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A post shared by Kevin Stewart (Shaka Stylee??) (@phototreeandme)

Bond Vet(ボンドベット)やSmall Door(スモールドア)など、新たなペット用医療サービスが次々と登場し、Farmer’s Dog(ファーマーズ・ドッグ)やSpot & Tango(スポット・アンド・タンゴ)などのペットフード企業も本格的な参入を果たしている。

一方で首輪、リード、クレート、おもちゃなど、ペットの飼い主が都市環境で心穏やかに保つために必要な小物類を販売しているのがFable(フェーブル)である。14Wがリードし、Female Founders Fund(フィーメール・ファウンダーズ・ファンド)とSlow Ventures(スロー・ベンチャーズ)が参加したシリーズAで900万ドル(約10億円)を調達したばかりの同社だが、エコシステムの一環として犬用アクセサリーを作るという計画がいかに賢いものであるかということを、この新資金が証明している。




当初は首輪とリーシュから開始し、その後Magic Linkという新タイプのハンズフリーリーシュへと進化した。コーヒーを飲みながら犬の散歩をするというマルチタスクに挑戦したことがある人なら、ハンズフリーリーシュの価値をすぐに理解できるだろう。

画像クレジット:Fable Pets


実際、その名も「The Game」と呼ばれるおもちゃが同社のベストセラー商品となっている。私も自分の愛犬のために1つ持っているが、これはまさに神の贈り物である。


パズルやボール類など、おやつを出すおもちゃはこれまでにもあったものの、私の愛犬には簡単すぎたり(5分で終了)安っぽかったり、音がうるさかったりなどで使い物にならなかったのだが、The Gameがこの問題を解決してくれた。




1つの製品が次の製品につながるのだ。首輪とリードという必需品を購入したら、おそろいのデザインのおもちゃやウンチ袋ディスペンサーを信頼できるブランドから購入するという考えは理にかなう。愛犬がThe Gameを気に入っているからFalconも買ってみてはどうだろう、どうせなら2つ買ってみよう。Falconはクレートの内側に吊り下げることができるから、クレート内で愛犬を刺激して楽しませることもできるし、ついでにおそろいのボウルも買ってみてはどうだろう。

さらにFableはそこで止まらない。ポートフォリオに追加する新たなユースケースだけでなく、既存の製品を強化するさまざまな方法も考えており、兄妹創業者のJeremy Canade(ジェレミー・カネード)氏とソフィー・バカラー(Sophie Bakalar)氏によると、同社は「Crate」のアドオンの販売を計画しているという(現在Crateには飼い主の持ち物を収納する引き出しやコンパートメントがついていない)。

画像クレジット:Fable Pets

また、The Gameの難易度を変えられる、新たな挿入物を検討しているとカネード氏はほのめかしている。



2021年にはCrateのキャンセル待ちが2万人を超え、ホリデーシーズンには5分から10分に1台の頻度でThe Gameを販売した。


また、愛犬にまつわるコンテンツは多くの人が好んで共有してくれるため、それも追い風となっている。Magic LinkやThe Gameのような製品の有機的マーケティングは、宣伝効果として抜群だったと創業者らは話している。

Fableの価格帯は比較的高価で、特にCrateは395ドル(約45000円)。Amazon(アマゾン)やPetCo(ペトコ)では40ドル(約4600円)で手に入るのだが、この価格設定は製品そのものをどう評価するかによって変わってくるとバカラー氏は説明している。例えば、Crateはベッドサイドテーブルでもあるため、West Elm(ウエストエルム)やRestoration Hardware(レストレーション・ハードウェア)の価格と比較すると妥当な価格なのである。

ちなみに、The Gameは55ドル(約6300円)、Magic Linkは65ドル(約7500円)、Waste Bag Holderは35ドル(約4000円)である。


画像クレジット:Fable Pets


The way that recent generations of consumers treat(!) their dogs is vastly different than those who have come before. It’s gotten to the point that it’s memeable.

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A post shared by Kevin Stewart (Shaka Stylee??) (@phototreeandme)

There are a handful of new pet veterinary services out there, such as Bond Vet and Small Door, and pet food companies have gotten into the mix in a real way, including Farmer’s Dog and Spot & Tango to name a few.

Fable, on the other hand, is thinking about the accessories a pup parent needs to stay sane in an urban environment, including collars, leashes, crates and toys. The company just raised $9 million in Series A, led by 14W, with participation from Female Founders Fund and Slow Ventures. And that fresh cash shows that its plan to build dog accessories that work together as an ecosystem is a smart one.

The New York-based startup is riding the waves of both pandemic-fueled puppy purchasing and the trend in how millennials take care of their pets. Like, you know, living, breathing companions.

But rather than focus solely on the pets themselves, Fable also makes a conscious effort to think of the pet parent, as well.

Fables products are all designed to make caring for a pet easier and more aesthetically pleasing, to boot.

The company launched with a collar and a leash, and then evolved to a new kind of hands-free leash called the Magic Link. Anyone who has tried to multitask getting coffee and walking the dog at the same time can quickly realize the value in a hands-free leash.

Image Credits: Fable Pets

Fable then expanded to other use cases around caring for a dog, including a crate that can double as a side table by the bed, a dog bowl, a poop bag dispenser (that is durable enough to not need replacing after a few months) and, importantly, toys.

In fact, Fable’s best selling product is a game aptly called The Game. I have one for my puppy that has been an actual godsend.

The Game has a weighted bottom and a silicon frame wherein you can put up to a cup of kibble or treats. Inside, there is a sliding mechanism that lets you set the difficulty for your dog. From there, the pup activates both their play and their prey drive and can stay occupied for quite some time.

I’ve had other treat-dispensing toys for my puppy, including puzzles and balls, that are either too easy for him (earns me five minutes) or are cheap and super loud. The Game seems to solve for those two problems.

Fable also released a toy called the Falcon, which dispenses treats through a small slot that the puppy has to squeeze to make open. Falcon is good on its own, but you can chain together multiple Falcons to create different, more difficult games for your little gal or guy.

All of these products are designed to look good in a small space, with matching earth and jewel-tone coloring.

This is where the real genius of Fable lies.

One product leads to another. Once you’ve purchased the essentials — a collar and leash — it makes sense to buy a matching toy or poop bag dispenser from a now-trusted brand. If your dog loves The Game, why not buy the Falcon? Why not buy two? And if you have a Falcon, did you know it can hang down on the inside of the Crate so your dog can stay busy and stimulated in there? And while you’re at it, why not get a matching bowl?

But Fable isn’t resting there. The company is thinking not only of new use cases to add into the portfolio, but ways to enhance existing products. For example, sibling founders Jeremy Canade and Sophie Bakalar described plans to sell an add-on to the Crate. (Right now, it has no drawer or compartment for storing human stuff.)

Image Credits: Fable Pets

Canade also hinted at a different insert for The Game that would change the difficulty of the toy for the dog.

Planned obsolescence isn’t part of the strategy here, but rather, what else can the company offer to enhance existing products while releasing new ones?

The startup has had quite a bit of success using this strategy.

In 2021, there have been more than 20,000 people on the waitlist for the Crate, and Fable sold a unit of The Game every five to 10 minutes over the holidays.

Overall, the business grew approximately 3x year over year, according to the team.

It doesn’t hurt, either, that people naturally love sharing content around their dogs. The organic marketing around products like the Magic Link and The Game has helped spread the word tremendously, according to Canade and Bakalar.

Fable’s price point leans more toward the premium end of the Spectrum. The Crate stands out specifically at $395 — you can pick up a crate on Amazon or PetCo for $40. But Bakalar explained that the pricing depends on how you benchmark the products themselves. The Crate, for example, is also a bedside table, so when comparing it to prices at West Elm or Restoration Hardware, it’s much more in line.

The Game is $55, the Magic Link is $65 and the Waste Bag Holder is $35, to give you some idea of the range for pricing.

“Those [competing] products are designed to be thrown away in the short term,” said Canade. “We’re trying to actually rethink the products from scratch and make things that are both for the animal and the human. They’re meant to live in both those worlds simultaneously. Nobody is doing that. Everybody is either designing only for the human, with a quality grade that is not meant to stand up to the wear and tear of a dog, or only for a dog, without considering the human use case.”

(文:Jordan Crook、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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