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Alephがこのラウンドをリードし、既存投資家であるFirstime VCと、匿名のエンジェル数名が参加した。Crunchbaseのデータによると、同社の調達総額はこれで1700万ドル(約17億8000万円)になる。

CEOで共同創業者のRoy Dagan(ロイ・デイガン)氏によると、1つのネットワークにさまざまな種類のデバイスが接続されている場合、管理も難しい。「IoTデバイスの大規模な展開を、統一的でコスト効率の良い方法で管理できるようにする」と同氏はいう。



同社は、MicrosoftやConvergint Technologies、Johnson Controlsといった主なデバイスメーカーと提携。また空港やカジノ、大企業のキャンパスなど、さまざまな業界とも提携している。

今回の投資をリードしたAlephのゼネラルパートナーであるAaron Rosenson(アーロン・ローゼンソン)氏によると、同社は大きな組織が抱える膨大な数のデバイスの管理という難しい問題を解決する。「SecuriThingsが登場するまで、オートメーションやオーケストレーション、オブザーバビリティ(可観測性)といった大規模なエンタープライズソフトウェアのカテゴリーはあったが、IoTのために作られたものはなかった」とローゼンソン氏は声明で述べている。彼によると、SecuriThingsは顧客のためにそれらをすべてまとめているという。




画像クレジット:dowell/Getty Images


Managing IoT devices in a large organization can be a messy proposition, especially when many of them aren’t even managed directly by IT and often involve integrating with a number of third-party systems. SecuriThings wants to help with a platform of services to bring that all under control, and today the startup announced a $14 million Series A.

Aleph led the round with participation from existing investor Firstime VC and a number of unnamed angels. The company has raised a total of $17 million, according to Crunchbase data.

Roy Dagan, company CEO and co-founder, says that he sees organizations with many different connected devices running on a network, and it’s difficult to manage. “We enable organizations to manage IoT devices securely at scale in a consolidated and cost-efficient manner,” Dagan told me.

This could include devices like security cameras, along with access control systems and building management systems involving thousands — or in some instances, tens of thousands — of devices. “The technology we build, we integrate with management systems, and then we deploy our capabilities which are focused on the edge devices. So that’s how we also find the devices, and then we have these different capabilities running on the edge devices or fetching information from the edge devices,” Dagan explained.

Image Credits: SecuriThings

The company has formed partnerships with a number of key device manufacturers, including Microsoft, Convergint Technologies and Johnson Controls, among others. They work with a range of industries including airports, casinos and large corporate campuses.

Aaron Rosenson, general partner at lead investor Aleph, says the company is solving a big problem managing the myriad devices inside large organizations. “Until SecuriThings came along, there were these massive enterprise software categories of automation, orchestration and observability just waiting to be built for IoT,” Rosenson said in a statement. He says that SecuiThings is pulling that all together for its customers.

The company was founded in 2016 originally with the idea of being an IoT security company, and while they still are involved in securing these devices, their ability to communicate with them gives IT much greater visibility and insight and the ability to update and manage them.

Today, the company has 30 employees, and with the new investment it will be doubling that number by the end of the year. While Dagan didn’t cite specific customer numbers, he did say they have dozens of customers with deal sizes of between five and seven figures.

(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

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SecuriThings Horizon is the first IoTOps solution to provide risk detection, predictive maintenance and automated operations for IoT devices.

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Managing IoT devices in a large organization can be a messy proposition, especially when many of them aren't even managed directly by IT and often involve integrating with a number of third-party systems. SecuriThings wants to help with a platform of services to bring that all under control, and today the startup announced a $14 million Series A. Roy Dagan, company CEO and co-founder, says that he sees organizations with many different connected devices running on a network, and it's difficult to manage.

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SecuriThings mitigates attacks by seamlessly assessing IoT activities in real time, while providing manufacturers and service providers a holistic view of threats across identities and devices.

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