関連ワード (Foursquare、辞任等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Foursquare(フォースクエア)の共同ファウンダーであるDennis Crowley(デニス・クロウリー)氏が、同社を離れることを発表した。設立後の7年間、クロウリー氏は同スタートアップの最高経営責任者を務め、2016年には執行会長職に就いた。それ以来Foursquare Labsの研究開発グループも指揮している。
今後クロウリー氏はこの会社にフルタイムで勤めることはない。取締役会には残り、Factual(ファクチュアル)のファウンダーであるGil Elbaz(ジル・エルバス)氏とともに共同議長を務める。
それは、同社がメインアプリを2つのアプリに分割した理由だった。Foursquare City Guide(フォースクエア・シティガイド)とSwarm(スォーム)だ。それと同時に、会社はデベロッパー向けにAPIとSDKを開発し、他社がFoursquareの位置データを利用できるようにした。
ビジネスは十分利益を上げている。同社のPilgrim SDKを使うと、デベロッパーは位置情報対応アプリを開発することができる。例えば広告主はその人のいる場所に基づいてパーソナライズされた通知を送ることができる。Foursquareはできるかぎり精度を高めることにこだわり、ある場所での入場時刻や出場時刻を記録することもある。
クロウリー氏はWeb 2.0時代の象徴的スタートアップ・ファウンダーだった。彼は何千人というユーザーを集めることに成功した。彼が会社創成期に偉大なプロダクトCEOであったことは間違いない。そして今、会社は収益「も」生んでいる。果たして彼が次に何を作るのか、今から楽しみだ。
画像クレジット:Steve Jennings / Getty Images
Foursquare co-founder Dennis Crowley has announced that he is stepping back from his full-time role at the company. During the first seven years of the company, he was the startup’s Chief Executive Officer. In 2016, Crowley moved to an executive chairman position. He’s also been running the Foursquare Labs R&D group since then.
Going forward, Crowley won’t be working full-time at the company. He’ll remain on the board of directors as co-chair with Factual founder Gil Elbaz.
In 2009, Foursquare was better known for its location-based social network. People would check in to locations to share what they’ve been up to with their friends. Users would earn badges and mayorships.
Over the years, the most active users had amassed thousands of checkins. Foursquare became a great app to keep track of places you like. You could also use it to discover your friends’ favorite places.
That’s why the company decided to split its main app into two separate apps — the Foursquare City Guide and Swarm. At the same time, the company started working on developer APIs and SDKs so that other companies could take advantage of Foursquare’s location data.
That business in particular has been quite lucrative. With the company’s Pilgrim SDK, developers can build location-aware apps. For instance, an advertiser can send a personalized notification based on where you are. Foursquare tries to be as accurate as possible and can sometimes even figure out when you enter or exit a venue.
That SDK enables many different possibilities. It’s easy to track the impact of an advertising campaign on online sales, but what about offline interest?
Foursquare’s SDK can help advertisers and brands see whether an advertising campaign has an impact on foot traffic. Of course, you can also combine that data with other customer data.
The company has become an important advertising and marketing platform focused on location. Overall, the company has generated more than $100 million in revenue in 2020. And it plans to grow in 2021 and beat that number.
Crowley mentions two reasons why he’s leaving now. According to him, the company is doing well, and he’s been working on the same thing for 12 years already.
“Foursquare hasn’t just found its way … it leads the way. I used to say that my goal was to make the name ‘Foursquare’ synonymous with ‘innovation in contextual aware computing’ … And, here in 2021, we’ve built the tools and frameworks that can make that so,” Crowley writes in a blog post.
“Also, 12 years is a lot of time. I have lots of things I still want to build — many of which don’t fit neatly into the Foursquare of 2021 (and, hey fellow founder, it’s fine to feel this way!),” he adds. He’s also going to spend some well-deserved time with his family.
Crowley has been an iconic startup founder during the Web 2.0 era. He managed to attract tens of millions of users. It’s clear that he’s been a great product CEO during the early years of the company. And now, the company is also generating revenue. So it’s going to be interesting to see what he builds next.
(文:Romain Dillet、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )
Foursquare is the most trusted, independent location data platform for understanding how people move through the real world.
Our Story | Foursquare
Foursquare is the most trusted, independent location data platform for understanding how people move through the real world.
Foursquare - Home | Facebook
Foursquare. 1,084,160 likes · 239 talking about this. Foursquare helps you find places you'll love, anywhere in the world. Questions/support
Foursquare (company) - Wikipedia
Foursquare Labs Inc., commonly known as Foursquare, is an American technology company. The company's location platform is the foundation of several business and consumer products, including the Foursquare City Guide and Foursquare Swarm apps.
Foursquare (@Foursquare) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Foursquare (@Foursquare). Updates and news from FoursquareHQ. We're a location technology platform, inventing the future with developer tools, enterprise solutions...
Foursquare & Swarm: Discussion, News, Tips & Tricks
Discussion, news, tips and tricks about local search and discovery service, Foursquare and its sibling lifelogging & location-sharing check-in...
Foursquare is a technology company that enriches consumer experiences and informs business decisions through location intelligence. Every month, 50 million people…
The Foursquare Church
Foursquare brings food to families facing famine. As a result, nearly 21,000 people in one year accepted Jesus. We can't reach the whole harvest field with half the workforce.
What Is Foursquare & How Does It Work? | Small Business - Chron.com
What Is Foursquare & How Does It Work?. Foursquare is a social networking service available for common smartphones, including the iPhone, BlackBerry and Android-powered phones. To use Foursquare on these devices, download the free app. The app's purpose is to help you discover and share information about ...
The latest articles about Foursquare from Mashable, the media and...
Foursquare has a "provocative" new pitch for location-sharing tech. For Foursquare CEO Dennis Crowley, his original vision for the location-based service is finally becoming a reality.
Foursquare ITP • Integrated Transportation Planning
Multi-modal transportation planning firm focused on providing innovative transportation solutions that are practical, focused, and implementable.
Foursquare Blog
Millions of people around the world check out the Foursquare City Guide photo gallery. What's one piece of advice you'd like to share with the Foursquare community on how to take a great photo?
What is Foursquare? - Quora
1. Having four equal sides and four right angles; square. Foursquare is a website and a mobile app where people can check into venues (=named locations) when they are there.
What is Foursquare City Guide?
The Foursquare City Guide app helps you discover new places. Here's a look at the Foursquare app's main features including crowd-sourced recommendations.
Foursquare Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors... | Craft.co
Foursquare has 519 employees across 6 locations and $390.35 m in total funding,. See insights on Foursquare including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives...
Foursquare City Guide on the App Store
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Foursquare City Guide. Download Foursquare City Guide and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Foursquare - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Foursquare is a location technology platform offering business solutions and consumer products through a deep understanding of location.
Foursquare Europe
Welcome to Foursquare Europe! Who are we? The Foursquare movement stands for evangelism and church planting in the power of the Holy Spirit, for relating as a family of Christ-followers...
Foursquare has 147 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Foursquare has 147 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
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いつもと変わらないある土曜の午後のことだった。米ニューハンプシャー州のレストランに1人の男性客が来店し、屋外のバーに座ってホットドッグやビールを注文した。男性が注文したのはホットドッグ2個とポテト、コーラ、ビール、テキーラなど。男性は飲食代37ドル(約4000円)を支払って立ち去った。1万6000ドル(約177万円)のチップを残して。 - (1/2)
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