

関連ワード (EU、新型コロナウイルス等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


個人の新型コロナウイルス感染やワクチン接種のステータスを証明する、欧州委員会の汎EU「digital green pass(デジタルグリーンパス)」案についての詳細が現地時間3月17日に示された。明らかに差別のリスクをともなうことから、この計画は人権と市民の自由の観点から論争の的になっている。プライバシーとセキュリティの専門家も、詳細がまだ完全に明らかになっていないデジタルグリーンパスのシステムを支えるテクノロジーアーキテクチャについて疑問視している。

「案はデータ保護と差別に対する保護の要件をまだ満たしていません」とドイツ海賊党の欧州議会議員Patrick Breyer(パトリック・ブレイヤー)氏は同日の声明で述べた。「証明書のデジタル版が中央ワクチンレジスタではなく、本人のデバイスに分散されて保存されることを保証していません」。

EUの新型コロナワクチンパスポート、あるいは「デジタルグリーンパス」と呼んでいるもの、はたまた「デジタル新型コロナ証明書」なるものの意図は所持者が新型コロナワクチンを接種したかどうか、または最近の検査結果が陰性だったかどうか、感染から回復して抗体をもっているかどうかを示すことにある、とEU委員長のUrsula von der Leyen(ウルズラ・フォン・デア・ライエン)氏は3月17日に「共通の手法」のための立案の詳細を明らかにする記者会見で語っている。


EU司法長官のDidier Reynders(ディディエ・レンデルス)氏は、意図は全EU市民が無料で証明書を受け取り、他の加盟国に受け入れを求めることができるようにすることだと話した。同氏によると、欧州委員会はパスの使用をほとんど管理しない。共通の手法に関連する特定要件の設定は加盟国に委ねられる。










記者会見ではブロックチェーンについて言及はなかった。域内市場委員長のThierry Breton(ティエリー・ブレトン)氏はテクニカルソリューションは「信頼の一部でもある」とだけ述べた。




続けて広報担当は2011年にe-Health目的でクロスボーダーデータ共有を促進するためにEU指令によって作られた加盟国代表の自主的なネットワークに言及し「信頼のフレームワーク」は「加盟国が3月12日にeHealth Networkで合意したアウトラインに基づいた」委員会によって開発される、とも述べた。

関連ウェブページでは、委員会は次のように書いている。「eHealth Networkは、デジタルグリーン証明書インフラを確立するのに必要な信頼のフレームワークの概要を公開しました。引き続き、ワクチンと検査、回復の認証の相互承認と相互運用のためのメカニズムを開発します」。

「さらなる作業はEU機関、健康安全委員会、世界保健機構、その他の機関と協業しているeHealth Networkが行います」ともある。

eHealth Networkの「健康証明書の相互運用のための信頼できるフレームワーク」は16ページのPDFとしてここで閲覧できる(2021年3月12日からのv.1.0)。




eHealth Networkの概要では、たとえば「デザインとデフォルトによるデータセキュリティ」のセクションは、信用できるフレームワークは「セキュリティとプライバシーを確保しつつ、デジタルワクチン証明システムの実装に従ってデータのセキュリティとプライバシーをデザインとデフォルトで保証すべき」と断言している。しかしこれをいかに達成するのかについては説明していない。




その他、概要ではオフライン証明は、定期的に認証のパブリックキーを取る専用証明ソフトウェアを組み合わせているデジタル署名を含む2Dバーコードの使用を取り込んでいる。オンライン証明は「 UVCI (Unique Vaccination Certificate/assertion Identifier)に頼ると書かれていて、次の仕様バージョン(V2)で組み込まれる」。

表示フォーマットのセクションでは、2Dバーコードが使われるとある。しかしまた「W3C Verifiable Credentials」が利用される可能性にも触れていて、決定は「後に下される」とだけ書かれている。

欧州委員会のデジタルグリーンパスのテクニカルデザインはオープンさを欠いていると批判的で「W3Cの非中央集権的識別子やVerifiable Credentials(ヴェリファイアブル・クレデンシャルズ)といったあまり知られていない一連の基準」を含む免疫パスポートスキームを批判する論文を2020年出した、CEOで研究科学者のHarry Halpin(ハリー・ハルピン)氏は、欧州委員会が自身の論文で指摘した「ブロックチェーンテクノロジーの問題ある使用」をデジタルグリーンパスに組み込むことを検討している、と懸念する。




Why is there a "Digital Green Pass" immunity passport being pushed by the European Union without any open technical design or code? What's to prevent 'immunity passports' from being a privacy catastrophe?@ManfredWeber @Peterliese @DirkGotink @mosojn https://t.co/fyK1VZBHOZ

— harryhalpin (@harryhalpin) March 16, 2021

eHealth Networkの概要を議論するとき、セキュリティとプライバシーの研究者Lukasz Olejnik(ルーカス・オレジニク)博士は、誰が信頼のソースとなるのか、そして提案されたデザインに関連するファンクションクリープ(本来の目的以外にも拡大流用されること)のリスクがあるかどうかなど、概要は疑問を提起していると述べた。同氏はワクチンパスポートのプライバシーリスクと広範な影響についても指摘した。



Who will be the (technical meaning!) source of trust? Systems of European Commission. How? We don't know. Blockchain? It will also be digital ID system. #greenpass #DigitalGreenCertificate pic.twitter.com/qXUUMARltZ

— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) March 17, 2021















画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch/


More details have emerged today about the European Commission’s legislative proposal for a pan-EU ‘digital green pass’ to show verified COVID-19 status. The plan is controversial from a human rights and civil liberties perspective, given the clear risk of discrimination. But privacy and security experts are also raising concerns about the technology architecture that will underpin the system — which has yet to detailed in full.

“The proposal does not yet meet the requirements of data protection and protection against discrimination,” said German Pirate MEP Patrick Breyer in a statement today . “It does not ensure that the digital variant of the certificate is stored decentrally on devices of the person concerned and not in a central vaccination register.”

The European Union’s intention for COVID-19 vaccine passports — or rather what it’s branded a “digital green pass” or a “digital COVID-19 certificate” — will show whether the holder has been vaccinated against COVID-19 or had a recent negative test or if they have recovered from the disease and have antibodies, Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said today during a press briefing to give more details of its legislative proposal for the “common instrument”.

“The certificate will make sure that the results of what it shows — the minimum set of data — are mutually recognized in every Member State,” she also said, adding that the aim for the system is to help Member States reinstate freedom of movement “in a safe, responsible and trusted manner”.

Justice commissioner Didier Reynders said the intention is for every EU citizen to be able to receive the certificate free of charge and ask other Member States to accept it. He said the Commission will largely not be regulating use of the pass. Rather it will be up to Member States to set specific requirements related to the common instrument.

He gave the example of a European country being able to specify that they would accept a vaccination status of a person who has had a vaccine that’s not yet been approved for use in the EU, for example. But Reynders said the Commission will be obliging Member States to accept pass holders who have been vaccinated with an EMA approved vaccine.

The Commission wants the system to be ready to use “before the summer”, he also said. However that timeline looks incredibly ambitious for what is a complex technical project that involves sensitive personal data being used for a purpose which is inherently controversial, given the clear risk of COVID-19 status being used to discriminate or unfairly infringe on individuals’ civil liberties.

The digital certificates being ready means not only the Commission implementing/procuring any central components and ensuring Member States implement the necessary technical pieces at a national level for the system to work as intended but also getting the required legislation approved by the EU Council and Parliament — and doing all that “maybe” as early as June, per Reynders.

Asked during the press briefing if there was a ‘plan b’, given how ambitious the questioner suggested the Commission’s plan is, he said there is no other plan — as the only plan is to avoid fragmentation by implementing a common instrument to prevent Member States making unilateral choices over COVID-19 at their borders.

Still, the proposal currently leaves room for European countries to apply different rules, according to Breyer — who has also warned it could lead to discrimination by allowing freedom of travel to be linked purely to vaccination if Member States choose not allow negative tests to be accepted as an alternative, for example. “This needs to be improved,” the MEP suggested today.

“On the other hand, I welcome the fact that the retention of medical information after showing the certificate is excluded,” he added.

EU lawmakers avoided too much discussion of what Member States might do with the common tool but they confirmed the digital pass would be available in both a paper and digital form (although, again, Breyer expressed concern counties may choose not to implement the paper form, thereby discriminating against those who do not have access to a smartphone).

Reynders also confirmed the digital pass would incorporate a QR code to verify what’s on the certificate and check if it’s validated.

The Commission scheme shares at least one component with a system that was recently reported by Spiegel as under procurement in Germany — which it said involves QR codes but also blockchain technology (with IBM and a local company called Ubirch winning the tender) — and which is intended to be compatible with the EU’s digital pass requirements.

There was no mention of blockchain during today’s Commission press briefing. Internal market commissioner Thierry Breton said only that the technical solution “is also part of trust”.

“That’s why we have worked with Member States so that we are now all together on the same page. We share exactly the same technology,” he went on, adding: “We keep of course the GDPR at very high level. We will not exchange data and the good news is that all Member States have shared this view now. And this is extremely important because of course trust is also when you will move from one country to the other one that everybody will know just with a QR code you will know what is on your certificate and if it is validated.”

Asked after the briefing whether or not the pan-EU system will incorporate blockchain components a Commission spokesman sidestepped the question, saying only: “The gateway will link the national public key directories for the signature keys.”

“We cannot yet tell you who will implement this technically,” he added.

The spokesman went on to say that the “trust framework” (provided for by article 4 of the draft regulation) will be developed by the Commission “based on the outline on which Member States agreed in the eHealth Network on Friday” — referring to the voluntary network of Member State representatives which was established by EU directive in 2011 to facilitate cross-border data sharing for an e-health purpose.

On a related webpage the Commission also writes: “The eHealth Network has published an outline of the trust framework needed for [e]stablishing the Digital Green Certificate infrastructure, and continues to develop mechanisms for the mutual recognition and interoperability of vaccination, test and recovery certificates.”

“Further work is being conducted by the eHealth Network in collaboration with EU agencies, the Health Security Committee, the World Health Organization and other institutions,” it adds there.

The eHealth Network’s current outline for the “trust framework for the interoperability of health certificates” is available here — as a 16-page PDF (v.1.0, dating from March 12, 2021).

The document discusses some design choices and intended outcomes but does not provide details of the chosen technical solutions as decisions appear to have not yet been taken — despite the Commission’s goal of the whole thing being wrapped up and ready to run in a little over two months’ time.

Pressure from southern European nations worried about the impact of the coronavirus on heavily tourism-dependent economies is one driving force for the Commission to scramble to roll out a common approach for mutual recognition of vaccination documentation. Although fear of fragmentation of the bloc’s Single Market is likely the bigger accelerant for the Commission. (It’s notable, for instance, that other Member States, including France and Germany, have previously expressed concerns over linking the right to travel to a pass. So how ‘on the same page’ European countries are on this issue looks debatable.)

Also questionable is how trusted the technical underpinnings of the digital pass will be — as plenty of detail is still to be confirmed.

In the eHealth Network’s outline, a section on “data security by design and default”, for example, asserts that the trust framework “should by design and default ensure the security and the privacy of data in the compliant implementations of digital vaccination certificate systems, ensuring both security and privacy” — but it does not explain how this will be achieved.

“The design should prevent the collection of identifiers or other similar data which might be cross-referenced with other data and re-used for tracking (‘Unlinkability’),” it goes on before adding: “Further discussions are needed as to the technological aspects and timeline for the incorporation of these features in the trust framework.”

Another section offering an “overall description” notes that the EU trust framework is designed to be “largely decentralised”. However it confirms there will be “some centralised elements”: Namely “roots of trust” stored in a common directory/gateway (aka “EU Public Key Directory/Gateway”), and the “ Governance model” — raising core questions of trust over those key elements. 

On the EU Public Key Directory the document envisages the gateway “shall be provided by a public sector body, such as the European Commission”. But evidently there’s still room for alternative bodies to take on that role.

Elsewhere, the outline confirms that offline verification will involve the use of 2D barcodes containing a digital signature used in conjunction with dedicated verification software that will periodically fetch verified public keys. While it states that o nline verification “will rely on the UVCI [ Unique Vaccination Certificate/assertion Identifier ] and it will be incorporated in the next version of the specifications (V2)”.

A section on presentation formats confirms that 2D barcodes will be used — but also raises the possibility of “W3C Verifiable Credentials” being utilized, stating only that a decision “will be made later”.

Harry Halpin, a CEO and research scientist (and formerly a staff member at the W3C) — who has been critical of the lack of openness around the technical design of the Commission’s digital green pass, and who presented a paper last year critiquing immunity passport schemes that involved what he describes as “a stack of little-known standards, such as Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs) from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)” — is concerned the Commission is considering incorporating what his paper describes as “questionable use of blockchain technology” into the digital green pass.

He argues that use of W3C Verifiable Credentials in immunity passports would be dangerous to privacy and security.

“Technologically there’s ways to prove test results digitally without involving any global identity at all,” he told us. “If you really just want to prove with medical authenticity that I have ‘A attribute’ — where this attribute is I have negative COVID-19 test in the last 72 hours or I’ve been immunized with a vaccine in the last year, whatever it is that you want to prove, there’s another form of identity… called attribute-based credentials. Which is a perfectly fine way to do it. Attribute-based credentials just prove attributes without revealing identity. You don’t need a global identity for any of these use-cases.”

“Maybe the metaphysical angle is that because of corona all my previously private health data should now be public but then just come out and say that — don’t hide it behind some blockchain nonsense,” he added.

Discussing the eHealth Network’s outline, security and privacy researcher Dr Lukasz Olejnik — who has also written about the privacy risks and wider ramifications of vaccine passports — said the document raises some questions such as who will be the source of trust and whether there’s a risk of function creep related to the proposed design.

“This technical document confirms that the user’s ID will be bound to the certificate. This may mean that the passport would mediate a proof of ID,” he told TechCrunch. “Considering today’s proposal of a regulation it is pertinent to wonder whether a function-creep-like expansion couldn’t lead to these passports becoming actual proofs of identity in the future.

“Other than that, the eHealth document is descriptive but contains no details as to the future solution. The source of trust in this system will be the key problem of interest,” Olejnik added. “It seems that we will need to wait longer for the details.”

During today’s briefing Reynders raised the spectre of future expansion from another angle — saying that while the digital pass would be a “temporary” instrument, and the legislation would provide for the system to be “suspended” at the end of the pandemic, it would also bake in the possibility of re-activation at a later point if necessary, such as in the event of another pandemic.

“We have the possibility to suspend the certificate when the WHO declares the pandemic over. So this is dedicated to COVID-19,” he said. “I’m saying ‘suspend’ but through a delegated act and with the European Parliament we could use this instrument if there were another pandemic. But basically we’re talking about a temporary solution with the Member States and with the European Parliament.”

“We don’t want to prolong that,” he added. “When it will be possible for the World Health Organization to say that we are at the end of the pandemic we’ll stop with such an instrument. And of course we are just thinking about the possibility to reactivate the instrument later — but I’m not hoping that — if we have a new pandemic in the future. But that will be with a dedicated act — always with the Parliament involved in the process.”

On the issue of function creep, Reynders conceded that European countries might seek to use the digital pass for other purposes, i.e. outside the Commission’s target of facilitating the free movement of EU people.

But he suggested it’s no different to Member States requiring masks be worn or a rapid test taken as they may already do in certain situations — while emphasizing any such uses would need to comply with wider EU laws and fundamental rights.  

“If there are other uses well it’s already the case you can perhaps use other things like masks that are also imposed. There are also test, self tests which are used by people. But if we go into using the certificate in other ways we have to see if that use is necessary proportional and non discriminatory and also compatible with EU legislation,” he said.

“Of course we will examine the situation on a case by case basis but I don’t think we necessarily need to draw a distinction between the certificate and other measures for example rapid antigen tests, masks and so forth. These are other tools that have been used… We need to make sure that any further use is proportional and non-discriminatory and obviously in line with the rules on free movement.”  

The EU’s digital COVID-19 pass has been in the active mix since January when the Commission said it was pushing for “an appropriate trust framework” to be agreed upon by the end of the month “to allow member states’ certificates to be rapidly useable in health systems across the EU and beyond.”

It followed up earlier this month when it announced it was coming with a legislative plan for the pass, emphasizing its hopes of facilitating safe cross-border travel this summer. Albeit, those hopes look more fragile now — given the slow pace of the EU’s vaccine rollout in the first quarter.

The Commission president also warned today that some Member States are on the cusp of a third wave of COVID-19.

The EU executive’s plan to speed full-steam ahead with a digital pass to verify COVID-19 status remains controversial — not least in light of the still highly limited access to vaccinations across the bloc which only underlines the risks of the tool being unfairly applied.

Civil liberties concerns can’t be disconnected from ‘vaccine passports’. Nor will they be swept away by an anodyne rebranding to a ‘digital pass’. But there are now additional questions stacking up around the Commission’s technology choices for the common instrument — and whether the architecture of the system will live up to Von der Leyen’s tweeted promise that the EU digital green pass “will respect data protection, security and privacy”.

For EU citizens to trust in that claim full transparency is essential. 


(文:Natasha Lomas、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

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新型コロナウィルス - 新型コロナウイルス感染症(Covid-19)に ...

1 新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染の仕方 2 新型コロナウィルスの初期の症状 3 新型コロナウィルスに感染しているか心配 4 肺炎が進行していないか心配 5 家族に感染者がいる場合の注意事項 6 新型コロナウィルス検査の

新型コロナウイルスは消化不良を引き起こす=研究者ら - Sputnik ...


冬の方が新型コロナは流行しやすいのか? 気温や湿度と新型 ...


新型コロナウイルス関連情報 特設サイト/湯沢町公式ホーム ...

新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連する人権への配慮のお願い 新型コロナウイルス感染症を理由とした差別、偏見、いじめ、心ない言動やインターネット・SNS上における誹謗中傷等が行われないよう人権に配慮した冷静な行動をとっていただくようお願いします。

新型コロナ マスク着用による感染予防の最新エビデンス(忽那 ...


新型コロナウイルス - Sputnik 日本

新型コロナウイルス. ニュース、オピニオン、マルチメディア。Sputnik日本のサイトでさらにたくさんの情報をご覧ください。

Shinjuku - 東京都の公表情報(都内の区市町村別患者数等)

最終更新日:2021年3月16日. 東京都の報道発表情報から、新型コロナウイルスに関連した感染症について、都内の症例情報(都内の区市町村別患者数等)を掲載します。. 都内の新型コロナウイルス関連患者数等(令和3年3月15日時点) [PDF形式:243KB] (新規ウィンドウ表示). 都内の新型コロナウイルス関連患者数等(令和3年3月14日時点) [PDF形式:250KB] (新規 ...

新型コロナの回復者の3分の1が再入院し、8人に1人が死亡 ...


withコロナ時代の感染対策ポイント…新型コロナとの共存は可能 ...


コロナの死滅に強い紫外線が有効 日本のベンチャー開発の ...


中野区内の新型コロナウイルス感染症感染者数について(2021 ...


国内新たに1517人感染 東京は342人―新型コロナ:時事ドットコム


東京都 コロナ 6人死亡 303人感染 7日間平均は7日連続で増加 ...


情報box:新型コロナウイルス、世界の感染者1億2152万人超 ...

情報BOX:新型コロナウイルス、世界の感染者1億2152万人超 死者約281.1万人。[19日ロイター]-ロイターの集計によると、新型コロナウイルスの感染者は世界全体で1億2152万人を超え、死者は281万1345人となった。2019年12月に中国で最初の症例が確認されて以来、210を...

コロナ対策にサーキットブレーカー検討へ 国に慎重論も [新型 ...


<新型コロナ>栃木県で新たに19人感染 佐野、下野両市の ...


【速報】福岡で初、3人が変異株の疑い 新型コロナ|【西日本 ...


オゾン水による新型コロナウイルスの不活化効果を確認 ...

日機装株式会社のプレスリリース(2020年8月19日 16時01分)オゾン水による新型コロナウイルスの不活化効果を確認

『大阪府新型コロナウイルス助け合い基金』 | ふるさと納税 ...


【新しい生活様式】新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大によって ...

エン婚活エージェント株式会社のプレスリリース(2020年9月17日 11時00分) 新しい生活様式 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大によって“オフライン”から“オンライン”に変わったものを調査![婚活]もオンライン化が進む!?

新型コロナ感染症:マスク「過信」に要注意という新研究(石田 ...


蚊は新型コロナを媒介するのか?(忽那賢志) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース



2021-03-22 21:58

新型コロナウイルスで在宅ワークが増えたこともあり、個人投資家が増加傾向にあるみたいですね。 初心者にまず覚えて欲しいのはリスク管理。 テクニカル分析を用いて損切りを設定し、1銘柄への集中投資は避けた方が無難です。

2021-03-22 20:05

新型コロナの本格的な副反応は3カ月から6ヶ月後なのかな? また接種を受けた人々はウイルスの変種を培養するウイルス培養人間になるかがいずれ人体実験の結果分かるだろう。

2021-03-22 19:25


2021-03-22 14:00


2021-03-22 13:56

【緊急事態宣言が解除されました】 引き続き新型コロナウイルス感染症を1日でも早く収束させるため、感染対策を徹底しましょう。

2021-03-22 12:53


2021-03-22 11:18

新型コロナウイルス、現在の感染者・死者数(21日午後8時時点) 死者271万人に AFPBB News 2021/03/22 02:35 

2021-03-22 09:17

【変異株感染者 週1.5倍ペース】 緊急事態宣言の全面解除に伴い、新型コロナウイルスのリバウンド(感染再拡大)が懸念される中、変異株の感染者が国内で1週間に1.5倍のペースで拡大している…

2021-03-22 07:59

埼玉県全域東京都全域出張撮影承ります!60分18000円から(9日は13000でお得)ニューボーンフォト、お宮参り、七五三、家族写真撮影、プロフィール写真、婚活写真撮影お任せください! 新型コロナウイルス対策のため、検温、撮影前…

2021-03-22 06:58


2021-03-22 06:08


2021-03-22 00:30

3月21日 麻生区の認可保育所「ぶれすと白鳥ほいくえん」の関係者の陽性が確認されたとして、市は22日から当面の間、臨時休園すると発表した。 日運コード79=コード281 ⇒白鳥(ぶれすと白鳥ほいくえん) ⇒新型コロナウイルス感染拡大…


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