関連ワード (MyHeritage、ディープフェイク等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
家系図サービスのMyHeritage(マイヘリテージ)は、本物らしい表情の操作や利用者の個人データ収集に、AI駆動の合成メディアを使い始めている。同社は、Deep Nostalgia(ディープ・ノスタルジア)という新機能をローンチした。人の写真をアップロードすると、アルゴリズムによってその顔をアニメーション化してくれるというものだ。
亡くなって久しい親戚や過去の偉人が合成近似化処理によって生き返り、どうしてこんな役立たずのデジタルフォトフレームの中に閉じ込められているのだと、目を動かし顔を傾ける様子には、ドラマ「The Black Mirror(ブラック・ミラー)」ばりの魅力があるが、米国時間2月26日家族歴に関するカンファレンスで公開されると、当然のことながらソーシャルメディアで拡散された。
Rosalind Franklin brought to life with #DeepNostalgia
— Dr Adam Rutherford (@AdamRutherford) February 26, 2021
Dr Adam Rutherford「甦ったロザリンド・フランクリン」
My great great grandmother, Louisa Roakes (1871-1942), animated using the Deep Nostalgia tool on @MyHeritage #Genealogy #MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia
— Nathan Dylan Goodwin (@NathanDGoodwin) February 25, 2021
Nathan Dylan Goodwin「MyHeritageのDeep Nostalgiaで動く曾祖母ルイザ・ロークス(1871〜1942)」
This is my great-grandmother, Kathleen. I’ve always felt so close to her even though she died when I was 2 years old. This #DeepNostalgia video brought tears to my eyes to see her move, almost like seeing her as she was posing for this photo. Remarkable! #RootsTechConnect
— Mike Quackenbush (@mikequack) February 26, 2021
Mike Quackenbush「曾祖母のキャサリン。私が2歳のときに亡くなったがずっと身近に感じてきた。Deep Nostalgiaで祖母が動くのを見て私の目に涙が溢れた。この写真撮影のためにポーズをとっているように見える。すごい!」
MyHeritageのサイトではDeep Nostalgiaを無料で試せるが、少なくとも電子メールを1回送り(当然、動かしたい写真を添付して送らないといけない)、利用規約とプライバシーに関するポリシーに同意する必要がある。だがそのどちらも、長年にわたり数々の問題を起こしてきた。
顔のアニメーション機能には、TechCrunch Disruptのバトルフィールドにも参加したイスラエルのD-IDという企業の技術が使われている。この企業はそもそも、顔認証アルゴリズムで個人が特定されないようする保護画像を念頭に、顔のデジタル匿名化技術の開発からスタートしている。
彼らは2020年、写真をアニメーション化する新技術のデモ動画を発表した。この技術は「ドライバービデオ」を使って写真を動かすようになっている。写真の顔の特徴を「ドライバー」、つまりモデルになる顔の動画にマッピングすることで、D-IDがLive Portraite (生きたポートレート)と呼ぶ映像が作り出される。
「Live Portraitソリューションは、静止画に命を吹き込みます。写真はドライバー動画にマッピングすることでアニメーション化され、ドライバー動画の動きに沿って、対象画像の頭の動きや表情が動きます」とD-IDはプレスリリースで説明している。「この技術には、歴史教育機関、博物館、教育プログラムなどで著名な人物をアニメーションさせるといった利用法が考えられます」
同社はLive Portraitを、多目的なAI Face(エーアイ・フェイス)プラットフォームで提供している。第三者がアクセスでき深層学習、コンピュータービジョン、画像処理などの技術が利用できるというものだ。D-IDではこのプラットフォームを、合成動画制作の「ワンストップショップ」と称している。
画像クレジット:Screengrab:Natasha Lomas/TechCrunch
AI-enabled synthetic media is being used as a tool for manipulating real emotions and capturing user data by genealogy service MyHeritage, which has just launched a new feature — called “deep nostalgia” — that lets users upload a photo of a person (or several people) to see individual faces animated by algorithm.
The Black Mirror-style pull of seeing long-lost relatives — or famous people from another era — brought to a synthetic approximation of life, eyes swivelling, faces tilting as if they’re wondering why they’re stuck inside this useless digital photo frame, has led to an inexorable stream of social shares since it was unveiled yesterday at a family history conference…
MyHeritage’s AI-powered viral marketing playbook with this deepfakery isn’t a complicated one: They’re going straight for tugging on your heart strings to grab data that can be used to drive sign-ups for their other (paid) services. (Selling DNA tests is their main business.)
It’s free to animate a photo using the “deep nostalgia” tech on MyHeritage’s site, but you don’t get to see the result until you hand over at least an email (along with the photos you want animated, ofc) — and agree to its T&Cs and privacy policy. Both of which have attracted a number of concerns over the years.
Last year, for example, the Norwegian Consumer Council reported MyHeritage to the national consumer protection and data authorities after a legal assessment of the T&Cs found the contract it asks customers to sign to be “incomprehensible”.
In 2018 MyHeritage also suffered a major data breach — and data from that breach was later found for sale on the dark web, among a wider cache of hacked account info pertaining to several other services.
The company — which, as we reported earlier this week, is being acquired by a U.S. private equity firm for ~$600 million — is doubtless relying on the deep pull of nostalgia to smooth over any individual misgivings about handing over data and agreeing to its terms.
The face animation technology itself is impressive enough — if you set aside the ethics of encouraging people to drag their long-lost relatives into the uncanny valley to help MyHeritage cross-sell DNA testing (with all the massive privacy considerations around putting that kind of data in the hands of a commercial entity).
Looking at the inquisitive face of my great-grandmother I do have to wonder what she would have made of all this?
The facial animation feature is powered by Israeli company D-ID, a TechCrunch Disrupt battlefield alum — which started out building tech to digitally de-identify faces with an eye on protecting images and video from being identifiable by facial recognition algorithms.
It released a demo video of the newer, photo-animating technology last year. The tech uses a driver video to animate the photo — mapping facial features from the photo onto that base driver to create a “live portrait”, as D-ID calls it.
“The Live Portrait solution brings still photos to life. The photo is mapped and then animated by a driver video, causing the subject to move its head and facial features, mimicking the motions of the driver video,” D-ID said in a press release. “This technology can be implemented by historical organizations, museums, and educational programs to animate well-known figures.”
It’s offering live portraits as part of a wider “AI Face” platform, which will offer third parties access to other deep learning, computer vision and image processing technologies. D-ID bills the platform as a “one-stop shop” for synthesized video creation.
Other tools include a “face anonymization” feature, which replaces one person’s face on video with another’s (such as for documentary film makers to protect a whistleblower’s identity); and a “talking heads” feature that can be used for lip syncing or to replace the need to pay actors to appear in content such as marketing videos as it can turn an audio track into a video of a person appearing to speak those words.
The age of synthesized media is going to be a weird one, that’s for sure.
(文:Natasha Lomas、翻訳:金井哲夫)
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MyHeritage offers 'creepy' deepfake tool to reanimate dead
Genealogy firm admits some might find the controversial technology "uncanny or creepy".
MyHeritage's new AI tool turns photos of the dead into ...
MyHeritage says it uses several drivers to animate the faces: Each driver is a video consisting of a fixed sequence of movements and gestures. Deep Nostalgia can very accurately apply the drivers ...
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using ...
AI-enabled synthetic media is being used as a tool for manipulating real emotions and capturing user data by genealogy service MyHeritage, which has just launched a new feature — called “deep nostalgia” — that lets users upload a photo of a person (or several people) to see individual faces animated by algorithm. The Black Mirror-style […]
MyHeritage offers creepy deepfake tool to reanimate dead ...
MyHeritage said that it had deliberately not included speech in the feature "in order to prevent abuse, such as the creation of deepfake videos of living people". "This feature is intended for nostalgic use, that is, to bring beloved ancestors back to life," it wrote in its FAQs about the new technology.
MyHeritage offers 'creepy' deepfake tool to reanimate dead ...
image copyrightMyHeritageimage captionThe procure home stresses that the know-how is most gripping to bring ancestors support to life Family tree home MyHeritage has introduced a tool which uses deepfake know-how to animate the faces in photographs of ineffective relatives. Called DeepNostalgia, the firm acknowledged that some contributors may perhaps also web the characteristic "creepy ...
Deepfake Technology Animates Faces in Photos to "Bring the ...
This deepfake technology called Deep Nostalgia lets people reimagine their ancestors by animating their faces in still photos.
MyHeritage's New Deepfake Tool Brings the Dead to Life in ...
The family tree web site MyHeritage debuted a new AI tool able to turning pictures of deceased kinfolk into unnerving movies.MyHeritage's new deepfake
MyHeritage offers 'creepy' deepfake tool to reanimate ...
Welcome! Log into your account. your username. your password
'Spooky' AI tool by genealogy company brings dead ...
Mendelsohn of MyHeritage said using photos of a living person without their consent was a breach of the company's terms and conditions, adding that videos were clearly marked with AI symbols to ...
Technology that is cool… | The Legal Genealogist
The technology for animating the faces in photos was licensed by MyHeritage from D-ID, a company that specializes in video reenactment using deep learning. Deep Nostalgia™ uses several pre-recorded driver videos prepared by MyHeritage, which direct the movements in the animation and consist of sequences of real human gestures.
MyHeritage offers 'creepy' deepfake tool to reanimate dead ...
MyHeritage offers 'creepy' deepfake tool to reanimate dead - February 26, 2021 at 09:09AM. Home. 2021. February. 26 ...
MyHeritage offers 'creepy' deepfake tool to reanimate dead ...
MyHeritage offers 'creepy' deepfake tool to reanimate dead - February 26, 2021 at 09:07AM
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using ...
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using deepfakery r/motivation - A three-minute motivational video that I believe will be food for thought and at the same time a source of strength and self-improvement, during the difficult days of covid 19 and the quarantine of 2021.
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using ...
AI-enabled synthetic media is being used as a tool for manipulating real emotions and capturing user data by genealogy service, MyHeritage, which has just launched a new feature — called 'deep nostalgia' — that lets users upload a photo of a person (or several people) to see individual faces animated by algorithm. The Black Mirror-style […]
MyHeritage Releases Groundbreaking Feature to Animate the ...
TEL AVIV, Israel & LEHI, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb 25, 2021--
MyHeritage Lanza una Innovadora Función para Animar el ...
MyHeritage, el servicio líder a nivel mundial para descubrir tu pasado y potenciar tu futuro, ha anunciado hoy el lanzamiento de Deep Nostalgia™, una nueva función que anima los rostros de las fotos fijas. Deep Nostalgia™ da a la historia familiar una nueva perspectiva produciendo una ...
Rootstech 2021 Day 3: Picture Perfect & Great Prices ...
How can a virtual conference possibly be this tiring? I’ve been trying to watch a few sessions, but I’ve spent most of my time in various chat rooms answering questions. Of course, I discovered that 23andMe changed their product AFTER I recorded and submitted the Triangulation video. Guess what you’ll be reading next week! Yep,…
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using ...
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using deepfakery - IAIDL MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using deepfakery - IAIDL
MyHeritage julkaisee innovatiivisen ominaisuuden kasvojen ...
MyHeritage, johtava globaali palvelu, joka yhdistää ihmisten menneisyyden ja tulevaisuuden, ilmoitti tänään julkaisevansa uuden Deep Nostalgia™-ominaisuuden, joka animoi valokuvissa olevia ...
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using ...
AI-enabled synthetic media is being used as a tool for manipulating real emotions and capturing user data by genealogy service, MyHeritage, which has just launched a new feature — called 'deep nostalgia' — that lets users upload a photo of a person (or several people) to see individual faces animated by algorithm. The Black MirrorBlack
MyHeritage's new AI tool turns photos of the dead into ...
Genealogy site MyHeritage has unveiled a new AI tool that turns photos of deceased relatives into creepy videos. The DeepNostalgia feature is powered by tech developed by Israeli tech firm D-ID. MyHeritage says it uses several drivers to animate the faces: Each driver is a video consisting of a fixed sequence of movements and gestures. Deep Nostalgia can very accurately apply the drivers to a ...
MyHeritage udgiver banebrydende funktion for at animere ...
MyHeritage, den førende globale tjeneste til at opdage din fortid og tage kontrol over din fremtid, annoncerede i dag udgivelsen Deep Nostalgia™, en ny funktion, der animerer ansigterne i ...
Animating old photos using AI | Boing Boing
MyHeritage, a company for "discovering family history" -- as they describe themselves -- has released "Deep Nostalgia", which uses AI to animate photos. Upload a picture, and the AI produces a gif ...
MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using ...
AI-enabled synthetic media is being used as a tool for manipulating real emotions and capturing user data by genealogy service, MyHeritage, which has just launched a new feature — called 'deep nostalgia' — that lets users upload a photo of a person (or several people) to see individual faces animated by algorithm. The Black Mirror-style pull of seeing long lost relatives — or famous ...
MyHeritageはディープフェイク技で古い家族写真をアニメーションさせる | TechCrunch Japan
家系図サービスのMyHeritageは、本物らしい表情の操作や利用者の個人データ収集に、AI駆動の合成メディアを使い始めている。同社は、Deep Nostalgiaという新機能をローンチした。人の写真をアップロードすると、アルゴリズムによってその顔をアニメーション化してくれるというものだ。
MyHeritageはディープフェイク技で古い家族写真をアニメーションさせる | TechCrunch Japan ...
あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:MyHeritageはディープフェイク技で古い家族写真をアニメーションさせる | TechCrunch Japan
MyHeritageが古い家族写真をディープフェイク技術でアニメーション化 | TechCrunch Japan ...
あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:MyHeritageが古い家族写真をディープフェイク技術でアニメーション化 | TechCrunch Japan
Yelpが初公表したレポートによると投稿レビューの25%が非推奨に | TechCrunch Japan
レビューサイトの老舗Yelpが初めて、信頼と安全レポート(trust and safety report)を発表した。同社によるとその目的は、不正なあるいは不正確で役に立たないコンテンツを取り締まることだ。
ランサムウェア、フィッシングは2021年の主なリスクのまま | AllSecurityNews | セキュリティ ...
トム・クルーズの偽アカウントがTikTokに出現 「これがトム・クルーズ本人じゃないっていうの?」「恐ろしい ...
「ディープフェイクのクォリティが怖いくらい良くなってきていて、TikTokも乗っ取ろうとしているわ。簡単に偽物が特定できるように、著名人は全員認証済みアカウントが必要ね。これがトム・クルーズよ」とTwitterで警告する人もいたりします。 動画を観た人た...
MyHeritageが古い家族写真をディープフェイク技術でアニメーション化 | TechCrunch Japan
MyHeritageが古い家族写真をディープフェイク技術でアニメーション化 | TechCrunch Japan. 家系図サービスのMyHeritageは、本物らしい表情の操作や利用者の個人データ収集に、AI駆動の合成メディアを使い始めている。
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【TikTok】#トム・クルーズのディープフェイクビデオが出回る [みつを★]
ミッションインポッシブル新作のイーサンは全編ディープフェイク撮影だったってサプライズの伏線だろ? 7 : 名無しさん@恐縮です :2021/02/26(金) 02:16:24.67 ID:S6zX5q/ ヌード写真集
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トム・クルーズの偽アカウントがTikTokに出現 「これがトム・クルーズ本人じゃないっていうの?」「恐ろしい ...
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MyHeritageはディープフェイク技で古い家族写真をアニメーションさせる (2021-02-27 05:00 ...
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