生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」

今回は「生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Sidekick Browser、ウェブブラウザー等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




これがSidekick BrowserがChromiumの上に生産性重視のレイヤーを追加することで解決しようとしている問題だ。同社はこれを「仕事用OS」と呼んでいる。














Sidekickは、KPCBが主導し、Remote First Capitalや他のエンジェル投資家が参加したシードラウンドで200万ドル(約2億1800万円)を調達したことを発表した。

創設者のDmitry Pushkarev(ドミトリー・プシュカレフ)氏は、これまでいくつかの分野でスタートアップゲームに参加し、勝利を収めてきた。2011年にDNAシークエンシング会社Moleculoを設立後、まもなくIlluminaに買収されている。


Kleiner Perkinsで客員起業家(EIR)として将来の仕事を模索していたときに、Sidekickのアイデアの萌芽が生まれた。

このツールは数カ月前、Product Huntで注目を集めている。Chris Messina(クリス・メッシーナ) 氏もそのときからのファンの一人で「現代の知識労働者として生産性を高めるのに不可欠な、極めて多くの要素」を組み合わせ、ブラウザの世界を揺るがしたとしてチームを称賛している。








「2億人のプロフェッショナルが専門的なツールを利用できないという前例のない状況にあり、また業界はそのようなツールを作ることに極めて消極的なため、我々がその流れを変え、新しいカテゴリーのソフトウェアとしてBrowser for Workを開発することを決意しました。社内ではこれをWork OS(仕事用のOS)と呼んでいます」。

では、Sidekickはどのような種類の仕事 / 労働者のために作られているのだろうか。「オンライン作業では、ウェブアプリケーション、多数のドキュメント、通信アプリケーション、複数のアカウント、さまざまなワークストリームを扱うことができます。プロシューマー向けの設計であり、単にブラウジングするためだけなら、最適な選択肢ではありません。他のブラウザの方が適しています」と同氏。


ブラウザにもショートカットや利便性を高めるためのさまざまな機能があるが、プシュカレフ氏によると、一般的なブラウザのビジネスモデルは検索広告(Google Chromeの場合)に重点を置きすぎているため、あるいは単にウェブブラウジングのための総合的なツールである必要があるため、Sidekickのように優れた作業環境を実現することはできないという。プシュカレフ氏の見解では、Sidekickは既存のブラウザでも実現可能な単なる強化機能とは違い「スタンドアロンのビジネス」を実現しているという。



プシュカレフ氏はまた「New Tab Page」(この記事の上部にある画像を参照)についても言及している。これは2021年3月末までにすべてのユーザーに公開される予定で「タイプ別に分類された、判読しやすいタイトル付きで、瞬時に検索できるすべてのドキュメント」が表示されるという。






画像クレジット:Sidekick Browser


The paradox of connected computing is how much information is made available to us in just a few clicks or taps — but also how this ocean of available data can overwhelm and lap over a particular bit of intel the moment we need to lay our fingers back on it.

Fire up a web browser and it’s hard to deny it’s the best of times for knowledge work. Yet working across multiple browser tabs and windows can feel like the friction-filled, frustrating worst.

This is the problem Sidekick Browser is taking aim at by adding a productivity-focused layer atop Chromium that it bills as a “work OS”.

Multiple tab hell? Sidekick’s answer is to let you work from inside apps that live in the browser, rather than scattered across multiple windows and tabs.

Apps like Slack and Skype and WhatsApp can be pinned in the sidebar in a vertical stack where you can easily find and switch between them. It also has support for multiple logins, granular notification controls and the ability to search across all these third-party apps (it offers “hundreds” currently but says users can add custom adds “which would function just like a bookmark”) right from the browser.

And for all those tabs you open up every time you go down an internet browsing rabbit hole, Sidekick offers a Sessions feature that lets you save them as a collective bundle for easy filing away — with ofc the ability to reopen and revisit again at a later click.

The built-in search also spans these Sessions so there’s no need to manually scroll back through the browser’s search history to try to track down where exactly it was you saw that reference to that randomly relevant bit of intel you breezed across one online day.

“Search across all your apps, tabs and workspaces in seconds,” is Sidekick’s alternative fix.

It’s also tackling productivity on the technical side — taking aim at browser-based lag with an “AI based tab suspension” feature that’s designed to improve on how Google’s Chrome browser hogs RAM by predicting which tabs the user is not going to use and dumping them from memory.

“Sidekick is the fastest browser built especially for work,” is its elevator-pitchy promise.

Collaboration is another core focus with features intended to help knowledge working teams be more productive as a unit; offering stuff like team role provisioning and custom workspaces to support different Session, app Sidebar and tabs set-ups, such as for a project or client.

There’s also remote configuration tools for device security; a baked-in password manager for collaborative convenience to support teams needing to share passwords; and an embedded video chat platform so you can do team chats right from the exact same browser-based workspace you’re all using.

Sidekick comes with its own ad blocker and anti-fingerprinting tech too — for a stated privacy purpose but also for an extra speed bump (i.e. via better page load times).

Also on privacy, the startup’s very public promise is “we’ll never sell your data” (and it further specifies this includes “searches, browsing history, or any personal information”).

The business model is SaaS and B2C for now, but Sidekick has designs on B2B — touting a pipeline of business-friendly features coming down the line.

And — yes, before you ask — Chrome extensions are supported.

Sidekick is announcing $2 million in seed funding led by KPCB — along with Remote First Capital and other angel investors.

Founder Dmitry Pushkarev has played and won at the startup game before, in some very different areas — having founded a DNA sequencing company (Moleculo) back in 2011, which was quickly acquired by Illumina.

Then in 2013 he left to found another business, ClusterK — focused on optimizing cloud computing resources across multiple cloud providers — which was acquired by Amazon in 2016, where Pushkarev stayed for a couple of years before getting the founder itch again.

A stint as entrepreneur in residence (EIR) at Kleiner Perkins investigating the future of work was where the germ of the idea for Sidekick was born.

The tool grabbed some early eyeballs a few months ago via Product Hunt — where Chris Messina was among its early fans, lauding the team for shaking up the browser space by combining “so many components that are essential to finding productivity as a modern knowledge worker!”.

Though Pushkarev was careful to course-correct Messina that it’s not building a full-fat browser to challenge Chrome itself (or any other internet browser).

“We do not intend to compete with browsers, they are a great choice for browsing,” he wrote. “Our goal is improve the browsing experience for work and productivity — something that, regretfully, browsers cannot do.”

The San Francisco-based startup says it’s now being used by teams at companies including Microsoft, Dropbox, Slack and Lyft. It has around 30,000 users at this point a few months after its November 2020 launch, per Pushkarev, who says the team is mostly focused on product (“activation, retention, virality”) at this early stage.

“The typical user is a knowledge worker — product managers, engineers, marketers, a fair number of students. Basically, prosumers who don’t just browse online, but do productive work and utilize communication tools,” he tells TechCrunch.

“During my EIR at KPCB, we thought a lot about the future of work, and one striking aspect of it is that today knowledge workers spend most of their time working in Browsers — a tool designed for Browsing,” he goes on, explaining the genesis of the idea for Sidekick.

“There are some important differences between how we browse and how we work, in particular — knowledge workers, spend more time working in web applications, with documents, using communications tools, accessing multiple accounts, and having to navigate a vast array of documents and projects. Unlike browsing — which is mostly search-based consumption of information.

“Clearly, these are very different use cases, but companies who make browsers today have no ability to invest in making browser better for work due to their business model — they are paid by Google or Microsoft for searches, and any complication of the UX would mean that millions of users would turn to simpler browsers and they will lose search revenue.

“We thought that it’s an unprecedented situation, where 200M professionals don’t have access to professional tools, and that the industry is so heavily disincentivized to build those. As a result, we decided to change this and invent a new category of software — Browser for Work, or how we call it internally — a Work OS.”

So what type of work/worker is Sidekick made for? “Online work with Web applications, lots of documents, communication apps, multiple accounts, and different work streams. It’s designer for prosumers and wouldn’t be the best choice for just browsing — something that would be better served by other browsers,” he says.

While the laser focus is work and productivity, Sidekick users can create multiple environments within the software — so could make other spaces more geared toward chilling out/downtime, or other purposes than work too, for use at other times.

While browsers do offer a variety of features like shortcuts and other elements aimed at increasing convenience, Pushkarev argues they simple can’t go as far as Sidekick intends to in honing a great work environment because their business model is too focused on search ads (in the case of Google Chrome) — or just because they need to be a more generalist tool for web browsing. Sidekick is therefore very much a “standalone business,” not just a nice set of enhancements any existing browser could make, in his view.

“Unfortunately, extending other browsers is not a viable path here, one has to go deep inside Chrome codebase and re-think performance, memory optimization, security, support for multiple accounts, and privacy to build a comprehensive solution,” he says.

One example of going above and beyond what a browser could or would do itself is the support it’s built for “hundreds” of third-party apps. “The reason we built this support is for better integrations — being able to display and control badges and notifications, integrate with our search, support multiple accounts and add helpful extensions,” he explains.

He also points to the New Tab Page (shown in the feature image at the top of this post), which is due to launch for all users by the end of the month and which displays “all documents that work with organized according to type, with human-readable titles, and instant search across it”.

“Without deep integration with these apps we wouldn’t be able to provide this experience and display barely usable browser history instead,” he notes.

On the business model front, Pushkarev is confident that SaaS can work — and that Sidekick doesn’t have to monetize like other browsers do (i.e. “through data and searches”) — arguing: “We are making a tool that saves hours to potentially millions of knowledge workers.”

“Another piece of the story is our B2B business, which we are building as we speak, but it’s still in early beta. In B2B, product browsers become a sort of company-provisioned remote workstations, that can be remotely configured and secured according to a role,” he adds.

“This is where the majority of our revenue comes from at the moment, but we are launching our first attempts at B2C monetization in March, by offering a subscription.”

(文:Natasha Lomas、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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プライバシー重視のブラウザ開発Braveが独自の検索エンジンを発表、欧州版Firefoxの元開発者と技術の協力で ...

Mozillaの元CEOであるBrendan Eich(ブレンダン・アイク)氏によって共同設立されたプライバシ...

ウェブマガジン局の魅力とは?ウェブならではの自由な環境【Agestock2021春新歓】 | Web ...

皆さま、こんにちは!新2年のゆうきです! 春ですね!! 春は進学や就職など新しいステージに立つ時期でもあります! この春から大学生になる皆さん、入学おめでとうございます!!! なかなか先の見えない状況ではありますが、これ...

URLから追跡要素を削除する拡張機能 "ClearURLs" がChrome ウェブストアから削除 | スラド ...

caret 曰く、日本時間の3月23日22時ごろ、URLからトラッキング要素を自動的に削除する拡張機能 "ClearURLs" がChrome ウェブストアから削除された(ClearURLsの公式サイト、公式Twitterアカウントのツイート、公式GitHubリポジトリのIssue, BleepingComputer, The Register, Hacker News)。 ClearURLs開発者のケビン・ロー...



ウェブショップ入荷???‍?? | Well Arrow homepage

昨日、ウェブショップに作品が入荷しました。今回はYayoi Art Jewelryから2点の耳飾りです。まずは宇宙遊泳の耳飾りスペースシャトル、地球、宇宙飛行士は私が原型から彫っています♡この宇宙飛行士さんは宇宙に行くのが夢だったので船外活動で宇宙空間に飛び出したとき夢が叶った喜びで思わずバンザイ?とグッド?のポーズ地球は半球でお作りしてピアスは取り外しができるようにしました。(イヤリングは構造上、取り外しができません。ご了承


2021-03-28 23:57

“生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 | TechCrunch Japan”

2021-03-28 22:55


2021-03-28 22:30

生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」

2021-03-28 19:25

んーそれなんてBiscuitだ? / “生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 | TechCrunch Japan”

2021-03-28 15:50

生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 – TechCrunch Japan

2021-03-28 14:46

生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 | TechCrunch Japan

2021-03-28 13:39

一般人向けにはOSの時代からWEBブラウザの時代へ、ブラウザ覇権時代を制してchrome。 Linux Ubuntu,windows,mac,chromeos全てブラウザあるし。

2021-03-28 11:20

生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 @jptechcrunchより

2021-03-28 09:41

#しとらすの記事紹介 『生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 | TechCrunch Japan』

2021-03-28 09:00

生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 | TechCrunch Japan

2021-03-28 07:02

あとで読む、というかインストールしてみる / “生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 | TechCrunch Japan”

2021-03-28 06:52

生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 (March 27, 2021 at 08:30PM)chCrunchJP

2021-03-28 04:58

高速ブラウザの「Sidekick」が、Kleiner Perkinsなどからシードラウンドで$2M調達。 M1Macと相性が悪いのか、未だに使えてない? 生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sideki…

2021-03-28 02:47

生産性に磨きをかけて「仕事用OS」になったウェブブラウザー「Sidekick Browser」 (March 27, 2021 at 08:30PM)chCrunchJP


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