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優れたロボットは死なない。その価値に対してより高い値を付けた者に、持ち主が変わるだけだ。2019年にAnkiが早すぎる自壊をしたときは、Digital Dream LabsがそのIPを拾い集めた。このピッツバーグのEdTech企業は当初、VectorとCozmoを2020年のどこかの時点で再起させようとして、2020年3月にKickstarterキャンペーンを立ち上げた。


CEOのJacob Hanchar(ジェイコブ・ハンチャー)氏は「このロボットは、今でも需要が極めて大きい。これまでもCozmoとVectorの再起に備えて努力を積み重ねてきたが、今回は流通とのパートナーシップにより条件が整い、ホリデーシーズンにはお店の棚に並ぶことになるだろう」と語る。



Spheroなどの企業が、ロボットを初めいろいろな製品で挑戦しているSTEM市場にも、おもしろい効果が生まれるだろう。かなり混雑した市場だが、Ankiの新しいオーナーであるDigital Dream Labsには、魅力的で複雑な感情表現のできるトイロボットという、前任者たちが作った堅固な事業基盤がすでにある。

画像クレジット:Veanne Cao


Good robots don’t die — they just have their assets sold off to the highest bidder. Digital Dream Labs was there to sweep up IP in the wake of Anki’s premature implosion, back in 2019. The Pittsburgh-based edtech company had initially planned to relaunch Vector and Cozmo at some point in 2020, launching a Kickstarter campaign in March of last year.

Today, the company announced plans to deliver on the overdue relaunch, courtesy of a new distributor.

“There is a tremendous demand for these robots,” CEO Jacob Hanchar said in a release. “This partnership will complement the work our teams are already doing to relaunch these products and will ensure that Cozmo and Vector are on shelves for the holidays.”

I don’t doubt that a lot of folks are looking to get their hands on the robots. Cozmo, in particular, was well-received, and sold reasonably well — but ultimately (and in spite of a lot of funding), the company couldn’t avoid the fate that’s befallen many a robotics startup.

It will be fascinating to see how these machines look when they’re reintroduced. Anki invested tremendous resources into bringing them to life, including the hiring of ex-Pixar and DreamWorks staff to make the robots more lifelike. A lot of thought went into giving the robots a distinct personality, whereas, for instance, Vector’s new owners are making the robot open-source. Cozmo, meanwhile, will have programmable functionality through the company’s app.

It could certainly be an interesting play for the STEM market that companies like Sphero are approaching. It has become a fairly crowded space, but at least Anki’s new owners are building on top of a solid foundation, with the fascinating and emotionally complex toy robots their predecessors created.

Update: We removed a reference to a Kickstarter launched by Anki prior to Digital Dream’s acquisition of the company’s IP.

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

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