ブラジルの工場用機器監視技術TractianがY Combinatorの承認を取得

今回は「ブラジルの工場用機器監視技術TractianがY Combinatorの承認を取得」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Tractian、Y Combinator、ブラジル等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Igor Marinelli(イゴール・マリネッリ)氏とGabriel Lameirinhas(ガブリエル・ラメイリーニャス)氏は製造工場の周辺で育った。マリネッリ氏の父親はサンパウロ郊外のInternational Paperの工場で働き、ラメイリーニャス氏の父親はセメント工場で働いていた。





そのため、ラメイリーニャス氏と一緒にもっと良い方法があるはずだと考えたのだ。ブラジルの工場には、、Siemens(シーメンス)やSchneider Electric(シュナイダー・エレクトリック)などの最新ソリューションで必要とされるWi-Fiやゲートウェイなどのネットワーク技術が備わっていない。マリネッリ氏によると、SAPなどの既存のエンタープライズリソースプランニングソフトウェアとの統合も、頭痛の種だという。



Y Combinatorは、このソフトウェアとハードウェアのパッケージに魅力を感じ、Soma Capital、Norte Ventures、Alan Rutledge、Immad Akhundなどのエンジェル投資家も同様に評価している。

Tractianの技術はセンサーに90ドル(約9800円)で、分析とソフトウェアはセンサーごとに月額60ドル(約6500円)かかる。マリネッリ氏によると、このサービスは2カ月未満で収益化できるという。同社はすでにAB InBevを最初の顧客として契約しており、合計約30人のバイヤーがTractianのセンサーを使用している。

画像クレジット:Paolo Bona / Shutterstock


Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli’s father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of São Paulo, while Lameirinhas’ father worked in a cement plant. 

Throughout their lives, the two friends had heard their parents complain about the sorry state of maintenance and monitoring of the heavy equipment that their factories depended on to stay up and running.

So the two men decided to do something about it, and set about to develop the technology that would become Tractian.

Friends from their days at University of São Paulo, Lameirinhas and Marinelli kept in touch as Marinelli pursued a career in the U.S. as an entrepreneur. They reconnected in Brazil after the collapse of Marinelli’s attempt to launch a predictive chronic health condition service called BlueAI.

Marinelli spent some time working in a paper plant himself and became a software engineer for the facility. It was there that he saw the shoddy state of affairs of industrial monitoring tools.

Together with Lameirinhas he determined that there could be a better way. Factories in Brazil aren’t equipped with Wi-Fi or gateways or other networking technologies that the newest solutions from companies like Siemens or Schneider Electric require. Integrations with existing enterprise resource planning software from companies like SAP present another headache, said Marinelli.

“Only industries with huge capital can go through that mess,” Marinelli said.

Tractian’s sensors measure four things: vibration, temperature, energy consumption and a horometer to measure how long a machine has been up and running. The company has also developed software that can analyze the data coming off of the sensors to predict when a machine might need maintenance.

Y Combinator found the software and hardware package compelling and so did investors like Soma Capital, Norte Ventures, and angel investors including Alan Rutledge and Immad Akhund.

Tractian’s tech costs $90 for the sensors and the analysis and software is another $60 per month, per sensor. Marinelli claims that the service can pay for itself in less than two months. Already, the company has signed up AB InBev as an initial customer and has roughly 30 buyers in total using its sensors.


(文:Jonathan Shieber、翻訳:塚本直樹 / Twitter)

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli’s father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of São Paulo, while Lameirinhas’ father worked in a cement plant.  Throughout their lives, the two friends had heard their parents complain about the sorry state of maintenance and monitoring of the heavy equipment that […]

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while Lameirinhas' father worked in a cement plant. Throughout their lives, the two friends had heard their parents complain about the sorry state of maintenance and monitoring of the heavy equipment that […]

Brazilian startup Tractian will get the Y Combinator seal ...

Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas have been raised round manufacturing crops. Marinelli’s father labored for International Paper in a plant

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of approval for its equipment monitoring tech. March 19, 2021. Facebook. Twitter. Google+. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of approval for its equipment monitoring tech March 19, 2021 josh 0 Comments. Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while Lameirinhas' father worked in a cement plant.

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of approval for its equipment monitoring tech. By. admin - March 19, 2021. 0. 1. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while ...

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ブラジルでコロナ拡大 感染力強い変異株 政府の無策が要因 - 産経ニュース


16州で"医療崩壊" ブラジルに世界の死者4割集中|テレ朝news-テレビ朝日のニュースサイト

 変異型ウイルスの拡大で新規感染者が世界最多となっているブラジルで、医療崩壊が深刻になっています。世界の死者の約4割が集中しています。  ブラジルでは少なくとも16州で医療崩壊が起きているとされ、集中治療室に入れないまま死亡する重篤な患者が相次いでいます。  サンパウロ市では22才の男性が7日間、呼吸困難の状態で病院に運ばれ、空いている人工呼吸器を探している間に死亡する事案が発生しました。  サンパウロ病院の医師:「我々はもう疲れました。1年もこんなことをしているし、加えて皆さんの要求に応えられないストレスもあります。1人退院されても4人、5人、6人とたくさん待っているんです」  1週間平均の一日あたりの死者の数も初めて2000人を超えました。  また、17日の世界全体の死者の39%をブラジルが占めていて、死者を埋葬するための墓地、棺桶、手袋なども不足し始めています。

ブラジル独立 - Wikipedia

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ブラジルでは350mlの缶ビールが100円弱で買えます!. では、ブラジルの物価は安いのかというと、そうでもありません。. 食料品は日本よりも少し安いですが、工業製品は日本より高いくらいです。. そんな中でビールの安さはうれしい限り!. 苦味も(コクも)少ない軽~いビール。. カラッと暑い昼間に飲むには最高です。. 価格的にもまさに水のごとく飲めてしまい ...

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ロナウド - Wikipedia

第一姓 (母方の 姓 )は ナザーリオ 、 第二姓 (父方の 姓 )は デ・リマ です。 ロナウド・ルイス・ナザーリオ・デ・リマ ( Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima 、 1976年 9月22日 - )は、 ブラジル連邦共和国 リオデジャネイロ市 出身の元 サッカー選手 。�

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ブラジル ラグビー代表 | ラグビーリパブリック

シックスネーションズ(4節) ・スコットランド 24 - 27 アイルランド. 欧州チャンピオンシップ(2節) ・スペイン 19 - 25 ジョージア

シュラスコレストランALEGRIA shibuya (シュラスコレストラン アレグリア シブヤ) - 渋谷/ブラジル ...

お洒落な空間で愉しむ全20種類のシュラスコ。<テラス席ご利用いただけます> 全20種類のシュラスコは都内最多。テラス席が心地良いオープンエアなレストラン「ALEGRIA」。ブラジル直輸入のシュラスコ専用マシーンで焼き上げることで最高の状態で美味しいお肉を提供することができます。こだわりぬいた岩塩を使用するのはもちろん、当店独自のレシピで味のバリエーションも豊富。肉の塊を目の前でお好きなだけ切り分けます。焼きたての肉汁滴るシュラスコを食べ放題でお楽しみください。シュラスコレストランALEGRIA shibuyaの予約は一休.com レストラン。

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ブラジル大統領、米国との協力関係アピール(ロイター) - goo ニュース


バルバッコア クラシコ 丸の内店 - 丸の内/ブラジル料理 [一休.comレストラン]

サンパウロで20年以上愛され続ける名店の味を丸の内で。“バルバッコア(BARBACOA)”はブラジル・サンパウロで1990年にオープンし、ブラジルで圧倒的な人気の有名シュラスコ料理店。日本国内では東京の青山本店、丸の内店、渋谷店、新宿店、六本木ヒルズ店、高輪店、虎ノ門店、大阪の心斎橋店、梅田店の計9店舗。肉を塊のまま串に刺し、岩塩のみで焼き上げお客様のテーブルまでお持ちし、目の前でお好きなだけ切り分けます。肉は油を一切使用せずに焼き上げる為、無駄な脂が落ちてヘルシーです。肉だけではなく40種類以上の巨大なフレッシュ・サラダバーも自慢の一つです。バルバッコア クラシコ 丸の内店の予約は一休.com レストラン。

ブラジル、0・75%利上げ/経済/社会総合/デイリースポーツ online

 【サンパウロ共同】ブラジル中央銀行は17日の金融政策委員会で、政策金利を0・75%引き上げ、2・75%にすることを全員一致で決めた。ブラジルメディアによると、金利引き上げは2015年7月以来、5年8カ月ぶり。市場の予想幅0・5%を上回る引き上げ幅だった。 物価の上昇が続いており、インフレ率の目標値を上回っていることなどから同委員会は「異例な水準の景気刺激策を低減することで部分的な正常化プロセスを始めることにした」としている。5月の次回会合ではインフレ抑制のためさらに同程度金利を引き上げることも検討しているという。



既存ワクチン、ブラジル変異株に効果も=オックスフォード大研究 - ロイターニュース - 国際:朝日新聞デジタル

既存ワクチン、ブラジル変異株に効果も=オックスフォード大研究. 2021年3月19日01時32分

ブラジルの工場用機器監視技術TractianがY Combinatorの承認を取得 | TechCrunch Japan

イゴール・マリネッリ氏とガブリエル・ラメイリーニャス氏は製造工場の周辺で育った。マリネッリ氏の父親はサンパウロ郊外のInternational Paperの工場で働き、ラメイリーニャス氏の父親はセメント工場で働いていた。2人は自分たちの両親が工場の稼働に欠かせない重機のメンテナンスや監視が不十分だと訴えているのをず..

【楽天市場】【ポイント10倍】コスタリカ・ジャガー・ブラックハニープロセス&ブラジル・ドルチェ・チョコラーダ 限定 ...

コーヒー豆 迅速 丁寧 おいしい 美味しい 香り 早い 送料無料 お試し 深煎り 珈琲 スペシャルティ コーヒー。【ポイント10倍】コスタリカ・ジャガー・ブラックハニープロセス&ブラジル・ドルチェ・チョコラーダ 限定コーヒー豆飲み比べセット 各200g 合計400g 楽天 買い回り 買いまわり ...

Amazon.co.jp: ブラジルサントス コーヒー豆

コ-ヒ-ばかの店 ブラジル 1kg 100杯~140杯 [豆のまま(オススメ)] コーヒー豆/ナッツのような、甘く香ばしい華やかな香り! ブラジル・サントス・No.2・スクリーン18M 中煎り(シティロースト) 宅急便 珈琲豆


南米ブラジルの最大都市サンパウロは、新型コロナウイルスの感染対策の一環で、市が制定する祝日を前倒しして今月26日から10連休とすることを決めました。サンパウロの…(2021年3月19日 16時31分40秒)

PDF ブラジル:ついに利上げに転じた Bcb

ブラジル:ついに利上げに転じたBCB ブラジル中央銀行(B CB )は1 7 日、政策金利(翌日物金利、Se lic )を過去最低 水準の2 . 0 0 %から2 . 7 5 %に7 5 b p 引き上げることを全会一致で決定した(図表 1 )。

<ピックアップnews>ブラジル・感染拡大で医療危機・ボルソナロ大統領に金銭不正疑惑 テレビ朝日【大下容子ワイド ...

<ピックアップNEWS>ブラジル・感染拡大で医療危機・ボルソナロ大統領に金銭不正疑惑 テレビ朝日【大下容子ワイド!スクランブル】|JCCテレビすべて ブラジル・サンパウロ州では6日から全域で外出規制最大レベルとなる赤とし、午後11時以降の外

つくしとブラジルナッツの簡単バター炒め♡ by Qralahきゅらら 【クックパッド】 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが ...

「つくしとブラジルナッツの簡単バター炒め♡」の作り方。肉厚で美味しいブラジルナッツと、バターでリッチな味わいの簡単つくし炒め♡春らしいたんぽぽのお花も添えて♡ 材料:つくし 朝摘み、袴ごと 、スギナの芽 朝摘み、柔らかいもの、生ブラジルナッツ..

概況からBRICsを知ろう ブラジル株式市場は反落、予想以上の利上げが嫌気された 投稿日時: 2021/03/19 ...

最新投稿日時:2021/03/19 10:13 - 「概況からBRICsを知ろう ブラジル株式市場は反落、予想以上の利上げが嫌気された」(フィスコ)

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli’s father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of São Paulo, while Lameirinhas’ father worked in a cement plant.  Throughout their lives, the two friends had heard their parents complain about the sorry state of maintenance and monitoring of the heavy equipment that […]

Bimaplan Funding: Y Combinator-backed Bimaplan raises $500 ...

Bimaplan's vision is to provide affordable life and health insurance coverage to the 150 million vulnerable households that do not have any formal insurance.

Y Combinator

This interview with Elon Musk is from Y Combinator's How to Build the Future series. This interview with Elon Musk is from Y Combinator's. How to Build the Future. series. YouTube. Y Combinator. 320K subscribers. Subscribe. Elon Musk : How to Build the Future.

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while Lameirinhas' father worked in a cement plant. Throughout their lives, the two friends had heard their parents complain about the sorry state of maintenance and monitoring of the heavy equipment that […]

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of approval for its equipment monitoring tech. March 19, 2021. Facebook. Twitter. Google+. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while ...

Brazilian startup Tractian will get the Y Combinator seal ...

Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas have been raised round manufacturing crops. Marinelli’s father labored for International Paper in a plant

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of approval for its equipment monitoring tech. By. admin - March 19, 2021. 0. 1. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of ...

Brazilian startup Tractian gets the Y Combinator seal of approval for its equipment monitoring tech March 19, 2021 josh 0 Comments. Igor Marinelli and Gabriel Lameirinhas were raised around manufacturing plants. Marinelli's father worked for International Paper in a plant outside of Sao Paulo while Lameirinhas' father worked in a cement plant.

Mighty Buildings | Y Combinator

Dmitry is also CTO and co-founder of Mighty Buildings, a construction technology company creating beautiful, affordable, and sustainable homes using 3D printing and robotic automation. Mighty Buildings is backed by reputable VCs such as Khosla Ventures, Bold Capital, and Y Combinator.

Cairo-based trucking marketplace Trella joins Y Combinator ...

Cairo-based trucking marketplace has joined Y Combinator, the startup announced in a statement to MENAbytes, saying that it's part of YC's Summer 2019 batch. Trella is one of the very few startups from the Middle East & North Africa to become a part of Y Combinator.

Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2013 - YouTube

Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2013. Startup School is YC's free online program for founders. Sign up to access the full curriculum and over $100k in deal...

Y Combinator selects record 15 desi startups - Times of India

India Business News: Y Combinator, famed Silicon Valley accelerator, has picked a record 15 startups for its summer batch of 2019. Typically, Y Combinator picks four-five

Facebook backer Yuri Milner exits automatic Y Combinator ...

Yuri Milner, the Russian investor known for his bets on Facebook Inc and Twitter Inc, is pulling out of an arrangement that let him invest automatically in a group of companies participating in a program called Y Combinator. The companies will instead receive investments from venture-capital firm Khosla Ventures, Y Combinator said in a blog post on Monday. Milner "has been spending less time focused on seed-stage investing," the blog post said. "Yuri originally came up with the idea for investing in all YC companies, and we're grateful to him for that and for all the years he has participated." A spokesman for Milner did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

I'm pretty sure this design is to re-use unmanned launch ...

I'm pretty sure this design is to re-use unmanned launch hardware only. If humans were involved in the landing I think the design would be significantly different.

How Git servers work, and how to keep yours secure ...

How Git servers work, and how to keep yours secure ... ... Search:

About - Dropbox

Group Partner at Y Combinator. Michael is a skilled entrepreneur, investor, and advisor to companies across industries. He's now Managing Director of Early Stage and Group Partner of Y Combinator. Previously he was co-founder and CEO of Justin.tv, which later became Twitch Interactive, and co-founder of Socialcam.

10 Cryptocurrency Startup Companies You Should Be Watching ...

Are you watching these top 10 cryptocurrency startup companies?! They’re making waves and will likely be big brand names soon!

GC's Niko Bonatsos on Y Combinator, edtech and investing ...

This week, Extra Crunch hosted a call with General Catalyst managing director Niko Bonatsos to discuss a number of startup topics, including what the novel coronavirus is doing to investing in the Valley, as well as his thoughts on robotics, homeschooling, edtech, SMBs, international investing and what he’s looking to see today in startups. Joining […]

Alexis Ohanian - Wikipedia

Alexis Kerry Ohanian (born April 24, 1983) is an American internet entrepreneur and investor. He is best known as the co-founder and executive chairman of the social news website Reddit along with Steve Huffman and Aaron Swartz.He also co-founded the early-stage venture capital firm Initialized Capital, helped launch the travel search website Hipmunk, and started the social enterprise Breadpig.

$69M Beeple NFT Mystery Buyer 'Metakovan' Reveals His ...

The person behind the $69 million winning bid for Beeple's NFT has now revealed his true identity. What Happened: The buyer,

Exclusive: A Day In The Life Of The Victorville Storage ...

With a capacity to store up to 500 aircraft, it can be quite a surreal sight at Victorville Airport. The site is often dubbed as an aircraft boneyard. However, there is a lot more to be said, as there is plenty of activity at the busy Southern Californian airport. Simple Flying yesterday spoke with John […]

Once a High Flying Biotech Startup, uBiome Went Bust and ...

uBiome was once a promising biotech startup that generated over $350,000 from over 2,500 individuals in a rewards offering

Miners Record $64M In A Single Day - Crypto Global Report

BloombergStartup Sold DNA Kits to Test Poop. Prosecutors Say It's a Fraud(Bloomberg) -- The founders of medical testing firm uBiome

Weekly TechUkraine Digest 2021 · TechUkraine

Ukrainian VC fund Genesis Investments will invest $100 000 in Ukrainian and Belorussian startups which will become Y Combinator residents - read. An educational and scientific laboratory of technologies of artificial intelligence was opened in Lviv based on the Lviv National University.

Announcing Vonage Ruby SDK Version 7.4.0 » Developer ...

Introducing a new NCCO builder in the Vonage Ruby SDK

Has Riot Blockchain (RIOT) Outpaced Other Business ...

Bloomberg Startup Sold DNA Kits to Test Poop. Prosecutors Say It's a Fraud (Bloomberg) — The founders of medical testing company uBiome Inc. were criminally charged with a $60 million fraud in an alleged scheme that reads like a smaller-scale, lower-profile version of the spectacular collapse of Theranos Inc.Offering products that allowed consumers and patients …

Facebook Flashes Early Entry - OTCPM24

Bloomberg Startup Sold DNA Kits to Test Poop. Prosecutors Say It's a Fraud (Bloomberg) — The founders of medical testing company uBiome Inc. were criminally charged with a $60 million fraud in an alleged scheme that reads like a smaller-scale, lower-profile version of the spectacular collapse of Theranos Inc.Offering products that allowed consumers and patients …

Nigeria's Termii raises $1.4M seed led by Future Africa ...

Ideally, it is expected of every business to reach its customers effectively. However, that's not the case as limiting factors that hinder proper digital communication come into play at differ…

Nigeria's Termii raises $1.4M seed led by Future Africa ...

Ideally, it is expected of every business to reach its customers effectively. However, that's not the case as limiting factors that hinder proper digital communication come into play at different growth stages. Termii, a Nigerian communications platform-as-a-service startup that solves this problem for African businesses, announced today that it has closed a $1.4 million seed round.



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