元Twitter幹部が起ち上げた投資会社01 Advisorsが2つ目のファンドを約342.4億円でクローズ

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かつてTwitter(ツイッター)のCEO(最高経営責任者)だったDick Costolo(ディック・コストロ)氏とCOO(最高執行責任者)を務めていたAdam Bain(アダム・ベイン)氏が、自身の投資会社である01 Advisors(01アドバイザーズ)のデビューファンドで1億3500万ドル(約142億5000万円)を確保したと発表してからわずか1年半後、2つ目のベンチャーファンドを静かにクローズさせた。


我々は01 Advisorsに連絡を取っており、近日中に詳細をお伝えしたいと考えているが、その戦略は消費者向けと企業向けの両方の分野で、より集中的に投資を行うことが中心となっているようだ。アーリーステージのスタートアップにも、レイトステージのスタートアップにも彼らは小切手を切っている。


児童書ブッククラブ購読サービスのLiterati(リタラティ):1月にFelicis Ventures(フェリシス・ベンチャーズ)が主導して4000万ドル(42億2000万円)のシリーズB資金調達を行った。

グローバル決済用の自動化ソフトウェアを開発するTipalti(ティパルティ):10年前にイスラエルで創業。10月に20億ドル(約2110億円)の評価額で1億5000万ドル(約158億円)のシリーズE資金調達を行った(01 Advisorsは追加投資家として参加)。

決済ソフトウェアを手がけるSpotOn Transact(スポットオン・トランザクト):2020年01 Advisorsが主導して5000万ドル(約52億7000万円)のシリーズB資金調達を行った。そのわずか半年後に6000万ドル(約63億3000万円)のシリーズCラウンドを調達したことは注目に値する。このラウンドはDST Global(DSTグローバル)が主導し、01 Advisorsなどが参加した。


実際、同社の投資の多くは、新型コロナウイルス流行の中で勢いを増している。サンフランシスコを拠点とするメンタルヘルスとウェルネスのプラットフォームであるModern Health(モダン・ヘルス)は、先週7400万ドル(約78億円)のシリーズDの資金調達を発表したが、数カ月前にシリーズCで5100万ドル(約53億8000万円)を調達したばかりだ。現在の評価額が11億7000万ドル(約1234億円)と報じられているこのスタートアップ企業は、これまでに約1億7000万ドル(約179億円)の資金調達を行っており、直近の2回のラウンドには01 Advisorsが参加している。

01 Advisors自体は、コストロ氏とベイン氏が個人と共同でスタートアップに投資を始めてから数年後の2019年8月に公開されて以来、ほぼ同じ規模を維持している。

同社には、コストロ氏とベイン氏、そして創業パートナーでありTwitterで4年間企業開発と財務に従事していたDave Rivinus(デイヴ・リヴィヌス)氏に加え、Kelly Kovacs(ケリー・コヴァックス)氏がパートナーとして参加している。コヴァックス氏はTwitterでコストロ氏のチーフスタッフを務めた後、Color Genomics(カラーゲノミクス)に入社し、その後、秘書の能力を高めるためのスタートアップを自身で起ち上げた。彼女は2018年に01 Advisorsにフルタイムで入社した。

Lacey Behrens(レイシー・ベーレンス)氏は、2019年から同社のオペレーションマネージャーを務めている。

01 Advisorsは最近、シニアアソシエイトの役職を求人している。

ミシガン州トロイ出身のコストロ氏は、2020年10月にCoinbase(コインベース)の創業者でCEOのBrian Armstrong(ブライアン・アームストロング)氏が従業員の社会運動や政治的な議論を職場で行うことを禁じた決定について扇動的なツイートをしたことで注目を浴びた。Coinbaseではその後、少なくとも60人の従業員が退職金を受け取ることになった。


一方のベイン氏、長い間苦しんでいても慎重で楽観的なクリーブランド・ブラウンズのファンは、非常に忙しく過ごしている。スタートアップ企業のスカウトに加え、彼は現在、不動産テック企業のOpendoor(オープンドア)と宇宙観光企業のVirgin Galactic(ヴァージン・ギャラクティック)という2つの公開会社で取締役に就いている。

I think all of us @browns fans who grew up in Cleveland are afraid to say anything to jinx this right now… https://t.co/tKcF5d2SIw

— adam bain (@adambain) January 11, 2021


01 Advisorsは、投資家のChamath Palihapitiya(チャマス・パリハピティヤ)氏とともに、Opendoorを上場させたSPAC(特別買収目的会社)の共同スポンサーを務めた。パリハピティヤ氏はまた、ヴァージン・ギャラクティックを上場させるためにSPACを起ち上げ、合併がまとまりつつある中でベイン氏を取締役に招聘した。


画像クレジット:01 Advisors


Dick Costolo and Adam Bain, renowned early Twitter execs who served as the company’s CEO and its chief operating officer, respectively, have quietly closed a second venture fund just one-and-a-half years after disclosing they’d secured $135 million for a debut fund for their firm, 01 Advisors.

According to an SEC filing, they wrapped up their second fund late last week with $325 million in capital commitments from 81 investors.

We’ve reached out to the firm and hope to share more soon. In the meantime, its strategy appears to center around more concentrated bets in both the consumer and enterprise spheres — with checks going out both early and sometimes later in a startup’s trajectory.

Among these recipients is Literati, a nearly five-year-old, Austin, Texas-based book club subscription service that raised $40 million in Series B funding in January led by Felicis Ventures; Tipalti, a 10-year-old, Israel-based company that develops automation software for global payments and raised $150 million in Series E funding at a $2 billion valuation back in October (01 Advisors joined as a follow-on investor); and SpotOn Transact, a payments software startup that raised $50 million in Series B funding last year led by 01 Advisors. (Worth noting: the company raised a $60 million Series C round just six months later. DST Global led that next round, with participation from 01 Advisors and others.)

In fact, numerous of the outfit’s investments have hit the gas during the pandemic, including the San Francisco-based mental health and wellness platform Modern Health, which last week announced $74 million in Series D funding just a few months after announcing a $51 million Series C funding. The startup, reportedly now valued at $1.17 billion, has raised roughly $170 million to date; 01 Advisors has joined the last two rounds.

01 Advisors has itself largely remained the same size since it publicly launched in August 2019, years after Costolo and Bain began investing in startups on an individual and joint basis.

In addition to Costolo and Bain and Dave Rivinus, who spent four years in corporate development and finance at Twitter and is also a founding partner of the firm, Kelly Kovacs is a partner at the firm. Kovacs was Costolo’s chief of staff at Twitter before joining Color Genomics in a similar capacity, then founding her own startup meant to empower executive assistants. She joined 01 Advisors full time in 2018.

Lacey Behrens has meanwhile the firm’s operations manager since 2019.

01 Advisors also recently listed a position for a senior associate.

Costolo, who great up in Troy, Michigan, found himself in the headlines in October when he fired off an incendiary tweet about the decision of Coinbase founder and CEO Brian Armstrong to publicly discourage employee activism and political discussions at work, a stance that drove at least 60 employees to take a severance package offered to them afterward.

While some business leaders were quick to praise Armstrong, Costolo wasn’t shy about hiding his disgust over Armstrong’s position. “Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution,” he tweeted. “I’ll happily provide video commentary.”

Bain, a long-suffering-yet-cautiously-optimistic Browns fan, has meanwhile been busy, too. In addition to scouting for startups, he now sits on the public company boards of both the real estate tech outfit Opendoor and the space tourism company Virgin Galactic.

01 Advisors served as a co-sponsor of the SPAC that took Opendoor public, along with investor Chamath Palihapitiya. Palihapitiya also spun up the blank-check company that took public Virgin Galactic, and the company invited Bain to be a director as that merger was coming together.

Earlier bets by the pair — as angel investors — include the corporate travel site TripActions and the connected fitness startup Tonal.

(文:Connie Loizos、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

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01 Advisors is a venture and advisory firm helping founders go from building a product to building a company. The firm was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

01 Advisors, the venture firm of Dick Costolo and Adam Bain, has...

Dick Costolo and Adam Bain, renowned early Twitter execs who served as the company's CEO and its chief operating officer, respectively, have quietly closed a second venture fund just one-and-a-half years after disclosing they'd secured $135 million for a debut fund for their firm, 01 Advisors. Among these recipients is Literati, a nearly five-year-old, Austin, Texas-based book club subscription service that raised $40 million in Series B funding in January led by Felicis Ventures; Tipalti, a 10-year-old, Israel-based company that develops automation software for global payments and raised $150 million in Series E funding at a $2 billion valuation back in October (01 Advisors joined as a follow-on investor); and SpotOn Transact, a payments software startup that raised $50 million in Series B funding last year led by 01 Advisors.

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01 Advisors, the venture firm of Dick Costolo and Adam... | DevsDay.ru

Dick Costolo and Adam Bain, renowned early Twitter execs who served as company’s CEO and its chief operating officer, respectively, have quietly closed a second venture fund just one-and-a-half years after disclosing they’d secured $135 million for a debut fund under their firm, 01 Advisors.

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