

関連ワード (Mountaintop、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



同社は2020年夏、Oculus(オキュラス)の共同創設者Nate Mitchell(ネイト・ミッチェル)氏の下にゲーム業界の大物たちが集まり、自分たちで一発当てようと立ち上げられた。大手パブリッシャーや開発業者では広く常態化され、頻繁に目撃される(または報道される)クランチ(徹夜作業を強要する過酷な開発環境)と有害な文化から逃れて、独立したスタジオを作ろうというのが彼らの主旨だ。


550万ドルのシード投資資金は、同社初タイトルの開発に投入される。それはPvPシューターになる予定だ。ここで少し不安に感じる方もいるだろう。PvPシューターといえば、「Overwatch(オーバーウォッチ)」「PUBG」「Fortnite(フォートナイト)」「Apex Legends(エーペックスレジェンズ)」といったこの5年間で大成功したものと、「Crucible」「Battleborn(バトルボーン)」「Paragon」「Gigantic」大失敗したものがひしめくジャンルだからだ。後者は前者の不毛な模倣の試みだった。






創設チーム5人からスタートした同社は、今では20名にまで増えた。Mountaintopは当初からパンデミック対応を考えていたわけではないが、リモート優先のアプローチにより、新型コロナ禍においても雇用によって会社の運営計画が変更されることはなかった。現在、同社で働いてる人たちは、Epic、Blizzard、Naughty Dog、Respawn、Infinity Ward、Ubisoft、Raven、Turtle Rock、Double Fine、PopCap、 そしてもちろんOculusの出身者たちだ。




画像クレジット:Mountaintop Studios


Mountaintop, a sort of supergroup game development studio founded by veterans from a multitude of other major companies in the industry, has collected a $5.5 seed round from friends and family, and announced that their first title will be a PvP shooter.

The company emerged last summer, headed by Oculus co-founder Nate Mitchell and several others from larger gaming concerns that decided to strike off on their own. The idea would be to create an independent studio free from the pervasive culture of crunch and toxicity frequently found (or reported) at bigger publishers and developers.

Being independent also means no allowance from a big publisher, so they needed to get some capital to work with. That manifested from the enviably deep pockets of their families and friends, who I suppose felt more than justified in funding the activities of people whom they know to be successful entrepreneurs and industry movers and shakers.

The $5.5 million seed will go toward their first title, which will be a PvP shooter. Now, this may give some pause, as PvP shooters number among the last five years’ biggest successes (Overwatch, PUBG, Fortnite, Apex) and most notable failures (Crucible, Battleborn, Paragon, Gigantic) — the latter seemingly in fruitless attempts to emulate the former.

But the opportunistic corporate me-too attitude that sunk many a game is unlikely to exist at Mountaintop, a small team with no shareholders breathing down their neck — except their friends and family, who will be too polite to do so. If they think they can make an interesting and commercially viable PvP shooter, I say have at it, I’m tired of the other ones.

It’ll be nice to know that the product came from a crunch-free environment as well — as we’ve seen with Supergiant’s “Hades,” people working on their own schedules to make something they care about can have remarkable results.

As Mitchell put it:

We all know great games and products can be built without crunch. It’s about thoughtful scoping, planning, execution every step of the way. That’s not to say that avoiding crunch is easy — it’s incredibly challenging, especially with unexpected curve balls along the way.

In the end though, it always comes down to leadership and the decisions they make. At Mountaintop, we’re committed to doing right by the team, always.

The company has grown from the founding team of five now to 20. Although Mountaintop wasn’t intended from the start to be a pandemic-proof setup, its remote-first approach did mean that hiring during COVID didn’t mean changing how they planned for the company to work. Currently they have people from Epic, Blizzard, Naughty Dog, Respawn, Infinity Ward, Ubisoft, Raven, Turtle Rock, Double Fine, PopCap and (obviously) Oculus.

But among the team’s other priorities were diversity and inclusion. With 19 of the 20 people on staff men, and 18 of the 20 white, that seems to be presenting more of a challenge to them.

“We’re just getting started, but we’re building a studio with diversity and inclusion at the core, where everyone feels like they belong. We have a long way to go, but we’re committed to seeing it through,” said Mitchell. With a target headcount of about 50, there’s still a lot of room to grow into that promise.

No indication when we’ll learn more about the game, but at the current cadence we can probably expect another tidbit of info this summer.

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:金井哲夫)

How to get The Mountaintop in Destiny 2 | Shacknews

Learn how to get The Mountaintop, a Crucible Pinnacle weapon that requires completing the quest, In Pursuit of Honor, as well as a lot of Grenade Launcher kills in Destiny 2.

Easy Mountaintop Guide - DO THIS NOW! Destiny... - YouTube

Enjoy this Mountaintop Farm Guide! EASY MOUNTAINTOP GUIDE - Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy. Lags2Glitches.

The Mountaintop - Wikipedia

The Mountaintop is a play by American playwright Katori Hall. It is a fictional depiction of Martin Luther King Jr.'s last night on earth set entirely in Room 306 of the Lorraine Motel on the eve of his assassination in 1968.

Mountaintop Studios

Mountaintop is a new game studio creating multiplayer games for players who crave a challenge. We're creating the types of games that bring people together — and keep them together for "just one...

Mountaintop: перевод, произношение, транскрипция, примеры...

Перевод слова mountaintop, американское и британское произношение, транскрипция, словосочетания, примеры использования

Destiny 2: How to Get The Mountaintop Grenade Launcher

A kinetic grenade launcher, The Mountaintop deviates from the mold by offering a projectile that fires in a straight line The first step in The Mountaintop quest is to hit Brave rank in the competitive playlist.

The Mountaintop | Destiny Wiki | Fandom

The Mountaintop is a quest composed of two steps.1 1 Quest Steps 1.1 Step One 1.2 Step Two 2 References

The Mountaintop - Destiny 2 Wiki - D2 Wiki, Database and Guide

The Mountaintop is a Legendary Grenade Launcher. Lightweight Frame - Superb Handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped. Hard Launch - This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed. Greatly increases projectile speed. Decreases stability. Slightly decreases blast radius.

MOUNTAINTOP | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

mountaintop definition: 1. the top of a mountain 2. the top of a mountain. Learn more.

The Mountaintop - Guardian.Services

The Mountaintop is a kinetic Lightweight Grenade Launcher that is obtained through an extensive Weapon questline given to you by Lord Shaxx. Search Product. 0. The Mountaintop. From: 19.99.

Mountaintop (2019) - IMDb

Directed by Daryl Hannah, Neil Young. With John Hanlon, Neil Young. 'Mountaintop' is an unfiltered look at the process of Neil Young with Crazy Horse making their first album in 7 years. Witness the laughter, tensions, crusty attitudes and love of a rock and roll band that's been together for 50 years.

Mountaintop | Definition of Mountaintop by Merriam-Webster

Mountaintop definition is - the summit of a mountain.

This Week At Bungie - 1/28/2021 > News | Bungie.net

Bungie.net is the Internet home for Bungie, the developer of Destiny, Halo, Myth, Oni, and Marathon, and the only place with official Bungie info straight from the developers.

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Get one of the best grenade launchers in Destiny 2 fast and cheap! Buy Mountaintop Full Quest Completion Boost at our carry service, and you`ll get the desired weapon as fast as it possible!


Contact. ADDRESS : 38 Zhenxing Rd Huadu,Guangzhou,Guangdong China. EMAIL: customer@mountaintop-outdoor.com.

The Mountaintop - Home | Facebook

The Mountaintop - 242 W 45th St, New York, New York 10036 - rated 4.3 based on 130 reviews "A very profound, eloquent, soul-stirring, credible, and... See more of The Mountaintop on Facebook.

Mountaintop (2019) - Rotten Tomatoes

A raw and unfiltered look at the process of Neil Young and Crazy Horse making their first album in seven years.


Mountaintop embraces this tradition, offering members dining options, ranging from relaxed lakeside picnics, boat dining and casual dinners in the clubhouse, to formal gourmet fine dining.

Climbing to an actual mountaintop is less of a grind : DestinyTheGame

The Mountaintop doesn't really seem to do this as much, and I have to hit much closer to my target to do Mountaintop owner here. I can confirm that mayhem is the best way. Except for that lockdown...

Destiny 2 Mountaintop Weapon Guide - All You Need To Know

Are you excited about the new season in Destiny 2? It comes with a new set of weapons. Learn more in our Destiny 2 Mountaintop Weapon Guide.

Mountaintop по Русский - Английский-Русский Словарь - Glosbe

mountaintop translation in English-Russian dictionary

Mountaintop Studios (@itsmountaintop) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от Mountaintop Studios (@itsmountaintop). Mountaintop is a new game studio from veterans of Naughty Dog, Oculus, Respawn, Epic, Double Fine, and Hidden Path. https...

Mountaintop - definition of mountaintop by The Free Dictionary

Define mountaintop. mountaintop synonyms, mountaintop pronunciation, mountaintop translation, English dictionary definition of mountaintop. n. The summit of a mountain. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing...

Mountaintop Rentals: Canaan Valley Vacation Rentals, West Virginia...

West Virginia`s best and most affordable vacations by Mountaintop Rentals: Davis, Canaan Valley

Mountaintop removal mining - Wikipedia

Mountaintop removal mining (MTR), also known as mountaintop mining (MTM), is a form of surface mining at the summit or summit ridge of a mountain. Coal seams are extracted from a mountain by removing the land, or overburden, above the seams.

'Fortnite' Mountaintop Ruins Location: Where To Emote As Thor At...

Here's a map, guide and location for where to emote as Thor at mountaintop ruins for Fortnite's Thor's Awakening challenges.

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資金使途は、設備資金または運転資金で、融資の上限は6,000万円(中小企業組合の場合は4億円)に設定されています。融資年率は1.2~1.4%で、設備資金は最長10年間、運転資金は最長7年間利用可能です。 (4) 短期貸付

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リトレイスドがシードラウンドで100万ユーロの資金調達 ファッション業界向けにブロックチェーントレーサビリティプラットフォームの開発を行っているドイツのリトレイスド(Retraced)が、ヨーロッパのVC企業サマイパタ(Samaipata)からシードラウンドにて100万ユーロ(約1億円)の資金調達をしたことを2月2日発

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PDF 劣後特約付ローンによる資金調達のお知らせ

劣後特約付ローンによる資金調達のお知らせ 当社は、本日開催の取締役会において、劣後特約付ローン(以下、「本劣後ローン」といいます。) による総額100 億円の資金調達を行うことを決議いたしましたので、下記の通りお知らせいたし ます。 記

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シェアリングエネルギーが資金調達を実施~再生可能エネルギーによる分散電源の普及を推進~ - Pr Times ...

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資金調達担当者 ~東証一部上場企業~(3346750) | リクルートのハイクラス転職・求人サービス Career ...

CAREER CARVER(キャリアカーバー)はリクルートキャリアが運営する、ハイクラス・エグゼクティブ限定の会員制転職サイトです。ハイクラス・エグゼクティブの方にご満足いただくために、厳選した優良なヘッドハンターだけがサービスに登録しています。



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