フェイスブックが開発途上国向けにInstagram Liteを提供、わずか2MBでAndroid版のみ

今回は「フェイスブックが開発途上国向けにInstagram Liteを提供、わずか2MBでAndroid版のみ」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Facebook、Instagram等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Facebook(フェイスブック)の成長は発展途上世界がもたらしている。米国時間3月10日、ソーシャルネットワークの巨人はその国々の消費者の要求を満たすために新たな行動を起こした。3年近い計画を経て、Facebookは満を持してInstagram Lite(インスタグラム・ライト)を公開した。省データ、ストレージ重視のAndroidオンリーバージョンの人気写真・ビデオアプリだ。端末上の必要ストレージはわずか2MB(メガバイト)で、開発途上国中心に170カ国で同日に公開された。

Instagram Liteは編集、共有、写真・ビデオ閲覧の他にスタンプの追加、ストーリー、IGTVの作成・閲覧からExploreの発見、推奨アルゴリズムまで基本的機能を揃えて公開される。そして170カ国で公開されることを踏まえ、それぞれの市場で利用するための言語もサポートされている。




Instagram Liteは2018年以来、Facebookからさまざまなかたちで限定提供されていたが、ソーシャルメディアの巨人にとって市場性があることが証明された地域に提供されることになった。テルアビブ拠点でFacebookの全Liteアプリ(FacebookとMessengerのLiteバージョンもテルアビブで開発されている)のプロダクト管理責任者であるTzach Hadar(ツァッハ・ハダー)氏は、現在Facebook Liteには月間アクティブユーザーが2億人以上いると今週語っている。


関連記事:Facebookが一度消えたアプリ「Instagram Lite」をリニューアル、インドでテスト開始

しかしInstagramは人気が高く、何年も前からLiteバージョンの有力候補であり、Instagram Liteは発展途上市場で最も要求の多い製品だったにもかかわらず、ちょっとした曲者であることがわかっていた。


「Instagramは同じ制約の下で同じ体験を届けるという新たなタイプのユニークな課題を会社にもたらしました」と、ニューヨーク拠点(同アプリはFacebookのテルアビブとニューヨークのオフィスで共同開発している。最近はおそらく多くのFacebook社員の自宅でも)のプロダクトマネジャーであるNick Brown(ニック・ブラウン)氏は話す。「私たちの本当の気持ちは、このユーザーたちにInstagramのすべてを届けることなのです」。


実際、FacebookやMessengerアプリのLiteバージョンと同様、Instagram Liteは発展途上経済の消費者に向けられたもので、スマートフォンはAndroidベースである可能性が非常に高く、最先端端末はほとんどない。消費者はモバイルデータを使う際の料金や通信データ量にいっそう敏感である可能性が高く、大多数はネットにつながっていることを理解し始めたばかりだ。



Instagram Liteアプリには長年さまざまなトラブルがあった。初期バージョンはInstagramウェブスタック上でPrograssive Web Appとして作られ、2018年に限定リリースされ、わずか573KBしかスペースを使わなかった。欠けている機能も多かったが、Instagram自体は本来それほど機能は多くない。理由は語られることがなかったが、2020年静かに姿を消し、すぐ後の2020年12月に新バージョンが限定テストとして公開された。デビューしたのは主要市場であるインドで、そこで公開されたInstagram Liteはベンガル語、グジャラート語、ヒンディー語、カンナダ語、マラヤーラム語、マラーティー語、パンジャーブ語、およびテルグ語に対応していた。

関連記事:Facebookが一度消えたアプリ「Instagram Lite」をリニューアル、インドでテスト開始

そしてその最終テスト版が正式なInstagram Liteアプリになった。興味深いことに、その過程でアプリは完全に作り直され、Progressive Web Appを離れ、Bloks(Bloksと間違えないように)という社内のフレームワーク上に構築された。MessengerとFacebookのLiteバージョンで基本機能の難題を数多く解決した仕組みだ。






Growth for Facebook is coming from the developing world, and so the social network today made another key move to cater better to consumers in those countries. After nearly three years in the planning, Facebook is taking the plunge today and officially launching Instagram Lite, a less data- and storage-intensive Android-only version of its popular photo and video app. It will take up just 2MB on a phone, and it is going live in 170 countries, with a focus on emerging markets, today.

Instagram Lite is launching with all the basic bells and whistles around editing, sharing and viewing photos and videos, as well as the ability to add stickers, create and view Stories, IGTV and the Explore discovery and recommendation algorithms. And given the launch across 170 countries, it’s coming with specific language support to be usable in those markets.

But to whittle down the experience from the 30MB that full-fat Instagram takes up on iOS and Android devices (and countless MB of mobile data usage), it’s launching without some things, too.

Namely, the developers have left out many graphics; they haven’t included advertising; and it’s missing some key features like the ability to make TikTok-ish Reels (you can still view them), dark mode, Shopping and end-to-end encryption. (Notably, encryption was reportedly being worked on for the main app in 2019, but it has yet to launch). Nor are there iOS or feature phone versions of the app in the works.

Facebook said that some of that list — such as dark mode and (of course) adverts — will be added in future updates.

Instagram Lite has been teased out in different forms by Facebook since 2018, and it’s hitting what has proven to be a receptive market for the social media giant. Tzach Hadar, Tel Aviv-based director of product management for all of Facebook’s Lite apps — which also include versions of Facebook and Messenger, also built in Tel Aviv — said this week that Facebook Lite now has more than 200 million monthly active users.

That’s just a fraction of the billions that use Facebook itself, but represents a key way of targeting those newer to Facebook or those who might not otherwise be using the app because of financial or bandwidth constraints.

But although Instagram is wildly popular and would have been an obvious candidate for the Lite treatment years ago, and Instagram Lite was one of the most requested items from users in developing markets, it has proven to be a trickier beast.

That’s not just because the app focuses on images and videos, which by their nature use up more bandwidth and data; but because over the years Instagram has become increasingly laden with features: those aimed at enhancing the user experience; those aimed at competing better with other apps (hello, Stories and Reels); and those to extend monetization opportunities for Facebook.

“Instagram offered another kind of unique challenge for us to deliver under the same constraints the same experience,” said Nick Brown, a product manager based out of New York (the app was co-developed across Facebook’s Tel Aviv and NYC offices and — presumably, given the year we’ve had — across many Facebook employees’ homes). “The philosophy is really that we want to bring all of Instagram to these users.”

Image Credits: Facebook

Indeed, as with other Lite versions of apps like Facebook and Messenger, Instagram Lite is geared toward consumers in emerging economies, where smartphones are most likely to be Android-based and less likely to be top-of-the-range devices; consumers are more likely to be more price- and bandwidth-sensitive when it comes to using mobile data; and a substantial proportion are still only now getting to grips with being online.

Facebook notes estimates that show 65% of emerging market populations are online versus 90% in North America, which is one reason the company focuses so squarely on serving those users: they represent growth at a time when growth has slowed down, or become significantly more competitive against newer entrants, in its more mature markets like the U.S. and Europe.

However, building for the demands of developing markets can often, by their nature, run counter to the concept of building in ever more features as you might otherwise see with highly competitive consumer apps.

The Instagram Lite app had some fits and starts over the years, with the first version, built on the Instagram web stack as a Progressive Web App, launching in a limited release back in 2018, taking up a mere 573KB of space on a device. It also came without a lot of features, but Instagram itself had less features, too. While it was never explained why, that version was quietly pulled last year, and then shortly after a newer version was launched again in December in a limited test. Debuted first in India, a key market for the company, Instagram Lite launched there with support for Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu.

And it’s that last test that has turned into the official Instagram Lite app. Interestingly, it turns out that in the process, the whole app was rebuilt, moving it away from being a Progressive Web App and building it instead on another internal framework called Bloks (not to be confused with Bloks), heavy lifting a lot of the basic workings from Messenger and Facebook’s Lite versions.

I’ve asked for more detail about this. I’ve confirmed that it is not, however, related to LightSpeed, which was the name of a development project that saw a lighter and new version of Messenger get released last year. Bloks is a framework that enables both management logic to be defined once server-side and rendered as a native application that supports iOS, Android and web development and is integrated into Instagram, Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp. Bloks has been used, for example, to build other Instagram features such as Shops.

“Bloks is a framework that is much more performant and has more features and capabilities, and this new Instagram light application is built upon it,” said Hadar. “So it’s like a new app altogether.” It’s not clear what exactly happened behind the scenes leading to the previous app getting pulled, but it seems that in any case the foundations now give the company more room for expanding the service (even while bumping up the app size from under 600KB to 2MB).

That fact might matter less to users, but does point to some notable trends at the company itself and how it’s approaching tech in the future, and also how it views the important of feature parity between full and Lite versions of its flagship apps.

Updated to correct that the earlier version of Instagram Lite was built as a progressive web app, not React Native, and to provide some further detail on Bloks.

(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )


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Instagram写真・動画(インスタグラム) - 芸能人・有名人の ...

Instagrammer News(インスタグラマーニュース)は芸能人・有名人のInstagram(インスタグラム)を紹介するニュースサイトです。日本人・海外・韓国のタレントや歌手、女優、モデルなど著名人の人気写真や動画を毎日お届けします。芸能人や有名人のInstagramをチェック!

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Instagram(インスタグラム)の使い方 完全活用ガイド | アプ …


インスタグラムの使い方ガイド | 初心者でも簡単に登録・投稿 ...

 · Instagram(インスタグラム)の初心者向けに、始め方から投稿や機能の使い方を解説します。基本操作のハッシュタグやストーリーズ、IGTVなどを含めたさまざまな機能について、実際の画面を使ってインスタグラムの入門を解説します。



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