is going wide. Co-founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth announced today that the app is no longer invite-only. Around 10 million people are currently on the waitlist, a spokesperson confirms, and they’ll slowly be added to the app over time. (Essentially, millions of users won’t be added today, but seemingly, if you attempt to sign up anew, you’ll be able to do so.) Along with the news, Clubhouse showed off a new logo, as well as a new app icon: Justin “Meezy” Williams, rapper 21 Savage’s manager.

Audio-chat app Clubhouse is now available to all , not ...

Audio-chat app Clubhouse is now available to all users on iOS and Android. Clubhouse will no longer require an invite to join.

Clubhouse Is Now Open for Everyone on iOS and Android ...

Clubhouse released in April last year as an iOS, invite-only app in beta. It started gaining momentum and a lot of users joined in subsequent months to the point where celebrities were getting involved. Earlier this year, billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk appeared on the app after which it blew up. Other platforms like Instagram ...

Clubhouse opens to everyone, drops invite requirement ...

Clubhouse opens to everyone, drops invite requirement. The audio social networking app Clubhouse is no longer exclusive. The platform has ditched its invite-only policy to grant everyone access to its audio chat rooms. As per The Verge, the news was announced during Clubhouse's Town Hall on Wednesday.

Briefly informed: hatred on the net, right to repair, EVGA ...

Clubhouse lifts entry hurdle. The talk app Clubhouse opens for everyone after more than a year. Previously, you had to be invited by a user. Clubhouse is an audio app where you can listen to live conversations and also actively participate in discussions. In the pandemic, hype developed around the application.

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2021-07-24 13:44

[Final]第14回目が2分後からスタート!! いよいよ最終日。 有料講座の内容もガンガンお話ししてますが clubhouse無料公開はもう当分やりません…!!

2021-07-24 09:03

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