関連ワード (Clearview AI、ミネアポリス、警察、顔認証等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
新しい禁止条例は、ミネアポリス警察がClearview AIによるソフトウェアを含む顔認識技術を使用することをブロックすることになる。同社は、多くの場合大手SNSから収集した顔画像の大規模なデータベースへのアクセス権を連邦法執行機関、民間企業、そして米国のたくさんの警察署に販売している。ミネアポリス警察署はClearview AIとの関係があることで知られており、ミネアポリスのあるミネソタ州ヘネピン郡の保安官事務所も同様だが、後者が新しい条例によって制限されることはない。
関連記事:物議を醸したClearview AIが再び米政府機関と顔認識ソフトウェアで契約
今回の議決は、ミネアポリスの警察官が2020年George Floyd(ジョージ・フロイド)氏を死亡させた後、全米各地で反人種差別の抗議デモを巻き起こした同市の画期的な決定といえる。同市はそれ以来、警察改革の渦中に置かれており、全米に先駆けて2020年6月に市の警察部門の予算凍結を誓約した後、同年後半にはその約束を撤回し、より段階的な改革を行っている。
画像クレジット:Stephen Maturen / Stringer / Getty Images
Minneapolis voted Friday to ban the use of facial recognition software for its police department, growing the list of major cities that have implemented local restrictions on the controversial technology. After an ordinance on the ban was approved earlier this week, 13 members of the city council voted in favor of the ban, with no opposition.
The new ban will block the Minneapolis Police Department from using any facial recognition technology, including software by Clearview AI. That company sells access to a large database of facial images, many scraped from major social networks, to federal law enforcement agencies, private companies and a number of U.S. police departments. The Minneapolis Police Department is known to have a relationship with Clearview AI, as is the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, which will not be restricted by the new ban.
The vote is a landmark decision in the city that set off racial justice protests around the country after a Minneapolis police officer killed George Floyd last year. The city has been in the throes of police reform ever since, leading the nation by pledging to defund the city’s police department in June before backing away from that commitment into more incremental reforms later that year.
Banning the use of facial recognition is one targeted measure that can rein in emerging concerns about aggressive policing. Many privacy advocates are concerned that the AI-powered face recognition systems would not only disproportionately target communities of color, but that the tech has been demonstrated to have technical shortcomings in discerning non-white faces.
Cities around the country are increasingly looking to ban the controversial technology and have implemented restrictions in many different ways. In Portland, Oregon, new laws passed last year block city bureaus from using facial recognition but also forbid private companies from deploying the technology in public spaces. Previous legislation in San Francisco, Oakland and Boston restricted city governments from using facial recognition systems, though didn’t include a similar provision for private companies.
(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)
2021-02-15 23:54あれ、顔認証通らない