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 Google Cloudの年間売上高ランレートは今や160億ドル(約1兆7000億円)に達しようとしているが、当面はGoogleの広告事業によって支えられる可能性が高い。対照的にAmazon Web Services(AWS)はAmazonの中核事業である小売事業を大きく上回る営業利益を上げている。

 Googleの親会社であるAlphabetは、同社の広告事業がクラウド事業の拡大をどの程度支えているのかということについて、2020会計年度第4四半期決算(12月31日締め)で詳細を明らかにしている。プラットフォームやインフラ、「Google Workspace」を含むGoogle Cloudは同四半期、売上高を前年同期の26億1000万ドル(約2700億円)から38億3000万ドル(約4000億円)に伸ばしたが、12億4000万ドル(約1300億円)の営業損失を計上している。

 「Google Services」の売上高は528億7000万ドル(約5兆5500億円)、営業利益は190億6000万ドル(約2兆円)となっている。

 要するにGoogleの広告事業は、同社のクラウド事業の野心、すなわちAWSとMicrosoft(「Microsoft Azure」)に次ぐ第3位よりも上を目指すという野心に力を貸すものとなっている。しかし、そのスタート地点において、Google Cloudは収益という点でGoogleの広告事業に及んでいない。ただ、サーバー機器の耐用年数を3年から4年に、またネットワーク機器の耐用年数を3年から5年に延ばして見積もった場合、2021会計年度通期の営業利益は約21億ドル(約2200億円)規模の大幅な増加が見込める可能性もあり、そうなればGoogle Cloudの業績はより良いものとなるだろう。

 2020年のGoogle Cloudの営業損失は56億1000万ドルだった。

This is exactly what makes a great CIO: Five points you ...

This is exactly what makes a great CIO: Five points you have to focus on in 2021 1stCyberSecurity 2 hours ago Inside 2021, CIOs will have to be a lot more effective, developing, and self-aware.

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney Dies at Age 86 ...

The AFL-CIO's current president, Richard Trumka, said of Sweeney in a statement: "John was a great leader and true innovator, driving the labor movement forward.

Former head of DHS digital service to be new CIO | Federal ...

Eric Hysen worked on the Biden transition team before heading to Homeland Security.

Montana State chooses K-12 CIO as new IT vice president ...

Ryan Knutson, CIO for Sioux Falls Public Schools, will start as Montana State University’s CIO and vice president for information technology in July.

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney has died at age 86.

CIO Alert, February 2, 2021

As we enter the New Year, we expect many CIO readers are taking stock and preparing for meetings to formulate strategy for 2021 and beyond. New Jersey Pension Fund Misses Benchmark with 10.75% Return in 2020: Portfolio returns 14.81% in first half of fiscal 2021 as asset value rises to $84.6 billion.

For the CIO, identify access and confidentiality issues ...

Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs responding to the questions below. You are the director of health information services in a major medical center that maintain

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Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 ...

WASHINGTON (AP) — John Sweeney, who spent 14 years steering the AFL-CIO through a time of declining union membership and rising internal dissent, has died. He was 86. He died on Monday, AFL-CIO national media manager Carolyn Bobb said. The cause of his death wasn’t immediately disclosed. Sweeney was credited with transforming the nation’s largest […]

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 ...

WASHINGTON (AP) — John Sweeney, who spent 14 years steering the AFL-CIO through a time of declining union membership and rising internal dissent, has died. He was 86. He died on Monday at his home in Bethesda, Maryland, AFL-CIO national media manager Carolyn Bobb said. The cause of his death wasn’t immediately disclosed. Sweeney was […]

Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Officers Issue Statement on the ...

"The labor movement lost a giant today with the passing of Brother John Sweeney, AFL-CIO President Emeritus. John was a trade unionist and committed to the Solidarity of all workers.

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86

John Sweeney, who spent 14 years steering the AFL-CIO through a time of declining union membership and rising internal dissent, has died. Sweeney was credited with transforming the nation’s largest labor federation into a political powerhouse more firmly aligned with the Democratic Party, as well as with civil rights, environmental and anti-poverty groups. After stepping down as president of the labor federation in 2009, Sweeney served as the AFL-CIO’s president emeritus, offering advice to the group’s executive council, delivering speeches and taking on other discrete assignments.

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 | The ...

The AFL-CIO's current president, Richard Trumka, said of Sweeney in a statement: "John was a great leader and true innovator, driving the labor movement forward. We stand on that foundation today as we take on the challenges of inequality, systemic racism and much more. ...

Vanguard CIO Greg Davis Says Stock Speculation Isn't ...

Vanguard Group Inc. Chief Investment Officer Greg Davis says stock speculation trades are more like playing the lottery than investing. He spoke Feb. 1 on "Bloomberg Markets: The Close." (Source ...

AFL-CIO President Emeritus John Sweeney Dies at 86

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA): John Sweeney was a legend, plain and simple. He was guided into unionism by his Catholic faith, and not a single day passed by when he didn't put the needs of working people first.

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney has died at age 86. The Washington, D.C.-based union's current president, Richard Trumka, says Sweeney "was a great leader and true innovator, driving the labor movement forward." Sweeney spent 14 years steering the nation's largest labor federation during declining union membership and rising internal dissent. He helped

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 ...

The AFL-CIO's current president, Richard Trumka, said of Sweeney in a statement: "John was a great leader and true innovator, driving the labor movement forward.

John Sweeney, President Emeritus Of The National AFL-CIO ...

Your On-Line Labor Newspaper, Bringing You Labor News From Across The Nation, New York State & Western New York

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 - FOX ...

WASHINGTON (AP) — John Sweeney, who spent 14 years steering the AFL-CIO through a time of declining union membership and rising internal dissent, has died. He was 86. He died on Monday, AFL-CIO national media manager Carolyn Bobb said. The cause of his death wasn't immediately disclosed. Sweeney was credited with transforming the nation's largest […]

US:IT CIO Open Forum - Feb 24 - University of Maine System

US:IT CIO Open Forums are generally held on the last Wednesday of every month from 3-4 p.m. The next Forum will take place on Wednesday, February 24 from 3-4 p.m.

NATCA Mourns the Passing of AFL-CIO President Emeritus ...

"John Sweeney was a giant presence in the House of Labor, and his influence was felt throughout the labor movement. John forever holds a special place in NATCA's history because it is his signature, as the President of the AFL-CIO in 1998, that is on our charter from the AFL-CIO accepting us as a direct affiliate.

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 ...

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney has died at age 86

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 ...

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 Jeremy Lewis February 2, 2021 0 comments Home , Sports News WASHINGTON (AP) - John Sweeney, who spent 14 years steering the AFL-CIO through a time of declining union membership and rising internal dissent, has died.

Former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney dies at age 86 ...

The AFL-CIO's current president, Richard Trumka, said of Sweeney in a statement: "John was a great leader and true innovator, driving the labor movement forward. We stand on that foundation today as we take on the challenges of inequality, systemic racism and much more."

グーグルとアマゾンの決算にみる、それぞれのクラウドの業績や位置づけ - ZDNet Japan

Google Cloudの営業利益は2021年に改善する可能性もあるが、利幅は広告事業にすぐ追いつきそうにはない。一方、AWSの営業利益はアマゾン全体の収益を支える勢いだ。

社内申請などの書き方をAIで支援、従業員体験を向上--NTTテクノクロス - ZDNet Japan

NTTテクノクロスは、稟議や申請など社内の事務処理をする際に企業独自のシステムやルールに合わせて書き方や注意事項を自動で提案する新製品「BizFront/SmartUI Decision Manager」を2月8日に発売する。

Zendesk、メッセージング強化の統合型カスタマーサービス製品を提供開始 - ZDNet Japan

Zendeskは、メッセージングソリューションを備えた「Zendesk Suite」の国内提供を開始した。

アマゾンCEO退任後のベゾス氏、AWSジャシー氏の後任は? - ZDNet Japan


IT人材のスキルギャップ解消へ、まずやるべきこととは--3人のリーダーに聞く - ZDNet Japan

米ZDNet編集長Larryの独り言; ... ZDNet Japanは、CIOとITマネージャーを対象に、ビジネス課題の解決とITを活用した新たな価値創造を支援します。 ...

監視 - IT News Checker

米ZDNet編集長Larryの独り言; ... 半導体・自動車生産が活況、年後半に米景気過熱も-日経平均上昇に追い風 . IT関連 ...



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