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Seven News(セブン・ニュース)の報道によれば、オーストラリアのJosh Frydenberg(ジョシュ・フライデンバーグ)財務大臣は、「ニュースメディア企業が公正に報酬を得られるようにするための枠組みを強化するこの規定について、デジタルプラットフォームとニュースメディア企業に対しその運用方法をより明確にする」修正が加えられたと語ったという。
Facebookオーストラリア&ニュージーランドのマネージングディレクターであるWilliam Easton(ウィリアム・イーストン)氏は声明の中で、同社は今回の修正に「満足している」と述べ、それが「我々のプラットフォームがパブリッシャーに提供する価値と、我々がパブリッシャーから受け取る価値を相対的に認識する商業取引を可能にするための核心的な懸念事項に対処した」と続けた。
画像クレジット:Robert Cianflone / Getty Images
Facebook said it will begin restoring news sharing to Australian users’ feeds in “the coming days” after reaching an agreement with the country’s government. The social media giant made the drastic move of restricting news content in Australia last Wednesday after a dispute over a proposed media bargaining code that is expected to be voted into law soon. The code requires Facebook, and other major tech companies like Google, to make revenue-sharing agreements with publishers for content posted to their social media platforms.
Australian treasurer Josh Frydenberg said changes have been made to the code to “provide further clarity to digital platforms and news media businesses about the way the Code is intended to operate and strengthen the framework for ensuring news media businesses are fairly remunerated,” reported Seven News.
The amendments mean the code now includes a two-month mediation period to allow digital platforms like Facebook and publishers to agree on deals before they are forced to enter into arbitration. The Australian government will also consider commercial agreements tech platforms have already made with local publishers before deciding if the code applies to them, and give them one month’s notice before reaching a final decision.
William Easton, managing director of Facebook Australia and New Zealand, said in a statement that the company was “satisfied” with the changes, adding that they addressed Facebook’s “core concerns about allowing commercial deals that recognize the value our platform provides to publishers relative to the value we receive from them.”
Facebook’s restrictions last week meant Australian publishers were restricted from sharing or posting content from Facebook Pages, and users in Australia were unable to view or share Australian or international news content.
The Australian government announced in April 2020 it would adopt a mandatory code ordering Google, Facebook and other tech giants to pay local media for reusing their content, after an earlier attempt to create a voluntary code with the companies stalled.
As it lobbied against the proposed law, Facebook first threatened to restrict the public sharing of news content in Australia last September. Google also claimed that user experience in Australia would suffer and suggested it may no longer be able to offer free services in the country.
(文:Catherine Shu、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)
Facebook - ログインまたは登録
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Facebook - Google Play のアプリ
Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages, and stay connected to communities important to you. Features on the Facebook app include: * Connect with friends and family and meet new people on your social media network * Set status updates & use Facebook emoji to help relay what’s going on in your world * Share photos, videos, and your favorite memories. * Get notifications when friends like and comment on your posts * Find local social events, and make plans to meet up with friends * Play games with any of your Facebook friends * Backup photos by saving them in albums * Follow your favorite artists, websites, and companies to get their latest news * Look up local businesses to see reviews, operation hours, and pictures * Buy and sell locally on Facebook Marketplace * Watch live videos on the go The Facebook app does more than help you stay connected with your friends and interests. It's also your personal organizer for storing, saving and sharing photos. It's easy to share photos straight from your Android camera, and you have full control over your photos and privacy settings. You can choose when to keep individual photos private or even set up a secret photo album to control who sees it. Facebook also helps you keep up with the latest news and current events around the world. Subscribe to your favorite celebrities, brands, news sources, artists, or sports teams to follow their newsfeeds, watch live streaming videos and be caught up on the latest happenings no matter where you are! The most important desktop features of Facebook are also available on the app, such as writing on timelines, liking photos, browsing for people, and editing your profile and groups. Now you can get early access to the next version of Facebook for Android by becoming a beta tester. Learn how to sign up, give feedback and leave the program in our Help Center: http://on.fb.me/133NwuP Sign up directly here: http://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.facebook.katana Problems downloading or installing the app? See http://bit.ly/GPDownload1 Still need help? Please tell us more about the issue. http://bit.ly/invalidpackage Facebook is only available for users age 13 and over. Terms of Service: http://m.facebook.com/terms.php.
Facebook - Wikipedia
Facebook 開発元 Facebook, Inc. 初版 2004年2月4日 (17年前) ( ) 対応言語 多言語(Unicodeに登録されている文字に依存)サポート状況 開発中 種別 ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス 公式サイト www.facebook.com
Facebook - Apps on Google Play
Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages, and stay connected to communities important to you. Features on the Facebook app include: * Connect with friends and family and meet new people on your social media network * Set status updates & use Facebook emoji to help relay what’s going on in your world * Share photos, videos, and your favorite memories. * Get notifications when friends like and comment on your posts * Find local social events, and make plans to meet up with friends * Play games with any of your Facebook friends * Backup photos by saving them in albums * Follow your favorite artists, websites, and companies to get their latest news * Look up local businesses to see reviews, operation hours, and pictures * Buy and sell locally on Facebook Marketplace * Watch live videos on the go The Facebook app does more than help you stay connected with your friends and interests. It's also your personal organizer for storing, saving and sharing photos. It's easy to share photos straight from your Android camera, and you have full control over your photos and privacy settings. You can choose when to keep individual photos private or even set up a secret photo album to control who sees it. Facebook also helps you keep up with the latest news and current events around the world. Subscribe to your favorite celebrities, brands, news sources, artists, or sports teams to follow their newsfeeds, watch live streaming videos and be caught up on the latest happenings no matter where you are! The most important desktop features of Facebook are also available on the app, such as writing on timelines, liking photos, browsing for people, and editing your profile and groups. Now you can get early access to the next version of Facebook for Android by becoming a beta tester. Learn how to sign up, give feedback and leave the program in our Help Center: http://on.fb.me/133NwuP Sign up directly here: http://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.facebook.katana Problems downloading or installing the app? See http://bit.ly/GPDownload1 Still need help? Please tell us more about the issue. http://bit.ly/invalidpackage Facebook is only available for users age 13 and over. Terms of Service: http://m.facebook.com/terms.php.
Autumn Baking Diary (秋天的烘焙日记) - Facebook
Autumn Baking Diary (秋天的烘焙日记). 28,494 likes · 2,243 talking about this. After years of baking, I have finally decided to jot down my baking journey. Glad...
元Googleエンジニアが設立した「AIを崇める宗教団体」が解散 ...
元Googleエンジニアのアンソニー・レヴァンドフスキ氏が設立した、AIを神として崇拝・受容・理解するための宗教団体「Way of the Future(WOTF)」が解散したことが判明しました。
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