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ウェブサイト、Medium(ミディアム)の投稿、ホワイトペーパー、専用のsubreddit(サブレディット)、Discord(ディスコード)チャンネルという5つの要素を伴って、新しいモバイルデータネットワークが米国時間2月1日の夜遅くにサンフランシスコでひっそりとローンチされた。従来の通信事業者に頼らずに匿名で高速に、しかも安価にデータを交換する新しい方法が約束されている。Pollen Mobile(ポーレン・モバイル)と呼ばれるこのピアツーピアのオープンソース無線ネットワークは、サービスが最初に開始されるベイエリアで、ユーザーに暗号資産でインセンティブを与え、ミニ基地局の運営とネットワークカバレッジの構築を促していく。

Anthony Levandowski(アンソニー・レヴァンドフスキ)氏の自動運転車テクノロジースタートアップ、Pronto AI(プロントAI)がこのプロジェクトを立ち上げた。評価が大きく分かれる人物で、自動運転車業界の初期のパイオニアであるレヴァンドフスキ氏は、企業秘密を盗んだという罪で18カ月の禁固刑を受けた後、Donald Trump(ドナルド・トランプ)前大統領から2021年恩赦を受けた。

なぜ自動運転車のスタートアップが、暗号資産によってインセンティブが与えられる分散型テレコムを作っているのであろうか?Pollen Mobileのきっかけは、Prontoの自動運転車に信頼性が高く手頃な価格のモバイル接続が必要だったことにある、とProntoのCEOであるレヴァンドフスキ氏はTechCrunchとのテキストメッセージで語った。Prontoは何カ月も前から自社のAVにPollenを採用している。


数日中に最初のローンチを予定している分散型のPollen Mobileネットワークは、無線タワー、接続確認デバイス、携帯電話というデータ送信機のネットワークに依存している。それらは、やや奇妙に聞こえるが、flower(花)、bumblebee(マルハナバチ)、hummingbird(ハチドリ)といった呼称が付けられている。





画像クレジット:スクリーンショット/Pollen Mobile



Pollen Mobileは「bumblebee」と名付けられた小さなデバイスを提供しており、これによりネットワークカバレッジの強度に関するデータを収集する。これらのデバイスは「flower」のカバレッジを証明するもので、ユーザーが所有し、自身のクルマやドローン、自転車に搭載することもできる。Bumblebeeのオーナーは、毎日提供される独自のカバレッジ検証の数字に基づいて、PCNを獲得する。





画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch


A new mobile data network — accompanied by the quinfecta of a website, Medium post, white paper, dedicated subreddit and Discord channel —  quietly launched late Tuesday evening in San Francisco, promising a new way to exchange data anonymously and at high speeds without relying on legacy carriers, and at a cheaper price. The peer-to-peer open source wireless network called Pollen Mobile will incentivize its users with cryptocurrency to run their own mini cell towers and build out the network’s coverage in the Bay Area where the service is initially launching.

Anthony Levandowski’s autonomous vehicle technology startup Pronto AI is launching the project. Levandowski, a polarizing, early pioneer in the autonomous vehicle industry, was pardoned last year by former President Donald Trump after being sentenced to 18 months in prison on one count of stealing trade secrets.

Why is an autonomous vehicle startup creating a decentralized telecom incentivized by cryptocurrency? The catalyst of Pollen Mobile stemmed from Pronto’s need for reliable, affordable mobile connectivity for its autonomous vehicles, Levandowski, who is still CEO of Pronto, told TechCrunch in a text message conversation. Pronto has been using Pollen internally for its AVs for months.

“The reason why is simple, we needed reliable, affordable mobile connectivity for our AVs and we couldn’t find it,” he wrote. “So we built our own and realized it could be something others want.” He added later: “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

The distributed Pollen Mobile network, which plans to begin its initial launch in the coming days, relies on a network of data transmitters it somewhat oddly calls flowers, bumblebees and hummingbirds — code for radio towers, connectivity validation devices and mobile phones.

An FCC rule change in 2020 allowed the company to build its own cell towers and create mini-mobile networks for the sites where its autonomous vehicles operate, according to its post on Medium.

“We got to thinking about all the other things that people don’t like about existing mobile companies. We saw an opportunity to build something truly revolutionary — something that tackles what we see as the “Four Horsemen” of mobile networks,” the Medium blog post states. These “Four Horsemen” are a lack of privacy and anonymity, poor coverage, high costs and no user voice.”

Small cell towers called “flowers,” which range from the size of a pizza box to up to six feet tall, provide coverage of between a few blocks up to one mile. These flowers are installed by “flower owners” in their homes or offices and connect to the internet and provide coverage to other Pollen users. Flower operators earn PollenCoin (PCN) from the community of users depending on the coverage area, service quality and amount of data transmitted, according to information the company posted on its Discord channel.

Operators pay the upfront cost for the physical data transmitter hardware; the cheapest (and smallest) flower costs $999 while the largest and most powerful transmitter costs more than $10,000. Justifying the high upfront cost means operators taking a leap of faith that the network will succeed and the value of PCN’s fixed supply will increase.

Image Credits: Screenshot/Pollen Mobile

One of the many open questions for the nascent endeavor is how or if ISPs will respond — the distributed network will be piggybacking onto flower operators’ home internet and will be channeling peer-to-peer data through those networks.

The network currently has more than a dozen radio towers operating in the Bay Area, according to the company’s network tracker.

Pollen Mobile will ship smaller devices called “bumblebees” that collect data about the strength of the network’s coverage. These devices, which validate “flower” coverage, are also owned by users and can be placed in their car, drone or bike. Bumblebee owners also earn PCN based on the number of unique coverage validations provided each day.

Finally, there are the “hummingbirds,” which are the mobile devices that use the Pollen network. Phones will require an eSIM download to connect to the network, and other devices like laptops can connect via a special adapter (called “Wings”), the company said. Users pay for connectivity using PCN.

Eventually building out a network of users willing to pay for a data network in its earliest stages will depend on selling the vision of a more anonymous mobile network which doesn’t sell or log customer data. The data-only network also won’t allow for phone calls or SMS messages, and users paying for the service won’t get a phone number.

Pollen has so far been operated internally by Pronto as a subsidiary. Levandowski said it will be turned over to a decentralized autonomous organization, or eDAO, and run independently from there. The organization will eventually govern how the network evolves and dictate how and where users are incentivized to build out coverage.

“We’re not controlling where flowers go,” Levandowksi told TechCrunch. “We designed the network so that the community and market forces will determine where rewards flow.”

(文:Kirsten Korosec、Lucas Matney、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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