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新型コロナウイスルによるパンデミックが消費者の行動と購入パターンに影響を与え、この不確実性の時代にはデータドリブンな意思決定が、プロダクトやサービスがユーザーにとって本当に利益になるために重要になってきた。UpflowのCEOであるGuillaume Ang(ギヨーム・アン)氏によると、その上でオンラインのトランザクションを行えるSaaSプロダクトの需要が激増しているという。

Upflowyには、企業が価値の高いユーザーフローを作り出すためのツールがある、と同社は考えている。このオーストラリアのスタートアップは、最近400万ドル(約4億6000万円)を調達したばかりで、ドラッグ&ドロップでA/Bテストができるツールや、企業は利用に際してコーディングを一切行わなくていいウェブやモバイル上の個人化ツールを提供ししている。上記最新の投資はCounterpart Venturesがリードし、これまでの投資家であるTidalやGlobal Founders Capital、Black Nova、およびAntlerが参加した。

ウェブサイトやアプリ上で売上に結びつくサインアップを獲得するためには相当な時間と費用を要し、そのために多くの企業が苦労している、とアン氏は語る。起業家やマーケター、そして特にスタートアップがコンバージョン率とユーザーフローを上げるために、アン氏と2人の共同創業者Matthew Browne(マシュー・ブラウン)氏とAlexandre Girard(アレクサンドル・ジラール)氏は2020年にUpflowyを創業した。同社によると、これまでの企業は、開発チームや技術者チームに頼んでプロダクトを改良することに追われ、マーケティングに力を入れることがお留守になっていたという。







Upflowyに投資しているAPAC OptimizelyのsoマネージングディレクターであるDan Ross(ダン・ロス)氏は次のように語る。「Upflowは、ほとんどすべての企業が直面している問題を解決しました。完全なサインアップフローを迅速に作って、何回もテストしながら改良していけるツールは他にはありません。しかも、他のプラットフォームへデータを供給して、ビジターを顧客にコンバートする過程を見ることもできます」。

また、Counterpart VenturesのゼネラルパートナーPatrick Eggen(パトリック・エゲン)氏は、声明で次のように述べている。「現代の企業は、データ収集と顧客体験の間にある摩擦を取り除くシンプルなノーコードのソリューションを必要としています。技術者がウェブ体験を作り出す、テストも改良もできない雑なソリューションが市場に多い中で、Upflowyはこの市場の見方を変えて、消費者が求めるウェブ体験をチームが作れるようにしています」。


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected consumers’ behaviors and purchasing patterns; data-driven decision-making is even more crucial to ensure that companies’ products or services genuinely benefit users in times of uncertainty. The demand for SaaS products that enables online transactions has dramatically increased during Covid-19, according to CEO of Upflowy Guillaume Ang.

Upflowy thinks it has the tools to help businesses generate high-performing user flow. The Australia-based startup, which just raised $4 million, has built a platform that offers drag and drop tools for A/B testing and personalization on the web and mobile apps, and the best part is businesses don’t need to know any code to engage with it. The latest funding was led by Counterpart Ventures, in addition to returning investors Tidal, Global Founders Capital, Black Nova and Antler.

Getting visitors on a website or app to sign up for sales requires significant time and cost, and as a result, many businesses struggle to achieve that, Ang told TechCrunch. To help entrepreneurs and marketers, especially startups, boost conversion rates and user flows, Ang and two other founders, Matthew Browne and Alexandre Girard, founded Upflowy in 2020. The startup says, for too long, businesses have been dependent on development or engineering teams that are consumed with improving the products and don’t have time to support marketing endeavors.

Upflowy founders (from left to right): CTO Alex Girard, CIO Matthew Browne, CEO Guillaume Ang

The startup will use a good part of the new capital to enhance its platform capabilities by leveraging data science areas like predictive personalization and developing additional features. It also wants to support the team by increasing its headcount to over 30 full-time employees. 

“After seeing low-engagement forms lead to as much as a 60% drop in conversion, translating into a huge waste of advertising spend presented a huge uplift opportunity for businesses. This is just the first step. More effectively qualifying leads to the right product and personalizing the sales approach is key to converting into sales,” Ang told TechCrunch. “ Upflowy’s data visualization and A/B testing interface mean that understanding their customers’ drop-off and behavior becomes a lot clearer, paving the way for experimentation and optimization.”

Hundreds of businesses now use Upflowy, Ang said, adding that it has a range of clients from B2B tech, SaaS and healthcare to B2C companies like fashion brands and a national sports team.  

With the latest improvements in weekly user growth for the last few weeks, the startup also has seen 40% growth in its activation rates and its monthly user base has doubled, according to Ang.

“The Australian tech scene is driving innovation globally. Upflowy was born out of this growing market of talent,” Ang said in a statement. “We are already active and tested on a global stage to provide the validation of our platform. A signup flow is often the first interaction a prospective customer has with a business, and we are the first to make it easy to create and take them to live – improving the flow of information and ultimately ensuring prospects can be moved through the funnel in a smarter way.”

The COVID-19 pandemic created a catalyst to start Upflowy as a remote company from the beginning. In the early stages of 2020, being a remote-first business was a fairly new concept, but the startup has been able to source talent from all over the world, Ang said. Upflowy is due to set up a base in the U.S. this year to increase its presence in the region.

“Upflowy has managed to solve an issue that nearly every company faced,” said former managing director of APAC Optimizely Dan Ross, who invested in Upflowy. “There are currently no other tools on the market that give teams the ability to quickly create, test and iterate on full sign-up flows and feed data straight into any other platform, which are looking to convert visitors into customers.”

“Modern organizations need simple, no-code solutions that remove the friction between data collection and customer experience,” Patrick Eggen, co-founder and general partner at Counterpart Ventures, said in a statement. “The market is full of clunky solutions that rely on engineers to create web experiences, which inhibits testing and improvement. Upflowy is in the unique position to re-envision this market, enabling teams to create the web experiences that consumers need and demand.”

(文:Kate Park、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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