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正直、ボートが実際いくら程度するのかをググったほど見当もつかなかったのだが、30万ドル(約3480万円)もする製品でレクリエーションを「民主化」しようなどと宣伝しているのを見ると、ギロチンを磨きたくなるのは筆者だけだろうか。ロベスピエール的な冗談はさておき、Navier(ナビエール)には一目置いてしまった。同社の次世代ボートはかなりかっこいい。ハイドロフォイル(水中翼)によって水面を軽やかに移動することができ、大型のバッテリーパックと電気モーターを搭載しているため、電動船としては最長クラスの航続距離を誇っている。同社によると航続距離は75海里で、これは約690 ハロン(86マイル/139 km)に相当する。

同社は、Global Founders Capital(グローバル・ファウンダーズ・キャピタル)と、Comcast Ventures(コムキャスト・ベンチャーズ)の元MDであるDaniel Gulati(ダニエル・グラティ)氏が運営する新しいファンドTreble(トレブル)の共同主導により、720万ドル(約8億3000万円)のシード資金調達を完了したとを発表。今回の資金調達には、Next View Ventures(ネクストビュー・ベンチャーズ)、Liquid2 Ventures(リキッド2ベンチャーズ)、Soma Capital(ソーマ・キャピタル)、Precursor Ventures(プレカーサー・ベンチャーズ)に加え、複数のエンジェルも参加している。

「2020年にスタートして以来、船舶のランニングコストを90%削減した新タイプの水上船を作ることを目標として掲げています」。Navierの共同創業者兼CEOであるSampriti Bhattacharyya(サムプリティ・バッタカリヤ)博士は説明する。「水中翼の電動化、高度な複合材、インテリジェントなソフトウェアを組み合わせることで、船舶のランニングコストを桁違いに削減できると考えています。これによりまったく新しいスケーラブルな輸送システムや、これまで不可能だった水上輸送システムが可能になります。世界の46%が沿岸部の都市に住んでいるわけですから、かなり大きな潜在市場があると考えています」。


同社が最初に市場に投入する予定の製品は、レクリエーションボート市場に向けた「Navier 27」(通称N27)だ。


「レクリエーショナルボートは、釣りやウォータースポーツ、友人とのクルージングなど、非常に幅広いアクティビティに活用してもらえます。つまり、ボートを使用して水上で楽しむあらゆるアクティビティのためです」。CTOのReo Baird(レオ・ベアード)氏は、私がボートの知識をまったく持っていないことを考慮して馬鹿丁寧に説明してくれた。レクリエーション用のボートというのは同社にとっては第一歩に過ぎず、将来的にはその効率性を生かして浮動式のロボタクシーを作りたいと考えている。「我々は高効率な水上船のプラットフォームを構築しているのです。このプラットフォームを利用して水上のロボタクシーとして機能させることが長期的な目標です。そのためには、燃料費や人件費などのコストを削減する必要があります」。






「弊社にはすばらしいチームがあります。MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)出身者が何人もいますし、弊社の主任造船技師のPaul Bieker(ポール・ビーカー)は、Larry Ellison(ラリー・エリソン)がアメリカズカップで優勝したときの船を担当した人物です」。バッタカリヤ氏は同社が伝説的な造船関係者と協力してN27を設計していると説明する。「Navierは単にアップグレードされた電気製品ではなく、私たちはこれまでのボートのあり方を根本的に見直しているのです。ハイドロフォイルが波の上をフォイルするので船酔いも起きませんし、圧倒的に優れた乗り心地を実現します」。


Navierは、ボートビルダーのLyman-Morse(ライマン・モース)と提携し、このNavier 27の生産を実現している。同モデルの最初の2隻の船体は、現在メイン州の施設で建設中だ。2024年までに400台以上の生産を計画しており、Navierのウェブサイトではその年のボートを予約するためのウェイティングリストに登録することが可能だ。

フランス人ネタを繰り返したい訳ではないが、ちなみに同社名は水中翼船の製造を可能にするための重要な数学である「ナビエ・ストークス方程式」を考え出したコンビの一方、Claude-Louis Navier(アンリ・ナビエ)に由来しているという。



Look, I’ll admit that I had to Google how much a boat costs, but any time someone pitches a story saying they are trying to “democratize” a recreational activity with a product that starts at $300K, I find myself wondering how much it costs to get a guillotine blade sharpened. My Robespierian misgivings aside, I’ve got to give it to the team — Navier’s next-gen boats are looking pretty slick. Hydrofoils mean that the vessels zip across the top of the water, and beefy battery packs and electric motors mean that the crafts have some of the longest ranges of any electric craft available — the company reports 75 nautical miles of range, which is about 690 furlongs, or 86 miles, or 139 km, or thereabouts.

The company announced it just closed a $7.2 million seed raise, co-led by Global Founders Capital and Treble, a new fund run by Daniel Gulati, the former MD of Comcast Ventures. Participants in the funding round include Next View Ventures, Liquid2 Ventures, Soma Capital, Precursor Ventures, as well as some angels.

“We started in 2020. And our ultimate goal is building a new kind of watercraft that cuts the running cost of a marine vessel by 90%,” explains Sampriti Bhattacharyya, PhD, co-founder and CEO at Navier. “By combining hydrofoil electrification, advanced composites and intelligent software, we believe we can cut down the running cost of the vessel by an order of magnitude. This would enable a whole new mode of scalable transportation systems and a waterborne transportation system that was never possible before. Forty-six percent of the world lives in coastal cities, so we believe we have a really big potential market.”

When pushed on the “democratization” part of the play, the company suggests it isn’t as much in the purchasing of the boat, but in the operating costs, pointing out that traditional fossil fuel-powered boats are almost 15 times more expensive to operate than a car, and that that’s the driving force for a lack of adaptation of boating for transportation. Navier suggests that the cost comes from two key areas: fuel and labor. The company plans to reduce fuel costs through electric hydrofoil technology and labor costs by making the boats autonomous.

The first product the company is bringing to market is the Navier 27 — N27 among friends — which is aimed at the recreational boat market.

I mean, how cool is this thing? Image Credits: Navier

“Recreational boating encompasses a very wide range of activities; fishing, watersports or just enjoying a cruise out with friends. It is a very broad range of on-the-water activities that involve a boat for fun,” Reo Baird, the company’s CTO, humors my complete lack of boat knowledge. The recreational vessel is step one — over time, the company is hoping to leverage the efficiency to build floating robo-taxis. “Essentially we are building a platform; a highly efficient watercraft. Our long-term goal is actually to use that same platform for mobility as a robotaxi on the water. This becomes possible by reducing the cost — including fuel and the labor cost.” 

“If you can build a boat that can compete in cost, speed and convenience, then essentially you are opening up a whole new mode of transportation,” explains Bhattacharyya. “Think of the [San Francisco] Bay Area, for example. At the moment there are 10 terminals and five routes. As soon as you make a boat that can go to smaller marinas, you increase your number of terminals from 10 to 65. All of a sudden, you have 2,000 routes available. That unlocks things: Now, Richmond in the East Bay to San Francisco isn’t an hour drive, it is literally 15 minutes on the water.”

The efficiency gains are from three areas of the vessel. The main saving comes from the hydrofoil technology, which means that when the boat is at speed, its hull is lifted out of the water, and the vessel is cruising along on little wings. This means that the motors don’t have to push as much water out of the way to move at speed, which drastically reduces drag and increases efficiency. The tech has been around in passenger craft since the 1950s or so, and is undeniably cool. For recreational boaters, it’s less common, however; they have traditionally been harder to load onto trailers, they aren’t great for very shallow waters and in order to get the benefit from the foils, you have to move at quite a clip.

“We haven’t published the exact minimum speed for takeoff, but it is somewhere in the range of 15 to 18 miles an hour,” Baird explains.

The Navier founding team, Reo Baird (CTO) and Sampriti Bhattacharyya (CEO). Image Credits: Navier

The other efficiencies are largely gained from using lightweight composite materials (which makes it easier to lift the boat out of the water when it is foiling along), and some very clever design features that further reduce drag and weight.

“We have an amazing team — a bunch of us are from MIT and our lead naval architect is Paul Bieker, who also was responsible for Larry Ellison’s winning boat in the America’s Cup,” says Bhattacharyya, explaining how they are working with the legendary ship-builder to design the N27. “Navier is much more than an electric upgrade. We are fundamentally rethinking the boat as we know it. Hydrofoils deliver a vastly superior ride quality that eliminates sea-sickness since you’re foiling over the waves.”

The company claims it opened for preorders for only about a month and a half, and sold out of its first 15 vessels pretty quickly. It says it has several hundred inquiries from interested parties who want to get their paws on one of the cool little boats. The eager customers have some waiting to do, however; the prototype is being built in a shipyard in Maine this year, and the first consumer vessels will roll off the production lines in 2023 some time. Navier plans to build the vessels in the U.S.

Navier partnered with boatbuilder Lyman-Morse to fulfill the first year of production for the Navier 27. The first two hulls of the model are currently under construction at the facility in Maine. The company plans to ramp up production to 400+ units by 2024, and prospective customers can sign up for a waitlist to reserve the 2024 boats via the Navier website.

Not to harp on about the French and their head-rolling antics, but the company is named after Claude-Louis Navier, one half of the duo that came up with the Navier-Stokes equation, a crucial piece of maths that makes it possible to make hydro-foiling boats.

(文:Haje Jan Kamps、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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