

関連ワード (Coursera、新規上場等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




最新の資金調達で同社のキャッシュバランスは3億ドル(約330億円)となり、それは同じくオンライン学習プラットフォームCheggの上場前とほぼ同額だ。CourseraのCEOであるJeff Maggioncalda(ジェフ・マッジョンカルダ)氏は、IPOへ向かう意思を最終的に表明した。

Courseraは、パンデミックの間に多忙だった。同社は同じく上場を計画している大規模オープンオンラインコースのUdemyと並んで、そのビジネスにエンタープライズ部門を加えた。それはCoursera for Campusと名づけられ、大学などが自分でオンラインコースを開設することを助ける。この、入学試験やクレジット制もあるソフトウェアは、世界の3700を超えるカレッジなどが利用している。この事業の収益は不明だが、UdemyのUdemy for Businessの場合は年商2億ドル(約220億円)弱で安定している。2021年2月に同社は、企業の公共性を表すB Corp証明を取得した。それは、企業の社会的および環境的パフォーマンスが高いことを表している。また同社は、単なる民間企業から公益企業(public benefit corporation)に転換した。

EdTech企業を主に支援しているVC企業GSVが、Courseraのファンドの最大の部分を受け持っている。GSVの先の発表では、そのFund Ⅱの総額は1億8000万ドル(約200億円)となっている。

EdTech企業が、マーケットの熱気が衰えず、リモート教育が授業の主流であり続ける間に上場を志向するのは、理に適っている。最近上場した同業他社のうち、NerdyとSkillsoftはSPACを利用して公開市場にデビューした。そして、上場した場合のCourseraはこれらの新進企業だけでなく、ベテランのEdTech公開企業である2UやChegg、K12 Inc、Zovio Solutionsなどとも肩を並べることになる。



画像クレジット:MirageC/Getty Images


Coursera, an online education platform that has seen its business grow amid the coronavirus pandemic, is planning to file paperwork tomorrow for its initial public offering, sources familiar with the matter say. The company has been talking to underwriters since last year, but tomorrow could mark its first legal step in the process to IPO.

The Mountain View-based business, founded in 2012, was last valued at $2.4 billion in the private markets, during a Series F fundraising event in July 2020. Bloomberg pegs Coursera’s latest valuation at $5 billion.

The latest financing event brought its cash balance to $300 million, right around the money that Chegg had before it went public. Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda did confirm then that the company is eyeing an eventual IPO.

Coursera has had a busy pandemic. Similar to Udemy, another massive open online course provider planning to go public, Coursera added an enterprise arm to its business. It launched Coursera for Campus to help colleges bring on online courses (credit optional) with built-in exams; more than 3,700 schools across the world are using the software. It is unclear how much money this operation has brought in, but we know that Udemy for Business is nearing $200 million in annual recurring revenue. In February, the company announced that it has received B Corp. certification, which means that it hits high standards for social and environmental performance. It also converted to a public benefit corporation.

GSV, a venture capital firm that exclusively backs edtech companies, had its largest position of its first fund in Coursera. GSV announced a $180 million Fund II yesterday. 

It makes sense that edtech companies want to go public while the markets remain hot and remote education continues to be a central way that instruction is delivered. Other companies from the sector that have gone public in recent weeks include Nerdy and Skillsoft, two companies that used a SPAC to make their public debuts. Once – and if – Coursera does go public, it will join these newbies as well as the long-time edtech public companies including 2U, Chegg, and K12 Inc, and Zovio Solutions.

Coursera declined to comment.

Update: The previous version of this story stated that Skillshare has gone public. This is incorrect. Skillsoft has gone public. An update to reflect this change has been made.

Early Stage is the premier “how-to” event for startup entrepreneurs and investors. You’ll hear firsthand how some of the most successful founders and VCs build their businesses, raise money and manage their portfolios. We’ll cover every aspect of company building: Fundraising, recruiting, sales, product-market fit, PR, marketing and brand building. Each session also has audience participation built-in — there’s ample time included for audience questions and discussion.

(文:Natasha Mascarenhas、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

Coursera files for IPO amid online learning boom

Coursera filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to list on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "COUR." The education tech company saw 59% revenue growth year over year ...

Coursera files to go public 'as soon as practicable ...

Coursera Inc. announced plans to go public late Friday to increase its capitalization and financial flexibility, according to a Securities and Exchange...

Coursera's IPO Filing Shows Growing Revenue and Loss ...

This afternoon, Coursera filed its S-1 paperwork, offering a first look at how the Mountain View, Calif.-based online education provider is faring as ...

Online learning platform Coursera files for U.S. IPO | KELO-AM

(Reuters) - Online education provider Coursera Inc on Friday filed for a stock market listing with U.S. regulators, revealing a surge in revenue from ...

Online learning platform Coursera files for U.S. IPO ...

(Reuters) - Online education provider Coursera Inc on Friday filed for a stock market listing with U.S. regulators, revealing a surge in revenue from ...

Online learning platform Coursera files for U.S. IPO | Nasdaq

Online education provider Coursera Inc on Friday filed for a stock market listing with U.S. regulators, revealing a surge in revenue from a boost to business due to the disruption caused by the ...

Online learning platform Coursera files for U.S. IPO ...

Coursera offers courses such as machine learning, cloud computing and language learning, with its platform used by more than 3,700 colleges and universities, according to the company's website. It launched "Coursera for Campus" in response to the pandemic to help educational institutions offer courses to stuck-at-home students.

coursera ipo: Online learning platform Coursera files for ...

Online education provider Coursera Inc on Friday filed for a stock market listing with US regulators, revealing a surge in revenue from a boost to business due

Online education startup Coursera has filed for an IPO ...

Meanwhile, Coursera launched last year a free six-hour course in "contact tracing" that was designed to train people to help track the spread of Covid-19. Enrollment for the course, developed by ...

Coursera files for IPO amid online learning boom - News ...

The Covid-19 pandemic led to a boom in online learning that has increased the revenue of education technology company Coursera. Coursera Education tech company Coursera filed its IPO prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday, and plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "COUR." The Mountain View, California-based […]

: Coursera files to go public 'as soon as practicable ...

Coursera Inc. announced plans to go public late Friday to increase its capitalization and financial flexibility, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. The Mountain View, Calif.-based online education provider has raised $443.1 million in venture funding since it was founded in 2012, according to Crunchbase, and said it hopes ...

Online Learning Platform Coursera Files for U.S. IPO ...

Coursera offers courses such as machine learning, cloud computing and language learning, with its platform used by more than 3,700 colleges and universities, according to the company's website.

Coursera files for IPO amid online learning boom - News Gob

The Covid-19 pandemic sparked a boom in online learning, which has increased the revenue of the education technology company

A first look at Coursera's S-1 filing - TechCrunch

After TechCrunch broke the news yesterday that Coursera was planning to file its S-1 today, the edtech company officially dropped the document Friday evening. Coursera was last valued at $2.4 billion by the private markets, when it most recently raised a Series F round in October 2020 that was worth $130 million. Coursera’s S-1 filing […]

Coursera information for US IPO as edtech booms amid the ...

Bengaluru: On-line schooling supplier Coursera Inc. has filed for a inventory market itemizing with US regulators, revealing a surge in income from a lift to enterprise as a result of disruption brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup are among the many underwriters for the edtech startup's preliminary public providing […]

A first look at Coursera's S-1 filing - Ice Lounge Media

After TechCrunch broke the news yesterday that Coursera was planning to file its S-1 today, the edtech company officially dropped the document Friday evening.. Coursera was last valued at $2.4 billion by the private markets, when it most recently raised a Series F round in October 2020 that was worth $130 million.. Coursera's S-1 filing offers a glimpse into the finances of how an edtech ...

Coursera files for IPO amid online learning boom - NB News

The Covid-19 pandemic led to a increase in on-line studying that has elevated the income of schooling know-how firm Coursera.CourseraEducation tech firm Coursera filed its IPO prospectus with the Securities and Trade Fee on Friday, and plans to record on the New York Inventory Trade underneath the image "COUR."The Mountain View, California-based firm presents people […]

Coursera is planning to file to go public tomorrow - Josh Loe

Coursera has had a busy pandemic. Similar to Udemy, another massive open online course provider planning to go public, Coursera added an enterprise arm to its business. It launched Coursera for Campus to help colleges bring on online courses (credit optional) with built-in exams; more than 3,700 schools across the world are using the software.

A first look at Coursera's S-1 filing - The Market Activity

After TechCrunch broke the news yesterday that Coursera was planning to file its S-1 today, the edtech company officially dropped the document Friday evening. Coursera was last valued at $2.4 billion by the private markets, when it most recently raised a Series F round in October 2020 that was worth $130 million. Coursera's S-1 filing […]

A first look at Coursera's S-1 filing - TechCrunch | Live News

Saturday, March 6, 2021. Search

Coursera Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial ...

Coursera was launched in 2012 by two Stanford Computer Science professors, Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, with a mission to provide universal access to world-class learning. It is now one of the ...

Coursera Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial ...

Coursera Files Registration Statement for Proposed Initial Public Offering

Coursera Files For US IPO As Edtech Booms Amid The ...

Coursera files for US IPO as edtech booms amid the pandemic Newzpick

Coursera's IPO Filing Shows Growing Revenue and Loss ...

Coursera reported $293.5 million in revenue in 2020, marking a 59 percent increase from the previous year. That comes from over 77 million registered learners, along with more than 2,000 businesses (including 25 percent of Fortune 500 companies) and 100 government agencies that paid for its enterprise offerings.

Online learning platform Coursera files for US IPO ...

(Reuters) - Online education provider Coursera Inc on Friday filed for a stock market listing with US regulators, revealing a surge in revenue from a boost to business due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue rose 59% to $ 293.5 million for the year ended Dec. 31, 2020, the company said in […]

A first look at Coursera's S-1 filing - TechCrunch - IATA News

After TechCrunch broke the news yesterday that Coursera was planning to file its S-1 today, the edtech company officially dropped the document Friday evening. Coursera was last valued at $2.4 billion by the private markets, when it most recently raised a Series F round in October 2020 that was worth $130 million. Coursera's S-1 filing […]

A first look at Coursera's S-1 filing - Website Tech ...

After TechCrunch broke the news yesterday that Coursera was planning to file its S-1 today, the edtech company officially dropped the document Friday evening.. Coursera was last valued at $2.4 billion by the private markets, when it most recently raised a Series F round in October 2020 that was worth $130 million.. Coursera's S-1 filing offers a glimpse into the finances of how an edtech ...

新規上場承認: 日本経済新聞 -


表示灯(Ipo新規上場株情報) | Takaさんの株や不動産などの投資の初心者のための「投資のイロハ」

新規上場株ipoです。 2021年4月上場です。 東証マザーズで証券コードは7368です。 (ipoについては、過去の記事をご覧ください)。 どのような企業なの? 事業内容: 総合広告業、デジタルサイネージ設置等 いつ上場するの? 上場日は2021年4月7日(水)

【仮条件|IPO新規上場】Sharing Innovations(4178) 【上限:2,850円:+180円:+6 ...

【仮条件|IPO新規上場】Sharing Innovations(4178) 【上限:2,850円:+180円:+6.74%】 強気設定 上ブレっ!!,1,500件以上のIPO(新規公開株・新規上場株式)をオリジナル分析により初値予想・セカンダリ展開予想。EPS,PER,配当,初値形成,気配値,営業利益率,公開価格,抽選結果,当選,落選,仮条件,公開価格,オファリングレシオ,吸収金額,ブックビルディング,ロックアップ,財務状況,売上高,経常利益,純利益,事業系統などの各種情報も掲載。

表示灯(Ipo新規上場株情報) | サラリーマン力向上まとめサイト


【新規上場】ティエンソン・タインホア、受託加工による衣料輸出 - ベトナム株情報

 受託加工による衣料輸出を手掛けるティエンソン・タインホア[AAT](Tien Son Thanh Hoa)が24日に、ホーチミン証券取引所(HSX)に上場する。 同社の前身は#en...

アイ・パートナーズフィナンシャルipoの上場承認!Ipo基礎情報とipo初値予想! | Ipoで勝つ株式投資


アイスコipoの新規上場を承認!野村證券が主幹事 | Ipo初値予想 Ipo株ビギナーの投資日誌


ファブリカコミュニケーションズ (4193) : 新規上場(Ipo)情報 [Fc] - みんなの株式 (みんかぶ)

ファブリカコミュニケーションズ の新規上場(IPO)情報。 上場日:2021年04月07日 上場市場:JQS 主幹事:東海東京証券 売買単位:100株 公募価格:--- 初値:---

ファブリカコミュニケーションズipoの新規上場を承認!東海東京証券が主幹事 | Ipo初値予想 Ipo株ビギナーの投資日誌


株式会社アイスコ(7698)のIPO~初値予想と新規上場情報~ | 株初心者.net

新規上場承認された株式会社アイスコ(7698)の詳細です。 jasdaqスタンダード上場の中型案件(想定時価総額31.8億円、吸収金額10.7億円)です。

Sbi証券主幹事の新規上場承認 3/6:柴犬ポチとsbihd:


上場ベンチャーが運営する新規オウンドメディアの企画&ライター募集! - 株式会社マーケットエンタープライズのライター ...


「既存事業への限界」を感じる経営者が、新規事業の前に実施すべき3つのこと | 小宮一慶の週末経営塾 | ダイヤモンド ...



株式会社アイ・パートナーズフィナンシャル(神奈川県横浜市西区、代表取締役社⻑:田中譲治、銘柄コード:7345、以下、当社)は、本日、株式会社東京証券取引所(以下、東京証券取引所)より、当社株式の東京証券取引所マザーズ市場への新規上場を承認されましたことをお知らせいたし ...

株式会社ファブリカコミュニケーションズの新規上場が承認されました | neo-trading(ネオ・トレーディング)

東京証券取引所は、3月5日、株式会社ファブリカコミュニケーションズの東京証券取引所JASDAQ(スタンダード) […] 東京証券取引所は、3月5日、株式会社ファブリカコミュニケーションズの東京証券取引所JASDAQ(スタンダード)市場への上場を承認しました。

大手上場企業の新規顧客開拓支援を大学生マーケチームで!究極のキャリアGET - Marketing / Public ...

The recruitment of Marketing / Public Relations at 株式会社アッドラスト. You can know about the motivation to work and the members who will work together. 【リモートOK!】 【2...

株式会社丸順の新規上場が承認されました | neo-trading(ネオ・トレーディング)

東京証券取引所は、3月5日、株式会社丸順の東京証券取引所市場第二部への上場を承認しました。 上場予定日は、20 […] 東京証券取引所は、3月5日、株式会社丸順の東京証券取引所市場第二部への上場を承認しました。

【会計士解説】Ipo銘柄分析 22回 オキサイド6521 (4月5日・新規上場予定)│2020年から始める資産運用+Α

新シリーズの22回目 会計士解説の新規IPO銘柄分析。オキサイド(6521)株のIPOに申し込みたい人は必見。BSやPL、CFを検討して独自視点からコメント オキサイド株に申し込むならSBI証券 ht […]


2020年11月15日; 2021年2月28日 【週次報告】2月22日週は+31,296円(開始7ヶ月目)今週は日本株、米国株が急落するも自動売買は+3万と好調。

新規上場企業の横顔:表示灯(4月7日東証2部上場) | 投資アンテナ

... 年3月30日から2021年4月2日(以上、2021年3月4日現在) 日本取引所グループの新規上場会社情報は以下でご覧になれます。 here IPO値上がり率 ...
Source: IPO



イー・ロジット(9327)IPO(新規上場)初値予想!人気業態ではないが時流に乗ったテーマ株! | ipo 予想 ...

イー・ロジット(9327)ipo(新規上場)初値予想! 人気業態ではないが時流に乗ったテーマ株! 投稿日 2021年3月5日 12:00:04 (IPO初値予想主観 IPOゲッターの投資日記様)

【株式会社丸順】新規上場の承認(市場第二部)を発表 - 公認会計士の自己研鑽

2021年3月5日、株式会社丸順は、同社株式の東京証券取引所市場第二部への新規上場を発表しました。 概要会 社…

表示灯株式会社(7368)のIPO~初値予想と新規上場情報~ | 株初心者.net

新規上場承認された表示灯株式会社(7368)の詳細です。 東証2部上場の中型案件(想定時価総額73.0億円、吸収金額22.5億円)です。 事業内容は「各駅周辺案内図の広告の設置、運営及び交通広告、屋外広告等を取り扱う一般広告代理店業務」。

【Ipo新規上場承認】ファブリカコミュニケーションズ: Ipoハンター


ゼロから分かる中国「アント・グループ」 上場中止が波紋広げる


【Ipo新規上場承認】アイスコ: Ipoハンター


アイスコ(7698)Ipo初値予想と申込スタンス | 藤小路流の家計を助ける投資


室町ケミカル、連日の上場来高値――直近IPO人気で短期筋が狙い撃ち トップ | 株式新聞Web



2021-03-08 19:14


2021-03-08 18:22


2021-03-08 17:44

Amazonは1997年に上場してからこれまでに少なくとも70個の新規事業に着手してますが、これの3分の1は1年たらずで撤退しています。 現代は個人にとっても「まずやってみて数を打つ」ことのコストはどんどん低下しているので、まずは何事も試して見る…

2021-03-08 15:51

新規上場企業の横顔:ファブリカコミュニケーションズ(4月7日ジャスダック・名証2部上場) (ロイター)

2021-03-08 14:20

新規上場企業の横顔:アイスコ(4月8日ジャスダック上場) (ロイター)

2021-03-08 13:15

皆様、IPO株購入してますか❓ 新規上場する企業は 公開株式を売り捌けるように IPO時の株価はディスカウントされていす? なので投資家からすると 格安に買えて有利なんでよね❗️ 私自身、仕事でIPOに関わることもありすが、…

2021-03-08 11:53

新規上場企業の横顔:アイ・パートナーズフィナンシャル(4月8日マザーズ上場) (ロイター)

2021-03-08 06:55

Amazonは1997年に上場してからこれまでに少なくとも70個の新規事業に着手してますが、これの3分の1は1年たらずで撤退しています。 現代は個人にとっても「まずやってみて数を打つ」ことのコストはどんどん低下しているので、まずは…


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