Twitter Blue利用者はNFTをプロフィール写真として使用可能に

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米国時間1月20日、Twitter(ツイッター)はユーザーが自分のNFT(非代替性トークン)を見せびらかす仕組みを新たに導入した。NFTはブロックチェーンに保管されたデジタル資産を証明する仕組みだ。同社はNFT Profile Pictures(NFTプロフィール写真)を、iOSのTwitter Blue(ツイッターブルー)サブスクライバーに向けて、同サービスのLabs(ラボ)機能を使って公開する。プロフィール写真にNFTを載せられるのはiOSユーザーだけだが、新しい六角形のプロフィール写真はプラッフォームによらずTwitterユーザー全員に表示される。

サブスクリプションサービスのTwitter Blueはまだ全世界には公開されていないため、NFT Profile Picturesを利用できるのは、同サービスが早期提供されている米国、カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドの各国に限られる。






Twitter Blueサブスクライバーがこの機能を利用するには、今までと同じようにプロフィール写真の変更画面へ行く。すると写真の代わりにNFTを選べる新しいオプションが表示される。そこで自分の暗号ウォレットをつなぐ。

開始当初は、Coinbase Wallet(コインベース・ウォレット)、Rainbow(レインボー)、MetaMask(メタマスク)、Ledger Live(レジャー・ライブ)、Argent(アージェント)、およびTrust Wallet(トラスト・ウォレット)がサポートされる。認証が済んだら、自分が見せたいNFTを選ぶ。Twitterによると、現在NFT Profile Picturesでは、Ethereum(ERC-721またはERC-1155トークン)で発行(mint)されたJPEGおよびPNGのNFTを使用できる。


今回の公開は、プラットフォームに分散化テクノロジーを導入することへのTwitterの関心の高まりを受けたもので、これまでにも同社は、Bitcoin(ビットコイン)のチップ機能をサポートしたり、暗号化エンジニアリングの責任者に Tess Rinearson(テス・リニアソン)氏を最近採用するなどの動きをみせてきた。また同社は2021年、自身でNFTを発行する実験も行い、そこでは無料でNFTを配布した。


非サブスクライバーにもいずれこの機能を提供するのかどうか、会社はまだ決定していないが、Twitter Blueユーザーからのフィードバックを見て、いずれ新たな情報を提供するつもりだと話した。




Twitter today is introducing a new feature that will allow users to show off their NFTs, or non-fungible tokens — a way to certify digital assets stored on the blockchain. The company is rolling out NFT Profile Pictures to Twitter Blue subscribers on iOS by way of Twitter Blue’s early access Labs feature. Support for Android users and the web will follow. However, while only iOS users will have the ability to set their NFT as their profile picture, everyone on Twitter will be able to see the new hexa-shaped picture no matter what platform they’re currently using, Twiter says.

The Twitter Blue subscription service is not yet globally available, which will limit the adoption of NFT Profile Pictures to the early markets where the offering is now live — the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The company had earlier hinted toward its plans to more fully embrace NFTs, which has become a big topic of conversation on the platform. Many crypto-enthusiasts have also already set their profile picture to a photo of their NFT, as Twitter had not yet offered any official means of authenticating with a user’s crypto wallet and verifying ownership.

Image Credits: Twitter

In September, amid a sea of other updates, Twitter had offered a first look at its plans for NFTs. At the time, Twitter touted how authentication would allow creators to better showcase their work on Twitter and said it was exploring ideas that would allow them to showcase their collections.

“Twitter is where people go to talk about things they care about, and often where people have their first experience with crypto and NFTs,” a company spokesperson told TechCrunch, in an emailed announcement. “We’re now seeing people use NFTs as a form of identity and self-expression, and as a way to join the thriving community and increasingly active conversation on Twitter.”

To use the feature as a Twitter Blue subscriber, you’ll simply go to your profile to change your profile photo as you would normally. Here, you’ll be presented with the new option to choose an NFT instead. You then connect with your crypto wallet.

At launch, Coinbase Wallet, Rainbow, MetaMask, Ledger Live, Argent, and Trust Wallet are supported. After authenticating, you’ll select the NFT you want to showcase. Twitter says that, currently, JPEG and PNG NFTs minted on the Ethereum (ERC-721 or ERC-1155 tokens) can be used as NFT Profile Pictures.

In a later update, Twitter said it was looking into adding support for SVGs, but can’t render them right now.

Once live, Twitter users who come across the NFT will be able to tap on the profile picture to learn more about the art, its collection, provenance, and more. For instance, you’ll be able to see if a project or collection has been verified by OpenSea or another third-party marketplace.

The rollout follows Twitter’s growing interest in incorporating decentralized technologies into its platform, which has included things like support for tips in Bitcoin and the recent hire of Tess Rinearson as its Crypto Engineering Lead. The company also last year experimented with minting its own NFTs, which it had offered for free.

The company hasn’t yet made a decision as to whether or not it will make the feature available at some later date to non-subscribers, but says it will monitor feedback from Twitter Blue users and make additional updates over time.

Note: A poorly timed OpenSea outage could be complicating the launch for Twitter.

(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )



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