

関連ワード (eコマース、Tradeswell等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



共同創業者でCEOのPaul Palmieri(ポール・パルミエリ)氏はそれまで、デジタル広告企業Millennial Mediaを率いていたが、同社は現在、TechCrunchの親会社であるVerizon Mediaの傘下だ。彼によると、今日のeコマース市場は、彼がMillennialを経営していたときのオンライン広告の市場と同じで、さらなる最適化と自動化が必要になっているという。



Tradeswellはこれまでに計1880万ドル(約19億6000万)を調達している。シリーズAはSignalFireがリードし、同社はTradeswellのシードラウンドもリードしている。ほかにConstruct CapitalとAllen & Company、The Emerson Groupも参加した。

SignalFireの創業者でCEOのChris Farmer(クリス・ファーマー)氏は、声明で次のように述べている。「昨年のeコマースの爆発的な成長にともない、Tradeswellはブランドがさまざまなプラットフォームやマーケットプレイスで販売していくときのオンラインセールスにおける複雑性の管理を支援できる完璧な位置に立っている。ポール(・パルミエリ)と彼のチームは、データとマーケティングとロジスティクスのユニークな組み合わせで、今日やこれからの急速に進化する市場の問題に対応できる。彼らが提供するものは、利益をともなう成長を最適化するための中心となるコマンドセンターだ」。







After launching in October, Tradeswell is announcing today that it has raised $15.5 million in Series A funding.

Co-founder and CEO Paul Palmieri previously led digital ad company Millennial Media (now owned by TechCrunch’s parent company Verizon Media), and he said the e-commerce market today is similar to the online ad market when he was leading Millennial — ready for more optimization and automation.

Tradeswell focuses on six components of e-commerce businesses — marketing, retail, inventory, logistics, forecasting, lifetime value and financials — with the key goal of allowing those businesses to improve their net margins, rather than simply driving more clicks or purchases. The platform can fully automate some processes, such as buying online ads.

To illustrate what it can accomplish, Tradeswell pointed to the work it did with a personal care brand on Amazon Prime Day, with total sales doubling versus the previous Prime Day and profits increasing 67%.

The startup has now raised a total of $18.8 million. The Series A was led by SignalFire, which also led Tradeswell’s seed round, while Construct Capital, Allen & Company and The Emerson Group also participated.

“With the explosion of ecommerce over the past year, Tradeswell is perfectly positioned to help brands manage the complexity of online sales across an ever-increasing number of platforms and marketplaces,” said SignalFire founder and CEO Chris Farmer in a statement. “Paul and his team bring together a unique blend of experience in data, marketing and logistics to address the challenges of today and a rapidly evolving market in the years ahead with a central command center to optimize profitable growth.”

Palmieri said the new funding will allow Tradeswell to continue investing in the product, which will also mean building more integrations so that more types of data become “more liquid,” which in turn means that the platform can “make much more real-time decisions.”

When Tradeswell launched publicly last fall, it already had 100 customers, and Palmieri told me that number has subsequently grown past 150. Nor does he expect the consumer shift in e-commerce to disappear once the pandemic ends.

“Some of it probably goes back to the way it was, some of it stays online,” he said. “I do think it’s important to point out there’s something in the middle — that something is this notion of high convenience, that is semi-brick-and-mortar with [elements of e-commerce], whether that’s mobile ordering or something like an Instacart.”

Naturally, he sees Tradeswell as the key platform to help businesses navigate that shift.


(翻訳:iwatani、a.k.a. hiwa)

eコマースとは – コトバンク

知恵蔵 – eコマースの用語解説 – コンピューター・ネットワーク上での、電子化された商取引全般。電子商取引やECと称されることもある。インターネットの急速な普及から、これを用いた取引を意味することが多くなった。ECは、消費者を顧客とするBtoCと企業間取引を意味するBto…

eコマースとは何? Weblio辞書

「eコマース」の意味は《electronic commerce》電子商取引 のこと。Weblio国語辞典では「eコマース」の意味や使い方、用例、類似表現などを解説しています。

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EC(電子商取引)とは – IT用語辞典 e-Words

EC【電子商取引 / eコマース / Electronic Commerce】とは、データ通信やコンピュータなど電子的な手段を介して行う商取引の総称。狭義にはインターネットを通じて遠隔地間で行う商取引を指す。より狭義には、Webサイトなどを通じて企業が消費者に商品を販売するネット通販(オンラインショップ)を指す場合もある。

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E-commerce optimization startup Tradeswell raises $15.5M …

After launching in October, Tradeswell is announcing today that it has raised $15.5 million in Series A funding. Co-founder and CEO Paul Palmieri previously led digital ad company Millennial Media (now owned by TechCrunch’s parent company Verizon Media), and he said the e-commerce market today is similar to the online ad market when he was […]

Why Tradeswell | Fixing Ecommerce and Stagnovation

Tradeswell was started by a small group of people with the goal to fix the problems faced by CPG and DTC brands selling online.

Tradeswell Raises $15.5M in Series A Funding | FinSMEs

Tradeswell, a Baltimore, MD-based provider of a next-generation ecommerce platform, closed a $15.5M Series A round of funding

Baltimore e-commerce startup Tradeswell raises $15.5M …

 · Tradeswell, an e-commerce startup led by former Millennial Media CEO Paul Palmieri, has closed a $15.5 million Series A round. This was the second fundraise in less than a year for Tradeswell …

Millennial Media’s Paul Palmieri launches Tradeswell, a …

A new startup called Tradeswell said it’s using artificial intelligence to help direct-to-consumer and e-commerce brands build healthier businesses. The company is led by Paul Palmieri, who previously took mobile advertising company Millennial Media public and then sold it to TechCrunch’s corporate parent AOL (now Verizon Media). Afterwards, Palmieri founded Grit Capital Partners, but he […]

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The economics of e-commerce are broken, says Paul Palmieri. So instead of investing his venture capital fund in direct-to-consumer brands, he decided to start a company to help e-commerce brands get smarter.

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