

関連ワード (Airbnb、オランダ等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。











アムステルダム市中央地区でのバケーションレンタル禁止に対し、Airbnbや他のプラットフォームを通じて不動産を貸し出していた住宅所有者の利害を代表する組織(Amsterdam Gastvrij)は訴訟を起こした。原告者たちは住宅法2014条にはホリデーレンタル禁止の法的根拠がないと主張した。










2020年オランダ政府はバケーションレンタルプラットフォームへのデータアクセスに関してさらに行動をとるよう欧州委員会に圧力をかけた。オランダ政府は、Digital Services Act (DSA、デジタルサービス法)として知られるデジタルサービスを包括する汎EU規則の予定されてい大幅なアップデートで対策を含むよう求めている。


画像クレジット:Aleksandar Nakic / Getty Images


A ban by Amsterdam authorities on housing owners offering their properties for vacation rentals in three central districts of the popular tourist city has been overturned after a court ruled it has no basis in law.

City authorities had been responding to concerns over the impact of tourist platforms like Airbnb on quality of life for residents.

An update to the city’s website notes that, from tomorrow, it will be possible for property owners to apply for a holiday rental permit in the three neighborhoods where vacation rentals had been entirely banned from July 1 last year.

City authorities write that they are studying the court ruling and will update the page “as soon as more is known.”

Amsterdam’s authorities took the step of prohibiting vacation rentals in the Burgwallen-Oude Zijde, Burgwallen-Nieuwe Zijde and Grachtengordel-Zuid districts last summer after a consultation process found widespread support among residents for a ban.

Authorities said strong growth in tourist rentals was impacting quality of life for residents.

It has also previously introduced a permit system to control vacation rentals in other districts of the city — which limits rentals to (currently) a maximum of 30 nights per year and for a maximum of four people per rental.

A further condition of the permit states that: “Your guests [must] not cause any inconvenience.”

Following the court ruling that permit system will operate in the three central districts too.

The city’s ban on vacation rentals in the central districts was challenged by an association (Amsterdam Gastvrij) that represents the interests of homeowners who rent their properties through Airbnb and other platforms. They had argued that the Housing Act 2014 did not provide a legal basis for a prohibition on holiday rental. 

The Court of Amsterdam agreed, writing in its judgement that “a system of permits cannot contain a total prohibition.”

“Anyone who meets the conditions of the permit is in principle eligible for a permit. A total ban is a major infringement of the right to property and the free movement of services and will only be seen as a justified measure in very exceptional circumstances,” it further emphasized. 

An Airbnb spokesperson told us the company was not involved in the proceedings to challenge the ban but the spokesperson was keen to highlight the outcome. 

However the court’s verdict leaves room for the city to amend legislation to add new conditions to the permit system that could include a “quality of life” consideration (which it does not currently).

The court also suggests the possibility of a quota system with a night criterion being introduced under existing legislation, as another means of using the permit system to manage quality of life. It further suggests city authorities could enforce residential (rather than touristic) purposes for houses via a zoning plan. So there are alternative avenues for Amsterdam’s officials to explore as a policy tool to limit activity on Airbnb et al.

At the same time the court ruling underlines the challenges European cities face in trying to regulate the impacts of rental platforms on areas like housing availability (and affordability) and wider quality of life issues for residents dealing with over-tourism (not currently an issue, of course, given ongoing travel restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic).

In recent years a number of major tourist cities in Europe have expressed public frustration over vacation rental platforms — penning an open letter to the European Commission back in 2019 that called for “strong legal obligations for platforms to cooperate with us in registration-schemes and in supplying rental-data per house that is advertised on their platforms.”

“Cities must protect the public interest and eliminate the adverse effects of short-term holiday rental in various ways. More nuisances, feelings of insecurity and a ‘touristification’ of their neighbourhoods is not what our residents want. Therefore (local) governments should have the possibility to introduce their own regulations depending on the local situation,” they also wrote, urging EU policymakers to support a rethink of the rules.

Since then the Commission has announced a limited data-sharing arrangement with the leading vacation rental platforms, saying it wants to encourage “balanced” development of peer-to-peer rentals.

Last year the Dutch government pressed the Commission to go further over data access to vacation rental platforms — pushing for a provision to be included in a major planned update to pan-EU rules wrapping digital services, aka the Digital Services Act (DSA).

The DSA proposal, which is now going through the EU’s co-legislative process, is broadly targeted at standardizing processes for tackling illegal goods and services — so it could have implications for vacation platforms in areas like data-sharing where it relates to illegal vacation rentals (i.e., where a property is advertised without a required permit).

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(文:Natasha Lomas、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)


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オランダ - Wikipedia

オランダ(オランダ語: Nederland [ˈneːdə(r)lɑnt]、[ˈneɪ̯də(r)lɑnt] ( 音声ファイル); 西フリジア語: Nederlân; パピアメント語: Hulanda)は、西ヨーロッパに位置する立憲君主制国家。東はドイツ、南はベルギーと国境を接し...

オランダ語 - Wikipedia

オランダ語(オランダご、(蘭: Nederlands [ˈneːdərlɑnts] ( 音声ファイル))は、インド・ヨーロッパ語族の西ゲルマン語群に属し、オランダおよびベルギー北部を中心に2300万人以上が使っている言語。ベルギー方言はフラマン語と言うことがある。

オランダ - Wiktionary

和蘭, 和蘭陀, 阿蘭陀 (all rare, falling out of use). From Portuguese Holanda ("Holland"). Note that some sources give the erroneous Portuguese source spelling as Olanda (which is actually Italian), likely because the Portuguese h is silent. Compare Chinese 荷蘭 ("Netherlands; Holland").

Google 翻訳

checkhistory. エスペラント語. checkhistory. キニヤルワンダ語.


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1 Lyrics 2 Translation Notes 3 Discography 4 External Links English translation by Terracannon876 This song was featured on the following albums: パンデミック (Pandemic) (album) piapro - Lyrics piapro - Instrumental piapro - Instrumental (+6) VocaDB Translation



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