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 Amazon Web Services(AWS)とDeepLearning.AI、Courseraは力を合わせて3コースからなる「Practical Data Science専門講座」を開講し、機械学習(ML)モデルの作成とテストのほか、本番環境における規模拡大の問題に取り組もうとしている。

 DeepLearning.AIの創設者であり、CourseraのトップインストラクターであるAndrew Ng氏は「MLには概念実証と本番運用の間にギャップがある」と説明した。この専門講座は開発者がノートPC上のプロトタイプモデルをクラウドに移行する際の支援となることを念頭に置いて構成されている。同氏は「ユーザー数を10から100万に増やそうとした場合、やるべきことが数多くある」と付け加えた。

 AWSでMLサービス担当バイスプレジデント兼ゼネラルマネージャーを務めるBratin Saha氏によると、顧客がデプロイするモデルの数は、ほんの数年で数えるほどの量から数百万に達するようになったという。AWSで最も急成長している製品の1つであるMLプラットフォーム「Amazon SageMaker」の責任者である同氏は「MLはもはやニッチとは言えない」と述べた。











 「Practical Data Science専門講座」のキーポイントは以下の通りだ。

Data pros are swamped by growing company needs | CIO Dive

News, voices and jobs for CIOs. Optimized for your mobile phone.

Q&A with Rick Evans, Part 2: "The better we understand ...

“We can’t be casual about it anymore.” In this podcast, Rick Evans, CXO at NewYork-Presbyterian talks about how his team is working to reduce care disparities, remove racial bias from protocols, and leverage data to better understand patients. In this podcast interview, Rick Evans talks about how NewYork-Presbyterian is working to improve the experience for all patients and eliminate bias.

Bloomberg Live

Bloomberg Live uses the power of data and media to create newsmaking events and provide thought leadership to the leaders of the business world.

IT@Cornell | Services and Support

Information technology services and support for the Cornell University community

Project Management Training | Virginia IT Agency

Date: July 8, 2021 Time: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Course Duration: 5 hours Location: virtual Instructor: Patty Samuels. Course Description: Mandatory Commonwealth IT Project Manager Orientation Training class is designed to acquaint the Project Manager with the Commonwealth Project Management (CPM) methodology, the context in which Commonwealth IT projects are governed, the specific processes and ...

About Us | USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks. In doing this, the USPTO fulfills the mandate of Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, of the Constitution that the legislative branch "promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." The USPTO registers trademarks based on the commerce clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3).


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Cisco Webex | Test online meeting

Planning to join a Webex online meeting on a new device? Test your Webex online meeting here from your desktop or mobile device. Just enter your name and email address.

UP: Investors

Union Pacific is the largest railroad in North America, covering 23 states across the western two-thirds of the United States

PharMerica Pharmacy Services

The total pharmacy solution. A national leader in pharmacy services with a community focus.


根据高盛最近发布的报告,与美国同行相比,亚洲对冲基金可能不那么看好比特币。 高盛策略师对来自各种多头基金和对冲基金的 25 名 cio进行了调查,内容包括他们最喜欢的投资风格和资产类别。

Workforce Ecosystems: Managing the Future of Work - CIO ...

Most global professionals increasingly consider external contributors to be members of their workforce, yet far fewer are preparing to manage these workers, according to a new report from MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte. The report provides actions organizations can take to move toward a workforce ecosystem approach and rethink traditional workforce management practices.

CIO Paradox Chapter 6 | SRKK

As CIO, your role is to work with the rest of the executive committee to define the direction and goals of the business. You articulate that business strategy to your IT organization and develop a strategic plan to drive and support it.

Former CIO Operative Ernest Tekere Commits Suicide

Tekere was also a farmer and the cultural secretary of the Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers’ Association.

Informationascluetomanagement ~ Future of CIO

Business decision management is based on information and generates information: The amount of data required for a decision, and the amount of information generated by a decision, can both be measured in bits.Information is a liability unless it helps to create a certain value to make effective decisions or solve problems.

Advisors Asset Management Names President & CIO | FIN News

He will be responsible for growing and scaling the company, building value for strategic partners, employees and investors and creating innovative investments and services.


WebexOne is the premier collaboration event of the year, focused on the hottest and pressing future of work topics! Immerse yourself in two days of learning with in-depth training, innovative insights, and direct access to experts. Webex one combines three leading industry events in one: Cisco Collaboration Summit, BroadSoft Connections and Cisco Contact Center Summit.

CIO interview: Tom Read, chief executive, Government ...

CIO interview: Tom Read, chief executive, Government Digital Service. - Bryan Glick • Now • Bryan Glick, Editor in chief Published: 08 Jun 2021 9:00 It's almost 10 years since the Government Digital Service (GDS) was set up, back in the early … Read more on ...

Upcoming Events - Wipfli

Wipfli offers events, seminars and webinars on tax, audit, consulting and wealth management facing businesses and individuals, led by our CPAs and consultants.

Ask Anything - Interview with CIO of Morningstar ...

Hi guys, we will be interviewing the CIO of Morningstar Investment Management, Dan Kemp, next week, and we wanted to give you the chance to ask him …

ELN Events, Virtual events, virtual roundtables, meet the ...

Looking to host a virtual or in-person event? We offer opportunities for collaboration with our global network through our meet the buyer conferences, virtual roundtables, webinars, executive dinners & CxO panel discussions. Learn more.

Pride Month Profiles: Juston Larsen | AFL-CIO

For Pride Month, the AFL-CIO is spotlighting various LGBTQ Americans who have worked and continue to work at the intersection of civil and labor rights. Today's Pride Month profile is Juston Larsen. Juston Larson is a Starbucks barista at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas and has been a member for six ...

CIO AUBAGNE (@AubagneCio) | Twitter

The latest tweets from @AubagneCio

SkyBridge Capital CIO announced that it will be investing ...

4 1 vote Article Rating "We are only going to invest in Bitcoin", says the SkyBridge Capital CIO, who says the company will only invest in bitcoin after they have studied investing in gold "SkyBridge is a global multi-asset class alternative investments firm, specializing in hedge fund solutions and opportunistic investment vehicles." The Investment Manager at SkyBridge Capital, a ...

BDO USA: Assurance, Accounting, Tax & Advisory Services

BDO delivers assurance, tax, and financial advisory services that are tailored to our clients' industry, unique needs and goals.

CBRE Global Investors hires former CIO of New Mexico PERA

Former New Mexico PERA CIO Dominic Garcia joined CBRE Global Investors as its first chief pension investment strategist.

Xtelligent Media

Lea Chatham is the Director of Marketing Programs at SR Health by Solutionreach, the leader in patient engagement solutions and innovation. She is responsible for developing educational resources to help healthcare organizations stay connected to patients throughout the care journey.

2021 UK & Ireland CIO Virtual Boardroom - Evanta

Join your peers for an interactive, virtual discussion on current topics and priorities.

AWSとCoursera、DeepLearning.AIが実践的なデータサイエンスの専門講座を開始 - ZDNet ...


マイクロソフト、6月の月例パッチ--ゼロデイ脆弱性6件も修正 - ZDNet Japan


ハネウェルの量子 ... -

ハネウェルは、Honeywell Quantum Solutions(HQS)とCambridge Quantum Computing(CQC)が合併し、独立した量子コンピューティング企業を設立すると発表した。

アップル、次期macOS「Monterey」をWWDCで披露 - ZDNet Japan

アップルは開発者会議Worldwide Developers Conference(WWDC)で、「Mac」用OSの最新版となる「macOS Monterey」を発表した。

マイクロソフト、次期「Windows」発表イベントを前に新プレビューの公開を中断 - ZDNet Japan

マイクロソフトは、累積的なアップデートのサービスパイプラインをテストする目的で、新しい「Windows 10」プレビュービルドのリリースをしばらく中断すると発表した。



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